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Specialist High Skills Major in Arts and Culture This year Welland Centennial has begun to offer a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) in the Arts. We already offer SHSM in Construction and Hospitality, and this year we add the arts. What does it mean to be enrolled in a Specialist High Skills Major and what are the benefits to our students? The SHSM is a ministry-approved specialized program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific sector while meeting the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and assists in their transition from high school to further training, college, university, or the workplace. An SHSM in Arts enables students to gain arts-related skills and knowledge in the context of engaging, career-related learning environments and helps them to focus on graduation and on pursuing their postsecondary goals. This program helps students start planning for careers in the Arts in a variety of areas. According to Statistics Canada, Arts and Culture are essential elements in the new global economy Âą not only for their entertainment value but also for the skills they develop in individuals. An arts education, for example, challenges people to think critically and to solve problems creatively Âą skills that are now in high demand. During the 1990s, the cultural sector labour force grew by 31 per cent, compared to 20 per FHQW IRU &DQDGDÂśV ODERXU IRUFH DV D ZKROH College and/or University Announcer and Other Broadcasters

Technical Occupations Related to Museums and Art Galleries

Apparel Production Supervisor


Artisan or Craftsperson Apprenticeship Training

Broadcast Technician

Entertainment Industry Power Technician

Conductor, Composer or Arranger

Crafts Artisan

Film or Video Camera Operator

Painter and Decorator

Graphic Arts Technician

Patternmaker Âą Textile, Leather, and Fur Products

Graphic Designer, Animator, Illustrator Interior Designer


Industrial Design Performer: Actor, Comedian, Singer, Dancer

Camera, Platemaking, or other Pre-Press Operations

Painter, Sculptor, and other Visual Artists

Desktop Publishing Operator


Photographic and Film Processor

Producer, Director, Choreographer, and Related Occupations

Sign Maker

Professional Occupations in Public Relations and

Weaver, Knitter and other fabric-making occupations

Textile Colourist

Communications The Benefits of a Specialist High Skills Major include:

Students refine their skills and improve their work habits, gain confidence in their ability to succeed, and see the connections between their studies, the world beyond high school and their future careers; Students experience a range of customized, career-focused learning opportunities; The focused learning experiences give students the opportunity to explore, identify, and refine career goals and make informed decisions related to postsecondary education; Upon completion of an SHSM and graduation from secondary school, students will receive a red seal on their GLSORPD HPERVVHG ZLWK WKH ZRUGV ³6SHFLDOLVW +LJK 6NLOOV 0DMRU ´ ,Q DGGLWLRQ VWXGHQWV ZLOO UHFHLYH DQ ³6+60 5HFRUG ´ which outlines their achievements and certifications; This program is available to students in Grade 11 and 12 and those students who are currently in Grade 10 should start planning for Grade 11 now, and consider whether this program is for you. Welland Centennial Secondary School


November 2010

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