SAPC Mission Directory - 2023 Update

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2023 Update


Kristin Enger

Norm Enger

Karin Fiore

Marianne Hadden

Sandy Kreamer - Chair Person

Cindy Lange

Sharon Lee

Larry Norrid

Danielle Oxnam - Chair Person Elect

Don Parce

Jim Seymour

Sandy Seymour

RuthAnn Smithrud

| MISSIONS 2 Mission Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mission Values 3 How Do We Support These Ministries? 3 Mission Ministries & Missionaries 4 Faith that Works . . . . . . . . . . .23 CONTENTS

The Mission Team finds the following to be important values in determining how to allocate mission funds and become involved in mission projects.

We desire to support missions that:

1 Are effective in achieving the ministry’s goals… accountable, efficient, and above reproach .

2 . Offer the opportunity for “hands on” participation by St Andrew’s members In addition, we must: consider every member as being sent, encourage intergenerational efforts, partner with other churches, and foster relationships with those served

3 . Address the needs of the poor in Pima County and in the

two-thirds of the world by: providing the appropriate response to the need, not just the easiest response, doing more to address the root cause of need rather than the symptoms, involving the needy in the process whenever possible

4 Favor ministry where the Gospel in word and deed are intertwined .

5 Offer short term support to new or struggling churches

6 Share the Gospel with unreached people

7 . Foster the development of new pastors and missionaries from within our congregation .

8 . Use innovative methods to communicate the Gospel and serve the needy .


The main source of Missions’ Funds is from the church’s annual budget via tithes and offerings Session has attempted to budget 10% of general fund pledges, non-pledges, and loose offerings to the Mission Committee

The Mission Team then decides how to allocate that money among many local and global projects that St Andrew’s supports


The substantial estate of Mary Kay Tompkins was left to St . Andrew’s with the requirement that it be available to help needy people in Pima County Because of her generosity, we can afford more significant gifts to deserving local individuals and organizations


One of the most impactful ways the congregation can support many of these ministries is by volunteering Those ministries that have volunteer opportunities can be found throughout the directory highlighted in orange Also, contact information has been made available for each mission partner if you would like to request more information on ways to help


During the year the congregation has the opportunity to participate in special mission offerings such as the Youth 30 Hour Famine, Change for Children, and a special project for a Christmas offering The Missions Team does not allocate money from the budget to these programs


The Mission Team has included mission partners who have opportunities for direct giving by members of the congregation These include Adopt a Family, Operation Christmas Child, Team World Vision, and World Vision Child Sponsorships The Mission Team does not allocate money from the budget to these programs, but encourages involvement from the congregation


Occasionally, St Andrew’s members designate funds to a particular mission That money is sent directly to the program of choice Other funds are given through the year for missions with no further designation The Missions Team puts this money to use on projects with immediate needs .




Abdous - YWAM

Adam Baker - TEAM

Susie Brown - Scriptures in Use

Koleski -Christian Health Service Corp

Bickford - Wycliffe, sign languages worldwide, translation

Bickfort - Isaac & Kirstie

Wright - Marriage Mission International

Hannah Smith - YWAM

Total FIM (12%)


Good News Community Church

Total CP (14%)


Montlure Presbyterian Church Camp

Young Life Capernaum

Youth Souper Bowl Project

Northwest Young Life

Total CY (6%)


Jason Caywood - IVCF

Dave Drum - J-17 Ministries

Total Local IM (3%)


Tucson Refugee Ministry


Borderlands YAVS

Faith that Works

Gospel Rescue Mission

Habitat for Humanity

Southside PresbyterianCross Street Ministries


One Mission (Rocky Point)

Alliance for Children Everywhere

Frontera de Cristo

Hearts for the ChildrenThomas Allen Guatemala

The Outreach FoundationGSM Project Syria

Agape Village FoundationZambia

Trintiy Center for World Mission - Africa

Jesus to the Needy- Joe Morris - Panama

Goshen Africa - Uganda/ Kenya

Total FM (16%)


Service Worship

Primavera -- Anita Degnan

Sandwich Squad

Teen Blessing Bags

Deacons Blessing Bags

Total Local HO (3%)

Interfaith Community Services

Community Renewal

More Than a Bed

Eagles Wings of Grace


Fresh Start

Total Local LN (46%)

| MISSIONS 4 Alliance for Children Everywhere



The Adopt a Family program is a Christmas tradition at St Andrew’s for the past 36 years It is designed to reach impoverished families referred to us by various St Andrew’s contacts throughout the community . Each year, the program matches families with those who are willing to provide financial support and/or donate items requested by the referred families and ministries

