7 sad quotes will speak out your blue state of mind

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his collection of sad quotes that ddquotes.com got you is for those moments when a few smile quotes great quotes about love and life can help us see light at the end of the tunnel. So print them out, put them up on your walls and let them inspire you to keep moving forward. >>> A beautiful selection of short, emotional and funny mother and daughter quotes and Sayings with images >>> Discover thousands of images about strong women quotes in here

“Depression is like a heaviness that you can’t ever escape. It crushes down on you, making even the smallest things like tying your shoes or chewing on toast seem like a twenty-mile hike uphill. Depression is a part of you; it’s in your bones and your blood.” ― Jasmine Warga, My Heart and Other Black Holes

“I wanted to kill someone and I wanted to die and I wanted to run as far and as fast as I could because she was never coming back. She had fallen off the face of the earth and she was never coming back.” ― Melissa Kantor, Maybe One Day “There’s death all around us. Everywhere we look. 1.8 people kill themselves every second. We just don’t pay attention. Until we do.” ― Cynthia Hand, The Last Time We Say Goodbye “I guess that’s what saying good-bye is always like–like jumping off an edge. The worst part is making the choice to do it. Once you’re in the air, there’s nothing you can do but let go.” “This is what it felt like to have a broken heart. It felt less like a cracking down the middle and more like she had swallowed it whole and it sat bruised and bleeding in the pit of her stomach.” ― Wendy Wunder, The Probability of Miracles “She had tricked him. She had made him leave his old self behind and come into her world, and then before he was really at home in it but too late to go back, she had left him stranded there–like an astronaut wandering about on the moon. Alone.” ― Katherine Paterson, Bridge to Terabithia “The sun kept on with its slipping away, and I thought how many small good things in the world might be resting on the shoulders of something terrible.” ― Carol Rifka Brunt, Tell the Wolves I’m Home

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