Why DIY Tree Removal Is considered a Bad Idea!

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DIY TREE REMOVAL IS A BAD IDEA! READ ON TO FIND OUT WHY Do-it-yourself tree removal or tree trimming is a dangerously bad idea. Many people see tree work as a simple job and if they have a tree that needs a trim or complete removing then they think they can easily do it themselves. As tree experts and licensed professionals maintaining trees for almost 30 years, we know there is much more to tree removal than meets the eye! Tree removal Adelaide is a complex job and must be left to trained professionals. Knowing the best way to prune, trim or remove a tree and how to do it safely is crucial.

DIY tree removal can go terribly wrong for inexperienced individuals. It can prove to be extremely dangerous, very costly, time-consuming and a total headache when it comes to cleaning up after a tree trimming or tree removal job. Moreover, a tree needs to be carefully pruned or removed so that it doesn’t damage property or cause a hazard or pose to be a threat to the people residing on the property. Therefore, you should always bring the professionals in to do your Adelaide tree maintenance or tree removal job.

7 TOP REASONS TO HIRE AN ACCREDITED ADELAIDE TREE REMOVAL SERVICE Here are some key reasons why removing a tree yourself is a no-no:  DIY TREE REMOVAL IS A MAJOR TIME

COMMITMENT Complete tree removal is a very tedious and time-consuming project. For the inexperienced individual, it can take many hours or even days of labor-intensive work to completely and safely remove a tree. Additionally, you will need to factor in the time required for planning, preparing for it, safe execution to perform the laboring work and clean up after it’s done.


TREE REMOVAL? You would need a lot of specialized gear and equipment to get the job done. A tree cannot be removed without proper industrystrength tools. Not having the right tools is likely to make you burn out and fail before the start of the tree removal project. A professional tree servicing company will already own all the necessary equipment and will also be trained in how to safely operate the equipment, so no accidental injuries will occur during the process.

 DIY TREE REMOVAL CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS Without proper equipment, knowledge and experience, removing a tree can be very unsafe for your property and yourself or your family. Once the tree begins to fall you have no control as to which direction it goes. Pre-planning fails when mistakes happen and you cannot always influence a large tree to fall a certain way. The tree being removed can fall on your house, your car, your neighbors' house or car, power lines, pets or even people.

 WASTE DISPOSAL IS A HUGE INCONVENIENCE Have you thought of how are you going to dispose of all the tree waste that will accumulate on your property? Safely clearing your property after tree pruning can be a big hassle. If you hire a reliable Adelaide tree maintenance service for the job, they will take care of all the clearing work and leave your property looking clean and tidy.

 COMPROMISING SAFETY OF OTHERS Apart from the impact that tree removal will have on your property, you also need to consider other people, such as your neighbors, who may be affected directly or indirectly. With an unsafe DIY tree removal, you do not want to put your neighbors' property, pets or even family at risk. Consider hiring an accredited and trusted tree removal service to get the trees on your property safely trimmed or completely removed.

 THE WHOLE PROCESS IS QUITE EXPENSIVE There are a lot of expenses that go into removing a tree, including purchasing or renting specialized equipment, insurance coverage, clearing tree debris and disposing of tree waste, and however much your individual time is worth. Will you really be saving any money by removing the tree yourself?


THAN YOU THINK! If you have any questions chat with us today and we will be happy to help you. We are qualified and professional Adelaide tree removals service and the trusted choice of numerous happy clients. SA Tree Recyclers specializes in safe Adelaide tree removals, tree trimming, tree lopping, tree trimming of dangerous trees, Adelaide palm tree removal and much more.

Contact Us Address :- 20 Chapman Road, Hackham, SA 5163 Australia Phone :- 0418 830 596 Visit :- https://www.satreerecyclers.com.au/

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