Contact: Kristin Enger



The Agape Village Foundation started building an orphanage in Zambia, Africa in 2010, and has grown to accommodate almost 70 children The Agape Orphanage has a staff that works each day to care for the children, tutor them with their studies and help work the garden, orchard, and farm Seventy-five percent of all food consumed by the children is grown at the orphanage

In 2018 Agape School located next to the orphanage was planned, built, and paid for in order to offer the children a better education Agape School opened in January 2019 with eight classrooms that will accommodate 160 students There are new student and teacher desks in every classroom, projectors, whiteboards, bulletin boards, and security cameras in the halls, AND God’s miracle is eight miles from the closest city .

Contact: Mickey and Jackie Bailey

Agape Village Foundation

Rocky Mount, NC 27804


St. Andrew’s Contact: Elva Wilson


ACE supports and enriches orphans and vulnerable children in Lusaka, Zambia, through the crisis nursery (House of Moses), the toddler home (Bill and Betty Bryant Nursery), the Faith Works Elementary Schools (grades 1-6), and the Helen De Vos Christian High School (grades 7-12) The annual spring fundraiser at St . Andrew’s, Change for Children, features handmade baskets by Zambian women which are given to each family to collect donations for a specific project Recently, we’ve provided a heavy-duty washer (2015), school desks (2016), a ramada for the Bill and Betty Bryant Nursery (2017), running water with flushing toilets (2018), and books for childrens' classrooms (2019/2020) ACE Board members from St Andrew’s have included Claud Smith, Dave and Ellen Vellenga, and Carmen Morris Tax Exempt 501(c)(3)

Contact: Christa Woodard

St. Andrew’s Contact: Carmen Morris



The Blessing Bag Ministry assembles and offers bags of toiletries, snacks, drinks, Bible verses, and Resource Guides for distribution to people who are homeless or those in Tucson who are in need Specific ministries supported with these bags include Gospel Echoes and Tucson Homeless Work Program . For this ministry, toiletries and other items for the bags are donated by the congregation . These items are sorted and assembled during our quarterly Service Worship Sundays or as needed These bags are available for pickup at both the SW and NE campuses, available to anyone who wishes to distribute them . They may satisfy a physical hunger or thirst, may educate or lead someone to an agency that can help them, and may even lead someone to know Christ as their Savior through the love of a stranger

St. Andrew’s Contact: Carol Fiore


For over ten years, St . Andrew’s has supported this witness first by working with the Middle East Council of Churches and then with the Good Samaritan Ministry (GSM) of the Presbyterian Church of Yazedia Syria The GSM was established in 1993 to look after the needs of the elderly, those who need urgent medications as well as other basic needs, refugees and displaced people and children; all demonstrating the love and care of God shown in Jesus Christ

St . Andrew’s provides funds to encourage Christians to stay in their homeland and share Christ through their life and action by caring for all people (John 3: 16) who are suffering persecution and daily threat

The funds that St Andrew’s provides helps with their daily living needs such as food basket, needed medicine, and health care It also helps people develop themselves: providing a small fund for children in preschool as they prepare for their basic education, empowering women, especially widows and single women, and sometimes temporary rent for the displaced and refugees The ministry was not limited to the local village but reached out to many people in need, e .g . during the 2011 war in Syria it reached out to many displaced families in neighboring Lebanon


St . Andrew’s link to this ministry started through Rev . Nuhad Tomeh, a Presbyterian Mission coworker with the PCUSA, for Syria , Lebanon, and Iraq . Since 1995 he has attends St Andrew’s when he is in Tucson Although Nuhad is officially retired from the PCUSA, he still works with GSM, traveling back to Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq several times a year, spending about two months each visit . He is also a mission consultant for The Outreach Foundation of the PCUSA .

