Winter Highlander 2022

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Highlander winter 2022


newsletter for the St. Andrew’s community


Welcome from Dr. Kelley Waldron, Head of School

Creating A Positive Student Experience Have you ever taken a rubber band and stretched it right until the point it feels like it can give no more? When you release it, it is larger than it was before. If you repeat this, the elasticity creates a larger surface area than the original form of the rubber band. I feel like the challenges of the past year have had this effect on us individually, but also collectively. We have a comfort zone, a place where we don’t feel tension. And, over the past two years, there have been points where we are stretched almost to the place where we think we may be hitting our outer limit, and then find some reprieve. That reprieve does not take us back to where we were, but leaves us with a new and more expansive shape and perspective. While this stretching and contracting has been at a pace that is unparalleled in recent history, it is reflective of a more ordinary process we experience with less notable extremes throughout the learning process. When we encounter new learning situations, are asked to explore and make meaning of them, and then to practice the skills to successfully navigate them, we are stretching our proverbial rubber bands. At the point of mastery, we feel some reprieve from the stretch, and a new comfort, but our understanding and abilities are more expansive and we have a broader perspective. It enables us to take on the next challenge or new experience, with skills we would not have except for the previous learning cycle.


students incrementally develop the skills to successfully navigate a broader range of experiences. This prepares young people not only for academic success, but also empowers them to be self-directed, lifelong learners in an increasingly complex world. The start of this new year feels like no other. We have traveled a momentous journey since March 2019, navigating uncharted territory. Celebrating our student experiences and success in this Highlander highlights the ways in which our community has met the complexity of this moment with a commitment to our mission. Our students have continued to learn and grow through authentic experiences in and out of the classroom with consistency and continuity. Through this work, we are supporting and preparing them at this moment, but also for the path ahead. This is worth celebrating as we begin a new year.

3 - 6

SAS Student Experience


Distinguished Alumni


News Makers

10 - 11 Arts & Athletics 12 - 13 Donor Recognition 14

Class News

We wish our entire school community, past and present, a peaceful, healthy, and prosperous new year. Here’s to another year of learning and growing together. Sincerely,

Kelley Waldron Head of School

As a school, we plan and develop our student experiences, in and out of the classroom, to nurture and support students through this process. If we never ask students to stretch themselves, we never expand our shapes, capacities, or perspectives. When the challenge to stretch is constructed thoughtfully and supportively,

Tree Planting Tradition The Class of 2022 planted a flowering crepe myrtle this fall on campus. Senior Class Officers led the way. Left to right: Mary Leigh Jenkins, Marie Audebert, Curry Jones, and Vangeli Tsiaras

601 Penn Waller Road Savannah, Georgia 31410

Understanding Students’ Experiences in Their Own Words national Baccalaureate program. She also appreciated the open access to athletics

and set her sights on playing volleyball. As a junior, Reese was selected as an All-Region player for GISA volleyball, and she sees herself as a leader in the classroom and on the court.

The two seniors in the group, Elle Raeburn and Taylor Hamilton, both credit the teachers at SAS with their positive

student experience. Attending SAS since

Kindergarten, Taylor Hamilton ’22 thought about leaving after completing Middle School. She thought it was time for a

change of scenery; however, she made the choice to stay, basing her decision on the

connections she had made with her peers

and teachers. She realized the one-on-one

interactions with her teachers was not the norm at other schools.

This group of Upper School student am-

Dagmawit Ionno ’24 was ready for a

chat to offer their perspectives about life as

She made the choice to enroll at SAS be-

bassadors was pleased to sit down for a a St. Andrew’s student.

In his first year at St. Andrew’s School

(SAS), Zayden Edwards ’25 has quickly

become part of the school community. He credits the Upper School class trips for

helping him feel like part of the family.

When the freshman class traveled to North Carolina in August, Zayden barely knew anyone’s name, but after a week in the

mountains, he returned feeling connected to his classmates and ready for the year ahead.

“Just the fact that we are being inter-

viewed to share our thoughts on what it’s like to be a student here says a lot about

the community,” said Zayden. “People are open and care about each other.”

change after three years of homeschooling. cause of the strong academic program and a chance to be part of a school community. Dagmawit has embraced all the opportunities afforded her by serving on student council, swimming on the Varsity team, being a part of the yearbook staff, and

participating in various clubs. The student experience in and out of the classroom is what Dagmawit appreciates most about SAS.

