S C HOOL MISSIO N The Savannah Country Day School seeks to prepare students to meet the challenges of college and of life with confidence, imagination, and integrity.
OF F IC E OF INSTITUTIONAL A D VA NC E MENT LY N E T T E A L L I S O N Director of Institutional Advancement A N N L E RC H Director of Annual Giving A M Y ( M A RT I N ) P I N C K N E Y ‘ 85 Director of Alumni Relations and Stewardship MARIA BOUCHARD Advancement Services Manager ALLISON RHODES Director of Communications K AT E C A PA R I S O S Assistant Director of Communications
Photography courtesy of Paul Camp, Adam Kuehl, Stephanie Lynch, Michelle Morris, Darryl Reynolds, and Alanna Volen
Message from THE HEAD OF SCHOOL AND BOARD CHAIR Dear Savannah Country Day Community: On behalf of the students, faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees of Savannah Country Day, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your support. Country Day is strong because of your commitment to our mission and your generosity to our school. We are immensely grateful to all who made a gift to bolster the teaching and learning on our campus. We are pleased to bring you a report that celebrates the generosity of our community and shares details of a strong fiscal year and new benchmarks achieved at Savannah Country Day School. Together our school community raised over $18 million to successfully close the Invest in Excellence Phase I: Academics and transform the Upper School Quad with the addition of Mingledorff Hall and the renovations of Minis Hall and Livingston Hall. At the close of our fiscal year, total campaign donations exceeded $22 million, and we are thrilled to proceed with Invest in Excellence Phase II: Athletics, Arts, and The Little School. Also worth noting is our focus and commitment to growing the endowment and ensuring Country Day’s lasting financial stability. Thank you again for your confidence, support, and investment in Savannah Country Day School. This is certainly an exciting time to be a Hornet. With gratitude,
Kef Wilson West Beaver Head of School Chair, Board of Trustees
1 The Savannah Country Day School
BOARD OF TR U STE E S W E S T B E AV E R , Chair M E B RYA N , Vice-Chair S T E P H A N I E PE N D L E TO N , Treasurer C H R I S TO P H E R C AY ‘ 9 2 , Secretary DORA ADJEI D A N B R A D L E Y, J R . CHRISTIAN DEMERE ‘09 M E R E D I T H ( R E PE L L A ) D U L A N Y ‘9 2 LIZ (GOLD) GLASS ‘89 J AY G O L D S T E I N ‘8 7 JEANNINE HAAS BRAD HARMON A M Y ( PA R R ) H E N N E M A N ‘8 6 K E VA N J AC K S O N ‘ 8 4 ADAM KAMINSKY C A P T. LU X L A K S H M A N S C OT T L AU R E T T I J U L I A N L E W I S ‘9 8 JOE MINGLEDORFF TA M M I E M O S L E Y J O N PA N N E L L ‘ 9 6
N O N - VO TI N G K E F W I L S O N , Head of School M A RY S P R AG U E , Immediate Past Chair K E R R I C U LV E R , Parents’ Association President S T E FA N I E ( D A S H E R ) M C C U L LO U G H ‘0 7 , Alumni Board President
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 2
3 The Savannah Country Day School
Financials at a GLANCE 2022-2023 REVE NU E
2022-2023 EX PEN S ES
Tuition 86.2%
Salaries and Benefits
Fee Revenue 4.3%
Buildings/Grounds 8.4%
Auxiliary Programs 3.2%
Administrative & Other
Annual Fund 3.0%
Instructional Expenses/Activities/Programs
Other 2.5%
Food Service 4.1%
Parents’ Assoc., Booster Club, Arts Alliance 0.8%
Plant & Capital Reserves
Capital Expenditures/Transfers
*Unaudited as of June 30, 2023
Debt Service 1.1%
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 4
Consecutive GIVING Country Day recognizes donors who have made gifts to the School for ten or more consecutive years. Inclusion in this distinguished group is designed to celebrate the value of loyalty among our most consistent donors. 5 0 + YE A RS
Robbie (Hoffman) ‘64 & Eddie Culver ‘62
4 0 -49 YEA RS
Judy & Dan Bradley The Colonial Foundation, Inc. Alva & Chip Compton Carolyn Donovan Ned Gay ‘62 Carol & Curtis Lewis ‘70 Jane & Paul Pressly Beverley & Allan Reynolds ‘77 Dolly Chisholm ‘77 & Graham Sadler Cathy (Edel) ‘74 & Philip Solomons Dale (Gabriel) Thorpe ‘59
3 0 -39 YEA RS
Greg Amick ‘81 Sherrie & Bill Baker Lila & Dale Critz Celeste & Rob Demere ‘66 Emily & Peter Foley Lynn Goodman Mary & Emerson Ham Janice & Chuck Izlar Nita Ann Knight ‘77 & Chris Klein Debra & Paul Mamalakis Beecher Mathes Doll Miller Ann Yingling & Chuck Morrow Lannie (Mason) Niemiec ‘67 5 The Savannah Country Day School
Carol & Pat O’Connor Wiley Wasden ‘77 Linda & Michael Zoller
20-29 Y EAR S
Anonymous Christina & Wayne Aaron Donna (Ratchford) Adamson ‘75 Don Alexander ‘85 Lee & Jay Andrews ‘86 John Atkinson ‘74 Terri Barfield Janet & Charlie Barrow ‘69 Leigh (Small) ‘88 & Robin Beauchamp Randy Booker Greg Bowden Colleen (Bairas) ‘84 & Rob Brannen Aubrey & Jim Brawner Julia & Malcolm Butler ‘76 Mimi & Jeff Clark Debbie & Dale Critz Kerri & Brian Culver ‘94 Sharon & Bill Eswine Allison Hersh & Kevin Gavin Liz (Gold) ‘89 & Bill Glass Courtney & Jay Goldstein ‘87 Julie & Joel Goodman ‘87 Melanie & John Helmken Amy (Parr) ‘86 & Ted Henneman Sonja & John Henry Susan & Wade Herring
John G. Kennedy Foundation, Inc. Boo & John Kennedy ‘79 GeeGee & Lamar Kirkley Kay & Capt. Lux Lakshman Amy & Todd Lanier ‘79 Scott Lauretti Sara (Ellis) Lehner ‘70 Tara (Greene) Levengood ‘90 Margie & B.H. Levy ‘66 Linda & Walter Lewis Lynn & Wistar Lewis ‘73 Scott Lewis ‘75 Margie Livingston ‘65 Tracey (Cannon) ‘88 & Jeremy London Jane (Hancock) Long ‘63 Becky & Charlie Milmine Rosalie & Charles Morris Katy (Harman) ‘95 & Robby Moser Laura & Bob Pirkle Bobby Reagan ‘70 Degi (Stein) ‘92 & Jesse Ruben Meb & Hurley Ryan ‘82 Christian Schley ‘66 Magdaline & Tommy Sideris Ashley (Sparks) Stamoulis ‘90 Mary Lee & Henry Stevens ‘70 Beth (Windom) ‘88 & Joe Stewart Lisa Team Jane (Vaden) ‘84 & Peter Thacher Tricia & Herb Windom Anne (Carson) Wray ‘59
1 0 - 1 9 YE A RS
Dora & Lawrence Adjei Courtney & Nick Aliotta Caitlin & Michael Anckner ‘96 Jewell Anderson Elaine & David Barrow ‘65 Jan & Chad Barrow Marti & George Barrow ‘96 Cindy & West Beaver Cresilda Beers Allison & Nathan Belzer Cari (Feiler) Bender ‘86 Ward Benton ‘99 Dawn Berger Kristen & Bob Bernstein Ellen & Jeff Bolch ‘66 Yancey & Dan Bradley Elizabeth (Baker) ‘97 & Tim Brennan Jenny (Miller) Bromley ‘98 Tyler Bromley Reg Brooks ‘61 Becky & Tom Campen Emily & Christopher Cay ‘92 Laura & Carlos Celaya Mary Holmes & Steve Chick ‘78 Ellie (Cornish) Chu ‘91 Holly & Brian Clements Pamela Connor Joseph Conyers ‘99 Barry Crawford ‘59 Melissa & Tommy Crenshaw
RO B B I E ( H O F F M A N ) ‘ 64 & E D D I E C U LV E R ‘ 62 (pictured, center, with their family) “Savannah Country Day School, formerly Pape School, has been a part of our family for four generations, with Robbie’s mother (Electa Falligant Robertson Hoffman) graduating from Pape School in the class of 1934. We know firsthand the value of the Country Day experience and passed it on to our children, Brian, class of ’94, and Kristin, class of ’97.”
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 6
Jamie & Rick Culbreth ‘01 Lisa Danzig ‘76 Callie & Andy Daters Maddie & Christian Demere ‘09 Staci & Chris Donegan Catherine Donovan ‘96 Chris & Mark Douglas Rita Chabot & Charles Drake Meredith (Repella) ‘92 & Reed Dulany ‘87 Christy & Rich Edwards Gillian Abineri & Dave Elliott Margarita & Nick Eskandar Patricia Sanchez & Ricardo Fernandez Marianne & Mills Fleming Heather & Corey Fountain Francesca Macchiaverna & John Garceau Tomoko Negishi & Tom Gensheimer Lois & Jim Gerstenlauer Jim Giles ‘72 Peggy Gilpin Jen Glisson Sarah & Joel Gordon Susan Hagan Erin & Stephen Ham ‘91 Paula Swart & Jeff Hamilton Erin & Jeremy Hammond Kathie & Brian Harlander Lindsay & Brent Harlander ‘97 Andrea & Charles Harris ‘85 Peggy & Stanley Harris Annie Hines Jennifer & Tim Hogenboom Judy & Jim Holland Julia & Lea Holliday Brooke & David Hooker Michelle Dumais & David Hoopes Linda Howard Lynne & Don Howe Susan & Brad Huennekens 7 The Savannah Country Day School
Leigh & Bill Hunter Ellis Izlar ‘07 Anne (Waters) Jackson ‘00 Hayden (Shore) ‘92 & Ed Johns Cristy & Albert Jones Amy & Adam Kaminsky Amy & Bill Keaton Helen & David Kelly ‘87 Joan & Wasil Khan Vicki Kirkland Sally (McMillan) Klein ‘87 Grady Knight ‘77 Tiffany & Ron Kolat Celia Irvine & Steve Kolman Sarah (Greenberg) ‘88 & Seth Kovensky Cathy & Steve Lange Anne Read & William Lattimore ‘01 Caroll Lee Ingrid & Vasileios Lelos Ann & Todd Lerch ‘92 J.C. Lewis Foundation, Inc. Julie & Julian Lewis ‘98 Nancy Lewis ‘67 Grace & Dawson Long Shayna & Joshua Lotz Angela & Jeff Mandel Pam McCaslin Lee & Jerramy McGee Barbara & John McGinty Paula & Jim McInerny Tim McLanahan ‘87 Marla McLendon Anne & Tom Meek Crissy & Shep Mondy Katy (McNaughton) ‘94 & William Moretz Mary & Billy Moretz Lucille & Lane Morrison ‘63 Lauren Chase & Keith Muller Kristin Mulzer
Heather & Rob Myers Melissa & Jeff Neil Kim & Chris Nicholson Kathy & Tom Nickler Margaret & John Northup ‘92 Jessica & Jack O’Neill ‘96 Betsy (Watts) ‘98 & Niko Ormond Kirsten & Brian Orr Nancy & Jules Paderewski Carolyn (Rudd) Pait ‘73 Jennifer (Spencer) ‘88 & Doug Pankey Kimberly & Jon Pannell ‘96 Stephanie & Wendell Pendleton Terri & Chriss Perkins Nancy & Doug Perry Clementine Drackett & Hunter Philbrick ‘97 Amy (Martin) ‘85 & Ashley Pinckney ‘85 DJ Queenan Josceline & Dennis Reardon Corinne (Stewart) ‘77 & Michael Reeves ‘77 Kristen & McNab Reeves ‘07 Allison & Bart Rhodes Starr & Scot Ritchie Betsy & Brad Sampey Donna & Richard Schulze ‘80 Ethelyn Simpson ‘76 John Sipple ‘96 Jackie & Riley Smith Kim & Mark Smith Kelley & Bill Sparks ‘93 April Hernandez-Stevens & James Stevens Brooke & Denton Stone ‘88 Joan & Elliott Strother Emily & Joe T. Stubbs ‘85 Andrea Su ‘84 Julie & Chris Sywassink Beckie & Steven Templeton
Penny (Espy) Tillman ‘56 Jane Mansel & Adam Tuckey Jamison (Pannell) Tuttle ‘00 Amy (Costrini) ‘95 & Dan Umbel Carrie Stubbs-Vetrovsky & Sean Vetrovsky Clare & Ben Ward Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Waters Heidi Bindhammer & Adam Weber Ruth (Bowyer) ‘93 & Brian Weimar Jean & Wes Wheeler Nadia Pidgeon & Andy Wiley Mitch Wilkes ‘69 Kef Wilson Margaret (Bowden) ‘65 & John Wylly ‘59 Glenice & Hosea Wynn Lane (Morgan) Yates ‘03 Denise & Jason Zhou
Live Oak SOCIETY Taking its name from the majestic live oaks that have populated our wooded campus since Country Day’s founding, the Live Oak Society recognizes individuals, corporations, and foundations that have made cumulative lifetime gifts of $100,000 or more to the School. Members of the Live Oak Society are Country Day’s most visionary philanthropists. Their contributions to advance the mission of this institution will continue to impact students, faculty, and the Savannah community for generations to come. *Deceased Individuals Anonymous (3) The Adler Family Foundation *Emma Walthour Adler ‘47 & *Lee Adler *Barbara & Jim Andrews Vic Andrews Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Cindy & West Beaver Malinda & Fred Bergen ‘79 Bettie & Don Bohannon Ellen & Jeff Bolch ‘66 *Frank & *Marguerite Bousquet
Bradley Foundation, Inc. Jenny Lynn & *Waldo Bradley Judy & Dan Bradley Yaël van Hulst & *Tim Brown Byck Foundation Judy (Appel) ‘62 & *Sylvan Byck Donna (Kelly) ‘82 & Tony Eichholz Rosalie Campbell Becky & Tom Campen Jane & *Cliff Cannon Carey Hilliard’s Restaurants Sherie & Tim Hilliard Cay Foundation Billings & John Cay
Mimi (Daniel) Cay ‘61 Chatham Steel Corporation *Katherine (Crutcher) ‘47 & *Frank Chisholm The Colonial Foundation, Inc. Alva & Chip Compton The Critz Family Fund Debbie & Dale Critz Cay Critz Lila & Dale Critz Sara & Rick Culbreth *Helen Darby Deanna & Alan Dasher Nadia & J.R. Davis ’92
William Dillard The Frances and Beverly DuBose Foundation Eileen & Bo DuBose Meredith (Repella) ‘92 & Reed Dulany ‘87 The Danyse G. & Julius Edel Fund *Danyse & Julius Edel Margarita & Nick Eskandar The Reginald S. & Julia W. Fleet Foundation *Thelma & *Charles Gay Beth & Scott Glass The Goizueta Foundation 2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 8
Kay (Exley) ‘72 & Dieter Gunkel Sally & Steve Hall Hancock Family Foundation Linda & David Hancock Kathie & Brian Harlander Lindsay & Brent Harlander ’97 The Hunter Foundation, Inc. *Freeman Jelks Victoria Jenkins Charitable Foundation Alice & Bob Jepson Peggy (Barnett) ‘47 & *David Johnson John G. Kennedy Foundation, Inc. Connie (Kennedy) ‘77 & Glen Darbyshire Boo & John Kennedy ‘79 Clayton & Austin Kennedy ‘82 Keith/Klement Family Foundation Judy & Bill Klement Kuhlman Corporation Rita & *Andy Labrot Mills Bee Lane Memorial Foundation
The Scott and Louise Lauretti Fund *Louise & Scott Lauretti J.C. Lewis Foundation, Inc. Carol & Curtis Lewis ‘70 Linda & Walter Lewis Lynn & Wistar Lewis ‘73 Nancy Lewis ‘67 *Nancy & *Curtis Lewis Scott Lewis ‘75 Tracey (Cannon) ‘88 & Jeremy London Janette & David Long Blake Long Jenny (Stanley) Long ‘78 Susie & Ben MacMillan *Julia & *Bob Martin *Rosalie & *Oscar Mayer Sandy & Don Mayer Kristen & *Dick McDonough Julie & Dave McLeod Melaver Foundation, Inc. *Betty & *Norton Melaver
Mingledorff Family Trust Nicky & Jeff Mingledorff Price & Joe Mingledorff Shirley & Bud Mingledorff ‘64 *Edith & *Bob Minis Sally & Henry Minis ‘65 Patti & Henry Monsees ‘76 Rosie & *Don Moore Rosalie & Charles Morris Mary Lane Morrison Foundation Mary & *Howard Morrison Katy (Harman) ‘95 & Robby Moser *Elizabeth & Ted Muller Betsy (Watts) ‘98 & Niko Ormond William R. Orthwein, Jr. and Laura Rand Orth wein Foundation Beth & Glenn Palmisano Kelley Parker Greg Parker Clementine Drackett & Hunter Philbrick ‘97
Jane & Paul Pressly Susan & Steve Roberts Adrian & John Robinson Dolly Chisholm ‘77 & Graham Sadler Savannah Distributing Co. Savannah Foods & Industries, Inc. SCDS Booster Club SCDS Parents’ Association Jane (Victor) ‘78 & Carl Showalter ‘78 Kim & Mark Smith Nikki & Smitty Smith *Robert “Bob” Brookings Smith Cathy (Edel) ‘74 & Philip Solomons Southern States Educational Foundation, Inc. Helen (Reid) ‘59 & *Pawling Steward Shirley & GA Sywassink Jane (Vaden) ‘84 & Peter Thacher Teresa & Jerry Wardlaw Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Waters Barbie & *Jimmy Wilson Beverly & Tracy Young
At Savannah Country Day, we value the strong culture of philanthropy that is part of our community. We are incredibly grateful to our donors for your investment and helping us provide opportunities for our students and faculty to thrive in a dynamic teaching and learning environment.” LYN E T T E A LLI S ON D I R ECTO R OF I N S T I T U T I ON A L A DVA N C E M E N T 9 The Savannah Country Day School
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 10
Transformative Teaching
11 The Savannah Country Day School
Heritage SOCIETY The Country Day Heritage Society honors all parents, alumni, and friends who support Country Day’s mission by including the School in their estate plans. Heritage Society giving to Savannah Country Day includes planned gifts such as life insurance policies, bequests, and real estate. Gifts to the Heritage Society are generally designated to endowment and secure the future of The Savannah Country Day School for many generations to come. *Deceased Individuals Anonymous (2) Donna (Ratchford) Adamson ‘75 Marge Arnsdorff ‘64 and Family Gus Bell Ellen & Jeff Bolch ‘66 Diane & Byron Boyd Julia & Malcolm Butler ‘76 Emily & Christopher Cay ‘92 Billings & John Cay Mimi (Daniel) Cay ‘61 Mei-Yin Cheng Alva & Chip Compton Dottie Courington ‘68 Lena Cowan
Robbie (Hoffman) ‘64 & Eddie Culver ‘62 Carol (Fulenwider) Elliott ‘68 Sharon & Bill Eswine *Catherine & Ron Fagin Ned Gay ‘62 & Kim Gay Lynn Goodman Catherine (Myrick) ‘80 & Joe Gussler Kathie & Brian Harlander Susan & Wade Herring Austin Hill ‘97 *Connie Houston Marcia & Clyde Hull Sally & Charles Jackson Boo & John Kennedy ‘79 Nita Ann (Knight) Klein ‘77
GeeGee & Lamar Kirkley Rita & *Andy Labrot *Bob Lawhon Charles Leggette ‘59 Carol & Curtis Lewis ‘70 Lynn & Wistar Lewis ‘73 Jenny (Stanley) Long ‘78 *Julia Martin David Mason ‘69 Cathy & Ben Massey Pam McCaslin Graham McGoldrick ‘76 Julia Mikell *Bob Minis Camille & Howard Morrison Ted Muller
George Oelschig ‘72 Kimberly & Jon Pannell ‘96 Kathy Horne & Carl Pedigo Jane & Paul Pressly Robert Reid III ‘66 Beverley & Allan Reynolds ‘77 Dolly Chisholm ‘77 & Graham Sadler Rence & Peter Schmidt ‘66 Magdaline & Tommy Sideris Ethelyn Simpson ‘76 Robert “Bob” Brookings Smith Patty Inglesby Thomas ‘44
I want to ensure future generations of Hornets receive the same extraordinary experience. I have named Country Day in my estate plans, and I hope you will consider joining me.” L A MAR KIR KLEY FA CULTY MEMBER AND G R AN D PAR EN T O F ST ELLA WY NN ‘24 & CH R I S W Y N N ‘ 2 7 2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 12