Contact: Rev . Dr . Nuhad Tomeh

St. Andrew’s Contact: Don Parce


Christian Health Service Corps is a ministry of Christian doctors, health professionals, and health educators serving the poor in places that have little or no access to healthcare Each year, they bring compassionate, life-saving health services to hundreds of thousands of families around the world . Their doctors and health professionals are often the only access to care for young families in poor communities

The Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC) is dedicated to transforming the health of children and families in their communities CHSC health professionals save many lives while imparting knowledge that builds community capacity for sustainable change . With respect for human dignity, they work to build community capacity to:

• Promote a worldview that nurtures and supports spiritual and physical wholeness in families

• Ensure child survival and normal growth of children

• Improve health infrastructure and access to functional healthcare services

Dr . Jerry Koleski, a family practice physician, and Elizabeth Koleski, a public health nurse, are serving at a Mission Hospital in Kapsowar, Kenya, where Jerry is teaching family practice residents and Elizabeth is working in community health They have served in mission hospitals in Ecuador and Malawi in previous years and a group from St . Andrew’s participated in a short mission trip to Ecuador when they were there in 2005 .

Contact: Jerry and Elizabeth Koleski

St. Andrew’s Contact: Marianne Hadden


The purpose of this ministry is to mobilize the body of Christ by bringing healing, development, and the Good News to the community of Tucson, especially the poor, marginalized, vulnerable, and broken . Acting as a catalyst, communicator, educator, and connector of faith communities in seeking positive transformation for the city of Tucson, they seek to promote a single, collaborative effort in addressing such issues as high interest pay-day loans, pornography, crime, and poverty by bringing together community leaders and resources with faith communities who want to demonstrate the Gospel in action, and then with words.

Director: Randy Reynolds

St. Andrew’s Contact: RuthAnn Smithrud



The Cross Street Community has been a ministry of Southside Presbyterian Church for over 20 years, providing nutritious hot meals, hot showers, clean clothing, and haircuts at no cost to hundreds of our vulnerable brothers and sisters of the streets . Most importantly this has been a blessed source of kinship for all . These activities are supported by devoted volunteers who come from all walks of life

Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers are welcome to help with this outreach ministry Great for those who would enjoy preparing and serving a meal as well as getting to know our Cross Street community .

Southside Contact: Doug Larson

St. Andrew’s Contact: Karin Fiore


We Are Dedicated to Hope, Renewal, and Change.

Eagles Wings of Grace is a faith-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the vision to empower women in our community Since 2007, we have been helping women who have experienced devastation transitioning from poverty to long-term economic independence, restoring dignity and hope .

Thanks to the generosity of the Arizona community, our Clothed in Compassion program:

• Provides resources to assist in a woman’s economic elevation through a path to training, clothing, and supplementary community assistance

• Provides a cadre of volunteering women who share their life experiences, spiritual guidance, and knowledge, revealing that they are not alone in their situation .

30 volunteers——10 sponsors——6500 lives changed

Volunteer Opportunties:

Eagles Wings is a volunteer-driven organization and needs your assistance with a wide range of tasks and projects . Please call or email us to find out how you can help

The need for our Clothing Ministry is greater than our capacity due to our shortage of volunteers and financial support Anything you can do to further our ministry is greatly appreciated!

Contact: 520-906-9915

St. Andrew's Contact: April Ritchie



FostAdopt Connections is a new grassroots nonprofit based in Tucson that supports and empowers kinship, foster, and adopted children and the people who care for them by providing mentors and connection to resources and their community The organization consists of individuals with many years of personal experience as foster and adoptive parents and child welfare workers who want to support families to be successful . They have three programs: Kinship & Foster Family Support, Post Adoption Support, and Group Home Support

The Kinship and Foster Family Support Program and the Post Adoption Support Program provide guidance and mentorship to families who struggle through the system due to lack of training, resources, support, and guidance . Both programs offer monthly support groups, mentors, and ongoing useful trainings .

FostAdopt Connections’ flagship program is the Group Home Support Program They work directly with youths living in group homes by providing mentors, job opportunities and organizing special events that provide fun experiences where they can connect with resources and their community

Volunteer Opportunities: FostAdopt Connections is in need of volunteers who want to work directly with youths living in group homes, volunteers for special events and financial support to cover program costs

*This organization is eligible for the Foster care tax credit.

