artifact, photography by Sarah Faust, tabloid catalog, 16 pages, 2020

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Hummingbird from 1947, 2014 Mountains diptych, 2019 in-camera dbl exposures Rorschach inkbot, 2019 Black Mask, 2017 M and M, dresses, 2018

Joyland, 2012 Mother, vintage suit, 2019

Sarah’s ponytail 1970s, 2014 Mother’s pigtails, 1940s, 2014 Sewn up suit, 2019 Garden flowers, 2019 Mountains diptych, 2019 in-camera dbl exposures Rorschach inkbot, 2019

sarah faust

“...el tiempo no pasaba, sino que daba vueltas en redondo...” “...time was not passing, but turning in a circle...”

–GABRIEL GARCÍ­A MÁRQUEZ Cien Años de Soledad / One Hundred Years of Solitude

I am fascinated by the beauty and resilience, yet fragility, of life. In photographing my loved ones, in particular, my mother and my daughter, as well as myself, I investigate this coexistence. In my photographs I attempt to explore this concept by highlighting physical gesture and the weaving of tension and flow between my subjects. I am intrigued by the idea that one’s own memories and feelings may overlap from one generation to the next, and that through storytelling, personal artifacts and shared experience, a legacy is created. This collapsing of time and intertwining of life and death is a large part of the human experience. In these psychological distillations, I hope to reveal the complexities of our existence.

catalog Antifreeze, ShopColumbia, Chicago, February 2020 typeface Heimat Didone by Christoph Dunst

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