“I especially love that I have the freedom to participate in so many different activities,” said Dagmawit. “The variety of

opportunities allows me to try new things, learn new skills, and realize I have talents

“The curriculum is definitely challenging, but our teachers care about each of us and make sure we are set up for success,” said Taylor.

The student experience at SAS could be

summed up with one word: engagement. All of these student leaders are trying it

all. From multiple sports teams to clubs,

activities, and the arts, these Upper School students are highly engaged in campus

life, playing a part in crafting their own experience.

“We play a vital role in creating the com-

munity we want, and our voices matter,”

said Elle Raeburn ’22. “Whether it’s starting a new student club or sitting with an

administrator to share an opinion or idea,

I feel respected and valued as a member of the St. Andrew’s family.”

that I didn’t know existed.”

As a freshman, Reese Young ’23 joined the SAS community primarily for the Inter-

Pictured above, l to r: Taylor Hamilton, Elle Raeburn, Dagmawit Ionno, Reese Young, Zayden Edwards



Scottish Clans Come Together A culture of community doesn’t just hap-

Preceding this year’s Scottish Games, clan

practice to effect change and maintain a

shake. Each group created a one-of-a-kind

pen. It takes careful planning and daily

positive school climate. One unique way we create that culture is through the six

Scottish Clans, each of which has approximately 80 students. Within each clan,

students are put into cross-divisional partnerships. Most groups include a student from each division.

partners gathered to create a secret handgreeting known only to their partners.

“It was a great way to get to know my

partner and have a little fun,” said junior Nyla Nelson, pictured above with Ruby Solomon ’31. Top right, Jordan Espina ’27 & Jonah Hobbie ’23; bottom right, Isabelle Booth ’23 & Sage Lough ’26.

SCOTTISH GAMES ’21 1st Place • Chisholm (pictured here) 2nd Place • MacPherson 3rd Place • MacDonald & MacDuff


Freshmen Take Flight This program lays the foundation for informed decision making and empowers students to:

• Enter their 10th grade career shadow experience with greater understanding of their options

• Align their 11th and 12th grade coursework choices with areas of personal interest and passion

• Evaluate college choices with the benefit of authentic career and work exploration over the entirety of their high school years

• Understand the diversity of career paths available within major industry sectors

• Understand the relationship between industry, economy, and community vitality

Since August, the new experiential program for 9th graders

known as Freshman Flights is up and running. St. Andrew’s freshmen have visited Hunter Army Airfield, family-owned business-

Future topics include logistics, engineering, healthcare, tourism, and non-profit entities. Stay tuned as the program progresses in its inaugural year.

es, and SCAD.

Freshman Flights is designed to acquaint students with industry

sectors that are fundamental to our local economy, while allowing them to better understand the expanse of career opportunities in

these industries. This program is an extension of the active learn-

ing taking place day-to-day on campus giving students additional authentic experiences.

Once a month, freshmen leave campus to spend a day with area leaders in a variety of industries. In partnering with our neigh-

boring Savannah stakeholders, our students are beginning to see

ways in which to translate their learning into future opportunities and career paths.

Scenes from the Freshmen Flight experience at SCAD.

Pictured top left, Steve Gildersleeve and Brodie Card try out a helicopter. Pictured above, Nadya Doscher and Gray Holmes at Hunter Army Airfield.



ALUMNI PERSPECTIVE: When the Student Becomes the Teacher

Two of our newer teachers also happen to be St. Andrew’s alumni. We asked them to share their perspective on the student experiences from a couple of vantage points. Morgan Bennet Ballard

Erin Norvell

What do you teach at St. Andrew’s? Morgan Bennet Ballard ’15: I teach 7th and 9th grade English. I also help coach the Varsity Track team and specialize in sprint events. Erin Norvell ’10: I teach First Grade, focusing on English Language Arts.

Why did you want to return to your alma mater as a faculty member? MBB: St. Andrew’s is a place where people genuinely care about each other. It felt like the perfect environment to return to because I knew that I would be more than just another employee. Having been a part of this community for so long, no other school would feel the same. EN: Throughout my middle school and high school years, I always felt supported by my teachers and enjoyed the close-knit and accepting community of peers at St. Andrew’s. I’ve always felt a sense of belonging at St. Andrew’s and knew my teachers would go the extra mile to ensure my success. I admire St. Andrew’s for having a laidback atmosphere, while still providing a strong foundation for students to thrive in life after high school years. I was equipped with the tools I needed to be successful in college and I knew this was a community I wanted to remain a part of.

