Woher? Wohin?

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Woher? Wohin?



Where are you going?


Table of Content




Change of the actual term of love From political to polyamorous


How to make Lemonade? The reality about international relationships How to actually make Lemonade


Obstacles to overcome and Benefits

What makes a longdistance relatinship difficult, and what makes it worthwhile


Examples for international relationships How those couples not just crossed geographic borders How social media is our friend


Melting pot? How different traditions actually are given by intercultural couples 5

Introduction Everything is based on our future. Isnt it? The school we attend, the hobbys we have, the people we connect with. We learn every day how to widen our horizons, to keep us fit as long as possible or stay in touch with our friends. Easy right?


wie irgend wo wann 7



getting in touch with all kind of people is super easy this time. And it is even more important too keep in touch. You met this guy on hilydays, exchanged your instagram and maybe on a later time you see her story that shes sending time in your city. nothing is holding you back to get in touch again and meet up..

On the contrary

Another advantege in our time is, that basically everyone can travel anywhere. It doesent matter if its a backpackinterrail trip or an all exclusive luxus hotel. You cant avoid to meet new people. What also changed in the society is the mentallity in regard to strangers.The generation who is now slowy conquering the world has a more outgoing mindset, than the generation of our arents or grandarents.

From Political... Love in ancient times had a different meaning than now. Choosing the one person you want to spend your life with was more of an illusion than a realistic future. Just the upperclass with political influence were eligble for the international partnerpool. Marriage was used to build, hold or repair international relationships, to guarantee the peace. Some centurys later, not just the meaning of love, but also the models of love relationships changed.


...to Polyamorous Luckily these days we most of us can choose our partners without the influence of our families. And also the sceme of a classical man-woman-relationship gets more and more fluid and is not seen as a ultimate destination anymore. LGBT or GLBT, is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. In use since the 1990s. LGBT community beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s the initialism, as well as some of its common variants, functions as an umbrella term for sexuality and gender identity. 11

How to make Lemonade



Once you learn how to make lemonade by your own, with these very easy instructions, you’ll never go back to store-bought lemonade again. At first you have to gather the ingredients in order to prepare your lemonade recipe. You need: 1 cup granulated sugar. 6 cups cold water and 8 devided lemons. In addition, you need a kitchen strainer.



Make “simple syrup�: Place the sugar and water in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer. Stir so that the sugar dissolves completely before removing it from the heat. After you refrigerate it about 30 to 40 minutes.

Lemonade makes people happy. Even if we are talking about a mix of culure, it can be challenging, but with the right ingrediense you can create something beautyful and tasty. So keep on trying and be open minded to find your own cup of lemonade. 13




Even before they exchanged vows, Harry and Meghan were a metaphor for the state of multicultural Britain. For some black Brits, there was a sense of pride that a woman of color has joined the royal family. For others, the union is yet another reminder of deeply entrenched class prejudice and tradition. Meghan Markle was not born into poverty, but neither she lived with aristocratic privilege. Her career and relationships both appear to have stumbled and then succeeded through a combination of merit and luck. She built an acting career and embraced her interests, using her platform to adress causes like feminism and enviromental problems. She also happens to be marrying Prince Harry, the fun-loving renegade royal, who has landed trouble in the past. But his recent charity work and openness about his struggle with mental-health issues has endeared him into a public hungry for authenticity.


La saggezza è saper st senza voler eliminare la


Nell’epoca del Multiculturalismo e della Globalizzazione la formazione di coppie miste è un fenomeno ricorrente. Potremmo definire il Multiculturalismo come “il rifiuto dell’ideale cosmopolita tanto caro all’Illuminismo”.

Al posto dell’individuo ciò che viene considerato valore è il bacino di valori che le varie società portano in grembo. E se indubbiamente la compresenza di culture diverse costituisce una inesauribile fonte di arricchimento d’altra parte può causare numerosi conflitti e incomprensioni. A ben vedere, vivere con una persona provenite da un paese diverso dal nostro sicuramente ci permette di guardare con gli occhi della persona amata un pezzo di mondo che al contrario rimarrebbe sconosciuto ai nostri occhi. Sicuramente poter toccare con mano usi e costumi profondamente diversi dai nostri non può fare altre che fornire infiniti, continui stimoli alla coppia.

are con la differenza differenza.

