STTK supports jobs and growth strategy

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STTK supports jobs and growth strategy The Finnish Confederation of Professionals STTK, one of the three trade union confederations in Finland, calls for governmental level agenda for sustainable economic growth and employment. These two are seen vital in order to ensure labor market’s (in Finnish, työmarkkinat) sustainability and functionality. The central task of this agenda should be to define the economic priorities, and to support the national level competitiveness of companies and purchasing power of wage earners. The program should last for at least the entire life cycle of the current government. Finnish trade unions have prepared together their agenda for government negations. This agenda includes actions that are meant to response the challenges of the current socio­economic situation. To pick one of the topics as an example, extension of working lives are in the agenda. In addition to this, all trade unions see that it is reasonable to try to calm the working environment. Constant changes cause uncertainty and feelings of insecure, which is not supporting the ideas of growth. Employers and unions should first find a consensus on how to develop this peace in work environment. In the middle of all structural changes it is necessary to look the causes of any industrial conflicts with new approach. Without this the system is in danger zone.

The ma r r iage between work and know-how The requirements of working life (in Finnish, työelämä) have changed drastically over the last twenty years. Previously long term engagement with one employee was valued and supported by the employee and employer; nowadays knowhow and continuous development at work are preferred. This change in the attitude is strongly related to changes in word economy and world market. The technological development has been rapid, and it has created new economic opportunities but also destroyed old ones. The world has transformed from local to global, which has updated the competition at the global level. In this new environment, old skills and old ways to do things need to be re­evaluated. The change can be seen concentrically in constant layoffs and continuing changes in business plans. For employers, who became accustomed to old ways valuing the long term employee­employer relationship, this new model of running the business have come as a surprise. There are many sad stories of employers getting fired and losing all the meaning in their life. Probably the saddest thing for them is the fact that this trend is here to stay. In the world changing this fast nobody can unfortunately to expect, that one education and one skill will carry through the whole career. The modern employer must study and update his skills all the time. Unfortunately, many times the employee expects that this development and education is done in employer’s free time and by his own will. Not many employers provide time for their employees to research and development their knowhow. This probably is also due to the fast changes: even the employer has no time to think what it really takes to survive in this changing word. Many Finnish trade unions have brought up this question and enrolled it to their agenda. Trade unions have long perspective to working life in Finland, and they see the development of employer’s knowhow

crucial for the whole Finnish economy. STTK, one of the three trade union confederations in Finland founded in 1946, has mentioned that their new goal is to create the new marriage between work and knowhow, whereas the old marriage was between work and well­being. The changing world requires new ways to think, for employers, employees and trade unions. The change is never easy, but the only way is to survive.

Public economy at the times of uncertainty Economy is an interesting topic, and when it comes to public economy, everyone, and I do mean everyone, seems to have an opinion of how the government money should be used. The most common way for any government to react in this situation is to take more debt or make cuttings in public sector services. These both might not be the most recommended things to do in the uncertain economic situation. Public sector cuts can reduce domestic demand and weaken employment possibilities. More debt will just deepen the economic situation of the country and healing will take even more time. Many specialists do not see the cuts of public services as the solution for this situation. For example STTK, one of the three trade union (in Finnish: ay­liike) confederations in Finland, have set the statement where they argue that public sector should stop taking more debt; instead, government should vigorously build a longer­term program, with the aim of balancing the public economy, as well as promoting growth and employment. This governmental program should include the labor market solution that could increase stability and predictability of the working life and have concrete action points for extending careers in all its various stages.


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