What is your best student memory? MBB: That’s a hard question. There are a lot of great things that I look back on as I walk around campus and talk with my former teachers who are now my coworkers. I’m not sure that I can settle on just one memory. My top five would have to be Senior Venture, Mr. Kelly reading Edgar Allan Poe to the class on Halloween, watching Space Jam on the last day of math class with Mr. Morrow

my senior year, Chisholm winning the Scottish Games in 2015, and walking off the basketball court for the last time on Senior Night to hug my dad who had been coaching me for years. EN: I have many fond memories of attending St. Andrew’s including working on Homecoming floats, going on class trips, hosting an exchange student from our sister school in Venezuela, and attending football games. One of my favorite memories is being selected Homecoming queen by my peers during my senior year.

In regard to the student experience, do you think anything has changed since you were a student? MBB: We’ve continued to grow with technology, so things like the Design & Tech classes are really cool additions to the curriculum. The IB program has expanded as well, and I would love to have taken IB Psychology. EN: When I attended St. Andrew’s, we were just beginning to implement the International Baccalaureate program. I believe academics have become even stronger at St. Andrew’s after becoming an IB school. I’ve also noticed our athletic and fine arts programs have grown and become more competitive and successful than they were during my years at St. Andrew’s. One thing has not changed, and that is the close-knit community of students, faculty, and staff. I love experiencing St. Andrew’s from a different perspective as a teacher.


Distinguished Alumni Award Alex Allen ’12 was named the Distinguished Alumni during this year’s Homecoming festivities. She was nominated by two of her classmates, Aly Trenaman ’12 and Cassie Miller Oliver ’12. We are pleased to share their beautifully written nomination below. Alex is pictured here with Aly after receiving the award.

We would like to nominate Alex Allen for the St. Andrew’s Distinguished Alumni Award. Alex is an alumna of the Class of 2012 and is a very deserving candidate of this award for many reasons. Alex has been a nurse for two years and has accomplished and experienced so much already. After completing her first Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and Chemistry at Mercer University in 2016, she went on to receive her second Bachelor of Science in Nursing from South College in 2019. After graduating with her second bachelor’s degree, Alex began her career as a Registered Nurse in February 2020 in the Trauma Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Memorial Health Hospital in Savannah, GA. Alex has served as a fearless frontline healthcare worker since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. She has worked tirelessly, fought for her patients, and provided comfort to their families as they faced tragedy, illness, and loss. Alex not only continues to help pick up shifts when her unit is short staffed, but she has also spent many of her well-deserved days off back at the hospital in the CoVID units to help care for the overflow of CoVID-19 patients and their families. Alex’s dedication to her work and compassion she gives to her patients and their families is inspiring. She has the biggest heart that continues to care and pray for each of her patients, even on her days off. It is incredible to watch her motivation to serve others prevail during such a discouraging healthcare crisis. Alex is dedicated to making the biggest impact on healthcare in every way she can and is constantly learning what she can do to better the care of her patients. There is no doubt the first few years in nursing can be a challenge, but Alex has persevered during the additional pressure of a global pandemic. Moreover, she has recently begun to pursue her education even further as she was recently accepted to the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner program at Georgia Southern University in pursuit of her Doctorate in Nursing Practice. If you were to ask Alex how she is able to persevere during this challenging time for our entire nation, she would tell you her faith in God keeps her going. In fact, she recently posted to Facebook and stated, “I truly believe it is my faith that keeps me going. It’s

the subtle reminders that He is with us ALWAYS and he has the plan. It’s the talking about Jesus with families that brings us both comfort. It’s the hugging a stranger as they cry and praying for a shield of protection and His presence around them. It’s the conversations I have with families who are strong in their faith that make mine that much stronger.” Her faith in God helps her to live each day with purpose and drives her to love and protect her fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, her patients, and their families. In addition to her work ethic and faith, Alex remains a prominent member of the St. Andrew’s Alumni community and the Savannah community alike. During her free time, Alex leads a Bible study, attends church with her family, plays softball for a church recreation league, and continues to support St. Andrew’s by attending sporting events. To know her is to love her and we could not be more proud to call Alex our best friend and inspiration. With love,

Cassie Miller Oliver Aly Trenaman


News Makers An ALL-STAR Senior Anthony Kusilka played in the GISA

was bittersweet. His favorite part of being on

John Milledge Academy, Milledgeville. He

among his teammates, knowing that the play-

All-Star Football Game on December 10 at

was nominated by Head Football Coach Blake Henry and selected by the committee to play

the field has always been the camaraderie ers on either side of him had his back.

on the “Blue” All-Star team. A 6-3, 170 pound-

“I have been playing with some of the same

back for the Lions.

that memory long after high school,” said

er, Anthony played as linebacker and running

“Anthony is an outstanding student athlete

and was more than deserving for this unique

guys since Middle School and will hold onto Anthony.

