Tablets in the Early Years

Page 9

Data Collection #2 - Samples of student work Each pair recorded their composition within the app. I extracted these from the iPads and uploaded them to an online audio platform, SoundCloud.

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This enabled the ‘set’ of compositions to be shared with a wider audience, including the parents of the students involved. Knowing that their compositions would be shared to a real audience seemed to have an extremely positive affect on the students’ level of motivation. Of significant interest to me at this stage was the number of student compositions that followed the structure that we had been focusing on (ternary form). Almost every pair were successful in demonstrating their understanding of the musical concept through the use of the iPad. In addition to this, very few of the students needed support in the recording and saving stage of the process, demonstrating that these younger students are capable of operating technological tools without adult intervention. These sound files provide further evidence that Early Years students are capable of using higher order thinking skills. The young learners were actively engaged in creating their own music compositions using original ideas. They were planning, designing, making, inventing and recording sounds thereby demonstrating their learning and understanding within the unit of work.


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