discamus: an Introduction to Spoken Latin - Sara Chopra

Page 22

grammatica: Nominative and Accusative Noun and adjective endings are very important to comprehending Latin. These endings express cases ‒ different grammatical pieces of a sentence. Below are the nominative (subject) and accusative (direct object) case endings for 1st declension (often feminine words ending in -a), 2nd declension (often masculine words ending in -us), and 2nd declension neuter (ends in -um).

Nom. Acc.

Sing. -a femina

Pl. -ae feminae

-am feminam

-as feminas

Nom. Acc.

Sing. -us hortus

Pl. -i horti

-um hortum

-os hortos

Nom. Acc.

Sing. -um forum

Pl. -a fora

-um forum

-a fora

These endings are also used for adjectives that match the same gender and case as the nouns they modify. Sara Chopra


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