During the All-Star game, Anthony started

opportunity,” said Blake Henry.

at free safety and special teams for the Blue

Anthony was thrilled to be selected for the

recovery in helping the Blue Team defeat the

All-Star team but admits playing in the game

team. He had two solo tackles and a fumble White Team 52-27.

TEACHER of the YEAR St. Andrew’s is pleased to announce that Alexis Watts has been

named the Georgia Independent Schools Association (GISA) Middle School Teacher of the Year. On Monday, November 15, GISA

Vice President Stan Whitlock presented Alexis with the award at the annual conference in Atlanta.

“Teaching is an endlessly rewarding experience, and while working with middle school students presents challenges, every day

has its moments of laughter and, often, joy,” said Alexis Watts. “I am so fortunate to work in a school with supportive colleagues

who push me to be the best educator I can be. To be recognized for doing the work that I love is an incredible honor.”

Alexis is the Middle School Dean of Students and teaches 8th

grade English. She graduated with her B.A. in English and French and certification in secondary education from the University of

Michigan and earned her M.A. in Liberal Studies at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. She has been a part of the St. Andrew’s faculty since 2014.

“The GISA Teacher of the Year Award is a tremendous honor with

164 other schools vying for this opportunity,” said Head of School Dr. Kelley Waldron. “We are extremely proud of Alexis for her

work with our students each day. She is committed to creating

a classroom that encourages students to develop into reflective, principled learners.”

GISA is a non-profit association of private, independent, and parochial schools throughout the State of Georgia. With 165 schools under GISA, the GISA Teacher of the Year Award is given to a

teacher that has demonstrated outstanding teaching and service in the upper school, middle school, or lower school.


Taking The Mystery Out of Middle School St. Andrew’s is fortunate to have

of additional support. In response to this problem, she created an

Learning Resources Coordina-

tion to high school.

a published author on staff.

tor Stefanie Johnson recently

completed and published Middle School Doesn’t Suck: The real stuff every pre-teen girl should know in

50 words or less. Stefanie wrote the

30-page book as a gift to all girls

going through the middle school years.

“I have a few key takeaways for

anyone who reads the book,” said

Stefanie. “I want them to understand the importance of making

good decisions and to know it’s ok to make some mistakes along the way.”

annual middle school girls conference to assist with their transiOver this past summer, Stefanie put pen to paper and wrote the

text for a book, drawing on her experiences with girls in grades 5 through 8. She was pleased with her efforts and was content for it to sit on the shelf with other books she had written. However, her husband challenged her to publish the book before he deployed to Qatar with the Army in the fall.

Stefanie began the process of looking for a publisher but with time running short, she did a little research and realized how

easy it was to self-publish her guide for middle school girls. The book is now available on Amazon, and Stefanie hopes to share the book in small groups with St. Andrew’s students.

“I am happy with the finished product and hopeful that my

Before joining the St. Andrew’s staff, Stefanie was working in Delaware as a high school site coordinator. She noticed that

words can inspire a young girl to become a confident, kind person who isn’t afraid to lead,” said Stefanie.

freshmen girls were repeatedly making bad choices and in need


This fall, Mel Abrams was recognized for completing the GISA Emerging Leaders Institute. This yearlong fellowship includes cohorts of 15-20 educators who are committed to leadership development. The fellowship requires school visits and

Robin Hood, this year’s

selection for the annual

GISA One Act Play Competition, was co-directed

leadership shadows, alongside a re-

by Luke DeLorme ’22

flective portfolio aimed at solidifying

and Kyra Stillwagon

and strengthening the skills required

’22. These two seniors

for school leadership.

are part of the Interna-

tional Baccalaureate (IB) theatre program and

Chris Morrow was recognized for

completing the GISA Master Teacher Program. Each year, experienced

teachers may apply to this yearlong program, which includes portfolio compilation and guided reflective

work to strengthen teacher’s mas-

tery of pedagogy and content in the classroom.

took on the challenge of competing against other schools. Their first task was to select a play that would excite stu-

dents to audition. Other responsibilities included casting

the production, blocking the scenes, and running rehears-

als. The cast was named 1st runner up at the regional level and competed at the state level where Luke received an

outstanding actor award for his portrayal as the Sheriff of Nottingham.