Capital DONORS Savannah Country Day’s capital projects have been the result of generous donors who believe in the School and want to secure its future. We recognize and thank the families and organizations who have supported these endeavors. Below is a list of donors making gifts between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. *Deceased Individuals Anonymous Tiffany & Blake Alewine Lynette & Mike Allison Kathryn & Kevin Ammar Lee & Jay Andrews ‘86 Kate & Marc Bailey ‘90 Jan & Chad Barrow Cindy & West Beaver Lisa & Holmes Bell ‘90 Ward Benton ‘99 Sarah & Blake Berg Megan & Josh Bischoff Judy & Dan Bradley Sam Bromley ‘15 Jane Cannon Shari & David Carney Billings & John Cay Emily & Christopher Cay ‘92 Mimi (Daniel) Cay ‘61 The Chatham Foundation Mary Holmes & Steve Chick ‘78 Holly & Brian Clements Danny Cohen The Colonial Foundation, Inc. Joan & Larry Dane-Kellogg Sarah & Thomas Daniel Connie (Kennedy) ‘77 & Glen Darbyshire 13 The Savannah Country Day School
Betsy Davis ‘97 Sarah & Lamar Davis ‘64 Staci & Chris Donegan Meredith (Repella) ‘92 & Reed Dulany ‘87 Katy & Adam Eichholz ‘02 Liz & Jason Eichholz ‘06 Carol (Fulenwider) Elliott ‘68 Heidi & Robert Flanders ‘92 Jeri & Roy Flood Heather & Corey Fountain Francesca Macchiaverna & John Garceau Dianne Goggan Anne Gold Courtney & Jay Goldstein ‘87 Nina (Tracy) ‘81 & Mark Gompels Julie & Joel Goodman ‘87 Katie & Lee Griffith Tricia & David Guggenheim Jeannine & Eric Haas Hancock Family Foundation Linda & David Hancock Kathie & Brian Harlander Lindsay & Brent Harlander ‘97 Amy & Bryan Hartley Susan & Wade Herring Joey Howie ‘04 The Hunter Foundation, Inc. Leigh & Bill Hunter
Hunter, Maclean, Exley & Dunn PC JTVS Builders, Inc. Heather & James Smith Kay & Capt. Lux Lakshman Anne Read & William Lattimore ‘01 Ingrid & Vasileios Lelos Carol & Curtis Lewis ‘70 J.C. Lewis Foundation, Inc. Tracey (Cannon) ‘88 & Jeremy London Blake Long Susie & Ben MacMillan Darri & Keith Mansel Holly & John McCormick Julie & Dave McLeod Jane & John Mikell ‘02 Julia Mikell Sam Mikell Doll Miller Nicky & Jeff Mingledorff Price & Joe Mingledorff Shirley & Bud Mingledorff ‘64 Patti & Henry Monsees ‘76 Heather & Rob Myers Kim & Chris Nicholson Tyler O’Connor ‘00 Betsy (Watts) ‘98 & Niko Ormond Kirsten & Brian Orr Diane & Tom Oxnard Kimberly & Jon Pannell ‘96
Sneha & Kal Patel Rose de Vries & Frank Peeples Kelly & Walker Pendarvis Sally & Ben Perkins Nancy & Doug Perry Kristin & Chris Peters ‘94 Clementine Drackett & Hunter Philbrick ‘97 Amy (Martin) ‘85 & Ashley Pinckney ‘85 Ash Pinckney ‘19 Grace Archer Pinckney ‘17 Terry & Duncan Pindar Laura & Bob Pirkle Lori & Gabe Pitt Logan & Pete Pollak Jane & Paul Pressly Corinne (Stewart) ‘77 & Michael Reeves ‘77 Kristen & McNab Reeves ‘07 Beverley & Allan Reynolds ‘77 Allison & Bart Rhodes Beth Vantosh-Richards & Kenny Richards Starr & Scot Ritchie Carla & Matt Roher Meb & Hurley Ryan ‘82 Dolly Chisholm ‘77 & Graham Sadler SCDS Parents’ Association Christian Schley ‘66
Stuart F. Sligh Jr. Memorial Foundation Kim & Mark Smith Nikki & Christopher “Smitty” Smith *Robert “Bob” Brookings Smith Cathy (Edel) ‘74 & Philip Solomons Kelley & Bill Sparks ‘93 Caroline & Chris Spencer Speros, Inc. Mary & Jon Sprague Brooke & Denton Stone ‘88 Shirley & GA Sywassink Jane (Vaden) ‘84 & Peter Thacher Erlinda & Sam Torres Mylin Torres ‘94 Jamison (Pannell) Tuttle ‘00 Yaël van Hulst Dale & Bill Wallace Teresa & Jerry Wardlaw Wiley Wasden ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Waters Courtney (Tyson) ‘00 & Matt West Dana & Brad Whitfield Barbie & *Jimmy Wilson Carson & Corde Wilson ‘94 Diane Wilson Kef Wilson Dana & Jay Yeckley Beverly & Tracy Young
SUPPORTER SPOTLIGHT: ERLINDA & SAM TORRES AS PARENTS OF ALUMNI, WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO YOU TO SUPPORT THE SCHOOL? Our family always believed that to be successful, you need not only talent but also the best preparation for what lies ahead. Our children, Mylin ‘94 and Fernando ‘96, were fortunate to have started this learning process from kindergarten to graduation in the ‘go-to’ school in Savannah. They were well-prepared to tackle the challenges they met in prestigious universities. They are now well-established in their careers and have families of their own, and they are following the same blueprint we used for their children in Atlanta. We heartily support Country Day!
Sam and Erlinda Torres, parents of Mylin Torres ‘94 and Fernando Torres ‘96
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 14
ENDOWMENT The endowment at SCDS consists of funds, both unrestricted and restricted, that supplement and support the exceptional educational experiences offered to students and faculty. Endowment funds use only the annual earnings from their principal value and provide annual revenue in perpetuity to ensure the School’s long-term strength and stability. Endowments benefitting student financial aid make up the largest portion of the endowment-named funds. In addition, there are endowments that support academic programming, maintain our beautiful 65-acre campus, and provide impactful professional development opportunities for our faculty. The minimum amount to establish a named endowment fund is $100,000. This listing reflects those who made a gift to our endowment between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
F UNDS IN SUPPO RT OF F I NA NC IA L AID The Class of 1966 Scholarship Marion (Rauers) Reid ‘66 The Harlander Family Endowed Scholarship Lisa (Harlander) Lemke ‘93 The Freeman Jelks, Jr. Honor Scholarship Lolly (Jelks) Crawford ‘81 The Robert D. & Katy Harman Moser ’95 Endowed Scholarship Katy (Harman) ‘95 & Robby Moser The B.J. and Charlene Saunders Scholarship The Allbritten Family James Anderson Sue Anderson Teresa Ashman ‘82 Susan & Bill Baker
15 The Savannah Country Day School
Kathy & Joe Buckingham Jean (Schley) Campbell ‘69 Kim Casey Blaine & Will Crosland Robbie (Hoffman) ‘64 & Eddie Culver ‘62 Kathy & Larry Cunningham Connie (Kennedy) ‘77 & Glen Darbyshire Carol (Fulenwider) Elliott ‘68 Sharon & Bill Eswine Andy Feiler ‘80 Emily & Peter Foley Sherri Goodman Jennifer Saunders Jones GeeGee & Lamar Kirkley Cheryl Loeffelholz Debra & Paul Mamalakis Gayla Nelson Debbe (Triol) Perry ‘67 Jamie, Brian & Owen Peters Amy (Martin) ‘85 & Ashley Pinckney ‘85
Mary (Gilbreath) Pope ‘84 Jane & Paul Pressly Lynn & Joe Roberts Margaret (McCullough) Russell ‘82 Dolly Chisholm ‘77 & Graham Sadler Laurette (Speir) Shaw ‘79 Cathy & George Shriver Magdaline & Tommy Sideris Tom Skipper ‘68 Ron Speir Sarah Jane (Phillips) ‘69 & Yavuz Sumer Louise (Howard) Williamson ‘80 Kef Wilson Michael Wilson Tricia & Herb Windom Brooks (Livingston) ‘70 & Paul Worley Laura Zipperer ‘77
Other Funds in Support of Financial Aid
The Tommy Stubbs Endowed Scholarship Susan & Tom Griffith The Jules Victor, Jr., M.D. Scholarship Barbara & Bubba Victor ‘66
The John A. Heitmann III Scholarship
The Acworth Foundation Scholarship The Camp Younts Scholarship The Class of 1989 Scholarship The Dr. & Mrs. David B. Fillingim Scholarship The Julia Walker Fleet Scholarship Fund The Reginald & Julia Fleet Trust Scholarship Fund The Chris Fort ’96 and Liz Fort ’02 Endowed Scholarship The Goizueta Foundation Fund The Beulah B. Harper Scholarship The Victoria Jenkins Scholarship The Ben Jones Scholarship Fund
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 16
The Klement Family Scholarship The Richard C. Kreinest Scholarship The Melaver Scholarship The T. Miller ’97 Endowed Scholarship The Mabel A. Minis and Edith H. Minis Scholarships The Oxnard Family Fund The Persad Scholarship The Kevin Plunkett Scholarship The Edgar E. Sellers Scholarship The Lieutenant Junior Grade Dean Smith Jr. Scholarship The Tenenbaum Scholarship The Wells Fargo Scholarship The Tommy & Lora Wong Scholarship The Wormsloe Foundation Scholarship The Young Minority Scholarship
FUNDS I N SUPPO RT O F PROGR AMS & FACULTY The Dr. Victor L. Andrews Fund Lloyd Campbell The Jeffrey Allen Dimond Music Library Julie Dimond The Camille Miller Heery Visiting Artist Fund Myrtle Heery ‘64 The Lamar Kirkley Teaching Fellowship Fund Greg Amick ‘81 Malinda & Fred Bergen ‘79 Waldo Bradley ‘00 Robert Cavitt ‘81 Alva & Chip Compton Mark Dye ‘85 Matt Ervin ‘87 Trip Franklin ‘87 Jessica & Andrew Ginsberg ‘97
Courtney & Jay Goldstein ‘87 Hartford Gongaware ‘90 Boo & John Kennedy ‘79 Clayton & Austin Kennedy ‘82 Susan & Danny Klugman ‘79 Patti & Henry Monsees ‘76 Neal Morrison ‘80 Matthew Repella ‘94 Beverley & Allan Reynolds ‘77 Dolly Chisholm ‘77 & Graham Sadler Chris Saunders ‘76 Jane (Victor) ‘78 & Carl Showalter ‘78 Bonney & Billy Shuman ‘75 Wiley Wasden ‘77 Kef Wilson The Salzillo World Languages Endowed Fund Casino Law Group Madison & Alex Salzillo Other Funds in Support of Faculty & Programs The Class of 1956 Endowment Fund
Savannah Country Day’s endowment growth is critical to ensure long-term financial stability and build a lasting legacy for future generations.” LY N ETTE AL L I SO N DIREC TO R O F INSTITUTION AL AD VAN CEMEN T
The Class of 1965 Faculty Development Fund The Class of 1968 Endowment Fund The Edward F. and Helen D. Downing Fund
The Shirley P. & George H. Oelschig Endowed Fund for Faculty Enrichment The Jane Philbrick Endowed Merit Scholarship The Kevin Plunkett Memorial Faculty Award Solomons Fund for Arts and Letters Louis W. & Nellie H. Schmidt Endowment Fund The Thomas and Jane Triol Endowment Fund
F U N DS F OR AWA RDS The Danyse & Julius Edel Endowment Fund to Support Art Enrichment for Students Sharon & Bill Eswine Debra & Paul Mamalakis Other Funds for Awards The Hoke Bouchillon Memorial Award Fund The Robert S. Heuer Faculty Award The Lancy C. Jen Math & Science Scholarships The Thomas O. Kelly Award
The Catherine Fagin Endowed Fund for Outdoor Education
The Creed H. Reagan III Award
The Lee Gay Memorial Endowment Fund
The Robert Gongaware Endowment Fund The Mills B. Lane Foundation Fund
17 The Savannah Country Day School
Morris/Morris Newspaper Endowment Fund
Anonymous Elizabeth (Wasden) Lampton ‘96 Patty Inglesby Thomas ‘44
Brian and Kathie Harlander, parents of Kristine (Harlander) Saudek ‘91, Lisa (Harlander) Lemke ‘93, and Brent Harlander ‘97; grandparents of Katherine Harlander ‘27, Lydia Harlander ‘29 and Charlie Harlander ‘32
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 18
Leadership Giving THE GREEN & GOLD SOCIETY Leadership donors, those who contribute $2,500 or more to any fund during the 2022-23 fiscal year, are members of the Green & Gold Society. These generous gifts make a huge impact on our campus. Green & Gold members are honored at the annual Green & Gold Reception with the Head of School and receive invitations to attend special events throughout the year. *Deceased Individuals DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $25,000 OR MORE Cindy & West Beaver Megan & Josh Bischoff Rosalie Campbell Jane Cannon Casino Law Group Billings & John Cay The Chatham Foundation The Colonial Foundation, Inc. Meredith (Repella) ‘92 & Reed Dulany ‘87 Dianne Goggan Hancock Family Foundation Linda & David Hancock The Hunter Foundation Ingrid & Vasileios Lelos Carol & Curtis Lewis ‘70 J.C. Lewis Foundation, Inc. Susie & Ben MacMillan Nicky & Jeff Mingledorff Price & Joe Mingledorff Shirley & Bud Mingledorff ‘64 Neal Morrison ‘80
19 The Savannah Country Day School
Betsy (Watts) ‘98 & Niko Ormond Kimberly & Jon Pannell ‘96 Clementine Drackett & Hunter Philbrick ‘97 Madison & Alex Salzillo Jane (Victor) ‘78 & Carl Showalter ‘78 Nikki & Smitty Smith *Robert “Bob” Brookings Smith Cathy (Edel) ‘74 & Philip Solomons Shirley & GA Sywassink Jane (Vaden) ‘84 & Peter Thacher Yaël van Hulst Teresa & Jerry Wardlaw Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Waters Carson & Corde Wilson ‘94 Beverly & Tracy Young DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $10,000 TO $24,999 Lee & Jay Andrews ‘86 Karen & David Bacon Kate & Marc Bailey ‘90 Jen & Lawrence Baldwin Jan & Chad Barrow Lisa & Holmes Bell ‘90 Judy & Dan Bradley
Lloyd Campbell Jo & William Crake Staci & Chris Donegan Margarita & Nick Eskandar Malissa & Chuck Fana Heidi & Robert Flanders ‘92 Heather & Corey Fountain Francesca Macchiaverna & John Garceau Julie & Joel Goodman ‘87 Susan & Tom Griffith Kathie & Brian Harlander Lindsay & Brent Harlander ‘97 Mickey Mazzeo JTVS Builders, Inc. Heather & James Smith Tracey (Cannon) ‘88 & Jeremy London Janette & David Long Tim McLanahan ‘87 Julie & Dave McLeod Patti & Henry Monsees ‘76 Louisa & Charles Hill Morris ‘94 Katy (Harman) ‘95 & Robby Moser Lisanne & David Newton ‘98 Sneha & Kal Patel Rose de Vries & Frank Peeples Kristin & Chris Peters ‘94
Logan & Pete Pollak Beth Vantosh-Richards & Kenny Richards Starr & Scot Ritchie Meb & Hurley Ryan ‘82 SCDS Parents’ Association Donna & Richard Schulze ‘80 Stuart F. Sligh Jr. Memorial Foundation Heather & James Smith Thurston Group, LLC Kef Wilson Dana & Jay Yeckley DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $5,000 TO $9,999 Anonymous (2) Kathryn & Kevin Ammar Micaela & Ryan Anderson Sarah & Blake Berg Malinda & Fred Bergen ‘79 Ellen & Jeff Bolch ‘66 Becky & Tom Campen Robert Cavitt ‘81 Emily & Christopher Cay ‘92 Debbie & Dale Critz Lila & Dale Critz
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 20
Jamie & Rick Culbreth ‘01 Sara & Rick Culbreth Sarah & Lamar Davis ‘64 Ned Gay ‘62 Erin & Mark Ibanez John G. Kennedy Foundation, Inc. Boo & John Kennedy ‘79 Rita Labrot Kay & Capt. Lux Lakshman Anne Read & William Lattimore ‘01 Linda & Walter Lewis Lynn & Wistar Lewis ‘73 Nancy Lewis ‘67 Scott Lewis ‘75 Blake Long Holly & John McCormick Julia Mikell Doll Miller Kirsten & Brian Orr Beverley & Allan Reynolds ‘77 Allison & Bart Rhodes Dolly Chisholm ‘77 & Graham Sadler Bonney & Billy Shuman ‘75 Kim & Mark Smith Kelley & Bill Sparks ‘93 Caroline & Chris Spencer Mary & Jon Sprague Wiley Wasden ‘77 Barbie & *Jimmy Wilson DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $2,500 TO $4,999 Anonymous Melinda & Matt Allen Sherrie & Bill Baker Meredith Barfield Catherine & John Beasley Kristen & Bob Bernstein Randy Booker 21 The Savannah Country Day School
Amy & Chad Brock Shari & David Carney Mimi (Daniel) Cay ‘61 Christine & David Cheng ‘80 Mary Holmes & Steve Chick ‘78 Danny Cohen Lolly (Jelks) Crawford ‘81 Ruth & Joe Cronk Sherry & Tom Danello Claire & Whit Davis ‘93 Katie & Tim Dean Maddie & Christian Demere ‘09 Meredith (MacMillan) ‘97 & Andy Dyer Katy & Adam Eichholz ‘02 Liz & Jason Eichholz ‘06 Lisa & Gary Elkin Carol (Fulenwider) Elliott ‘68 Jeri & Roy Flood Allison & Joel Gerber Anne Gold Ashley & John Gold ‘97 Jeannine & Eric Haas Laura & John Haslam Ashleigh & Jonathan Headley Jared Heuer ‘93 Leigh & Bill Hunter Amy & Adam Kaminsky Jessica & Kurt Kang Evelyn Kelly Joan & James Lancaster Hyeyoung Han & Jewoo Lee Stefanie (Dasher) ‘07 & Drew McCullough ‘05 Paula & Jim McInerny Frances & Carl Messalle Jane & John Mikell ‘02 Katy (McNaughton) ‘94 & William Moretz Lucille & Lane Morrison ‘63
Kim & Chris Nicholson Kristin & Mickey Ott Stephanie & Wendell Pendleton Laura & Bob Pirkle Cam & Jason Pope Jane & Paul Pressly Bobby Reagan ‘70 Corinne (Stewart) ‘77 & Michael Reeves ‘77 Trudy & Jim Rice Ethelyn Simpson ‘76 John Sipple ‘96 Ashley (Sparks) Stamoulis ‘90 Emily & Joe T. Stubbs ‘85 Karen & Perry Taylor Mylin Torres ‘94 Erlinda & Sam Torres Amy (Costrini) ‘95 & Dan Umbel Christina & Carl Varnedoe Courtney Victor ‘97 Lauren & John Walsh Louise (Howard) Williamson ‘80 Kimberly & Floyd Wilson
YOUNG ALUMNI MEMBERS OF THE GREEN & GOLD SOCIETY The Young Alumni Green & Gold Society honors the philanthropic generosity of our youngest donors. 1-4 YEARS POST-GRADUATION: Gift of any size 5-9 YEARS POST-GRADUATION: Gift of $100 or more 10-15 YEARS POST-GRADUATION: Gift of $500 or more
Elise Barton ‘08 Kirsten Bogle ‘22 Connor Cohen ‘21 Christian Demere ‘09 Blake Huennekens ‘21 Mitch Huennekens ‘19 Laura Hill (Nash) Keller ‘10 Curt Lewis ‘09 Erika Lewis ‘14 Carmen Mandel ‘22 Paul Mosley ‘21 Ash Pinckney ‘19 Grace Archer Pinckney ‘17 Jack Ryan ‘19 Hurley Ryan ‘17 Caroline (Lewis) Stovall ‘08 Ethan Strother ‘19 William Szczecinski ‘14 Peter Talsness ‘19 Laura Taylor ‘22 Ben Tuten ‘14 Tyler Bosque ‘09 & Brian Twibell ‘09 Walker Watson ‘14
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 22
The Fund for COUNTRY DAY The Fund for Country Day is the top philanthropic priority of the School. Each year, the SCDS community comes together in support of The Fund, a critical source of revenue that sustains the excellence that defines Savannah Country Day. These flexible, unrestricted dollars strengthen budgets across all divisions and specialty areas, helping bridge the gap between the actual cost of educating a student and tuition. *Deceased Individuals
DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $25,000 OR MORE Rosalie Campbell J.C. Lewis Foundation, Inc. Carol & Curtis Lewis ‘70 Linda & Walter Lewis Lynn & Wistar Lewis ‘73 Nancy Lewis ‘67 Scott Lewis ‘75
DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $10,000 TO $24,999 Karen & David Bacon Jen & Lawrence Baldwin Jo & William Crake Margarita & Nick Eskandar Lindsay & Brent Harlander ‘97 Mickey Mazzeo Janette & David Long Tim McLanahan ‘87 Shirley & Bud Mingledorff ‘64 Lisanne & David Newton ‘98 Donna & Richard Schulze ‘80 Thurston Group, LLC
23 The Savannah Country Day School
DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $5,000 TO $9,999 Anonymous (2) Micaela & Ryan Anderson Cindy & West Beaver Ellen & Jeff Bolch ‘66 The Colonial Foundation, Inc. Debbie & Dale Critz Lila & Dale Critz Jamie & Rick Culbreth ‘01 Sara & Rick Culbreth Sarah & Lamar Davis ‘64 Meredith (Repella) ‘92 & Reed Dulany ‘87 Francesca Macchiaverna & John Garceau Ned Gay ‘62 Julie & Joel Goodman ‘87 Erin & Mark Ibanez Rita Labrot Louisa & Charles Hill Morris ‘94 Katy (Harman) ‘95 & Robby Moser Rose de Vries & Frank Peeples Cathy (Edel) ‘74 & Philip Solomons Mary & Jon Sprague Teresa & Jerry Wardlaw Carson & Corde Wilson ‘94
DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $2,500 TO $4,999 Anonymous Melinda & Matt Allen Sherrie & Bill Baker Meredith Barfield Catherine & John Beasley Malinda & Fred Bergen ‘79 Kristen & Bob Bernstein Megan & Josh Bischoff Randy Booker Judy & Dan Bradley Amy & Chad Brock Emily & Christopher Cay ‘92 Christine & David Cheng ‘80 Ruth & Joe Cronk Sherry & Tom Danello Claire & Whit Davis ‘93 Katie & Tim Dean Staci & Chris Donegan Meredith (MacMillan) ‘97 & Andy Dyer Lisa & Gary Elkin Allison & Joel Gerber Ashley & John Gold ‘97 Laura & John Haslam Ashleigh & Jonathan Headley Jared Heuer ‘93 Amy & Adam Kaminsky
Jessica & Kurt Kang Evelyn Kelly Kay & Capt. Lux Lakshman Joan & James Lancaster Hyeyoung Han & Jewoo Lee Holly & John McCormick Stefanie (Dasher) ‘07 & Drew McCullough ‘05 Paula & Jim McInerny Frances & Carl Messalle Doll Miller Price & Joe Mingledorff Katy (McNaughton) ‘94 & William Moretz Lucille & Lane Morrison ‘63 Kim & Chris Nicholson Kristin & Mickey Ott Kimberly & Jon Pannell ‘96 Sneha & Kal Patel Cam & Jason Pope Bobby Reagan ‘70 Trudy & Jim Rice Madison & Alex Salzillo Ethelyn Simpson ‘76 John Sipple ‘96 Kelley & Bill Sparks ‘93 Ashley (Sparks) Stamoulis ‘90 Emily & Joe T. Stubbs ‘85 Karen & Perry Taylor
Amy (Costrini) ‘95 & Dan Umbel Yaël van Hulst Christina & Carl Varnedoe Courtney Victor ‘97 Lauren & John Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Waters Kimberly & Floyd Wilson Kef Wilson
DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $1,000 TO $2,499 Christina & Wayne Aaron Dora & Lawrence Adjei Lynette & Mike Allison LuAnne & Darron Alvord Traiana Pacurar & Calin Badea Modupe & Afolarin Banjoko Jan & Chad Barrow Arden (Wilson) ‘98 & Spencer Bartlett Hillary & Eric Beightel Rebekah & Zack Bentley Maria Mariano & Norman Bettle Melissa & Kelly Bouchillon ‘83 Yancey & Dan Bradley Elizabeth (Baker) ‘97 & Tim Brennan Kelly & John Burt Amanda Byck ‘96 Ebru & Mehmet Caglayan Debra & Chuck Caldwell Alva & Chip Compton Blaine & Will Crosland Maria & Bill Dascombe Sally & Archie Davis Abby & Ryan Dew Laurence Dunn ‘85 Renee (Portman) Dunn ‘65 Katy & Adam Eichholz ‘02 Liz & Jason Eichholz ‘06
Richard Eichholz Alice Eidson Tish & Pablo Elizalde Julie Harelson & Richmond Enright Sharon & Bill Eswine Jeri & Roy Flood Alex Fox ‘90 Liz (Gold) ‘89 & Bill Glass Courtney & Jay Goldstein ‘87 Joanie & Mark Goldstein Seth Goodman ‘90 & Phillip Carter Doris Greenberg Reanna & Dustin Hamilton Kit Hammond ‘58 Kathie & Brian Harlander Melanie & John Helmken Amy (Parr) ‘86 & Ted Henneman Marsha & Danny Hernandez Rachel Goggan & Travis Indgjer Janice & Chuck Izlar Cindy & Richard James Clark Powell Jones Jiyoun Kim & Sung Jin Jung Mary (Gilbert) Kaiser ‘02 Helen & David Kelly ‘87 Jan & Randy Kienstra Tiffany & Ron Kolat Amy & Todd Lanier ‘79 Eleanor & Peter Larvan Anne Read & William Lattimore ‘01 Scott Lauretti Ann & Todd Lerch ‘92 Linda & Grif Lesher Smith Lewis ‘11 Margie Livingston ‘65 Cierra & Joseph Lloyd Pam Markovitz Laurel & Robert McCorkle Anne & Tom Meek
Funds Raised $745,379
2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019
$572,981 $607,421
Number of Donors 2022-2023 2021-2022
1,205 1,085 1,143
2020-2021 2019-2020
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 24
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE SAVANNAH COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUR CHILD’S EDUCATION? We’ve always believed the best gift we can give our children is an extraordinary education. When we moved from Atlanta to Savannah last year, it was important for us to do everything in our power to continue to provide them with a stellar education. When we attended Furman University, we both volunteered in Admissions. We remembered that one of the admissions department’s favorite schools to recruit from was Savannah Country Day. So, we immediately researched SCDS and confirmed that memory. We knew it would be the best place for our children and it has exceeded our expectations. AS A NEW PARENT TO THE SCHOOL, WHAT MOTIVATED YOU TO SUPPORT THE FUND FOR COUNTRY DAY? It’s not easy for children to move across the state and start a new school in 8th and 10th grade. However, the minute they started Country Day, we could just feel the genuine love and support of the teachers and staff to acclimate them to their new school. They felt at home in the first few weeks. The teachers and staff at SCDS truly cared for the well being of the whole child, not just academics. Soon, we learned of all the outside learning opportunities provided throughout the year from the Everglades trip to Minimester. SCDS teaches children to think inside and outside of the classroom and makes learning fun. Our children attended Atlanta’s best private schools and we always supported the annual fund. Yet, Country Day in a matter of weeks showed us as much about their commitment to our children’s education as we had felt in years at previous schools. There was no way we weren’t going to support The Fund. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ASPECT OF BEING A HORNET? Lesley and Andy Peters, parents of John Morgan Peters ‘25 and Vada Peters ‘27
25 The Savannah Country Day School
Our children actually love to go to school. Not once this past year did we hear, “Ugh! I don’t want to go to school today!” They genuinely loved their teachers and thrived academically. They found their community and thrived socially. SCDS fosters a love of learning and development of the whole child.
Nicole & Andrew Michigan ‘03 Julia Mikell Rosalie & Charles Morris Tammie Mosley Ted Muller Amber & Hollis Murray Kathy & Tom Nickler Lannie (Mason) Niemiec ‘67 Tyler O’Connor ‘00 Stephanie & Wendell Pendleton Clementine Drackett & Hunter Philbrick ‘97 Leighton & Pearce Reeve ‘72 Corinne (Stewart) ‘77 & Michael Reeves ‘77 Beverley & Allan Reynolds ‘77 Beth Vantosh-Richards & Kenny Richards Susan & Steve Roberts Christian Schley ‘66 Janette Silverman & Robert Clinton Valerie & Ryan Simeral Caroline & Chris Spencer Caroline (Lewis) Stovall ‘08 Julie & Chris Sywassink Kristen & Khoi Vo Dacy & Efrem Weiss Jean & Wes Wheeler Lisa & Lee Wilkes ‘89 Ellen (Harper) ‘00 & Allen Williams ‘96
DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $500 TO $999 Anonymous (2) Yujin Jung & Seonghyun Ahn Kelsey & Thomas Alexander Kathryn & Kevin Ammar Heejung Shin & Bohyun An
Caitlin & Michael Anckner ‘96 Shepard Ansley Rie & Tony Avino Elise Barton ‘08 Allison & Nathan Belzer Christie & Patrick Bergen Greg Bird ‘98 Stuart Brown ‘84 Rebecca Ervin & Andy Burdick Kate & Niko Caparisos ‘03 Joan & Dave Chalikian Jiae Yun & Min Ho Choi Gloria Cirincione Joseph Conyers ‘99 Joyci & Brian Coulter Callie & Andy Daters Carolyn Donovan Marjorie & Paul Felser Susan (Barragan) Fitzpatrick ‘61 Heidi & Robert Flanders ‘92 Linda Fruin Kathy Glovier Lynn Goodman Mary & Emerson Ham Erin & Jeremy Hammond Andrea & Charles Harris ‘85 Amy & Bryan Hartley Emma Helmken ‘11 Tru (Maddox) Helms ‘67 Jessica & Andy Hoang Judy & Jim Holland Betsy & Scott Howard Susan & Brad Huennekens Susan & Branden Hunter Kevan Jackson ‘84 Jung Roh & Harris Kang Laura Hill (Nash) Keller ‘10 Sukkyung Lee & Heegon Kim Jaieun Chung & Ted Kim
Teri & Skipper Knight Grady Knight ‘77 Mark Konter ‘00 Sara (Ellis) Lehner ‘70 Ingrid & Vasileios Lelos Rachel & Nick Lesher Caroline & Curt Lewis ‘09 Yishu Yu & Yi Lin Tracey (Cannon) ‘88 & Jeremy London Ashley & Tyler Love Olwen (Hahn) Lyon ‘93 Hillary (Baumann) Maclean-Wilks ‘85 Lee & Jerramy McGee Jo & Robert McGuire Cathy & Billy McIntosh Mary Ellen McKee ‘99 Tom McKee ‘02 Billy McKee ‘07 Jeanette & Dave McKittrick Bradley & Michael McLeod Kerri & Johnny Moran Cynthia & Woody Morcott Louise Mulherin ‘84 Christa & Chris Neese Karen & Kurt Oelschig ‘83 Jessica & Jack O’Neill ‘96 Betsy (Watts) ‘98 & Niko Ormond Young Eun & Jungbong Park Caroline Pennington Ann & John Peters Kristin & Chris Peters ‘94 Lesley & Andy Peters Amy (Martin) ‘85 & Ashley Pinckney ‘85 Jane & Paul Pressly Jackie & Jim Repella Allison & Bart Rhodes Lindsey & Bennett Rudder Curry & John Salandi Emilie (Dobbs) Samet ‘90
Judith & Peter Scardino ‘63 Maria Paula (Duque) Shideler ‘00 Chip Sipple ‘05 Nikki & Christopher “Smitty” Smith Kara & Brian Speckhals April Hernandez-Stevens & James Stevens Lea (Reeves) ‘05 & Scott Stevens Kristie & Patrick Straub William Szczecinski ‘14 Lisalan Thai Blaine Twibell Parker Twibell ‘07 Tyler Bosque ‘09 & Brian Twibell ‘09 Wiesje & *Jack van Hulst Kirk Victor ‘71 Diane & Rick Wesley Virginia Whitley ‘11 Janice & Fred Williams Jenny Jaquillard & Nick Witchel Eunkyoung Kim & Kiju Yi Hyeli Park & Jay Yoo
DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $250 TO $499 Anonymous (3) Lindsey & Ryan Abbaszadeh Abby & Akinniran Abisogun Tiffany & Blake Alewine Greg Amick ‘81 Suzanne & Charles Anderson John Atkinson ‘74 Anne Allen Westbrook & Todd Baiad David Barrow ‘90 Elaine & David Barrow ‘65 Lynda Beam Melissa (Allen) ‘97 & TJ Behm Gus Bell 2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 26
Fontaine Bergen ‘12 Nancy & Rich Bergmann Bertice Berry Julia (Holliday) Berry ‘96 Margaret Bishop Suzanne Bogle-Pablo Barrie (Myrick) ‘63 & Jerry Bradley Colleen (Bairas) ‘84 & Rob Brannen Aubrey & Jim Brawner Robin & Lawrence Brody Jennifer (Miller) Bromley ‘98 Nancy Bromley Tyler Bromley Reg Brooks ‘61 Chong & Larry Buffkin Jamie & Scott Burnett Julia & Malcolm Butler ‘76 Debbie & David Carson Erin & Jack Cay Mimi (Daniel) Cay ‘61 Jordan (Neely) ‘96 & Danny Chase Joo Yeon Won & Min Kyu Chung Katie (Burt) Connell ‘97 Pamela Connor Emma & Bernard Conyers Kaye Courington ‘76 Kerri & Brian Culver ‘94 Robbie (Hoffman) ‘64 & Eddie Culver ‘62 David Culverhouse Jen & Kevin Cunning Lisa Danzig ‘76 Ansley (Morrison) Dauenhauer ‘86 Donald Day Julie & Jonathan Day Rachael & Luke Doremus Chris & Mark Douglas Sandra Alzate & Carlos Duque Lynn & Steve Egan Carol (Fulenwider) Elliott ‘68 27 The Savannah Country Day School
Lisle Engle ‘85 Adrianna Bravo & Matt Fitzgerald Marianne & Mills Fleming Casey & Tyler Forbes Heather & Corey Fountain Haley & David Fowler Alice (Lee) ‘69 & Joe Fraser ‘69 Elizabeth DuBose & Mark Frissell Wendy Furey ‘96 Allison Hersh & Kevin Gavin Adelle Burnsed-Geffen & Ted Geffen Lois & Jim Gerstenlauer Cindy & Harvey Gilbert ‘71 Bailee & John Gilbert ‘05 Jim Giles ‘72 Stephanie & Doug Giorgio Jen Glisson Lindsey (Young) ‘01 & Jeffrey Goldberg ‘00 Marc Goodman ‘84 Marla & Alexander Grady Michelle & Albert Grandy Lizzie (Sprague) ‘04 & Blake J. Grimsley Karen & Todd Groce Jeannine & Eric Haas Erin & Stephen Ham ‘91 Debbie & Tom Harper ‘68 Sonja & John Henry Barbara & Maribel Herrera Julia & Lea Holliday Idella & Melvin Hooker Donna Hoppe Beth & Ben Horowicz Lynne & Don Howe Mary & Terry Hubbard Marcia & Clyde Hull Anne (Waters) Jackson ‘00 Carolyn Jenkins Hayden (Shore) ‘92 & Ed Johns
Callie (Glass) Kelly ‘98 John G. Kennedy Foundation, Inc. Clayton & Austin Kennedy ‘82 Joan & Wasil Khan Yina Jung & Young-sup Kim Sunyoun & Kyungduck Kim Kim & Virgil King Nita Ann Knight ‘77 & Chris Klein Kim Knight ‘75 Geri & Bruce Koehler Jeff Kole ‘78 Celia Irvine & Steve Kolman Yoonjin Seo & HyungSeok Kong Emily & Will Kutcher Brenda & Jim Lambert Angela & Jonathan Lanham Beth & Joe Lapinsky Barbara & Rich LaRossa Virginia Chow & Alan Lee Hyojeong Lee & Jaemin Ha Ashley & Grant Lewis Julie & Julian Lewis ‘98 Grace & Dawson Long Jane (Hancock) Long ‘63 Liz (Lientz) ‘96 & Simon Macfadyen Angela & Jeff Mandel Amy & Rob Martin ‘95 Molly & Thomas McGoldrick ‘61 Peggy & Rob McGuirk Judy & Harry Melamed Kevin Miller Patti & Henry Monsees ‘76 Mary & Billy Moretz Courtney & AJ Morton Lynn (Benton) Morgan ‘68 Heather & Rob Myers Suna Lee & Hwaju Na Kary & Colton Neal Blanche Nettles Powers ‘84
Chris Olson ‘78 Karen & Ed Osterman Diipal & Sam Patel Monica (Anderson) Paterra ‘82 Dottie & Anthony Phillips Amy (Krissman) ‘92 & Jonah Pine Robert Pirkle ‘06 Logan & Pete Pollak Josceline & Dennis Reardon Meara & Jay Regan Colleen (Tolle) Regnier ‘93 Matthew Repella ‘94 Barrie Rhodes Claire (Waters) ‘03 & Stephen Rilee Elena Hill & Martin Ruiz Mirazo Meb & Hurley Ryan ‘82 Sarah (Hall) Salem ‘11 Casey & Matthew Schivera Jessica & Amir Shahien Virginia (Lewis) ‘07 & Bobby Shelley ‘07 Hilary & Jim Shipley Mark Silvers ‘05 Florence (Minis) ‘94 & David Slatinsky Jackie & Riley Smith Stephanie & Raiford Smith Erika & Joel Snayd CJ & Chad Sorge Mary Lee & Henry Stevens ‘70 Helen (Reid) Steward ‘59 Beth (Windom) ‘88 & Joe Stewart Deanie & Joey Strength Joan & Elliott Strother Gennie Leigh & John Sumner ‘94 Amanda & Robert Tavormina Ashleigh Madison ‘93 & Matt Terrero Lindsay & Ryon Thompson ‘94 Slade Thorpe ‘02 Linda & Mark Toth
Arin (Zerden) Tritt ‘94 Barbara & Bubba Victor ‘66 Crystal & Mike Vidan Betsy (Miller) ‘01 & Jakob von Trapp Bertie Wallace Dale & Bill Wallace Leslie & Dallas Washburn Bernice (Morris) ‘77 & Ben Watson Kara & John Watson Walker Watson ‘14 Melton (Peters) Weekley ‘81 Caroline (Holland) Weimar ‘03 Mandi & Jason Wells ‘88 Alex & Bradford Wilborn Alan Williams ‘71 Connie & Dick Williams ‘61 Tricia & Herb Windom Marsha & Gary Woelber Israel Wojnowich ‘02 Denise & Jason Zhou Laura Zipperer ‘77 Linda & Michael Zoller
DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $100 TO $249 Anonymous (6) Tamara Abdeljabbar & Issa Abdallah Joseph Alaimo ‘98 Don Alexander ‘85 Thomas Amburgey ‘05 Rebecca & Gene Anderson Lindsay & Will Arnold Sara & Peter Askew Elizabeth Austin ‘08 Carol & Jim Austin Hank Bahr ‘67 Kate & Marc Bailey ‘90 Jack Baker ‘07
Melissa & Bobby Banks Ellen (West) ‘90 & Andrew Barber Janet & Charlie Barrow ‘69 Marti & George Barrow ‘96 Cathy (Crawford) ‘96 & Ben Baxter Chris Beckmann ‘79 Joey Bell ‘97 Cari (Feiler) Bender ‘86 Katherine & Jefferson Bennett Ginger & Ted Benton ‘61 Sarah & Blake Berg Fred Bergen ‘10 Lila Black-Berlon ‘86 & JP Berlon Ellen & Ken Betuker Laura (Worley) Bieze ‘88 Shelley Borg Fay (Gibson) Boswell ‘08 Debbie Bowen Meg (Doolan) ‘80 & Dana Braun Jenny Britt Bess (Butler) Brunson ‘11 Martha & William Buchanan Christina (Bowden) Burgess ‘98 Emmy Pointer & Dave Burkoff Leisha & Bradley Burnett Laurie (Josey) Butler ‘75 Morgan (Roberts) ‘09 & Maclain Caldwell Sophia & Fr. John Caparisos Liz Godfrey-Cargile ‘94 & Jack Cargile Ginna & Doug Carroll Barrett Carter ‘05 Laura & Carlos Celaya Lisa (Wald) ‘87 & Frank Chappell ‘84 Becky Cheatham Shinhye Kim & Byungseok Choi Ellie (Cornish) Chu ‘91 Jan (Peterson) Coffee ‘72 Danny Cohen
Mary & Tommy Coleman Joyce & Pearce Connerat Elaine & Bob Connor Kelcee Connor ‘07 Betsy (Cowart) Conroy ‘02 Kenny Conroy Sam Cook ‘89 Travis Cook ‘07 Carrie & Brant Cooper Catherine Cooper ‘04 Catherine (Martin) ‘73 & Chuck Cooper Hillary (Faulk) ‘95 & Bauer Coslick Connie & Fred Coupal Alana & Mike Cox Amy & Dylan Cox Dorothea (Summerell) Coy ‘72 Barry Crawford ‘59 Robert Crea Marcia & William Crosland David Crowley ‘98 Brandy & Eric Davenport Mary (McIntire) Davenport ‘85 Anna & Arch Davis Grier (Gardner) de Laureal ‘05 Andrew Dekle ‘03 Suni & DJ Desai Melissa & Matt Dickerson Jade (Aaron) ‘03 & Blair Dietz Jimmy Dothard ‘83 Griff Doyle ‘71 Rita Chabot & Charles Drake Rekha & Joseph Drwiega Natalie (Cortes) Duncan ‘05 Ashley & Donavan Eason Christy & Rich Edwards Doug Ellis ‘67 Maryam Kaveh & Ali Farjam Maria Federowicz Andy Feiler ‘80
Patricia Sanchez & Ricardo Fernandez Suzy & Doug Fleming Julie Franklin Neil Gabbey Sara & Keith Garrett Meg Haston & David Gehler Meredith & Jamie Giello Ann (Sowell) ‘68 & Fenn Giles ‘68 Peggy Gilpin Rick Gilpin Anne & Ron Ginsberg Jessica & Andrew Ginsberg ‘97 John Glenn ‘11 Adeline (Seyle) ‘94 & Mark Glidewell Mary Ann & George Godfrey Holly & Jonathan Goldstein Mac Gordon ‘75 Pavel Gorelik ‘98 Laura (Quattlebaum) Gower ‘92 Katie & Lee Griffith Abby Grozine Prussack ‘03 John Grozine ‘00 Gay Gunter & William Runge Sally & Gerardo Gutierrez Rae & Lee Haggist Jenifer Hall Ruth Hallman Heather & Brad Harmon Katrin Haskell Mary (McNaughton) ‘92 & Mark Haskins Karen & Jay Hearn Myrtle Heery ‘64 Patti & John Heilig Jen Herman Kari & Mark Herrin Amy Hertz ‘79 John Hewson ‘85 Michelle (Haysman) ‘89 & Kevin Heyman 2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 28
I have loved the children at SCDS from the moment I stepped onto our beautiful campus in 1983. We have such a unique population of children from diverse backgrounds. I am always amazed by their ideas and different perspectives; yet, somehow they come together and make one community. They respect each other’s thoughts and ideas, and they support one another as they grow and change.