Senza tenere conto che si può imparare un’altra lingua. Inoltra, indipendentemente dal fatto che la relazione sia duratura o meno, se ne esce sicuramente più arricchiti. Trovare un punto d’intesa con il partner permette di uscire dalla propria confort zone spingendo entrambi i partner a sviluppare una maggiore elasticità mentale nonché uno spirito di adattamento più forte. 19


Yesterday we talked about the blue blue sky



Obstacles you have not thought about in a long distance relationship 22

Beeing in a long distace relationship can create some obstacles you did not concider, if you are seperated from your S.O. If you are or have been in a solid long distance relationship it’s almost certain that you never met their friends and friends in reallife. On the one hand you save some money because you do not go out for date nights on a regular base but on the other hand all that cash flows into flight tickets which are definitly not getting any cheaper by disance. And till te moment you finally meet the days of the countdown are intense. Of course the thrill of waiting your partner in the airport can not be compared to any other, but when you are in the same place it’s like every part of you breaths a sigh of relief. And of course you are dreaming all the time, about not being separated from your partner by an ocean or a continent. Your friends and family at home arent a big help by telling you how hard it must be to love someone who is so far away and of course at the same time they are scared that one day you will move far far away from them.

Every time your friends are complaining about their tiny relationship fights, you secretly get a bit jealous, because you miss out all those little arguments. And also the daily life habits gets lost with little hugs and goodmorningkisses. In addition, the global geopolitical dynamics has an enorm effect on your relationship and you get really frustrated about the immigration laws. Another issue are the different time zones. sometimes you stay for hours just to talk some minutes to your S.O. .But once they come to visit you, there is nothing more exciting than form some rare and unforgettable moments at your favorte spots. Of course the future of a relationship over a long distance is uncertain except the one thing that is just, well, non-negotiable. And in the end given the choice, you wouldn’t change a thing about this challenging situation you have gotten yourself into. Last but not least, all you need is a working internet connection, an unregular sleep scedule and a bit of an adventerous spirit. Bon voyage!

The coundown till you see eachother is intense.


Both of your families are terrified, that you are going to move far away from home.

More than


You are always trying to find new ways to express your affection from a huge distance.

else, you really miss cuddling.

Your internal clock is permanently splitted between two sides of the globe. Even if you speak the same language, from time to time humor or sarcasm can gets lost in translation.


Sometimes you stay up super late just to talk for a few minutes.


Culture can be defined as a set of beliefs, values, customs and the social behavior of a society. Culture used to be a society which was restricted to a particular geographic location. But globalization and the advancement in transport and technology resulted in migration of several cultural groups from one place to another in search of income, education and source of living. As a result the 21st century has become the era of multiculturalism where multiple ethnic groups have been accepted in a single geography. Several countries experience a life amongst mixed ethnic group .The trip into the global village is a true cultural attraction and it helps educating and experiencing different cultures around the globe. Advantages of Multiculturalism: Living in a multi-cultural society could be a challenging initially but the advantages of such a lifestyle are numerous. Below listed are some key advantages. Adaptability: A person who is living in a multi-cultural society more easily adaptable to new situations. In these societies, every individual develops a sense of understanding to people who may have completely different set of beliefs and sometimes controversial beliefs. When a person is used to an ever changing society, changes in other fields of life like work and education. 26

Multiculture Migration Musthave

Supportive Environment: Living in a single belief system would mean that doing anything different would fire against the system. There are several cultures that are strongly believing, that Homosexuality is a sin and that people who are homosexual should be abandoned by their community. When living in a multi-cultural society, a community that does not have the same belief system would help in the way of understanding and supporting the abandoned individual.

Don’t forget to visit the global village.

Interesting: One thing about the global village is, that every idea someone is coming upwith is very wide spread. The various counters are a bouquet of what the world is like.The carnivals, the food festivals and celebrations are always fun and entertaining. Food: The major advantage of living in a multi-cultural society is that one can taste different cuisines without travelling.The Biryani,Thai green curry, shawarma, shepherd’s pie Turkish grill where all an amazing encounter.

Offence: If the cultures one lives in is not completely understood, by others the chances of offending someone is high. In certain cultures women should their husband. When a person that greets with a hug could be an offender. Surviving in multicultural Societies: Many individuals around the world this time are constantly migrating to other countries for better education, employment and other facilities. The below list of skills can be helpful when migrating to live on a mixed society. Do not expect: the main reasons why one may not survive in a multi-cultural society is expecting the it to behave in a certain way. Every turn at the global village was a pleasant surprise. it doesent matter how much one learns about the new community, living amongst them may not be simple. Open Mindedness: A person should be able to accept what the other cultures believing without contradicting or trying to establish supremacy. Respect the other goups: it is important to recognize that each community is different and hence one has to respect the other to ensure a peaceful environment. Read and prepare: Before moving into a new enviroment, it is important to understand the basic values of the host culture especially behaviors, and words that may offense and avoiding them. 27

Head up Verliere nicht aus den Augen, wie bereichernd eine multikulturelle Beziehung sein kann.