Visual Arts: From a Student Perspective What started as a selfie developed

Caroline Kurinij ’23 was more focused

approach to self-portraiture.

tation. Her goal was to give her piece a

into a fully conceptual and intentional

on conventional strategies in represen-

realistic quality using light and shadow.

Sydney Minton ’23, an IB art stu-

She kept the figure quite solemn and

dent, embraced the art assignment of

creating a self-portrait and believes her painting is more than a mirror reflec-

emotionless and relied on the color of

the butterflies to communicate feeling.

tion. She hopes that the piece projects

her personality traits of optimism and openness.

“Sydney’s self-portrait is quite interpretive in its use of flowers to cover parts

of her face,” said IB Art teacher Michael Barefield. “For her it is a symbol of

inner beauty brought forth as a prominent visible feature.”

After studying

personality of each crab is what brings it

The goal is to highlight what is great

science class,

This assignment consisted of three dis-

gestions for improvement,” said Geoff.

marsh life in

Lower School

art teacher Geoff

Byrne encouraged his 2nd grade stu-

dents to create a piece of art from their

experience trudging through the marsh.

For this particular project, Geoff had the students draw from observation and was amazed by what they created.

“I love that one crab may be lopsided or missing a claw,” said Geoff. “The

to life and makes it unique.”

tinct steps. First, the student drew a crab

about a piece and if needed, offer sug-

in pencil. Once pleased with the final

The students appreciate the opportunity

a fine tip black marker. The final step

ing positive and constructive comments

Geoff’s instruction to the next level is

of peer evaluation that sets Geoff’s art

each assignment.

from pro-

“As a class, we look at each student’s


drawing, the student added detail with

to share with each other and enjoy giv-

was to add color. But what really takes

on each piece of art. And it is this level

the critique that comes at the end of

class apart

creation and offer constructive feedback.

grams at other

Carter Kleinpeter ’23 has

“I was taking photos but it

project, Carter is now screen

form of media available and

pretty picture,” said Carter.

and sweatshirts, pictured left.

always loved working with any appreciates all the opportunities he’s been given at St. Andrew’s to focus on this passion. One

of his first projects was in Ms. Maria Dixon’s Digital Media class.

was more than just taking a “Ms. Dixon taught me how to

printing his designs onto shirts

transform a photo with lighting

“If I have a free moment in my

me how to create a piece of art

school’s design lab. I love the

and editing software-she taught

day, you will find me in the

with my camera.”

freedom I have to be creative,”

As part of an independent

said Carter.


Fall Athletic AWARDS


Academic Athlete/Marie Audebert ’21

Coach’s Award/Marie Audebert ’21 & Grace Nilson ’21 Most Improved/Vesta Bielinyte ’21

Most Valuable Player/Mary Leigh Jenkins ’21 Rookie of the Year/Ella McWhorter ’24

VARSITY VOLLEYBALL All-Region/Reese Young ’23

All-State/Isabelle Booth ’23 & Caroline Kurinij ’23

Coach’s Award/Gracen Amerson ’23 & Laura Jackson ’23 Most Improved/Lizzie Lank ’23 & Ava Stillwagon ’23


All Region/Zyere Edwards ’23 & Anthony Kusilka ’22 Lineman of the Year/Cameron Helle ’22

Lion Heart/Ethan Bland ’22 & Kaleb Lofton ’23

Most Improved Player/Gabe Barnhill ’22 & Hayward Pollard ’24 Tackler of the Year/Zyere Edwards ’23

Trust•Energy•Focus Award/Anthony Kusilka ’22

VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY Most Improved/Ryan Vasata ’24

Most Valuable Player/Kinnett Howard ’22


The St. Andrew’s community came together for one day of giving on

November 18, 2021. Funds raised support every aspect of the St. Andrew’s experience - academics, fine arts, athletics, and classroom enrichments.

Thanks to our alumni, parents, faculty, current students, grandparents, and friends

we raised $139,600 in a 24-hour period.