Contact: Mea Fajardo


One of six border ministries of the Presbyterian Church(USA), Frontera de Cristo is centered in Aqua Prieta, Sonora Mexico, and Douglas It partners with Presbyterian Churches along these

St. Andrew's Contact: Danielle Oxnam border communities to achieve goals of providing witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ways to also improve individual economic status while grappling with the issues of illegal immigration This year their efforts were also focused on reducing drug traffic among the young people in Aqua Prieta by completing the construction and opening of Cafe Justo y Mas This provides a gathering place for young people to go in the evening versus bars where drug traffic is wide open . In addition, they financially support a Street Pastor in the evenings to help guide their youth to their new Cafe Justo y mas They also became a financial sponsor of expanding their Local Drug intervention program

Contact: Mark Adams

St. Andrew’s Contact: Sandy Kreamer



Good News Community Church (GNCC) has been the Partner Church of St Andrew’s since 2013, when it was designated as one of the New Ministries of Faith that Works GNCC serves the inner city, impoverished and spiritually starved Miracle Manor neighborhood of Tucson, including the homeless, addicted, and hurting people who roam the area, an area that has been overrun by sin and darkness for decades Many regular attending members are new believers from the community .

St Andrew’s has assisted GNCC with volunteers in renovating and updating the church building and also volunteers and funding for community outreach projects . We are helping, along with two other large Tucson churches, to provide financial assistance for the Pastor’s salary Pastor Jeff Markland has stated: "We are called to go into the Harvest Field that is the Miracle Manor neighborhood, to represent Jesus’ love and grace, to bring people in need into a right relationship with Jesus, and to make disciples in the image of Christ ”

Contact: Pastor Jeff Markland


Good News Community Church 701 W Glenn St , Tucson, AZ 85705

St. Andrew’s Contact: Del Rieschick


Goshen Ministries is an international ministry based in Tucson which exists to provide homes for orphaned and abandoned children in East Africa, with the goal of enabling them to become “Godhonoring adults able to care for themselves and others ” Currently more than 100 children are being provided the daily necessities of life, education, and spiritual care, including a school with grades pre-kindergarten through fourth grades . A new widow’s program serves eight widows and their 39 children The ministry has planted two churches with an average combined attendance of 500 . And it has recently added Kenya to its existing operations in Uganda .

St. Andrew's Contact: Sharon Lee



Gospel Rescue Mission serves the homeless and needy by providing for their spiritual, physical, emotional and mental wholeness All services are provided at no cost to shelter guests due to contributions from members of the community, churches, and foundations . GRM receives no government funding Specifically, in addition to shelter services (bed, meals, hygiene and clothing), GRM offers support services such as addiction recovery, mental health assessment and support, counseling, Christian discipleship, life skill classes, academic education, computer literacy, employment support, community church integration, permanent and transitional housing referral, and legal advocacy

In late Spring 2019, the new H .S . Lopez Family Foundation Center of Opportunity opened as the new Men’s Shelter . It is the former Holidome consisting of 148,506 sq . ft . purchased by the Lopez Foundation and leased to GRM for 99 years at $1 per year and given to GRM to manage . It is envisioned to be a one stop shop for those in need and at this time over 30 organizations are on site to provide services to the residents under the management of GRM . *Qualified for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Working Poor.

Contact: Suzanne Williams

St. Andrew’s Contact: Norm Enger


Helps low-income families reach their dreams of home ownership, through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials . St . Andrew’s has a group of men who help build Habitat homes almost every Tuesday morning . Volunteer Opportunities: We’re always looking for more workers Volunteers must be a minimum of 18 years old (16 with a parental consent form) and be able to work a six-hour shift on Tuesday mornings .

*Qualified for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Working Poor.

Director: T Van Hook

St. Andrew’s Contact: Fred Barney



Their purpose is to be led by the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel of Christ and to be servants of His ministry dedicated to serving the poor, hungry, sick, naked, and oppressed children of Guatemala This ministry provides food, clothing, clinic services, regular worship, and Bible studies for children and their parents .

Contact: Tom Allan

St. Andrew’s Contact: Sharon Lee


Established in 1985, Interfaith Community Services (ICS) provides food, job assistance, and emergency financial assistance to Pima County residents in need ICS mobilizes volunteers to assist senior and disabled individuals with Mobile Meals, transportation, home repairs, calls and visits, and health and safety referrals ICS offers compassionate support by leveraging the help of over 1,000 volunteers, over 120 diverse faith community partners, and generous funders to assist our area’s

most vulnerable residents ICS assists over 52,000 people a year . ICS has received Charity Navigator’s highest rating of four stars every year since 2010 .

Volunteer opportunities: please check our website .

*Qualified for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Working Poor.