Die Kinder in binationalen Familien erwerben eher sprachliche, kulturelle und soziale Kompetenzen, die Eine unterschiedliche Auffassung des Familienbegriffs, wer zur gerade heute sehr gefragt sind. Sie entwickeln eine Familie gezählt wird oder was die Kernfamilie ist, als auch die Offenheit für den Umgang Spontanität im Alltag sind durch mit Verschiedenen Ideen. Traditionen und Gewohnheiten bedingt. Um Missverständnisse zwischen den Partnern zu vermiden, sollte eine ausreichende Sprachkompetenz Basis für eine gute Kommunikation sein, die über die Organisation des Alltags hinausgeht. Man sollte versuchen, gute Kompromisslösungen zu finden, um die durch die unterschiedlich durch die Kultur geprägten Vorstellungen beider Partner auf einen Nenner zu bringen. Die Erziehungsvorstellungen können jedoch, je nach kultureller Prägung, unterschiedlich sein. Auch in Bezug auf die Geschlechterrolle können auch Konflikte hinsichtlich der Erziehung der Kinder in der Partnerschaft aufkommen.


AFFRONTARE GLI OSTACOLI: LA MENTE È IL LIMITE Una vita che non ha ostacoli non è una vita! L’intelletto umano facilmemte è in grado di porre problemi e trovare soluzioni, creare alternative, plasmare, generare ar te. Tutte queste cose trovano il loro sfogo nella realtà perché la realtà presenta sfide da superare. Se non ci fosse stata la gravità sicuramente tu non avresti cercato un modo per cammiare, cosi gli uccelli cer tamente non avrebbero trovato un modo per usare le ali. Tutte le domande si aspettano una risposta,, così ogni dubbio richiede chiarimento. La mente serve proprio a questo, a superare gli ostacoli che ci si presentano. Si potrebbe dire che ogni scopo che non presenti difficoltà per essere perseguito non è un vero scopo, così un premio senza gara non è un premio, così una vittoria senza battaglia non è una vittoria. La difficoltà crea la necessità, la necessità ti costringe a innovarti, a evolvere verso una versione migliore di te. Le necessitá sono delle richieste e le richieste creano l’azione, che a sua volta conduce ai risultati. Ogni volta che madre natura supera un ostacolo si evolve. Ti ricordi la storia dello scoiattolo che ha dovuto mettere le ali per non cadere al suolo ad ogni salto? 30

Ogni problema che si vuole risolvere costa energie e fatica, ma è dalla risoluzione dei problemi che nasce la felicità. E sicuramente le relazioni amore sono un banco di prova per vedere di quale pasta si è veramente fatti. In tutte le relazioni nascono problemi di varia natura, alcuni insormontabili, altri banali, altri ancora risolvibili ma solo grazie ad un lavoro continuo da parte dei due partner. Va detto che oggi si nota sempre di più una cer ta tendenza ad instaurare relazioni di natura “liquida”, per usare le parole di Z.Bauman. Questa liquidità si traduce nella convinzione che il cambiamento sia l’unica cosa certa e che l’ incertezza sia l’unica certezza. Non è poi tanto diverso dalla struttura della società, consumistica, in cui ci troviamo. È veramente facile usare le persone in maniera “usa e getta”, un po’ come si fa con gli oggetti. Ma se è vero che l’indole dell’uomo sia quella di costruire legami, in quanto essere sociale, perchè oggi i legami,relazioni interpersonali, di qualsiasi natura si voglia, diventano sempre più instabili?

Usando le parole di Umberto Eco possiamo dire che il valore dominante all’ interno della società sia il “soggettivismo” che ha minato le basi della modernità rendedola frafile e liquida.. E in questa liquidità la solidità delle cose, così come la solidità dei rapporti umani è vista come un male, come una minaccia. Qualsiasi giuramento di fedeltà e ogni impegno a lungo termnine sembrano quasi presagire un futuro gravato da obblighi che riducono le capacità di accettare le opportunità nuove e ancora sconosciute che si preseneranno. In questo nuovo mondo si chiede agli uomoni di cercare soluzioni private a problemi di origine sociale e non viceversa. Non è forse il caso di intraprendere una nuova rotta che ci porti ad una maggiore solidità dei rapporti umani e interpersonali? 31

“I bought it, this whole acre. I want to build you a house right here. Our house.” –Richard Loving




Mr. and Mrs. Loving Mildred Delores Loving (July 22, 1939 – May 2, 2008) and her husband Richard Perry Loving (October 29, 1933 – June 29, 1975) were an American couple, who were the plaintiffs in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia (1967). Their life and marriage has been the subject of several songs and three movies, including the 2016 film Loving. The Lovings were an interracial married couple who were charged under a Virginia statute banning such marriages. With the help of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), they filed suit to overturn the law. In 1967, the Supreme Court ruled in their favor, striking down the Virginia statute and all state anti-miscegenation laws as unconstitutional violations of the Fourteenth Amendment. Beginning in 2013, the case was cited as precedent in U.S. federal court decisions holding restrictions on same-sex marriage in the United States unconstitutional.