I am reminded here of our school motto, “Service through knowledge and character,” and of that line from our mission statement about “serving others with a generous and compassionate spirit.” We try to teach our students that helping others and making personal contributions make our community better for everyone. Philanthropy is an important aspect of that goal, and in the classroom we should emphasize generosity whenever we can. Making good citizens requires more than academics; service projects and charitable giving remind us that helping others is a significant part of what we aim to do at SCDS.
And speaking of growth and change, I am deeply grateful to the many colleagues and administrators throughout my tenure here who helped me to become a more effective educator. I feel especially indebted to Paul Pressly, Dorothy Jenkins, Anne Sellers, Dottie Mitchell, Catherine Fagin, and others who—in my first few years—set the bar high and demonstrated the “Country Day way” each and every day. Christine Garten taught me so much about different learning styles and the importance of a well-planned curriculum. Under the leadership of Kef Wilson and Christina Aaron, we are carrying on our school’s proud tradition every day. I wouldn’t want to teach anywhere else! WHY IS FACULTY/STAFF ANNUAL FUND PARTICIPATION SO IMPORTANT? WHAT DOES IT SIGNIFY? Faculty participation signifies their sense of being part of a team that works at every age and level of student development to fulfill our collective goal of nurturing well-rounded, compassionate, and creative human beings. It represents an investment in the children as well as a realistic understanding that our program requires resources—personnel and material—that have growing costs.
Magdaline Sideris, faculty member and parent of Andoni Sideris ‘15
29 The Savannah Country Day School
Rana & Chuck Hildebrandt Jan & Fitz Hiltzheimer Catherine (Jones) Holden ‘81 Shannon & Thomas Hollis Brooke & David Hooker Lydia Itoi ‘86 Ellis Izlar ‘07 Capri Rosenberg & Tim Jackson Melanie & Zach Johannesen Amber & Drew Johnson Jami Johnson Kayla & Clay Johnson Ellen & Barry Judelson Jane Kahn Garrett & Ross Kaminsky Lisa (Silvers) Kaminsky ‘88 Amy & Bill Keaton Vanessa Keener Elizabeth & Michael Kehoe Cindy (Saunders) Kemp ‘72 Mira & John Kimball Vicki Kirkland Jordan & Robert Kiser Sally (McMillan) Klein ‘87 Emily Knopf ‘11 Alicia & Michael Koehler James Labrot ‘06 Elizabeth (Wasden) Lampton ‘96 Stephen Lange ‘85 Mary Louise Lanier ‘64 Matthew Lapinsky Amelia (Eichholz) Larsen ‘07 Ann Lawson John Leffler ‘68 Max Lemaigre ‘07 Tara (Greene) Levengood ‘90 Beth Levin ‘98 Erika Lewis ‘14 Sandy & Bob London
Caroline Long ‘08 Julie (Donaldson) ‘79 & B.J. Lowenthal Debbie & John MacLeod Emily (Daniell) Magruder ‘85 Jim Marshall ‘98 Beecher Mathes Priscilla & Mike Maxwell Caroline (Coakley) ‘02 & Corey McDermott Barbara & John McGinty Lawrence McGoldrick ‘74 Lauren (Kirkland) ‘01 & Jake McMillan Jane & John Mikell ‘02 Stekki (Mazo) Millman ‘05 Margaret (Davis) ‘62 & Bobby Minis ‘61 Crissy & Shep Mondy Sarah & Joe Monroe ‘06 Middi (Hagan) Moore ‘96 Billy Morrison Ann Yingling & Chuck Morrow Judith & David Mullens Lauren Chase & Keith Muller Julie (Williams) Murphy ‘78 Carolyn & John Neely Barbara (Frankenfield) Neill ‘64 Cheryl & John Neison Megan Nelson Sally Nettles ‘78 Phillis & Herb Newman Mary & Ron Newton Margaret & John Northup ‘92 Debra & Preston Oberholzer Piper & Trey Ochsner ‘05 Carol & Pat O’Connor Christy & Neil Odom Frost (Bush) Osborne ‘91 Mary & Ron Osterloh Nancy & Jules Paderewski Carolyn (Rudd) Pait ‘73
Lamar Barton ‘03 & Jason Pandeloglou Karen & Jim Pannell Sally & Ben Perkins Terri & Chriss Perkins Barbara Perry Hannah Perry Kimberly & Chris Phillips Mandy & Nathan Phillips Patricia & Dick Pillsbury Laura & Bob Pirkle Irina & Jacob Polansky Stephanie Portman ‘90 Kathryn (Groover) Pross ‘09 DJ Queenan Kendall (Gardner) ‘05 & Joe Ratterree ‘02 Elizabeth (Martin) Richards ‘97 Brittany (Kolat) Richardson ‘03 Amy & David Rizik Allisen & Grant Rogers Alane Rollings ‘67 Pam Rollings Michael Romano Cabell (Marshall) Romer ‘67 Francesca Pedemonti & Jason Roswig Cinny & Bruce Roy Degi (Stein) ‘92 & Jesse Ruben Margaret (McCullough) Russell ‘82 Hurley Ryan ‘17 Jack Ryan ‘19 Dolly Chisholm ‘77 & Graham Sadler Lauren (Foster) Sather ‘97 *Charlene Saunders Elizabeth (Helmken) Schubert ‘65 Jennifer & Chris Semones Michael Serby ‘61 Ann (Wessels) ‘64 & Chuck Seyle Laurette (Speir) Shaw ‘79 Sally (Parker) ‘10 & Matthew Shay Chris Shoffner ‘85
Ginger & Claude Shore Susan (Kramer) Short ‘89 Svetlana Shterjova & Mishko Shterjov Magdaline & Tommy Sideris John Skeadas ‘09 Tara & Nathan Skinner Beverly (Bland) Sligh ‘83 Bonnie (Bland) Spacek ‘86 Liz Sprague Laughton Stanley ‘94 Leza (Shore) ‘03 & Greg Stein Caroline (Inglesby) ‘96 & Dean Stephens ‘93 Courtland & Dana Stevens ‘99 Alice Steyaart Kate Newell & David Stivers Andrea & Ben Stolba Andrea Su ‘84 Lisa Team Emilie (Miller) Templeton ‘92 Reb Thomas ‘75 Dale (Gabriel) Thorpe ‘59 Francie (McMath) Todd ‘05 Ben Tuten ‘14 Bradleigh & Peter Uthe Paige Van Wirt ‘85 Diane (Morgan) Viall ‘64 Colleen & Nick Vlahos Jennye & Jake Wallace Arlene & Royden Watson Benjamin Watson ‘09 Mary & Christopher Weidig Padhi Ismael-Weiland & Mick Weiland Ruth (Bowyer) ‘93 & Brian Weimar Joe Wells ‘64 Kate Grinalds & Josh Wiesner Qiana & Eric Williams Sue Wing ‘62 Krista (Gerstenlauer) ‘00 & Jordan Wolk 2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 30
Gail & Bob Woods Anne (Carson) Wray ‘59 Michael Wright ‘76 Margaret (Bowden) ‘65 & John Wylly ‘59 Glenice & Hosea Wynn Svetla & Georgi Yankov Lane (Morgan) Yates ‘03 Ryan Yeckley ‘98 Mary Yeomans Carol Cai & Johnny Zhao
DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $1 TO $99 Anonymous (24) Donna (Ratchford) Adamson ‘75 Lee Adler ‘07 Courtney & Nick Aliotta Kayla & Scott Amick Lucy & Marvin Amick Zoe Aminkhoee Jewell Anderson Kate (Sadler) Andrews ‘09 Akhil Anumolu ‘07 Joanna Walchuk & Arnold Aprea Frank Arden ‘05 Kay (Saffold) Arnold ‘63 Barbara Aronson Kalee & Kevin Arpin Bob Bahr ‘61 Terri Barfield Mary & Rick Barron Debbie (Reeve) Barton ‘75 Janis Barton Tyler Beauchamp ‘15 Leigh (Small) ‘88 & Robin Beauchamp Cresilda Beers Katherine (Monsees) Bennett ‘09 31 The Savannah Country Day School
Dawn Berger Polly Berman ‘16 Inessa Korovyakovskaya & Shahjahan Bhuiyan Nancy Bing Arabella (Hadwin) Bisciotti ‘08 Jessica Bishop ‘11 Ashtin & Joey Blackmore Paul Blincoe ‘07 Sara & Jorge Bocanegra Kirsten Bogle ‘22 Maria (Anderson) Booth ‘99 Greg Bowden Emily (Winburn) Bowron ‘78 Sally (Altman) ‘77 & John Bradshaw Talia & Abderaman Brahim Ashley (Moore) ‘08 & Owen Brennan ‘08 Daniel Brody ‘05 Louis Brody ‘11 Kieran Brookes Karen Brown Michael Buhlmann Jeanette Burdette Natalie Butler ‘07 Kerem Caglayan ‘14 Chris Campos ‘05 Andy Caparisos ‘01 Kika Caparisos ‘05 Alyssa Casciotta Dorinda Chait Lloyd (Pember) Childs ‘07 Maria Elena Camozzi & Juan Chiozza Jane Eliza Chisholm ‘11 Kip Chisholm ‘07 Lindsey Chudley Mimi & Jeff Clark James Cleveland John Coakley ‘05 Connor Cohen ‘21
Julie ‘02 & Adam Cohen Kelsey Collins Lauren (Medinger) Cone ‘07 Heather & Bernie Conyers ‘93 Melissa Cook Paige (Carson) ‘91 & Chris Cook Aynsley (McWhorter) Corbett ‘94 Dottie Courington ‘68 Sarah Craig April Crawford Melissa & Tommy Crenshaw Barbara (Craighead) Crotzer ‘72 Stephen Crouch ‘14 Stephanie Crouch Corey Crunk Karen & Rob Curran Maji (Chien) Daines ‘05 Anne Daly-Gallagher Sean Dane-Kellogg ‘07 Catherine (Glenn) ‘04 & Peter Daniel ‘02 Maureen (Gale) ‘89 & Richard Danzig ‘84 Betsy Davis ‘97 Jane (Hagan) Davis ‘07 Sierra Davis Blake Degenhart ‘07 Eddie Dillon ‘94 Lilly (Sprague) ‘02 & Louis Dixon Gwen Dobas Carrie (Barfield) Donaldson ‘05 Catherine Donovan ‘96 Fowler Doty Sara Doyle Joe Duffy ‘05 Blake Durham ‘07 Nell Durland Jesse Duthu Daniel Eichholz Gillian Abineri & Dave Elliott
Candice (Aaron) ‘07 & Jarred English Blaine Ewing Edward Eyth Jennifer Eyth Susan (Train) Fearon ‘65 Beth (Seyle) Fenton ‘91 Katrina Feyerherm Matt Finley ‘03 Alex Fleming ‘14 Emily & Peter Foley Chris Fort ‘96 Liz Fort ‘02 Brooke Fortson ‘01 Clark French ‘07 Julie Gaffney Holly (Suthers) Gainer ‘07 Judy & Don Gale Tomoko Negishi & Tom Gensheimer Sally Anne (Martin) Giles ‘98 Crystal Gire Tina & Kevin Goldberg AJ Goldman Christine Hefner & Mike Gonzalez Robert Goodgame ‘05 Natalie Goodman ‘14 Blaine (Westerfield) ‘95 & Jacob Goodwin ‘98 Sarah & Joel Gordon Amanda (Feldman) Gorodeski ‘97 Patrick Grace ‘05 Merritt Graves Michelle & Bruce Greene ‘87 Caroline Groover ‘12 Margaret (Austin) Gross ‘11 Hank Groves Matt Haddad Caroline (Baker) Haddow ‘03 Susan Hagan Walter Hagan ‘98
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 32
Rob Haile ‘99 Brooke (Bradley) ‘09 & Stuart Halpern Kim Hardage Andrew Hardigan ‘05 Trevor Hardigan ‘05 Lindsey (Nash) Hardy ‘96 Amelia (Searcy) Harper ‘94 Barbara Harris Elise Harris Peggy & Stanley Harris Josiah Hatch Kimbrough (Murray) Haverstock ‘98 Jennifer (Burns) Hayden ‘94 Mason Heiges ‘17 Lindsey & Adam Herndon Corey Heyward Caroline (Walker) ‘61 & Ed Hill Annie Hines Lucy (McIntire) ‘68 & William Hitch Alison Hoffman ‘68 Jennifer & Tim Hogenboom Becky Hoopes Michelle Dumais & David Hoopes Jenn Hoover Carrington Woods & Glen Howard Linda Howard Brandon Howie ‘14 Christopher Howie ‘07 Monica Baussan & Sam Hubbard Judy (Reagan) Huckaby ‘68 Alyse Hudson Blake Huennekens ‘21 Mitch Huennekens ‘19 Meghan Hughes Hamish Huntly Nora & Willie Ivey Caroline Jackson ‘14 Mary Lyman Jackson Sara Lucia Jahannes ‘05 33 The Savannah Country Day School
Tigust James Zoe & Chris Jenkins Katie (Ratterree) Johnson ‘07 Scott Joiner Amy Jones ‘08 Cristy & Albert Jones Elana (Passink) Jones ‘96 Hannah Jones Kristin (Culver) Jones ‘97 Holly Kalbach Fran & Myron Kaminsky Peter Karp ‘85 Sarah & Marcus Kenney Matthew Kenreich ‘07 Sonya King-Smothers John Kingston ‘03 Andrew Kirk ‘05 GeeGee & Lamar Kirkley John Knopf ‘05 Jason Kornblatt ‘07 Sarah (Greenberg) ‘88 & Seth Kovensky Marsha Krantz Laura & Zachary Kyser Nivan Lakshman ‘15 Dana Landrum Cathy & Steve Lange Terrance Latture Brooke Laursen Caroll Lee Shannon Lee Joe Lewis ‘11 Kathleen (Brewin) Lewis ‘71 Corinne Livingston ‘05 Meta Adler ‘03 & Clarkson Logan Emily Long ‘05 Shayna & Joshua Lotz Peggy Lucius Chris Maddox ‘07 Oliver Maloney ‘11
Debra & Paul Mamalakis Mary Mamalakis ‘05 Carmen Mandel ‘22 Jay Markwalter ‘92 Nan & Gene Marshall ‘61 Kay & Bud Martin Lisa & Jay McCaslin Ebony McGirt Kevin McGoldrick ‘67 Molly McGoldrick ‘85 Monica McGoldrick Stephen McGoldrick ‘63 Linda McKittrick Marla McLendon Lindsay & Colin McRae ‘91 Melanie McRae Comer Meadows Jessie Melamed Karli (Zuckerman) Meredith ‘07 Dana (Collins) ‘90 & Kelly Meyer Ozzie Mikell ‘64 DeAshley Miller Rodney Miller Becky & Charlie Milmine Abby (Beck) Mitchell ‘96 Jessica Bass & James Mitchell Anne (Dekle) Moffett ‘60 Charlotte Moffett ‘17 Misa & John Mohring Ragan Morehouse & Emile Labuschagne Gus Morgan ‘07 Paul Mosley ‘21 Lauren (Miller) Mouchet ‘07 Susan & Marc Moyer Al Mullis ‘59 Kristin Mulzer Carolyn (Lynch) Munson ‘83 Betsy (Kingston) ‘01 & Trey Myers Susan (Riley) Myers ‘61
Melissa & Jeff Neil Leah Nestor Robin Newman Lollie (Sheehan) Niemeyer ‘90 Hagan & Matt Ochsner ‘07 Tate O’Connor ‘11 Brian Okumu Olivia Oliver-Floyd Beckett Olmstead ‘68 Mary Crane Orne Nebolisa Ozobia ‘14 Allison Palmisano ‘05 Meredith & Brian Pando Jennifer (Spencer) ‘88 & Doug Pankey Lauren & Andrew Papoy Maya Patterson ‘15 Katie Patton Megan Peacock Kelly & Walker Pendarvis Simona Perry ‘90 Sinead Peters Laura & Patrick Picone Ash Pinckney ‘19 Grace Archer Pinckney ‘17 Jennifer Pirkle ‘16 Rebecca & Chris Player Lisa Plickebaum Renee Ponder Nicole (Howie) Poulin ‘05 Caroline (Cay) Powell ‘57 Laura Lynne & Rory Powers Kitty (Comer) Proenza ‘61 Sara (Bromley) Pulliam ‘10 Julian Quattlebaum ‘68 Amy (Henderson) Quinby ‘94 Melissa Redner Callie Rees Kristen & McNab Reeves ‘07 Michael Reeves ‘05
Hannah Reyes Gloria Rigsbee Hannah & Shawn Ringer Starr & Scot Ritchie Stephanie Pinel Robbe & Mauro Robbe Christian Robertson ‘07 Emily Roher ‘17 Sharon & Joe Rothrock Jessica & Abbott Roy Coleman Rozier Halle Rubnitz ‘07 Tish Rumsey ‘70 Becca & Chris Rushin Betsy & Brad Sampey Jennifer Sams Laura Santander Miranda & Todd Sapere Stephanie Saxton ‘08 Keri (Daniel) Schewel ‘05 Lisa (Berens) Scott ‘85 Sarah Domet Seal & Robert Seal Christie & Scott Sellers Michaela Shank Alyssa & Biko Sheperd Anna & Keenan Sheridan Jim Allen Shuman ‘07 Jean (Wright) Sitkei ‘92 Megan Slatkovsky Ivory Sparks ‘10 Amber & Micah Spiegel Krystal Stark & Niko Seabrook William Stewart ‘10 Ethan Strother ‘19 Meredith Hilleary & Anand Suthar Daniel Suthers ‘09 Paula Swart & Jeff Hamilton Nadine Swartz Peter Talsness ‘19 Mac Tamminen
Caleb Tanner Laura Taylor ‘22 Linda Taylor Molly & Geoffrey Taylor Beckie & Steven Templeton Kate Templeton ‘17 Ann Teply Kim & Malcolm Thomas Penny (Espy) Tillman ‘56 Rachel & Zac Tilson Anne (Howard) Tipton ‘83 Billy John Toussaint Andrea & Mike Towe Julia (Martin) Train ‘70 Mary (Marshall) Trice ‘98 Jenna Tuccio Jane Mansel & Adam Tuckey Lindsey & David Turner Carrie Stubbs-Vetrovsky & Sean Vetrovsky Mac Viers ‘10 Taylor Viers ‘08 Jaime (Moore) Wall ‘94 Alison & Timothy Walmsley Clare & Ben Ward Nate Ward Karen & Ron Washburn Anna (Costrini) Weaver ‘05 Heidi Bindhammer & Adam Weber Lesley Broadnex & Carlos Weekes Donald Weldon Sandy (Nelson) Wells ‘61 Weston (Jones) White ‘05 Brian Wiederhold ‘05 Nadia Pidgeon & Andy Wiley Amberly Wilkes Mitch Wilkes ‘69 Ann Williams Franklin Williams ‘61
Morgan Williams ‘94 Woodie Williams ‘14 Vondean & Wayne Williams Taylor (Edgar) Williamson ‘09 Alison Wilson Dottie Winn Kathy Wood Elizabeth Woods ‘11 Sarah & Jason Woods Brooks (Livingston) ‘70 & Paul Worley Emily (Rauers) Worsley ‘05 Ariane & Brenton Wright Matthew Zerden ‘97 Holly Zipperer ‘87 Melanie Zrostlik
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 34
35 The Savannah Country Day School
Message from T H E F U ND F O R C O U NTRY D AY C H A I R S We thank the many parents and benefactors who generously donated to the 2022-23 Annual Fund, allowing us to exceed our goal of $725,000. Thanks to donors like you, our students have access to first-class teaching and facilities to prepare them for success later in life. All three of our daughters were “lifers,” attending Country Day from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade, and since our youngest graduated earlier this summer, this will be the first time in many years that we will not have a child at SCDS. Having decades of experience at Country Day, we can tell you that the School’s motto Usus Per Scientiam Moresque (Service through Knowledge and Character) is more than just a saying, it’s a way of life. We are forever grateful for all that the school has done for our family. As we conclude our time as Country Day parents, we hope and pray that you and yours will have a similar, wonderful experience. Donna and Richard Schulze ‘80 Chairs, The Fund for Country Day Parents of Elizabeth (Austin) Gross ‘08, Margaret Austin ‘11, and Sarah Jane Schulze ‘23
A M Y ( K R I S S M A N ) P I N E ‘9 2
A R D E N ( W I L S O N ) B A RT L E T T ‘ 98
L I Z ( L I E N T Z ) M AC FA D Y E N ‘ 9 6
E L L E N ( H A R PE R ) W I L L I A M S ‘0 0
C A RO L I N E ( C OA K L E Y ) M C D E R M OT T ‘ 0 2
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 36
Alumni ASSOCIATION One of Country Day’s greatest assets is its vibrant and loyal alumni community, now more than 3,000 strong. The Alumni Association works to create and enhance relationships among Hornet alumni, maintain connections to the School, and build a lifelong community.