St. Andrew’s Contact: Cindy Lange, 520-742-2494


Jason Caywood,

Campus Minister at the University of Arizona

The Graduate and Faculty Ministries is a specialized ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) in the US As an IVCF Campus Minister, Jason focuses specifically on graduate students and faculty . In keeping with the vision of IVCF/GFM, he seeks to work to see graduate students and faculty transformed, the whole UA campus renewed step by step for the good of all, and to help graduate students learn how to become spiritually mature and be leaders in their respective fields-so they can make a deep impact in their spheres of influence in the name of Christ while in school and in the work force . Through the Graduate Christian Fellowship (GCF), Jason fosters development of Christian community among students and does the pastoral work of mentoring and encouraging believers . He also seeks to strategically develop relationships with graduate students from all


around the world, to establish individual contacts with people of all backgrounds at the UA, and work in cooperation with other Christian campus ministry groups to reach out to the thousands of people at the UA with the Gospel

Contact: Jason Caywood

St. Andrew’s Contact: Sharon Lee


J17 Ministries is a big idea with very practical local implications . The big idea? Our unity (better word – harmony) in the body of Christ is Jesus’ strategy for fulfilling the Great Commission . Jesus could have prayed anything He wanted to at the most important juncture of human history, right as He headed to the cross . He prayed in John 17 that His followers in every generation and city would be so united in their love for one another and unconditional service to the world that the whole world would come to know Who Jesus is and how much God loves them J17 Ministries leads or supports practical opportunities to align with Jesus’ heartbeat: for pastors (such as Pastor Prayer Summits, Pastors’ Edge best practices for lead pastors, and cross-cultural training and relationships) and for everyone (Tucson Ministry Alliance, John 17 Weekends, central communication tool for citywide events and trainings) Sign up for our free weekly e-newsletter filled with insights, testimonies, and event opportunities on our website

Contact: Dave Drum

Facebook: J17 Ministries

St. Andrew’s Contact: Larry Norrid


Jesus to the Needy leaders, Joe and Averyl Morris, minister to the poor and needy in impoverished areas They provide medical services, food, and clothing, and bring the Gospel to hundreds of students, orphans, abandoned children and adults each week They have ministered to people of Honduras, people of South Africa (near Durban), and are now bringing their ministry to the poor and needy in Panama .

St. Andrew’s Contact: Don Parce



Farmer-owned cooperative that seeks to faithfully respond to the current Mexico to U S labor migration crisis by selling their organic, shadegrown, Fair Trade Certified coffee directly to customers This business practice allows farmers to stay on their land and keep families together . St Andrew’s supports Just Coffee by serving only Café Justo at all events and by selling the coffee each Sunday at the coffee cart

Contact: Adrian Gonzalez St. Andrew’s Contact: Sandy Kreamer


Marriage Missions International is a Titus 2 web and email based ministry that encourages men and women to “Reveal and Reflect the Heart of Christ Within Marriage ” They follow God’s directive to inspire and teach spouses to “Be imitators of God as dearly beloved children and to live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us…”

(Ephesians 5:1-2) This ministry was founded in 2001 by a married couple who almost divorced, but through God’s leading they rebuilt their relationship into a great marriage . They now “live, learn, and pass along” to hundreds of thousands of people every year what they continue to learn The founders say, “God uses ordinary people to help accomplish that which He could easily do on His own . And yet we are privileged to participate with Him in this extraordinary ministry . As He tells us in the Bible, ‘Apart from Me, you can do nothing ’ We know that to be true!”

Volunteer Opportunities: One of the greatest ongoing needs they have in helping marriages is to have volunteers who can word process (type) quotes they use on their web site from the marriage books they provide . They can also use volunteers who can write articles to help those who are married (or are about to be married) . These things can be done from someone’s own home at a time that fits in with their schedule

Contact: Steve and Cindy Wright

St. Andrew’s Contact: Norm Enger



Montlure Presbyterian Church Camp has been in operation since 1926 . The Montlure Ministry is for all who want to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ in a Christian camping program of the highest quality Montlure serves the children, youth, and congregations of the Grand Canyon and de Cristo Presbyteries through a residential camping ministry and traveling day camp . In 2018, Montlure had further success with reaching youth outside of our church communities with the Sunshine Residential Homes and the Prison Fellowship program . While awaiting the restoration of the Presbyterian properties which burned in the White Mountain fire, this program has successfully expanded in both overnight and traveling day camps even during the pandemic With the plans and goal to return to Greer in summer 2022, Montlure is currently raising funds through a capital campaign for rebuilding facilities lost in the fire . Through the countless hours of the Montlure Council, generous donations, and volunteers, the reality of restoring Greer is getting closer . In a physically and emotionally safe environment, through worship, singing, small group discussions, cabin time, and devotions, these campers encounter God through a maturing relationship with Jesus Christ St Andrew’s has continued to support the Montlure Ministry over the years with stewardship, volunteerism, prayer, and work projects assisting preparation for the camping season