埼玉県飯能市生まれの 千鹿野洋子 とオースト リアのブルデンツ生ま れのマンレッド シュター ル。スイスのベルンで知 り合い、恋に 落ちた日 本人の女性とドイツ人 の 男性。希望、愛そして 不安を心に 抱いて、故 郷の日本から数千キロ メートル離れたドイツに 来た。 イ ンターネット、 メ ールなども無か った時 代、 日本に残った家族と は、週に一度だけの短 い電話での 会話。 ドイ ツ語は話せず、彼との コ ミュニケーションは英語 であっ た。言葉の境を 超える愛情。二人の間 に生まれる娘たちのサ ンドラ麻衣とク リスチー ネあや。 ドイツと日本の 二つ の世界を故郷と呼 べるハーフではな く、最 もダブルの存在である。 36

35.8551째 N 139.3286째 E

47.1599째 N 9.8082째 E



Can I call you later? :)



Sure! Same time as usual?

Social media works efficiently, and in real-time. While many people access social media through smartphone apps, this communication tool started with computers, and social media can refer to any internet communication tool that allows users to broadly share content and engage with the public. 39

Melting pot? Definitly not! Even if relationships get more end more mixed up, you can still find differences in every culture. Especially if you take a look at the way marriages are proceeded you can find a diversity you have never seen before.

Stefano Tiozzo and his wife Sati Kazanova are dressed in traditional Circassian wedding dresses. The grooms wear the "cherkeska" coat, decorated with "gaziri"- small pockets wich functioned to store gunpowder. The brides wear the elaborately embroidered Circassian woman’s wedding dress, which is known as 'adiga fasha' 40





Solah Shringar

Wedding Barat

There are many rituals performed according to Vedic practices and hymns. Kanyadaan is also a ritual, which apart from being vital to the ceremony, tugs at the emotional cord of the parents of the bride

Solah shringar means the sixteen adornments of an Hindu bride, which contribute to her complete beautification. Wedding has always been dream for every girl and they realize it with utmost precision.

It is an in black and gold beaded necklace with a gold or diamond pendant. Mangalsutra carries huge importance in Hindu weddings and in the lives of married women.

Barat is one of the most fun filled traditions in the wedding ceremony. It is the procession, which proceeds from the house of the groom, to the wedding venue.The procession is attended by the all the relatives and friends from the groom’s side.


Tasting the Elements

This is a wedding ceremony tradition where a bride and groom are asked to taste three elements after exchange their rings. The elements are pepper, honey and dried fish. These elements symbolize the bitterness, happiness and fertility of life. The couple symbolically demonstrate that they will be able to get through the hard times of marriage and, for sure the sweetness of marriage.

Splitting of cows

One week before the celebration, a meeting is held, know in Maasai as the “aadung inkishu“, which means the splitting of cows. This is where both parties decide about the number of livestock that will be paid by the mans family.This amount differs from person to person. If it is arranged between friends it may be 4 or 5 cows, or it be as high as about 14 or 15 in other cases. 44

Sharing of Kola Nut

This is one wedding tradition that is still being practiced widely in Nigeria. Kola Nut is shared between the bride and groom is a symbol of the couple’s willingness to care for each other. The couples share a por tion of the Kola Nut during the wedding ceremony, and can choose to keep the remainder and display it at home as a symbol of their promise to work out problems that may occur during the marriage-life.



Credits Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Faculty of Design and Art

Format: 203,2mm x 254mm

Bachelor in Design and Art – Major in Design WUP 20/21 | 1st-semester foundation course

Fonts | Font Sizes & Leading: Body Text Gill Sans 14/16,8 pt

Project Modul: Editorial Design

Caption Text Palatino Regular 36/36 pt Layout Grid: 12 Column Grid

Design by: Sarah Langer Magazine | Woher? Wohin? Supervision: Project leader: Prof. Antonino Benincasa Project assistants: Andreas Trenker, Emilio Grazzi Photography: Han Kim (2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 29) Stefano Tiozzo (37, 38, 41)

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