Community Partner Supports Collaborative Project This past fall Old Coast Heating & Air

Conditioning sponsored the “vote to support your favorite school” campaign. Participants were able to vote for their favorite school

sponsored project, and St. Andrew’s was one of the top three vote-getters for Savannah.

Middle Scicene teacher Dr. Kristin Peney and Director of Media Arts Ms. Maria Dixon re-

cently received $500 from Old Coast towards their Underwater Robotics project. The Project

A team of St. Andrew’s students are designing and building an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). The goal of the

ROV is to help solve the problems of pollution, the impact of climate change on coral

reefs, and to create healthy waterways. The ROV must have a power supply, motors,

a camera, circuit boards, grapplers, and a controller.


Better Together

There are many ways to give back to the St. Andrew’s School community and make an invaluable difference for each and every student.



priority. All donations, no matter what size, make a difference by

Volunteer, donate, or attend! The annual event is set for Saturday,

The St. Andrew’s Annual Fund is the school’s top fundraising

supporting the Annual Fund that can be spent immediately on the most pressing needs. St. Andrew’s counts on your Annual Fund


April 23, 2022 on campus. More details to come.

contributions because tuition does not cover the entire cost of a


enable our school to accomplish many important endeavors, not

way to support our school. Simply place your order by starting at

St. Andrew’s student education. Unrestricted gifts to the fund limited to:

• hiring forward-thinking and dedicated educational leaders

Calling all Prime Members! AmazonSmile is the easiest no cost for St. Andrew’s to receive the credit.

• outfitting our classrooms with cutting-edge infrastructure


• expediting our teachers’ leading-edge projects and programs

up for Publix Partners through your account and

supporting our state-of-the-art teaching practices

• maintaining our small class sizes to provide individualized and customized responsive instruction to our students

St. Andrew’s is a proud partner with our local Publix stores. Sign select St. Andrew’s. Then, enter your phone number at checkout each time you make an eligible purchase.



Beth Brodley, Business Office Manager at 912.897.4941 x302 or

Kroger? It’s easy when you enroll in Kroger Community Re-

St. Andrew’s accepts gifts of stocks and securities. Please contact for more information on donating stock. MATCHING GIFT

You may have the opportunity to double or even triple the value of your gift. Many companies offer matching gift programs to

their employees as part of their benefits package. Please contact

your Human Resources Office to learn more about your compa-

ny’s matching gift policy and to determine if you are eligible for a matching gift.


Planned giving is a method of supporting the future of St. An-

drew’s School through financial and estate planning. The gener-

osity of alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends will enable the school to plan now for future needs and ensure financial stability and a superior education for generations to come. Gifts of securi-

Did you know you can support St. Andrew’s just by shopping at wards®. To get started, sign up with your Plus Card, and select St. Andrew’s School. Once you’re enrolled, you’ll earn rewards

for our school every time you shop and use your Plus Card. Our school number is GN804.

communityrewards/enroll (If you can’t find St. Andrew’s School, look for St. Andrew’s on the Marsh.) BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION

The school benefits in multiple ways if you help us collect General Mills Box Tops. Each Box Top digital coupon is worth 10¢ for St.

Andrew’s. The Box Tops program is completely digital. Download the Box Tops app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App

Store to scan your receipt. The app will find participating prod-

ucts purchased at any store and instantly add cash to our school’s earnings online.

ties or life insurance, the creation of charitable remainder trusts,

and bequests are all vehicles of planned giving which benefit the school and leave a lasting legacy. Planned giving often offers tax benefits which can best be explained by a broker or tax advisor.

For more information on any of the above mentioned ways


VanBaelen at 897.4941, x. 309 or

The St. Andrew’s Legacy Endowment is also available for dona-

tions. The endowment demonstrates good fiscal management and planning to the larger community and is a reserve for the school that promotes and sustains fiscal health and vitality.

to give, please contact Director of Development Brigitte


CLASS NEWS Jon Hope ’09 was the guest speaker at

this year’s Founders’ Day assembly. Jon

is pictured here with Mr. David Kelly and Mr. Jeff Gonzalez. After graduating in

2009, he received his undergraduate de-

gree and law degree from the University of Georgia. He is now an Army Captain

in the JAG Corp and stationed at Hunter Army Airfield. Wolfgang Ziegler ’10 married Caitlin

Sunny Williams ’13 just started a new job with TikTok, the

video-focused social networking service. Her title is Growth & Revenue Operations Specialist.

