May imagination fill your life

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Do you remember when imagination filled your life? When you believed that all things were possible? As a young child I explored the solar system and far off galaxies. My mind took me there, though my spaceship was mom's laptop ironing board and occasionally, a box or two. Later, I learned that I would not be an aerospace engineer when my winged orange crates crashed off the back porch steps to the ground, DIY 3D Solar Panels Review breaking into pieces. Luckily, my friend and I were not like the Wright Brothers and had chosen a free fall without us in the craft, though we had seriously contemplated one of us being the test pilot. Later, with the arrival of my "big" bike my travel world expanded beyond the neighborhood as I explored new worlds in my mind and new streets on my bike. Little of Galion, Ohio of the 50's was left unexplored via magnificent adventures and safaris.

But as the years passed, there was less time for imagination. After all, there was work, marriage, responsibilities, and more work. Today, we live in a culture where science, data, and facts are gods. The Missouri "show me" model is in vogue. If you can't prove it, it does not exist. For all of this new knowledge, has the world become any friendlier? Perhaps the time has arrived for us again to be energized by our imagination and believe that there are ways to improve life for all and that it is possible. For the Missourians who might be reading this, there is more and more quantum physics research indicating that narrow definitions of reality no longer hold true, that not everything is predictable or can be planned, and that the mind has tremendous power to affect inwardly and outwardly. With imagination comes dreams and with dreams comes hope. If enough of us come together, change must follow. So today, why not let a little imagination enter your life? Who knows where it will carry you.

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