Contact: Kellie von Borstel, Director

St. Andrew’s Contact: Kristin Enger



More Than a Bed (MTaB) is a foster, adoptive, and kinship resource center We provide essentials to the families for the children in their homes which include: twin beds, cribs, toddler beds, clothes, shoes, socks, diapers, linens, and toys . We believe that every child deserves to be valued, to be safe and to have the opportunity to be all they can be These displaced children have survived unspeakable circumstances, and we need to help however we can MTaB was founded September 2014 by serving five families with toys and clothes . Today, we serve over 900 families (2200 children) and continue to grow at a rate of 30 families per month

VOLUNTEERS are always needed and appreciated .

• Clothing and toy donations need to be sorted and vetted for cleanliness

• We need ‘muscle’ to help load beds into the family vehicle, assemble donated cribs, retrieve needed baby items from our outside storage pod

• We host various events throughout the year and need volunteers to help with the running of those events:

o Parents Night Out (PNO) – We send the parents on a date night and supervise the children: pass out snacks / dinner to the children; host games and activities for a specific age group; set-up and tear-down

o Christmas Event – We have tables of age specific toys for the children 0-17, snacks, giveaways, and a family photo with Santa

o Our annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser which is being held at Sewailo Golf Course on April 23, 2022 . Always a lot of fun .

*MTaB is a Qualified Foster Care Charitable Organization (QFCO Code 10032) and cannot exist without the kindness and generosity of our wonderful financial donors and volunteers Consider choosing MTaB to direct your 2021 tax credit dollars . Thank you .

St. Andrew’s Contact: Cindy Lange, 520-742-2494


Since 2006, members from St Andrew's have joined with Pantano Christian Church to build homes for families in Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco, Mexico) . 1MISSION has been strengthening the community in Rocky Point by giving people in poverty the opportunity to earn a house while serving their community 1MISSION also supports a local church and strives to train, equip, and empower local residents, leaders, and pastors to lift each other out of physical, spiritual, and emotional poverty .

Volunteer Opportunities: You can join St . Andrew's on our next Rocky Point mission trip! This 4-day build trip is open to all ages and abilities Volunteers can also choose to help with the Los Ninos outreach program that takes place in the neighborhoods we are serving .

St. Andrew’s Contact: Kevin Oxnam

| MISSIONS 16 Rocky Point Mission Trip with 1Mission


Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes and the good news of God’s love This unique project of Samaritan’s Purse provides opportunity for people of all ages to be involved in a simple hands-on mission outreach

St. Andrew’s Contact: Kim Schmidt


The Piecemakers have continued their mission of comfort and support even during the pandemic Our primary goal is to support the local chapter of Project Linus which gives quilts and blankets to children who are sick, traumatized, or otherwise in need Some of our other projects include pillowcases for the graduating seniors and mission trips, quilts for the Moonlight Dinner auction, Quilts of Valor for service members of the congregation, and quilts for Peppi’s House . For Service Worship we have made shopping bags for the Amphi Clothing Bank, fabric bookmarks, and tag blankets for newborns being baptized in our church We work hard on our projects while having much fun sharing our knowledge and support for one another . A Christmas party and summer potluck are always enjoyed . The church provides a wonderful workplace and storage facility for us which is gratefully acknowledged

St. Andrew's Contact: Cherie Swanson


Innovative programs and services provide a full range of opportunities to help people transition from poverty to greater well being and security . For almost 40 years St . Andrew’s members have prepared dinner once per month for the men’s shelter

Contact: Jana Meirint

St. Andrew’s Contact: Anita Degnan


Rise Against Hunger, formerly known as Stop Hunger Now, is an international hunger relief organization that distributes food and life-changing aid to the world’s most vulnerable, mobilizing the necessary resources to end hunger by 2030 . Every year our Youth Ministry participates in Rise Against Hunger’s Meal Packing Program as part of their 30 Hour Famine event Rise Against Hunger’s meal packaging program is a volunteer-based initiative that coordinates the assembly-line packaging of highly nutritious dehydrated meals comprised of rice, soy, vegetables, and 23 essential vitamins and minerals The program was created to give dedicated individuals and organizations — from businesses to civic clubs — the opportunity to participate in a hands-on international hunger relief program and to become educated, engaged advocates for the world’s hungry . Every year our Youth Ministry packs 20,000 meals in under two hours, providing meals to people across the world