37 The Savannah Country Day School
Message from the BOARD OF ALUMNI PRESIDENT Dear Alumni: It has been my honor to serve in the role of Board of Alumni President for the past two years. I am proud of our accomplishments and credit our extraordinary Alumni Association and Board of Alumni leadership.
BO A RD O F A L U MN I J U L I A N L E W I S ‘9 8 President S T E FA N I E ( D A S H E R ) M C C U L LO U G H ‘0 7 President-Elect J O H N N O RT H U P ‘9 2 Past President J O E Y B E L L ‘9 7 LO U I S B RO D Y ‘1 1
Thanks to the generosity of our alumni community, The Fund for Country Day was a success, and over 1,000 current students benefited. The March Madness alumni giving campaign had another record-breaking year, led by an unprecedented 78 alumni volunteers, including 19 Alumni Board members. Alumni rallied a groundbreaking 347 gifts, including 67 first-time alumni gifts, totaling $56,427. Congratulations to the Class of 2005 on their victory, with 65.2% of their class making a gift to The Fund, and to the Class of 1968 on their tremendous achievement, with 61.8% of their classmates participating. Overall, the School is the unrivaled winner, and to those who contributed a heartfelt thank you!
B E S S ( B U T L E R ) B RU N S O N ‘1 1
This past year also saw a renewed effort to reconnect across the country. In addition to local events in Savannah, alumni gathered in Nashville, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., Charlotte, and New York City. Thank you to Kathryn (Tatum) Saunders ‘92, Lisa (Harlander) Lemke ‘93, Katy (Harman) Moser ‘95, Jane (Victor) ‘78 & Carl Showalter ‘78, and Matt Ervin ‘87 for appreciating the importance of staying connected to the school and each other and generously hosting over 65 fellow Hornets at these regional alumni events.
RO B M A RT I N ‘9 5
I am sincerely grateful to my fellow alumni for their generosity and dedication to our alma mater. Sincerely, Julian A. T. Lewis ’98 President, Board of Alumni Parent of Allen ‘32, Robert ‘33, and Reynolds ‘33
D O U G D E WA LT ‘8 9 J A D E ( A A RO N ) D I E T Z ‘0 3 B RO O K E F O RT S O N ‘0 1 S E T H G O O D M A N ‘9 0 A M A N D A B Y C K ‘9 6 J O H N K I N G S TO N ‘0 3 C A RO L I N E LO N G ‘0 8
S I M O N A PE R RY ‘90 A S H L E Y P I N C K N E Y ‘8 5 K AT H RY N ( G RO OV E R ) P RO S S ‘0 9 M C N A B R E E V E S ‘0 7 D A N A S T E V E N S ‘9 9 B E T H ( W I N D O M ) S T E WA RT ‘8 8
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 38
Alumni GIVING Hornet Alumni and Class Associates are part of the Savannah Country Day community for life. Their involvement and support are an essential part of the School’s culture of philanthropy and are critical in helping Country Day accomplish its mission.
THE PAPE SC HOOL Debbie (Sieg) Bowen Comer (Varnedoe) Meadows Patty (Inglesby) Thomas CLASS OF 1956 PAR TICIPATION: 25% Penny (Espy) Tillman CLASS OF 1957 PAR TICIPATION: 10% Caroline (Cay) Powell CLASS OF 1958 PAR TICIPATION: 8% Kit Hammond CLASS OF 1959 PAR TICIPATION: 25% Barry Crawford Al Mullis Helen (Reid) Steward Dale (Gabriel) Thorpe Anne (Carson) Wray John Wylly CLASS OF 1960 PAR TICIPATION: 8% Randy Booker Anne (Dekle) Moffett 39 The Savannah Country Day School
CLASS OF 1961 PAR TICIPATION: 50% Bob Bahr Ted Benton Reg Brooks Mimi (Daniel) Cay Susan (Barragan) Fitzpatrick Caroline (Walker) Hill Gene Marshall Thomas McGoldrick Bobby Minis Susan (Riley) Myers Kitty (Comer) Proenza Michael Serby Sandy (Nelson) Wells Dick Williams Franklin Williams
CLASS OF 1962 PAR TICIPATION: 20% Eddie Culver Blaine Ewing Ned Gay Margaret (Davis) Minis Alice (Lippitt) Steyaart Sue Wing CLASS OF 1963 PAR TICIPATION: 28% Kay (Saffold) Arnold Barrie (Myrick) Bradley John Cay Jane (Hancock) Long Stephen McGoldrick Lane Morrison Peter Scardino
CLASS OF 1964 PAR TICIPATION: 25% Robbie (Hoffman) Culver Lamar Davis Myrtle Heery Mary Louise Lanier Ozzie Mikell Bud Mingledorff Barbara (Frankenfield) Neill Ann (Wessels) Seyle Diane (Morgan) Viall Joe Wells CLASS OF 1965 PAR TICIPATION: 20% David Barrow David Carson
Renee (Portman) Dunn Susan (Train) Fearon Margie Livingston Becky (Wheeler) Milmine Elizabeth (Helmken) Schubert Margaret (Bowden) Wylly CLASS OF 1966 PAR TICIPATION: 16% Jeff Bolch Rob Demere Skipper Knight Marion (Rauers) Reid Christian Schley Bubba Victor CLASS OF 1967 PAR TICIPATION: 17% Hank Bahr Doug Ellis Tru (Maddox) Helms Nancy Lewis Kevin McGoldrick Lannie (Mason) Niemiec Debbe (Triol) Perry Alane Rollings Cabell (Marshall) Romer CLASS OF 1968 PAR TICIPATION: 62% Anonymous (3) Dottie Courington Carol (Fulenwider) Elliott Ann (Sowell) Giles Fenn Giles Tom Harper Josiah Hatch Lucy (McIntire) Hitch Alison Hoffman
Judy (Reagan) Huckaby Myron Kaminsky John Leffler Rodney Miller Lynn (Benton) Morgan Beckett Olmstead Julian Quattlebaum Tom Skipper Kathy (Calhoun) Wood CLASS OF 1969 PAR TICIPATION: 17% Anonymous Charlie Barrow Jean (Schley) Campbell Alice (Lee) Fraser Joe Fraser Monica McGoldrick Sarah Jane (Phillips) Sumer Mitch Wilkes CLASS OF 1970 PAR TICIPATION: 18% Sara (Ellis) Lehner Curtis Lewis Billy Morrison Bobby Reagan Tish Rumsey Henry Stevens Julia (Martin) Train Brooks (Livingston) Worley CLASS OF 1971 PAR TICIPATION: 19% Griff Doyle Harvey Gilbert Kathleen (Brewin) Lewis Walter Lewis Beecher Mathes
Kirk Victor Alan Williams CLASS OF 1972 PAR TICIPATION: 17% Jan (Peterson) Coffee Dorothea (Summerell) Coy Barbara (Craighead) Crotzer Jim Giles Susan Hungerpiller Cindy (Saunders) Kemp Pearce Reeve Pam Rollings Jon Sprague CLASS OF 1973 PAR TICIPATION: 8% Chip Compton Catherine (Martin) Cooper Wistar Lewis Carolyn (Rudd) Pait CLASS OF 1974 PAR TICIPATION: 6% John Atkinson Jimmy Hungerpiller Lawrence McGoldrick Cathy (Edel) Solomons CLASS OF 1975 PAR TICIPATION: 15% Donna (Ratchford) Adamson Debbie (Reeve) Barton Laurie (Josey) Butler Mac Gordon Mary Lyman (Scott) Jackson Kim Knight Scott Lewis Billy Shuman Reb Thomas
CLASS OF 1976 PAR TICIPATION: 15% Malcolm Butler Kaye Courington Dale Critz Lisa Danzig Henry Monsees Beverley (Cann) Reynolds Chris Saunders Ethelyn Simpson Michael Wright CLASS OF 1977 PAR TICIPATION: 19% Sally (Altman) Bradshaw Dolly Chisholm Connie (Kennedy) Darbyshire Nita Ann Knight Klein Grady Knight Caroline (Ellis) Pennington Corinne (Stewart) Reeves Michael Reeves Allan Reynolds Wiley Wasden Bernice (Morris) Watson Laura Zipperer CLASS OF 1978 PAR TICIPATION: 14% Emily (Winburn) Bowron Steve Chick Jeff Kole Julie (Williams) Murphy Sally Nettles Chris Olson Carl Showalter Jane (Victor) Showalter
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 40
CLASS OF 1979 PAR TICIPATION: 14% Anonymous Chris Beckmann Fred Bergen Amy Hertz John Kennedy Danny Klugman Todd Lanier Julie (Donaldson) Lowenthal Laurette (Speir) Shaw CLASS OF 1980 PAR TICIPATION: 13% Anonymous Meg (Doolan) Braun David Cheng Andy Feiler Dawson Long Neal Morrison Richard Schulze Louise (Howard) Williamson CLASS OF 1981 PAR TICIPATION: 10% Greg Amick Robert Cavitt Lolly (Jelks) Crawford Nina (Tracy) Gompels Catherine (Jones) Holden Melton (Peters) Weekley CLASS OF 1982 PAR TICIPATION: 9% Teresa Ashman Austin Kennedy Monica (Anderson) Paterra Margaret (McCullough) Russell Hurley Ryan 41 The Savannah Country Day School
CLASS OF 1983 PAR TICIPATION: 13% Jim Austin Malinda (Bradley) Bergen Kelly Bouchillon Jimmy Dothard Carolyn (Lynch) Munson Kurt Oelschig Beverly (Bland) Sligh Anne (Howard) Tipton CLASS OF 1984 PAR TICIPATION: 21% Anonymous (2) Colleen (Bairas) Brannen Stuart Brown Frank Chappell Richard Danzig Marc Goodman Kevan Jackson Louise Mulherin Blanche Nettles Powers Mary (Gilbreath) Pope Andrea Su Jane (Vaden) Thacher CLASS OF 1985 PAR TICIPATION: 31% Don Alexander Mary (McIntire) Davenport Laurence Dunn Mark Dye Lisle Engle Matt Haddad Charles Harris John Hewson Peter Karp Stephen Lange Hillary (Baumann) Maclean-Wilks
Emily (Daniell) Magruder Jay McCaslin Molly McGoldrick Amy (Martin) Pinckney Ashley Pinckney Lisa (Berens) Scott Chris Shoffner Joe T. Stubbs Paige Van Wirt CLASS OF 1986 PAR TICIPATION: 11% Jay Andrews Cari (Feiler) Bender Lila Black-Berlon Ansley (Morrison) Dauenhauer Amy (Parr) Henneman Lydia Itoi Bonnie (Bland) Spacek CLASS OF 1987 PAR TICIPATION: 21% Anonymous (2) Lisa (Wald) Chappell Reed Dulany Matt Ervin Trip Franklin Jay Goldstein Joel Goodman Bruce Greene Bill Jennings David Kelly Sally (McMillan) Klein Tim McLanahan Frank Peeples Holly Zipperer
CLASS OF 1988 PAR TICIPATION: 13% Leigh (Small) Beauchamp Laura (Worley) Bieze Lisa (Silvers) Kaminsky Sarah (Greenberg) Kovensky Tracey (Cannon) London Jennifer (Spencer) Pankey Beth (Windom) Stewart Denton Stone Jason Wells CLASS OF 1989 PAR TICIPATION: 10% Margaret (Marshall) Bishop Sam Cook Maureen (Gale) Danzig Liz (Gold) Glass Michelle (Haysman) Heyman Susan (Kramer) Short Lee Wilkes CLASS OF 1990 PAR TICIPATION: 23% Marc Bailey Ellen (West) Barber David Barrow Holmes Bell Dan Bradley Jack Cay Alex Fox Hartford Gongaware Seth Goodman Tara (Greene) Levengood Dana (Collins) Meyer Lollie (Sheehan) Niemeyer Simona Perry Stephanie Portman Emilie (Dobbs) Samet Ashley (Sparks) Stamoulis
CLASS OF 1991 PAR TICIPATION: 11% Ellie (Cornish) Chu Paige (Carson) Cook Beth (Seyle) Fenton Stephen Ham Adam Kaminsky Colin McRae Frost (Bush) Osborne CLASS OF 1992 PAR TICIPATION: 22% Christopher Cay Meredith (Repella) Dulany Robert Flanders Laura (Quattlebaum) Gower Mary (McNaughton) Haskins Hayden (Shore) Johns Todd Lerch Jay Markwalter John Northup Amy (Krissman) Pine Degi (Stein) Ruben Jean (Wright) Sitkei Chris Spencer Emilie (Miller) Templeton CLASS OF 1993 PAR TICIPATION: 16% Danny Chase Bernie Conyers Whit Davis Jared Heuer Lisa (Harlander) Lemke Olwen (Hahn) Lyon Ashleigh Madison Colleen (Tolle) Regnier Bill Sparks Dean Stephens Ruth (Bowyer) Weimar
CLASS OF 1994 PAR TICIPATION: 37% Anonymous Aynsley (McWhorter) Corbett Robert Crea Brian Culver Eddie Dillon Adeline (Seyle) Glidewell Liz Godfrey-Cargile Amelia (Searcy) Harper Jennifer (Burns) Hayden Sam Hubbard Clarkson Logan Katy (McNaughton) Moretz Charles Hill Morris Chris Peters Amy (Henderson) Quinby Matthew Repella Florence (Minis) Slatinsky Laughton Stanley John Sumner Ryon Thompson Mylin Torres Arin (Zerden) Tritt Jaime (Moore) Wall Morgan Williams Corde Wilson CLASS OF 1995 PAR TICIPATION: 9% Hillary (Faulk) Coslick Blaine (Westerfield) Goodwin Ross Kaminsky Rob Martin Katy (Harman) Moser Amy (Costrini) Umbel
CLASS OF 1996 PAR TICIPATION: 31% Michael Anckner George Barrow Cathy (Crawford) Baxter Julia (Holliday) Berry Greg Bowden Jordan (Neely) Chase Catherine Donovan Chris Fort Wendy Furey Lindsey (Nash) Hardy Amanda Byck Elana (Passink) Jones Liz (Wasden) Lampton Liz (Lientz) Macfadyen Abby (Beck) Mitchell Middi (Hagan) Moore Jack O’Neill Jon Pannell John Sipple Caroline (Inglesby) Stephens Lindsay (McCorkle) Thompson Allen Williams CLASS OF 1997 PAR TICIPATION: 26% Melissa (Allen) Behm Joey Bell Elizabeth (Baker) Brennan Katie (Burt) Connell Betsy Davis Meredith (MacMillan) Dyer Andrew Ginsberg Charlotte (DeHaven) Giovanni John Gold Amanda (Feldman) Gorodeski Brent Harlander Kristin (Culver) Jones
Hunter Philbrick Elizabeth (Martin) Richards Lauren (Foster) Sather Courtney Victor Matthew Zerden CLASS OF 1998 PAR TICIPATION: 29% Joseph Alaimo Arden (Wilson) Bartlett Greg Bird Jenny (Miller) Bromley Christina (Bowden) Burgess David Crowley Sally Anne (Martin) Giles Jacob Goodwin Pavel Gorelik Walter Hagan Kimbrough (Murray) Haverstock Callie (Glass) Kelly Beth Levin Julian Lewis Jim Marshall David Newton Betsy (Watts) Ormond Mary (Marshall) Trice Ryan Yeckley CLASS OF 1999 PAR TICIPATION: 11% Ward Benton Maria (Anderson) Booth Joseph Conyers Rob Haile Mary Ellen McKee Michael McLeod Dana Stevens
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 42
CLASS OF 2000 PAR TICIPATION: 13% Waldo Bradley Jeffrey Goldberg John Grozine Anne (Waters) Jackson Mark Konter Tyler O’Connor Maria Paula (Duque) Shideler Jamison (Pannell) Tuttle Courtney (Tyson) West Ellen (Harper) Williams Krista (Gerstenlauer) Wolk CLASS OF 2001 PAR TICIPATION: 13% Andy Caparisos Rick Culbreth Brooke Fortson Lindsey (Young) Goldberg William Lattimore Lauren (Kirkland) McMillan Betsy (Kingston) Myers Betsy (Miller) von Trapp CLASS OF 2002 PAR TICIPATION: 18% Julie Cohen Betsy (Cowart) Conroy Peter Daniel Lilly (Sprague) Dixon Adam Eichholz Liz Fort Mary (Gilbert) Kaiser Caroline (Coakley) McDermott Tom McKee John Mikell Joe Ratterree Slade Thorpe Israel Wojnowich 43 The Savannah Country Day School
CLASS OF 2003 PAR TICIPATION: 22% Anonymous Meta Adler Lamar Barton Niko Caparisos Andrew Dekle Jade (Aaron) Dietz Matt Finley Abby (Grozine) Prussack Caroline (Baker) Haddow Melanie (Andrews) Johannesen John Kingston Andrew Michigan Brittany (Kolat) Richardson Claire (Waters) Rilee Leza (Shore) Stein Caroline (Holland) Weimar Lane (Morgan) Yates CLASS OF 2004 PAR TICIPATION: 5% Catherine Cooper Catherine (Glenn) Daniel Lizzie (Sprague) Grimsley Joey Howie CLASS OF 2005 PAR TICIPATION: 65% Anonymous Thomas Amburgey Frank Arden Daniel Brody Chris Campos Kika Caparisos Barrett Carter John Coakley Maji (Chien) Daines Grier (Gardner) de Laureal
Record-breaking number of gifts contributed to The Fund during the month of March
$56,427 Total amount raised
The Class of 2005 came in first place with 65.2% of the class making a gift to The Fund
The Class of 1968 came in second place with 61.8% of the class making a gift to The Fund
2023 MARCH MADNESS WINNERS: CLASS OF 2005 The Class of 2005 emerged victorious in the 2023 March Madness campaign — a spirited, annual competition between classes to encourage giving to The Fund — with 65.2% of classmates making a gift to The Fund for Country Day, many giving in honor of their friend and classmate Scott Helmreich ‘05, who sadly passed away on March 4, 2023. We asked members from the class of 2005 and March Madness volunteers, Lea (Reeves) Stevens and John Gilbert, to reflect back on their time as a student and why it is important for them to support their alma mater. WHAT IS ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIES FROM YOUR TIME AS A STUDENT? LEA STEVENS: It’s so hard to choose just one memory since I attended SCDS
from Pre-K to 12th grade. SCDS, its teachers, its campus, the education I received, and the friends I met there have stayed with me throughout life. My favorite memories run the gamut from Mrs. Clark’s Pre-K class to being in Mr. Eswine’s homeroom taking care of Smokey the Bunny to Mr. Kwasny’s 7th grade history classes to hanging out in the quad during free period to Mrs. Beauchamp’s 12th grade math class to SCDS homecoming in high school.
