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Commitment to Quality At Healthy Healing, our commitment to quality is unwavering. To insure we use the highest quality ingredients, we take the following ac5ons: To verify authen5city, each botanical ingredient is given an iden@fy test upon arrival. The iden5fy tes5ng and micro analysis are conducted both internally, and by outside 3rd par5es. The ingredients listed on our label are in our products, at the specific formula amounts. Our labs are GMP 3rd party cer@fied, and NSF registered. COA (Cer5ficate of Analysis) accompanies every herb in our formulas. When wild herbs are in danger of becoming ex5nct, we move to cul5vated herbs. When there's possible GMO contamina5on, we move to cer5fied organic herbs. As a company we will con@nue to align ourselves with industry ini@a@ves, quality companies, and quality individuals. Keep an eye out for our 100% Ingredient Verifica@on. We're proud of our products, the legacy, the ingredients, our integrity, and the Crystal Star brand. The Crystal Star product line is, and always has been, legi@mate.

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