St. Andrew’s Contact: Tim Christian



Since March of 2008 (Over 13 years!) our Sandwich Squad has faithfully been providing sack lunches to care for the homeless

St Andrew's has several Sandwich Squad groups with each member (or family) providing 10 lunches every eight weeks Depending on their preference, groups work individually or meet together to prepare lunches These lunches are delivered to the Gospel Rescue Mission at both the Center of Opportunity and Woman and Children's Center On average, 200 lunches are delivered each week and are greatly appreciated! Volunteer Oportunity: New volunteers are always welcome . Let us know if you are interested in joining one of our Sandwich Squads!

St. Andrew’s Contact: Craig Littlefield


SIU is an international training organization headquartered in Green Valley, AZ and highly focused on church planting for Oral Cultures St Andrew’s Mission Committee supports Susie Brown who is part of SIU’S international training staff out of Green Valley Her mission is to equip and train indigenous, local, and regional partner organizations worldwide to communicate the Scriptures using oral Bible strategies to evangelize and plant churches among the lost, unreached, and unengaged people groups There are nearly 3 5 billion people in the world who live in oral cultures in which they cannot, or choose not to read . Susie, who works with her husband, Tim Brown, who has been associated with St Andrew’s Mission Committee for many years on a number of other local mission projects

101 S La Cañada Suite 49D Green Valley, AZ 85614

St. Andrew’s Contact: Jim Seymour


Service Worship is a specified time on Sunday mornings when we put our faith into action to love the Lord and others through a variety of projects that benefit our community We believe that we have been a transformational church where others want to learn how we set up serving projects so that they can do it as well . God is being glorified as we become more directly involved with the community, and our discipleship is strengthened as we engage in direct service opportunities . We believe that service and worship together honors God in loving our neighbors as ourselves



Volunteer Opportunities: We are always in need of volunteers during Service Worship times We need leaders for on-site and off-site projects . This involves communicating with your team so that we can have the best possible outcomes . Without the leaders, the projects cannot launch . For onsite projects, we just need help with the implementation and clean-up of the projects

Thank you!

St. Andrew’s Contact: RuthAnn Smithrud


Missionaries Adam and Amy spent more than ten years in a Central Asian country as members of TEAM, The Evangelical Alliance Mission . Both are highly trained in linguistics and work with others in developing small reproducing church groups within their local communities . Adam is a former member and volunteer of St Andrew’s youth groups and its Mission Committee has been one of their financial sponsors from the beginning of their ministry . Adam and Amy are carrying their work out remotely from a different country in the region with hopes to return to their original country of service after a couple of years

St. Andrew’s Contact: Sandy Seymour


TIHAN supports and advocates for people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as their loved ones . In cooperation with other care providers, they offer their hearts and hands to educate and activate our faith communities to serve with understanding and compassion St Andrew’s participates by providing volunteers to plan and serve at the Poz Café, as well as other ways .

Director: Scott Blades

St. Andrew’s Contact: Marianne Hadden


TBI trains pastors in English speaking East and Central Africa through an accredited two year Bible College serving poor rural communities . From this main campus teaching occurs at other locations in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi The church in Africa is growing very rapidly, having over 600 million members However, there is a theological famine wherein there is only one pastor for every 450,000 Christians in Africa (as compared to 1:600 in America) . TBI is the main work of Trinity Center for World Mission, TCWM, which planted dozens of churches along with schools and an orphanage, but had to turn to Bible training to provide pastors Now TBI trains students to be pastors and our students plant churches, literally every month .

We create seminaries > Which create pastors > Which create churches > Which create disciples



Most of our students are poor so they attend on scholarships which provide the majority of their expenses although not all In our one and two year programs pastors and future church leaders are mentored so they can teach the reformed faith accurately, i .e . full of grace . A few top students are sent to full seminary During the pandemic, TCWM has been able to provide much food to our students and faculty which is all African TCWM supports a clinic with free medical service for all who come and three radio stations which broadcast the Gospel around East Africa . A second generation of leadership is now leading the mission to establish permanent campuses in Rwanda and Tanzania

St. Andrew’s Contact: Don Parce


Tucson Refugee Ministry (TRM) inspires the Church to be an agent of hope and compassion for refugees, equips volunteers through training and resources, and mobilizes Christians to welcome and serve the nations here in Tucson

TRM connects the Church with refugees, collaborates with refugee agencies and other refugee ministries, and cultivates a cross-cultural relationship with refugees as Jesus loved the foreigner and called us to do the same .