JOHN GILBERT: One of my favorite memories has to be the Outward Bound trip in the Everglades. Canoeing and camping is always going to be fun, but at that age, taking ownership of navigating, cooking our own meals, setting up and taking down our campsites, etc. was a formative experience. HOW DOE S IT FEEL FOR THE CLASS OF 2005 TO BE THE MARCH MADNESS CHAMPIONS?
THANK YOU FOR BEING AN ALUMNI GIVING VOLUNTEER! WHY DO YOU SUPPORT SAVANNAH COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL WITH YOUR TIME AND TALENT? LS: I support SCDS for several reasons. I have two young kids, both at The Little School, and I want for them what I had at SCDS. SCDS isn’t just the most excellent academic experience and it doesn’t just more than adequately prepare you for college. SCDS is a community where you find lifelong friends, where you respect your teachers and have intelligent conversations with them and where you have opportunities to grow beyond the classroom. I also love supporting the teachers at Country Day — they give more of themselves than we can even fathom and they’re just as invested in our kids’ futures as we are. I can’t say enough about the teachers I had growing up and the teachers my children have had at The Little School over the last three years. JG: I support SCDS because I hope all current and future students enjoy the same experiences I was so fortunate to have and leave just as well prepared for everything that comes after graduation.
LS: I am really proud of our class for pulling together and participating! I felt like we were connected more so than we’ve been since graduation. We had the entire class helping to reach out to people they’ve kept in touch with! We also did it for our classmate, Scott Helmreich, who tragically and suddenly passed away at the beginning of March. Scott would have LOVED the exercise of us all coming together like we did. JG: It was great to see our class show out for the March Madness competition. A lot of us now have young children entering school at Country Day, and I think that gives us even more appreciation for how special SCDS is.
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 44
Carrie (Barfield) Donaldson Joe Duffy Natalie (Cortes) Duncan Daniel Eichholz John Gilbert Robert Goodgame Patrick Grace Andrew Hardigan Trevor Hardigan Lindsey (Hendrix) Herndon Hamish Huntly Sara Lucia Jahannes Andrew Kirk John Knopf Corinne Livingston Emily Long Peggy (Minis) Lucius Mary Mamalakis Drew McCullough Stekki (Mazo) Millman Trey Ochsner Mary Crane (Palles) Orne Allison Palmisano Nicole (Howie) Poulin Kendall (Gardner) Ratterree Michael Reeves Keri (Daniel) Schewel Mark Silvers Chip Sipple Lea (Reeves) Stevens Francie (McMath) Todd Anna (Costrini) Weaver Weston (Jones) White Brian Wiederhold Emily (Rauers) Worsley
45 The Savannah Country Day School
CLASS OF 2006 PAR TICIPATION: 9% Anonymous Jason Eichholz James Labrot Joe Monroe Robert Pirkle Becca (Timms) Rushin CLASS OF 2007 PAR TICIPATION: 48% Lee Adler Akhil Anumolu Jack Baker Paul Blincoe Natalie Butler Lloyd (Pember) Childs Kip Chisholm Lauren (Medinger) Cone Kelcee Connor Travis Cook Sean Dane-Kellogg Jane (Hagan) Davis Blake Degenhart Blake Durham Candice (Aaron) English Clark French Holly (Suthers) Gainer Christopher Howie Ellis Izlar Katie (Ratterree) Johnson Matthew Kenreich Jason Kornblatt Amelia (Eichholz) Larsen Max Lemaigre Chris Maddox Stefanie (Dasher) McCullough Billy McKee Karli (Zuckerman) Meredith
Sanders Monsees Gus Morgan Lauren (Miller) Mouchet Matt Ochsner McNab Reeves Christian Robertson Halle Rubnitz Bobby Shelley Virginia (Lewis) Shelley Jim Allen Shuman Parker Twibell CLASS OF 2008 PAR TICIPATION: 18% Anonymous Elizabeth Austin Elise Barton Arabella (Hadwin) Bisciotti Fay (Gibson) Boswell Ashley (Moore) Brennan Owen Brennan Amy Jones Caroline Long Sam Mikell Stephanie Saxton Caroline (Lewis) Stovall Taylor Viers CLASS OF 2009 PAR TICIPATION: 16% Kate (Sadler) Andrews Katherine (Monsees) Bennett Tyler Bosque Morgan (Roberts) Caldwell Christian Demere Brooke (Bradley) Halpern Curt Lewis Kathryn (Groover) Pross John Skeadas
Daniel Suthers Brian Twibell Benjamin Watson Taylor (Edgar) Williamson CLASS OF 2010 PAR TICIPATION: 12% Fred Bergen Laura Hill (Nash) Keller Sara (Bromley) Pulliam Matthew Shay Sally (Parker) Shay Ivory Sparks William Stewart Mac Viers CLASS OF 2011 PAR TICIPATION: 21% Jessica Bishop Louis Brody Bess (Butler) Brunson Jane Eliza Chisholm John Glenn Margaret (Austin) Gross Emma Helmken Emily Knopf Smith Lewis Joe Lewis Oliver Maloney Tate O’Connor Sarah (Hall) Salem Virginia Whitley Elizabeth Woods CLASS OF 2012 PAR TICIPATION: 3% Fontaine Bergen Caroline Groover
CLASS OF 2014 PAR TICIPATION: 22% Anonymous (1) Kerem Caglayan Stephen Crouch Alex Fleming Natalie Goodman Brandon Howie Caroline Jackson Erika Lewis Mary Rowland Lewis Nebolisa Ozobia William Szczecinski Ben Tuten Walker Watson Woodie Williams CLASS OF 2015 PAR TICIPATION: 7% Anonymous Tyler Beauchamp Sam Bromley Nivan Lakshman Maya Patterson
CLASS OF 2019 PAR TICIPATION: 8% Mitch Huennekens Ash Pinckney Jack Ryan Ethan Strother Peter Talsness CLASS OF 2021 PAR TICIPATION: 4% Connor Cohen Blake Huennekens Paul Mosley CLASS OF 2022 PAR TICIPATION: 3% Kirsten Bogle Carmen Mandel Laura Taylor
CLASS OF 2016 PAR TICIPATION: 3% Polly Berman Jennifer Pirkle CLASS OF 2017 PAR TICIPATION: 10% Mason Heiges Charlotte Moffett Grace Archer Pinckney Emily Roher Hurley Ryan Kate Templeton
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 46
Alumni VOLUNTEERS MARCH MADNESS ALUMNI GIVING CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEERS Donna (Ratchford) Adamson ‘75 Don Alexander ‘85 Julia (Holliday) Berry ‘96 Polly Berman ‘16 Melissa (Allen) Behm ‘97 Joey Bell ‘97 Ashley (Moore) Brennan ‘08 Louis Brody ‘11 Reg Brooks ‘61 Bess (Butler) Brunson ‘11 Christina (Bowden) Burgess ‘98 Mimi (Daniel) Cay ‘61 Robbie (Hoffman) Culver ‘64 Catherine Cooper ‘04 Lamar Davis ‘64 Whit Davis ‘93 Doug DeWalt ‘89 Jade (Aaron) Dietz ‘03 Lilly (Sprague) Dixon ‘02 Renee (Portman) Dunn ‘65 Adam Eichholz ‘02 Carol (Fulenwider) Elliott ‘68 Candice (Aaron) English ‘07 Brooke Fortson ‘01 John Gilbert ‘05 Adeline (Seyle) Glidewell ‘94 Natalie Goodman ‘14 Seth Goodman ‘90 Blaine (Westerfield) Goodwin ‘95 Mary (McNaughton) Haskins ‘92 47 The Savannah Country Day School
Mark Howard ‘78 Amanda Byck ‘96 Callie (Glass) Kelly ‘98 John Kingston ‘03 James Labrot ‘06 Sara (Ellis) Lehner ‘70 Julian Lewis ‘98 Caroline Long ‘08 Jane (Hancock) Long ‘63 Julie Lowenthal ‘79 Drew McCullough ‘05 Stefanie (Dasher) McCullough ‘07 Caroline (Coakley) McDermott ‘02 Colin McRae ‘91 Carolyn (Lynch) Munson ‘83 Louise Mulherin ‘84 McBrier (Maner) Maloney ‘77 Murray Marshall ‘62 Rob Martin ‘95 Katy (McNaughton) Moretz ‘94 Charles Hill Morris ‘94 Melanie (Mason) Niemiec ‘67 Tyler O’Connor ‘00 Simona Perry ‘90 Ash Pinckney ‘19 Ashley Pinckney ‘85 Grace Archer Pinckney ‘17 Kathryn (Groover) Pross ‘09 Kendall (Gardner) Ratterree ‘05 Joe Ratterree ‘02 Pearce Reeve ‘72 McNab Reeves ‘07 Claire (Waters) Rilee ‘03
Jack Ryan ‘19 Emilie (Dodd) Samet ‘90 Michael Serby ‘61 John Skeadas ‘09 Dana Stevens ‘99 Henry Stevens ‘70 Lea (Reeves) Stevens ‘05 Beth (Windom) Stewart ‘88 William Szczecinski ‘14 Courtney Victor ‘97 Walker Watson ‘14 Virginia Whitley ‘11 Hillary (Baumann) Maclean-Wilks ‘85 Ellen (Harper) Williams ‘00 Krista (Gerstenlauer) Wolk ‘00
MILESTONE REUNION VOLUNTEERS Teresa Ashman ‘82 Lisa (Wald) Chappell ‘87 Lloyd (Pember) Childs ‘07 Betsy (Cowart) Conroy ‘02 Lucy (Sparkman) Crosswell ‘82 Barbara (Craighead) Crotzer ‘72 Eddie Culver ‘62 Meredith (Repella) Dulany ‘92 Nelle (Straight) Hall ‘72 George Hassell ‘82 Austin Hill ‘97 Debbie (White) Hornsby ‘82 Susan Hungerpiller ‘72 Hayden (Shore) Johns ‘92 Cindy (Saunders) Kemp ‘72
McBrier (Maner) Maloney ‘77 Jay Markwalter ‘92 Katherine (Gardner) Martz ‘82 Stefanie (Dasher) McCullough ‘07 Caroline (Coakley) McDermott ‘02 Jeanne (Howell) McMillan ‘82 T. Miller ‘97 Lisa (Massey) Muller ‘82 Holly (Irick) Murphy ‘92 Martha Parker ‘82 Grace Archer Pinckney ‘17 Kacey (Jones) Ratterree ‘72 McNab Reeves ‘07 Emily Roher ‘17 Margaret (McCullough) Russell ‘82 Hurley Ryan ‘82 Susan (Hershey) Smith ‘82 Nancy (Lebey) Solana ‘72 Melanie (Cobb) Sprung ‘82 Sue (Anderson) Strickland ‘72 Courtney Victor ‘97
REGIONAL ALUMNI EVENT HOSTS Matt Ervin’ 87 Lisa (Harlander) ‘93 & Tim Lemke Katy (Harman) ‘95 & Robby Moser Kathryn (Tatum) ‘92 & Michael Saunders Jane (Victor) ‘78 and Carl Showalter ‘78
CAMPUS ENGAGEMENT VOLUNTEERS Ellen (West) Barber ‘90 Joey Bell ‘97 Tyler Beauchamp ‘15 Louis Brody ‘11 Bess (Butler) Brunson ‘11 Amanda Byck ‘96 Doug DeWalt ‘89 Jade (Aaron) Dietz ‘03 Seth Goodman ‘90 Kevan Jackson ‘84 Robert James II ‘88 Julian Lewis ‘98 Caroline Long ‘08 Drew McCullough ‘05 Stefanie (Dasher) McCullough ‘07 Kathryn (Groover) Pross ‘09 Dana Stevens ‘99 Ashley Pinckney ‘85 Krista (Gerstenlauer) Wolk ‘00 Jennifer Yeh ‘89
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 48
HOW DO YOU STAY CONNECTED TO COUNTRY DAY LIVING OUTSIDE OF SAVANNAH? I am fortunate to have friends in Savannah whose children now attend SCDS. I love hearing from them about what is happening on the sports fields and in the classroom. It’s wonderful to discover the traditions that have stayed the same over the years and also those that have changed. The SCDS and SCDS alumni pages on social media platforms are also a great way to stay connected. WHY IS IT IM PORTANT TO SUPPORT YOUR ALMA MATER? My time at Country Day had a tremendous impact on my life. The excellent faculty and strong school community created in me a lifelong love of learning, and a curiosity to discover, to challenge myself, and to persevere. Providing opportunities for young people to obtain a Country Day education is one way that I can “pay it forward.” HOW DO YOU BELIEVE YOUR CONTRIBUTION CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR CURRENT AND FUTURE HORNETS? We are delighted to support scholarships at SCDS because we believe it is important to ensure every qualified student has access to an excellent education. We also believe that one of the assets of a top-rated college preparatory school like SCDS is the quality of its facilities. By supporting the Capital Campaign, we are ensuring that future Hornets will have a first-class learning environment.
Katy (Harman) Moser ‘95 with husband Robby and sons Trip and Will
49 The Savannah Country Day School
FOUNDATIONS, COMPANIES, & ORGANIZATIONS AssuranceAmerica Corporation Bank of America Charitable Foundation The Guerry Beam Fund of The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc. Brooks-Howe Memorial Fund of The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Stuart and Ingvild Brown Charitable Giving Fund of Schwab Charitable Fund The Butler Family Giving Fund of National Christian Foundation Rosalie G. Campbell Fund of The Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. The Alice Carrott Charitable Fund of The Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Casino Law Group The Chatham Foundation The Colonial Foundation, Inc. The Critz Family Fund of The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc. The Dianne Smith Goggan Foundation The Donegan Family Fund of Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing The Double D Foundation Dulany Industries, Inc. The Dunn Family Foundation of Morgan Stanley Gift Fund Ellis-Lehner Fund of The Spartanburg County Foundation
The Thomas & Susan Griffith Charity Fund of The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Haas Family Charitable Fund of The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Hammond Family Foundation Hancock Family Foundation The J. Helmken Family Fund of The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc. The Donald & Lynne Howe Charitable Fund of The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Hunter Foundation, Inc. Hunter, Maclean, Exley & Dunn PC Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung, Inc. The Ibanez Family Charitable Fund of The Bank of America Charitable Foundation Jolly Foundation, Inc. JTVS Builders, Inc. John G. Kennedy Foundation, Inc. The Scott and Louise Lauretti Fund of The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc. Lisa and Tim Lemke Family Fund of Schwab Charitable Fund The Marjorie E. and B. H. Levy, Jr. Charitable Fund of The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc. J.C. Lewis Foundation, Inc.
The London-Rinzler Family Philanthropic Fund of Atlanta Jewish Foundation Janette & David Long Fund of The Bank of America Charitable Foundation Paula H. and James M. McInerny Fund of The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mark One Construction Mgmt. Inc. The Meridian Foundation, Inc. Mills Bee Lane Memorial Foundation The Southwood J. and Cynthia S. Morcott Gift Fund of The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Muller Fund of Vanguard Charitable Ormond Family Charitable Foundation Jim & Karen Pannell Charitable Fund of The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Roy Parker Family Foundation The Bruce & Cynthia Roy Fund of The Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Savannah Distributing Co. Savannah Toyota SCDS Booster Club SCDS Parents’ Association The Schley & Lang Knight Foundation, Inc. Showalter Construction Co. Shuman Family Fund of Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation The Solomons Fund of The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc.