Katherine Hurford ’17 graduated this past December from UGA with a degree in journalism and minor in health promotions.

She is employed at Jackson Healthcare in Atlanta as a Physician Research Consultant.

Jordan Horesh ’21 ran into US teacher

Mr. Michael Hoff on the junior class col-

Dianne Hammersmith on January 20,

lege tour. Jordan is a freshman at UNC/

2021. They live in Savannah, and Wolf-

Chapel Hill.

gang is the Assistant Manager of The Vitamin Shoppe on Abercorn.

Alan McAllister ’11 and Maggie Yarbrough were

married June 12, 2021 in Savannah. St. Andrew’s alumni in the wedding

party included groomsmen Jason Gonzalez ’11, Jeffrey

Grace Jackson ’21 (pictured far

right) came home to crown Marie

Audebert ’22 as this year’s Home-

coming queen. Grace is a freshman at UGA.

Gonzalez ’10, Ryan Hunt ’12, Danny Kirkconnell

’11 & Taylor Miller ’11 and

bridesmaids Alex Allen ’12


& Amanda McAllister ’12.

It was wonderful to see so many alumni on campus to present rings during the Junior Ring Ceremony. Pictured here are just some of those alumni in attendance. Top row, l to r: Matthew ’19 & Sarah Molnar, Ethan & Zac ’18 Wilkins, Gordon & Corinne ’21 Standing; 2nd row, l to r: Anna Spitalnick & Sumter Archer ’21, Luke & Libby ’21 Peaster, Alaina ’20 & Jillian Rachlin, Phoebe Mayo ’21 & Sydney Minton, Sydney ’20 & Andrew Bacon, Henry Bush, Gena ’18 & Thomas Hill.


Take the Credit Thank you to the

many St. Andrew’s School community

members for participating in the Georgia Goal Program. If you The Gray Solana Memorial Holiday Invitational took place in De-

cember with The Habersham School and Savannah Christian Prep School participating. The annual event raises funds for the Gray

Solana Emerging Leader Scholarship Award which recognizes one member of the SAS freshman class based on the characteristics of trustworthiness, commitment, and respect.



Zayden Edwards (SAS)

Kinnett Howard (SAS)

Zyere Edwards (SAS) Tyler Tift (THS)

port St. Andrew’s by participating in this remarkable tax credit

opportunity in our state. Through our partner Student Scholarship Organization, Georgia GOAL, you are able to contribute funds that will be used to provide financial aid for deserving

students to attend our school, and you will receive a 100% Georgia income tax credit in exchange for your contribution! In other

Congratulations to the All-Tournament team members: Peyton Cromwell (SCPS)

are not already a part of the program, we encourage you to sup-

Maggie Byrd (SCPS)

Jenna Kate Welsh (THS)

words, the state of Georgia is allowing you to ‘spend’ some of

the state income taxes you must pay in order to provide tuition assistance for excellent students seeking a St. Andrew’s education.

You are essential to our school admitting deserving students

through GOAL tuition assistance, which increases the quality of

St. Andrew’s through increased enrollment, financial well-being, and continuously improved offerings.

Please take a moment to apply for your 2022 GOAL tax credit

by completing the 20-second online application process at www. GOAL will take care of all remaining steps in the process until your contribution is due within 60 days fol-


lowing approval by the Georgia Department of Revenue.

We love hearing from our alumni. Please send news of college graduations, weddings, birth announcements, new jobs, exciting hobbies, as well as photos and alumni story ideas to:

If you have questions or need more information, please contact

Director of Development Brigitte VanBaelen at 897.4941, x. 309 or

We thank you in advance for being a part of this worthy GOAL.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Carrie Stillwagon, Chair

Stephen E Jackson, Jr.

Misty Thompson, Treasurer

Justin Rychak

Shay Bowen, Vice Chair

Elyssa Minton, Secretary

Dale Holloway ’82, Past Chair Dr. Amber Aragon Laura Lee Bocade David Harper

Ben Jones

Laura Solomon Aaron Tillinger

Catherine Warren Woodward Derek Zimmerman

OUR MISSION St. Andrew’s, an independent college preparatory school dedicated to personalized student development, strives to develop engaged, wellrounded individuals by inspiring a passion for knowledge, a commitment to personal integrity and a deepened social consciousness within a supportive educational community.

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Unrivaled Learning Experience St. Andrew’s is an independent school inspiring young people age 3 through grade 12.

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