No Child Out of Reach: Time to end the global health worker crisis

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appendix 1 International commitments to health workers World Health Assembly (WHA) resolution 57.19, 2004 Urges member states to develop strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of migration of health personnel and minimise its negative impact on health systems.

WHA resolution 59.23, 2006 Urges member states to affirm their commitment to the training of more health workers by: • giving consideration to the establishment of mechanisms to mitigate the adverse impact on developing countries of the loss of health personnel through migration, including means for the receiving developed countries to support the strengthening of health systems, in particular human resources development, in the countries of origin; • promoting training in accredited institutions of a full spectrum of quality professionals, and also community health workers, public health workers and paraprofessionals; • encouraging financial support by global health partners, including bilateral donors, priority disease and intervention partnerships, for health training institutions in developing countries; • promoting the concept of training partnerships between schools in industrialized and developing countries involving exchanges of faculty and students;

• promoting the creation of planning teams in each country facing health-worker shortages, drawing on wider stakeholders, including professional bodies, the public and private sectors and nongovernmental organizations, whose task would be to formulate a comprehensive national strategy for the health workforce, including consideration of effective mechanisms for utilization of trained volunteers; • using innovative approaches to teaching in developed and developing countries with stateof-the-art teaching materials and continuing education through the innovative use of information and communications technology.

EU Programme for Action to Tackle the Critical Shortage of Health Workers in Developing Countries (2007–2013), 2007 The Council underlines the need for greater EU support for the capacity development of public administration including human resources management training, the implementation of civil service reform, and the promotion of decent work and salary and non-salary incentives as set out in the European Programme for Action. The Council recognises that adequate financial resources are needed to ensure sustainable


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