Southern Retina, LLC Speros, Inc. Sprague Family Fund of Schwab Charitable Fund Standard Holding Corporation Stone Construction Services, LLC Stuart F. Sligh Jr. Memorial Foundation The Margaret “Maggie” Thomas Fund of The Community Foundation for Rockbridge, Bath & Alleghany Thurston Group, LLC Vaden Management Enterprises LLC Vantosh Realty Group The Waters Foundation Fund of The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc. MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES The Amgen Foundation Bank of America Matching Gifts Program The Benevity Community Impact Fund Compass Dental, LLC Goldman Sachs Gives Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Workday, Inc. COMMUNITY PARTNERS Amazon Smile Box Tops for Education Kroger Earning Plus Learning Publix Partners 2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 50
Honorarium GIFTS These gifts are given to the School to honor a family member, faculty member, or friend. The names of those honored (bold type) are followed by the names of donors who made honorarium gifts during the 2022-23 school year. Collette Alewine ‘31 Tiffany & Blake Alewine Zachary Alvord ‘31 LuAnne & Darron Alvord Zenna Alvord ‘34 LuAnne & Darron Alvord Fielding Anderson ‘35 Micaela & Ryan Anderson Ford Anderson Micaela & Ryan Anderson Smith Baiad ‘22 Anne Allen Westbrook & Todd Baiad
Cecilia Belzer ‘18 Barrie (Myrick) ‘63 & Jerry Bradley Allison & Nathan Belzer Lillian Belzer ‘21 Barrie (Myrick) ‘63 & Jerry Bradley Allison & Nathan Belzer Brooklyn Bergen ‘35 Christie & Patrick Bergen Bertie Wallace Ellie Bergen ‘33 Christie & Patrick Bergen Bertie Wallace
Philip Baiad ‘28 Anne Allen Westbrook & Todd Baiad
Dawn Berger Brandy & Eric Davenport Amy & Bill Keaton
Paul Baiad ‘31 Anne Allen Westbrook & Todd Baiad
Caroline Bergmann ‘28 Anonymous
Rick Barron Allison & Bart Rhodes
Ashtin Blackmore Hillary & Eric Beightel
Lily Barton ‘23 Janis Barton Jami Johnson
Richard Braithwaite Stephanie Portman ‘90
Leigh (Small) Beauchamp ‘88 Alana & Mike Cox Chris Beckmann ‘79 Malinda & Fred Bergen ‘79 James Belford Alane Rollings ‘67
51 The Savannah Country Day School
Meg (Doolan) Braun ‘80 Hillary & Eric Beightel Aubrey Brawner Alana & Mike Cox Eloise Brennan ‘35 Ashley (Moore) ‘08 & Owen Brennan ‘08 Jenny Britt Louisa & Charles Hill Morris ‘94
Tyler Bromley Allison & Bart Rhodes
Evelyn Chick ‘29 Patti & John Heilig
Jacob Brooks ‘34 Ellen & Ken Betuker
Tommy Crenshaw Alana & Mike Cox
Ella Caparisos ‘35 Sophia & Fr. John Caparisos
Liam Crosland ‘34 Marcia & William Crosland
Kate Caparisos Seth Goodman ‘90 & Phillip Carter
Collier Cunning ‘35 Gay Gunter & William Runge
Maggie Caparisos Sophia & Fr. John Caparisos
Davis Cunning Gay Gunter & William Runge
Virginia Caparisos Sophia & Fr. John Caparisos
Hilliard Davis ‘26 Shepard Ansley Anna & Arch Davis Sally & Archie Davis
Sophia Caparisos Andy Caparisos ‘01 Kate & Niko Caparisos ‘03 John Carson ‘30 Debbie & David Carson Katelyn Carson ‘33 Debbie & David Carson Alyssa Casciotta Hillary & Eric Beightel Ivy Cay ‘26 Erin & Jack Cay Laura Cay ‘24 Erin & Jack Cay Dorinda Chait Clare & Ben Ward Ashley (Moore) ‘08 & Owen Brennan ‘08
Jonathan Day Amy & Bill Keaton Jack Day ‘25 Donald Day Jon Day ‘22 Donald Day Anderson Dean ‘35 Rebecca & Gene Anderson Thomas Dean Rebecca & Gene Anderson William Dean Rebecca & Gene Anderson Alex DeFilippis ‘24 Marla McLendon
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 52
Edward Delamater Alane Rollings ‘67
Peggy Gilpin Kara & John Watson
Susan Huennekens Rana & Chuck Hildebrandt
John Kwasny Joseph Alaimo ‘98
Betty DeWitt Kim Knight ‘75
Sarah Catherine Gilpin ‘26 Rick Gilpin
Ann Jones Amy Jones ‘08
Jones Lane ‘27 Diane & Rick Wesley
Jaime & Isabel Duque Maria Paula (Duque) Shideler ‘00
Mary Ann Godfrey Liz Godfrey-Cargile ‘94 & Jack Cargile
Reid Lane ‘30 Diane & Rick Wesley
Annabel Enright ‘28 Julie Harelson & Richmond Enright
Kevin Goldberg Becky Cheatham
Bill Eswine Billy McKee ‘07 Mary Ellen McKee ‘99 Tom McKee ‘02 Lane (Morgan) Yates ‘03
Lynn Goodman Barbara Aronson Cathy & George Shriver
Susan Fleming Suzy & Doug Fleming
Lane Hammond ‘23 Kathy & Tom Nickler
Lamar Kirkley Greg Amick ‘81 Malinda & Fred Bergen ‘79 Waldo Bradley ‘00 Robert Cavitt ‘81 Alva & Chip Compton Mark Dye ‘85 Matt Ervin ‘87 Trip Franklin ‘87 Jessica & Andrew Ginsberg ‘97 Courtney & Jay Goldstein ‘87 Hartford Gongaware ‘90 Boo & John Kennedy ‘79 Clayton & Austin Kennedy ‘82 Susan & Danny Klugman ‘79 Patti & Henry Monsees ‘76 Neal Morrison ‘80 Matthew Repella ‘94 Beverley & Allan Reynolds ‘77 Dolly Chisholm ‘77 & Graham Sadler Chris Saunders ‘76 Jane (Victor) ‘78 & Carl Showalter ‘78 Bonney & Billy Shuman ‘75 Magdaline & Tommy Sideris Wiley Wasden ‘77
Emily & Peter Foley Vondean & Wayne Williams Peter Foley Betsy Davis ‘97 Seth Goodman ‘90 & Phillip Carter Stephanie Portman ‘90 Matthew Zerden ‘97 Selden Frissell ‘19 Elizabeth DuBose & Mark Frissell Anna Cate Fruin ‘35 Linda Fruin John Fruin ‘35 Linda Fruin Neil Gabbey Liz (Gold) ‘89 & Bill Glass Kelley & Bill Sparks ‘93 Kevin Gavin Billy McKee ‘07 Mary Ellen McKee ‘99 Tom McKee ‘02 Allisen & Grant Rogers 53 The Savannah Country Day School
Audrey Griffith ‘34 Donna Hoppe
Meg Haston Amy & Bill Keaton Carter Herman ‘26 Cheryl & John Neison Maribel Herrera Barbara & Maribel Herrera Avi Heyman ‘23 Michelle (Haysman) ‘89 & Kevin Heyman Jenn Hoover Rana & Chuck Hildebrandt Linda Howard Suzanne Bogle-Pablo Quin Howard ‘35 Carrington Woods & Glen Howard Jackson Hubbard ‘33 Gwen Dobas Luke Hubbard ‘36 Gwen Dobas
Larisa & Yurii Korovyakovskaya Inessa Korovyakovskaya & Shahjahan Bhuiyan Brian Kulbersh ‘97 Katie (Burt) Connell ‘97 Julian Kutcher Emily & Will Kutcher Wade Kutcher Emily & Will Kutcher
Terrance Latture Karen & David Bacon Evelyn Kelly Kay Godawa Leddy Seth Goodman ‘90 & Phillip Carter Stephanie Portman ‘90 Ann Lerch Seth Goodman ‘90 & Phillip Carter Eleanor Lesher ‘33 Rachel & Nick Lesher Graham Lesher ‘36 Rachel & Nick Lesher Teddy Lesher ‘36 Rachel & Nick Lesher Jeanette & Frank Macchiaverna Francesca Macchiaverna & John Garceau Jane Mansel Darri & Keith Mansel Melissa & Jeff Neil Pam Martin Nina (Tracy) ‘81 & Mark Gompels Cam Green ‘16 Tricia & David Guggenheim Susan & Brad Huennekens Amy (Martin) ‘85 & Ashley Pinckney ‘85 Ash Pinckney ‘19 Grace Archer Pinckney ‘17 Hawkins Pindar ‘18 Terry & Duncan Pindar Carla & Matt Roher Meb & Hurley Ryan ‘82 Kef Wilson
Tricia Mayer Fontaine Bergen ‘12
Sarah Palmer ‘21 Tricia & Herb Windom
SCDS Learning Support Specialists Anonymous
Keating Taylor ‘28 Molly & Geoffrey Taylor
Ryan McGee ‘27 Sharon & Joe Rothrock
Benjamin Perkins ‘27 Katrin Haskell
SCDS Little School Teachers Jennye & Jake Wallace
Hazel Terrero ‘34 Ashleigh Madison ‘93 & Matt Terrero
Theo McGuirk ‘26 Peggy & Rob McGuirk
Helen Perkins ‘30 Katrin Haskell
SCDS Middle School Teachers Callie & Andy Daters
Dale (Gabriel) Thorpe ‘59 Helen (Reid) Steward ‘59
Ericka Ann McKeever ‘24 Ann Lawson
Mary Caroline Perry ‘35 Hannah Perry
SCDS Operations Anonymous
Frank & Constance Tolle Colleen (Tolle) Regnier ‘93
Lawson McKeever ‘29 Ann Lawson
John Morgan Peters ‘25 Ann & John Peters
SCDS Upper School Teachers Julie & Jonathan Day
Alexis Toth ‘33 Linda & Mark Toth
Joachim Michels Joan & Dave Chalikian
Vada Peters ‘27 Ann & John Peters
Richard Schulze ‘80 Maria & Bill Dascombe
Maxine Toth ‘31 Linda & Mark Toth
Kevin Miller Yancey & Dan Bradley Malissa & Chuck Fana Tracey (Cannon) ‘88 & Jeremy London Kelley & Bill Sparks ‘93 Shirley & GA Sywassink
Hunter Philbrick ‘97 Katie (Burt) Connell ‘97
Anne Sellers Tyler O’Connor ‘00
Charlotte von Trapp Betsy (Miller) ‘01 & Jakob von Trapp
Amy (Martin) Pinckney ‘85 Seth Goodman ‘90 & Phillip Carter
Margaret Sellers ‘35 Anonymous
Isabella von Trapp ‘31 Betsy (Miller) ‘01 & Jakob von Trapp
Laura Pirkle Robert Pirkle ‘06
Emerson Skinner ‘33 Tara & Nathan Skinner
Jack von Trapp ‘34 Betsy (Miller) ‘01 & Jakob von Trapp
Betsy Player Diane & Rick Wesley
Jackson Skinner ‘29 Tara & Nathan Skinner
Joanna Walchuk Anonymous
DJ Queenan Anonymous Andrea & Charles Harris ‘85 Liz (Lientz) ‘96 & Simon Macfadyen Clare & Ben Ward
Hannah Smith ‘28 Stephanie & Raiford Smith
Charlie Washburn ‘31 Karen & Ron Washburn
Isla Speckhals ‘36 Mary & Christopher Weidig
Asher Weiss ‘36 Janette Silverman & Robert Clinton
Collins Spellman ‘36 Lynn & Steve Egan
Jason Wolk ‘31 Krista (Gerstenlauer) ‘00 & Jordan Wolk
Nate Stein ‘34 Ginger & Claude Shore
Kelsey Grace Wolk ‘33 Krista (Gerstenlauer) ‘00 & Jordan Wolk
Lachlan Suthar ‘34 Meredith Hilleary & Anand Suthar
Harrison Woods ‘30 Gail & Bob Woods
Ana Talsness ‘20 Peter Talsness ‘19
James Woods ‘32 Gail & Bob Woods
Finn Taylor ‘26 Molly & Geoffrey Taylor
Win Woods ‘27 Gail & Bob Woods
George Milmine ‘98 David Crowley ‘98 John Mohring Kelley & Bill Sparks ‘93 Emily Most ‘24 Anonymous Bailey Mullens Judith & David Mullens Emmy Mullens Judith & David Mullens McKade Neal ‘25 Kary & Colton Neal Arianna Neese ‘35 Ann Teply Allison Palmer ‘15 Tricia & Herb Windom Jonathan Palmer ‘18 Tricia & Herb Windom
Allison Rhodes Seth Goodman ‘90 & Phillip Carter Theo Roy ‘36 Jessica & Abbott Roy Betsy Sampey Kelley & Bill Sparks ‘93 Patricia Sanchez Elise Harris SCDS Teachers Yishu Yu & Yi Lin
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 54
55 The Savannah Country Day School
Memorial GIFTS These gifts are given to the School in memory of individuals who have died. The names of those memorialized (bold type) are followed by the names of donors who made memorial gifts during the 2022-23 school year. Kathleen Amburgey Starr & Scot Ritchie
Rosalind (Ashburn) Demere ‘67 Alane Rollings ‘67
Suzanne Barbot Kate & Marc Bailey ‘90
Billy Diefenbach ‘92 Jean (Wright) Sitkei ‘92
Mary Ann & George Godfrey Emilie (Dobbs) Samet ‘90 Virginia (Lewis) ‘07 & Bobby Shelley ‘07 Ashley (Sparks) Stamoulis ‘90
John Barton Debbie (Reeve) Barton ‘75
Jacob Dimond ‘90 Seth Goodman ‘90 & Phillip Carter Cathy & Steve Lange Emilie (Dobbs) Samet ‘90
Eileen Gard Anonymous Jeanne Garlington Alan Williams ‘71
Mary (McGoldrick) Dorsey ‘71 Molly McGoldrick ‘85 Kirk Victor ‘71
Lee Gay ‘71 Kirk Victor ‘71
Jack Berry Karen & Jim Pannell Libby Blake Sharon & Bill Eswine Anne (Waters) Jackson ‘00 Ann Yingling & Chuck Morrow Alma Buffkin Chong & Larry Buffkin Cliff Cannon Jane Cannon Jon Childs Sara Lucia Jahannes ‘05 Catherine (Montford) Cocke ‘96 Middi (Hagan) Moore ‘96 Diane Connerat Aynsley (McWhorter) Corbett ‘94 Jane & Paul Pressly Barbara (Benton) Corkum Kirk Victor ‘71 Anne Craighead ‘71 Kirk Victor ‘71 Raymond Demere ‘71 Kirk Victor ‘71
Michael Doyle, Jr. Terri Barfield Danyse Edel Sharon & Bill Eswine Julia & Lea Holliday Debra & Paul Mamalakis Sara & Everett Ellis Caroline Pennington Catherine Fagin Lynda Beam Megan Slatkovsky Paul Feldman Amanda (Feldman) Gorodeski ‘97 Richard Fleming Suzy & Doug Fleming Pat Fox Liz Godfrey-Cargile ‘94 & Jack Cargile Sharon & Bill Eswine Alex Fox ‘90
Ken Gold Liz (Gold) ‘89 & Bill Glass Martin Greenberg Sarah (Greenberg) ‘88 & Seth Kovensky Jimmy Groover, Jr. Anonymous Merrill (Davis) Guttry ‘58 Kit Hammond ‘58 Mary Hagan Debra & Paul Mamalakis Ann Yingling & Chuck Morrow Linda & Michael Zoller Luke Hannon Leah Nestor Scott Helmreich ‘05 Anonymous Grier (Gardner) de Laureal ‘05 Carrie (Barfield) Donaldson ‘05 Mary Mamalakis ‘05 Stefanie (Dasher) ‘07 & Drew McCullough ‘05
Nicole (Howie) Poulin ‘05 Kendall (Gardner) ‘05 & Joe Ratterree ‘02 Chip Sipple ‘05 Lea (Reeves) ‘05 & Scott Stevens Francie (McMath) Todd ‘05 Anna (Costrini) Weaver ‘05 Weston (Jones) White ‘05 Brett Herrin ‘85 Stephanie & Doug Giorgio Nan (Saussy) Hobson Mimi (Daniel) Cay ‘61 Caroline (Walker) ‘61 & Ed Hill Mark Hoerner ‘71 Kirk Victor ‘71 William Hoffman Alison Hoffman ‘68 Connie Houston Lisle Engle ‘85 Debbie (Henderson) Hughes ‘90 Seth Goodman ‘90 & Phillip Carter Emilie (Dobbs) Samet ‘90 Freeman Jelks, Jr. Lolly (Jelks) Crawford ‘81 Lydia Itoi ‘86 Johnny Jenkins Julian Quattlebaum ‘68 Dwight Kelley ‘61 Connie & Dick Williams ‘61 Ryan Kirkland Vicki Kirkland 2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 56
Tim Kirkland Vicki Kirkland
Shirley Oelschig Karen & Kurt Oelschig ‘83
Mr. & Mrs. F. Schley Knight Nita Ann Knight ‘77 & Chris Klein Bernard Kramer Susan (Kramer) Short ‘89
Bubba Pinckney Amy (Martin) ‘85 & Ashley Pinckney ‘85
Barbara Lansford Brown Ansley (Morrison) Dauenhauer ‘86
Madeleine Poston Anonymous
Jack Leigh ‘67 Hank Bahr ‘67 Morton Levy II ‘71 Kirk Victor ‘71 Harrison Lobel ‘15 Sonja & John Henry Robert Logan, Jr. Meta Adler ‘03 & Clarkson Logan Michael Mamalakis Glenice & Hosea Wynn Becky Martin Amy (Martin) ‘85 & Ashley Pinckney ‘85 Julian Mastroianni ‘13 DJ Queenan Alexandra (Russell) Mettler ‘58 Kit Hammond ‘58 Charlie Mikell, Jr. ‘59 Julia Mikell Ernest Montford Rob Haile ‘99 Malcolm Murphy ‘71 Kirk Victor ‘71 Beulah Harper Nettles Debbie & Tom Harper ‘68 Cesar Noble Beth Levin ‘98 Jean (Wright) Sitkei ‘92 Richard Nysewander ‘67 Alane Rollings ‘67 57 The Savannah Country Day School
Kevin Plunkett ‘91 Beth (Seyle) Fenton ‘91
Stephanie Rubin ‘83 Karen & Kurt Oelschig ‘83 Charlene & Bill Saunders Tom Skipper ‘68 Charlene Saunders The Allbritten Family James Anderson Sue Anderson Teresa Ashman ‘82 Susan & Bill Baker Colleen (Bairas) ‘84 & Rob Brannen Kathy & Joe Buckingham Jean (Schley) Campbell ‘69 Kim Casey Jan (Peterson) Coffee ‘72 Blaine & Will Crosland Robbie (Hoffman) ‘64 & Eddie Culver ‘62 Kathy & Larry Cunningham Connie (Kennedy) ‘77 & Glen Darbyshire Carol (Fulenwider) Elliott ‘68 Sharon & Bill Eswine Andy Feiler ‘80 Emily & Peter Foley Sherri Goodman Jennifer Saunders Jones GeeGee & Lamar Kirkley Cheryl Loeffelholz Debra & Paul Mamalakis Gayla Nelson Debbe (Triol) Perry ‘67 Amy (Martin) ‘85 & Ashley Pinckney ‘85
Mary (Gilbreath) Pope ‘84 Jane & Paul Pressly Lynn & Joe Roberts Margaret (McCullough) Russell ‘82 Dolly Chisholm ‘77 & Graham Sadler Laurette (Speir) Shaw ‘79 Magdaline & Tommy Sideris Ron Speir Sarah Jane (Phillips) ‘69 & Yavuz Sumer Louise (Howard) Williamson ‘80 Michael Wilson Kef Wilson Tricia & Herb Windom Brooks (Livingston) ‘70 & Paul Worley Laura Zipperer ‘77 Lee Sayer Sue Wing ‘62 Charles Schwarz III ‘83 Jimmy Dothard ‘83 Karen & Kurt Oelschig ‘83 Wick Searcy Amelia (Searcy) Harper ‘94 Beth (Weeks) Sellers ‘72 Dorothea (Summerell) Coy ‘72 Mark Silvers, Jr. ‘63 Lisa (Silvers) Kaminsky ‘88 Stuart Sligh, Jr. Marianne & Mills Fleming Caroline Jackson ‘14 Mary Rowland Lewis ‘14 Woodie Williams ‘14 Roberta Smith Sharon & Bill Eswine Robert Spahn Stuart Brown ‘84 Bill Sparks, Sr. Ashley (Sparks) Stamoulis ‘90
Jason Speir ‘92 Ann & Todd Lerch ‘92 Jay Markwalter ‘92 Jean (Wright) Sitkei ‘92 Helen (Bradley) Tarbutton ‘85 Mary (McIntire) Davenport ‘85 Henry Tison, Jr. ‘60 Connie & Dick Williams ‘61 Jim Tison Matt Haddad Jane & Tom Triol Jimmy Dothard ‘83 Patty Tucker Vondean & Wayne Williams Billy Twibell ‘04 Anonymous Blaine Twibell Tyler Bosque ‘09 & Brian Twibell ‘09 Parker Twibell ‘07 Sarah Varney Abby & Akinniran Abisogun Johnny Victor Kirk Victor ‘71 Martha (Turner) Watson ‘97 Kathie & Brian Harlander Lauren (Foster) Sather ‘97 Judith Webb Melissa & Matt Dickerson Jimmy Wilson Sharon & Bill Eswine Elizabeth (Wasden) Lampton ‘96 Debra & Paul Mamalakis Ann Yingling & Chuck Morrow Lisa (Alvarez) Woerner ‘83 Karen & Kurt Oelschig ‘83 David Young ‘71 Kirk Victor ‘71
Becky & Tom Campen Compass Dental, LLC The Double D Foundation Malissa & Chuck Fana Standard Holding Corporation Shirley & GA Sywassink
Asher + Rye Diana & Craig Barrow Thornton Barrow ‘90 Byrd Cookie Company Camp Moon River Carey Hilliard’s Restaurants Christine Hall Photography Cottage Industry LLC Cribbage & Gifts Cutters Pointe Coffee Co. Daniel Reed Hospitality Marc Dunston Katy Eichholz Matt Ervin ‘87 Sarah Catherine & Stephen Ezelle Found Jewelry Glow Medical Spa Hannah E Boutique J. Parker Ltd. Jane Feiler Jenni’s Treats on the Streets LAKE Savannah Bee Company Scott Lauretti Mingledorff’s, Inc. Katy (Harman) ‘95 & Robby Moser Moss + Vine Oelschig Nursery One Fish Two Fish Popeyes - Rincon, GA
River Street Sweets SCDS Alumni Association SCDS Parents’ Association SGA Dental Partners SAGE Diving Services Kathryn (Tatum) ‘92 & Mike Saunders Jane (Victor) ‘78 & Carl Showalter ‘78 Spanish Moss Printing Stop N Store The Hornet Shop The Horseshoe Crab Von Trapp Animal Lodge Wiley’s Championship BBQ
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 58
Georgia Private School TAX CREDIT PROGRAM The Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program (APOGEE) allows tax payers to redirect tax monies to Savannah Country Day for tuition assistance for qualified students.
2 0 22 PA RTICIPANTS Christina & Wayne Aaron Dora & Lawrence Adjei Advanced Digital Anatomic Pathology Technologies Lindsay & Will Arnold Traiana Pacurar & Calin Badea Crystal & Stan Baker Terri Barfield Elaine & David Barrow ‘65 Catherine & John Beasley Allison & Nathan Belzer Rebekah & Zack Bentley Catherine & Cam Bowman Mellissa & Marcus Bromley Amy & Craig Brooks Ginna & Doug Carroll Debbie & David Carson Jamie Casino Laura & Carlos Celaya Mary Holmes & Steve Chick ‘78 Margaret (Kramer) ‘94 & Britt Clark Rhegan White-Clemm & Tim Clemm Coastal Refining Corporation Julie ‘02 & Adam Cohen Carrie & Brant Cooper 59 The Savannah Country Day School
Sarah Craig Melissa & Tommy Crenshaw Debbie & Dale Critz Lila & Dale Critz Stephanie Soriano-Daughtrey & Michael Daughtrey Julie & Jonathan Day Katie & Tim Dean Marlene & Michael Dobbs Mary Jo & Chris Dooley Chris & Mark Douglas E & E Solutions, LLC Liz & Jason Eichholz ‘06 Gillian Abineri & Dave Elliott Margarita & Nick Eskandar Sharon & Bill Eswine Carolyn & Charles Ezelle Shannon & Steve Fanning Marjorie & Paul Felser Heather & Corey Fountain Francesca Macchiaverna & John Garceau Peggy Gilpin Anne & Ron Ginsberg Stephanie & Doug Giorgio Liz (Gold) ‘89 & Bill Glass Lesli & Bill Glenn ‘06
Holly & Jonathan Goldstein Julie & Joel Goodman ‘87 Lynn Goodman Seth Goodman ‘90 & Phillip Carter Sarah & Joel Gordon Marla & Alexander Grady Susan (Mobley) Greene ‘01 Katie & Lee Griffith Jenifer Hall Erin & Jeremy Hammond Kim Hardage Kathie & Brian Harlander Tru (Maddox) Helms ‘67 Susan & Wade Herring Jessica & Andy Hoang Shannon & Thomas Hollis Janice & Chuck Izlar Zoe & Chris Jenkins Cristy & Albert Jones Sara & Mark Kamaleson Amy & Adam Kaminsky Garrett & Ross Kaminsky Leslie & Dennis Keene Alice & Rusty Kimball Kim & Virgil King Jordan & Robert Kiser
Caroline Kostecky Sarah (Greenberg) ‘88 & Seth Kovensky Christy & Scot Kraeuter LAKE Kay & Capt. Lux Lakshman Angela & Jonathan Lanham Amy & Todd Lanier ‘79 Ann & Todd Lerch ‘92 Caroline & Curt Lewis ‘09 Carol & Curtis Lewis ‘70 Joe Lewis ‘11 Nancy Lewis ‘67 Scott Lewis ‘75 Smith Lewis ‘11 Lynn & Wistar Lewis ‘73 Barbie & John Lientz Margie Livingston ‘65 Tracey (Cannon) ‘88 & Jeremy London Leilani & Steve Lowry Debra & Paul Mamalakis Angela & Jeff Mandel Amy & Rob Martin ‘95 Elaine & Vincent Martin ‘67 Lisa & Jay McCaslin Holly & John McCormick Denise & Mat McCoy
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 60
Andi & Greg McKeever Lindsay & Colin McRae ‘91 Dana (Collins) ‘90 & Kelly Meyer Julia Mikell Kevin Miller Diana Serrano & Steve Miller Shirley & Bud Mingledorff ‘64 Crissy & Shep Mondy Louisa & Charles Hill Morris ‘94 Ann Yingling & Chuck Morrow Lauren Chase & Keith Muller Heather & Rob Myers Kim & Chris Nicholson Margaret & John Northup ‘92 Carol & Pat O’Connor Karen & Kurt Oelschig ‘83 Kristin & Mickey Ott Amy & Michael Paderewski Jennifer (Spencer) ‘88 & Doug Pankey Kimberly & Jon Pannell ‘96 Karen & Lenny Panzitta Gwen Parker Rose de Vries & Frank Peeples Sally & Ben Perkins Kristin & Chris Peters ‘94 Kimberly & Chris Phillips Terry & Duncan Pindar Lori & Gabe Pitt Cam & Jason Pope Prosperity Benefits, LLC DJ Queenan Jackie & Stephen Rabinowitz Ann & Tom Ramee ‘73 Amanda & Eddie Ramirez Marion (Rauers) Reid ‘66 Matthew Repella ‘94 Allison & Bart Rhodes Barrie Rhodes Trudy & Jim Rice 61 The Savannah Country Day School
Leigh & Scott Richardson Susan & Steve Roberts Coren & Rusty Ross ‘73 Lindsey & Bennett Rudder Meb & Hurley Ryan ‘82 Savannah Pilots Association Becka (Nash) ‘88 & Jamie Sentman Michaela Shank Ethelyn Simpson ‘76 Jackie & Riley Smith Maura Sovchen Ria Sparkman Lynne & Frederic Spector Mary & Jon Sprague Caroline (Lewis) Stovall ‘08 Joan & Elliott Strother Sharon Stubbs-Schneider ‘83 Molly & Geoffrey Taylor Lisa Team Terminal Investment Corp. Yaël van Hulst Vantosh Realty Group Kristen & Khoi Vo Lauren & John Walsh Mandi & Jason Wells ‘88 Courtney (Tyson) ‘00 & Matt West Carson & Corde Wilson ‘94 Kef Wilson Fen Li & Sanyuan Yang Linda & Michael Zoller
2023 PARTI CI PAN TS *Deceased Individuals
Christina & Wayne Aaron Donna (Ratchford) Adamson ‘75 Dora & Lawrence Adjei Lynette Allison Mary & Sam Anderson
Andrea & Clyde Andrews Rie & Tony Avino Traiana Pacurar & Calin Badea Sherrie & Bill Baker Elaine & David Barrow ‘65 Barbara Bart Susan & Bill Barton Catherine & John Beasley Cindy & West Beaver Chris Beckmann ‘79 Malinda & Fred Bergen ‘79 Ellen & Ken Betuker Elizabeth (Baker) ‘97 & Tim Brennan Amy & Chad Brock Mellissa & Marcus Bromley Ginna & Doug Carroll Debbie & David Carson Lindsey Chudley Margaret (Kramer) ‘94 & Britt Clark Rhegan White-Clemm & Tim Clemm Coastal Refining Corporation Alva & Chip Compton Carrie & Brant Cooper Melissa & Tommy Crenshaw The Critz Organization Lila & Dale Critz Jen & Kevin Cunning Sarah & Lamar Davis ‘64 Julie & Jonathan Day Katie & Tim Dean *Mary Bullock Demere Sims Demere Melissa & Matt Dickerson Marlene & Michael Dobbs Chris & Mark Douglas Meredith (Repella) ‘92 & Reed Dulany ‘87 Gillian Abineri & Dave Elliott Candice (Aaron) ‘07 & Jarred English
Sharon & Bill Eswine Amanda & Chris Everard Carolyn & Charles Ezelle Maryam Kaveh & Ali Farjam Marjorie & Paul Felser Cheryl & Ron Finger Mary & Dorsey Flanders Jeri & Roy Flood Irma & David Foley Heather & Corey Fountain Francesca Macchiaverna & John Garceau Peggy Gilpin Anne & Ron Ginsberg Liz (Gold) ‘89 & Bill Glass Lesli & Bill Glenn ‘06 Courtney & Jay Goldstein ‘87 Holly & Jonathan Goldstein Julie & Joel Goodman ‘87 Lynn Goodman Seth Goodman ‘90 & Phillip Carter Marla & Alexander Grady Katie & Lee Griffith Brooke (Bradley) ‘09 & Stuart Halpern Erin & Jeremy Hammond Kim Hardage Julie Harelson & Richmond Enright Kathie & Brian Harlander Kelly & Brian Harman Tru (Maddox) Helms ‘67 Adam Herndon Insurance Agency Inc. Susan & Wade Herring Marcia & Craig Hines Jessica & Andy Hoang Larry Horesh Monica Baussan & Sam Hubbard Leigh & Bill Hunter Janice & Chuck Izlar Cristy & Albert Jones Amy & Adam Kaminsky
Garrett & Ross Kaminsky Leslie & Dennis Keene Alice & Rusty Kimball Kim & Virgil King GeeGee & Lamar Kirkley Ruth & Michael Kleinpeter Alicia & Michael Koehler Sarah (Greenberg) ‘88 & Seth Kovensky LAKE Kay & Capt. Lux Lakshman Angela & Jonathan Lanham Amy & Todd Lanier ‘79 Ann & Todd Lerch ‘92 Scott Lewis ‘75 Smith Lewis ‘11 Joe Lewis ‘11 Julie & Julian Lewis ‘98 Carol & Curtis Lewis ‘70 Caroline & Curt Lewis ‘09 Nancy Lewis ‘67 Barbie & John Lientz Margie Livingston ‘65 Tracey (Cannon) ‘88 & Jeremy London Nancy & Ken Lyons Debra & Paul Mamalakis Angela & Jeff Mandel
Holly & John McCormick Denise & Mat McCoy Andi & Greg McKeever Lindsay & Colin McRae ‘91 Dana (Collins) ‘90 & Kelly Meyer Julia Mikell Kevin Miller Diana Serrano & Steve Miller Shirley & Bud Mingledorff ‘64 Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP Ann Yingling & Chuck Morrow Lauren Chase & Keith Muller Jennifer & Khoa Nguyen Kim & Chris Nicholson Margaret & John Northup ‘92 Carol & Pat O’Connor Betsy (Watts) ‘98 & Niko Ormond Lamar Barton ‘03 & Jason Pandeloglou Amanda & John Panessa Jennifer (Spencer) ‘88 & Doug Pankey Karen & Jim Pannell Kimberly & Jon Pannell ‘96 Karen & Lenny Panzitta Gwen Parker Manisha & Nilesh Patel Rose de Vries & Frank Peeples
Sally & Ben Perkins Madeline & Heath Petty Terry & Duncan Pindar Laura & Bob Pirkle Lori & Gabe Pitt Prosperity Benefits, LLC Jackie & Stephen Rabinowitz Ann & Tom Ramee ‘73 Marion (Rauers) Reid ‘66 Matthew Repella ‘94 Barrie Rhodes Trudy & Jim Rice Leigh & Scott Richardson Claire (Waters) ‘03 & Stephen Rilee Starr & Scot Ritchie Carla & Matt Roher Coren & Rusty Ross ‘73 Lindsey & Bennett Rudder Meb & Hurley Ryan ‘82 SAGE Dining Services Savannah Management, Inc. Savannah Pilots Association Becka (Nash) ‘88 & Jamie Sentman Michaela Shank Ethelyn Simpson ‘76 John Skeadas ‘09
Jackie & Riley Smith Maura Sovchen Lynne & Frederic Spector Gene Spiva ‘04 Mary & Jon Sprague Jenn & Rex Steele ‘04 Deanie & Joey Strength Joan & Elliott Strother Brian Taylor Karen & Perry Taylor Lisa Team Terminal Investment Corp. Anita & Michael Thomas Yaël van Hulst Vantosh Realty Group Sheriden & James Ward Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Waters Arlene & Royden Watson Mandi & Jason Wells ‘88 Courtney (Tyson) ‘00 & Matt West Ellen (Harper) ‘00 & Allen Williams ‘96 Kate & Hamp Williford Kef Wilson Marsha & Gary Woelber Danielle & Kent Woo Fen Li & Sanyuan Yang Linda & Michael Zoller
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 62
Advisory COUNCIL The Advisory Council (formerly the Board of Visitors) brings together members of our community who have demonstrated a commitment to the School over time and have a continuing interest in Savannah Country Day. The Advisory Council provides valuable feedback and recommendations to support and advance the School’s mission. Jim Andrews Vic Andrews Fred Bergen ‘79 Ellen Bolch Jeff Bolch ‘66 Dan Bradley Judy Bradley Jane Cannon Billings Cay John Cay Dolly Chisholm ‘77 Sylvia (Sparkman) Coker ‘77 Chip Compton ‘73 Dale Critz ‘76 Eddie Culver ‘62
Robbie (Hoffman) Culver ‘64 Connie (Kennedy) Darbyshire ‘77 Alan Dasher Deanna Dasher Rob Demere ‘66 Celia (Williams) Dunn ‘57 Julius Edel Lynn Goodman Bill Haile Jimmy Hungerpiller ‘74 Susan Hungerpiller ‘72 John Kennedy ‘79 Bill Lattimore ‘72 Curtis Lewis ‘70 Margie Livingston ‘65
Jane (Hancock) Long ‘63 Ben MacMillan Susie MacMillan Pam McCaslin Bud Mingledorff ‘64 Shirley Mingledorff Henry Minis ‘65 Sally Minis Henry Monsees ‘76 Ted Muller Hunter Philbrick ‘97 Jane Pressly Paul Pressly Steve Roberts Peter Schmidt ‘66
Carl Showalter ‘78 Jane (Victor) Showalter ‘78 John Skeadas ‘78 Mark Smith Cathy (Edel) Solomons ‘74 Philip Solomons Elizabeth (Gray) Tatum ‘83 Jane (Vaden) Thacher ‘84 Peter Thacher Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Waters Barbie Wilson Beverly Young Tracy Young
We are grateful to all of our volunteers for their dedication and commitment to Savannah Country Day. The support of our community makes a meaningful impact on our students and our school.” LYN E T T E A LLI S ON D I R ECTO R OF I N S T I T U T I ON A L A DVA N C E M E N T 63 The Savannah Country Day School
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 64
The mission of the PA is to coordi-
The Arts Alliance is a parent volun-
nate the parent volunteer programs
teer organization that provides a fo-
in the Little, Lower, Middle, and Up-
rum for parental involvement in and
per Schools, to sponsor fundraising
in support of the Savannah Country
events that will generate funds for
Day School fine arts program, to pro-
the enrichment of all Country Day
vide financial support for approved
students, as well as develop a closer
fine arts programs and amenities,
relationship between the parents and
and to increase the awareness of
the school. Membership includes all
the school’s fine arts programs both
parents or guardians of students at-
within and outside the Savannah
Country Day School family.
tending SCDS.
Country Day School family.
Albert Grandy, President Scot Kraeuter, Vice President Chris Lovell, Treasurer Denton Stone, Secretary Nikki Smith, 8th Grade Representative Kim Nicholson, 7th Grade Representative
Angela Mandel, President Kerri Culver, President-Elect Degi (Stein) Ruben ‘92, Secretary Ginna Carroll, Treasurer Caitlin Anckner Lindsay Arnold Katherine Bennett Paige (Carson) Cook ‘91 Jeri Flood Heather Fountain Allison Gerber Heather Harmon Starr Horn Leigh Hunter Melanie Johannesen Ingrid Lelos Catherine Lovett Stephanie Lynch 65 The Savannah Country Day School
Liz (Lientz) Macfadyen ‘96 Lee McGee Bradley McLeod Elizabeth Milling Price Mingledorff Crissy Mondy Melissa Neil Amy Paderewski Kimberly Phillips Leigh Richardson Allisen Rogers Madison Salzillo Nikki Smith Emily Stubbs Kara Watson Dana Whitefield Lisa Wilkes
Amy Pierce, President Beckie Templeton, Vice President Amanda Byck ‘96, Treasurer Amy Rizik, Secretary Dora Adjei Nancy Bergmann Holly Goldstein Andrea Harris Linh Hay Kayla Johnson Amy Kaminsky Amy Keaton Rachael Lee Liz (Lientz) Macfadyen ‘96 Christy Odom Laura Picone Allisen Rogers Deanie Strength
The Booster Club provides a forum for parental involvement in and support of The Savannah Country Day School athletic program, to provide financial support of approved athletic program projects and amenities, and to increase the awareness of the school’s athletic programs both within and outside of The Savannah
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 66
I S YOU R NAM E M ISSING? The Report on Philanthropy contains names of individuals who have made gifts to The Savannah Country Day School that were processed through the Office of Advancement between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. There could be several reasons that your name does not appear in what you believe to be the appropriate giving level—or does not appear at all: You made your gift either before July 1, 2022, or after June 30, 2023. You gave more during this period than you realize; your name may be in the next giving level. You made a pledge instead of an outright gift. If you made a pledge between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023, but chose to begin fulfilling it after June 30, 2023, your name will not appear in this honor roll, which reflects only gifts received. If we omitted your name in error or if you have questions or concerns, please contact Ann Lerch, Director of Annual Giving, at 912-961-8822 or alerch@savcds.org.
67 The Savannah Country Day School
Thank you, instilling a love of learning in FACULTY, for our students;
promoting a tradition of excellence, COACHES, for both on and off the field;
for your partnership and steadfast support; and
preserving and enhancing the ALUMNI, for Hornet spirit.
The contribution of every person in our Hornet community makes an impact on our most important asset — our students.
2022-2023 Report on Philanthropy 68
69 The Savannah Country Day School