Executive Director: Jennifer Tompkins

St. Andrew’s Contact: Marianne Hadden


World Vision is an international Christian humanitarian aid, development and advocacy organization It is currently active in more than 90 countries . Founded in 1950, in the pacific northwest, World Vision provides emergency relief, education, heath care, economic development, and promotion of justice It works along side organizations like the United Nations, the World Health Organization and UNICEF . St . Andrew’s has partnered with World Vision in many ways Our Youth Ministry participates in the program 30 Hour Famine which while gaining knowledge of global hunger issues, our students fast and participate in service projects around the city Annually we partner with Team World Vision, where we train to run a half or full marathon while raising money to provide clean water to individuals around the world Our church was the second church in the world to participate in the Chosen program where we sponsored over 300 children in a village in Guatemala . Our children’s ministry has also raised money for mosquito nets in developing countries to help prevent malaria infections .

St. Andrew's Contact: Pastor Mat Grover



Albert and Anita Bickford’s responsibilities with Wycliffe Bible translators involve two main areas: 1) training young people who are planning careers in Bible translation and other language-related ministries, and 2) working among the 200-400 sign languages used by deaf people around the world . They are assigned to work under SIL International, an international faith-based organization that cooperates very closely with Wycliffe . Albert serves as part of SIL’s Global Sign Languages Team, where his responsibilities include tracking Bible translation needs in sign languages worldwide, consulting with deaf teams in other countries on linguistic analysis of their sign languages, coordinating and training other sign language consultants, and developing software for creating sign language dictionaries They both serve part-time as volunteer instructors at Dallas International University, which trains students to work in Bible translation and related fields with Wycliffe, SIL, and other organizations . Albert teaches courses on grammatical analysis and sign languages; Anita heads a summer course about the sounds in the world's spoken languages Albert and Anita are St . Andrew’s members and active in the choir and orchestra .

Contact: Albert and Anita Bickford;

St. Andrew’s Contact: Don Parce


The purpose of the Tucson Borderland YAV Program is to serve God by guiding and nurturing young adults as they explore how God is working in their lives and in the world . Our goal is to offer fulfilling, challenging, faithful opportunities of mission service in the borderlands and growth for the volunteers during their year of service


St. Andrew’s Contact: Karin Fiore


Young Life Tucson Capernaum serves teens and young adults (ages 14-26) with special needs . Young people with special needs are often marginalized and isolated, resulting in no one encouraging them to walk with Christ or be all God designed them to be Capernaum uses the model of Christ’s unconditional love to give teens and young adults with special needs the chance to develop a personal relationship with Jesus They participate in activities that build their self-esteem, challenge their limits, and help them discover their abilities to do new things

Volunteer Opportunities: There are a variety of ways to get involved with Tucson Capernaum! We are always looking for passionate people to become leaders, become buddies, join our committee, or join our prayer team We would love to tell you more about what each of these volunteer opportunities entails

*Qualified for the Arizona Tax Credit

Contact: Holly Roden

St. Andrew’s Contact: Danielle Oxnam



Young Life is an organization that brings Scripture to kids . We communicate Who Jesus is and create an environment where they can find community, discipleship, and intentional growth in their walk with Jesus through clubs, Bible studies, and camps .

Today, Young Life is a global organization with local focus You'll find Young Life leaders from diverse cultures, nationalities, and backgrounds in over 100 countries around the world . There are currently groups at the following Tucson high schools: Amphi, Canyon del Oro, Ironwood, Mountain View . There is also a Wyldlife group serving middle school youth

Contact: Nubia Velazco, Director


St. Andrew’s Contact: Jim Seymour


Ashraf and Naomi Abdou serve with Youth With A Mission in Spain for the North Africa region Naomi (Bickford) grew up at St . Andrew’s . They are involved in discipleship of new believers from the region, as well as training leaders who are more mature in the faith

Contact: Ashraf and Naomi Abdou

St. Andrew’s Contact: Rebecca Taber


Six years ago I did a six month discipleship training school with YWAM . This was the year ISIS obliterated Syria and millions fled to Europe Part of my practical outreach took place in Lesvos, Greece I served a refugee camp there providing tents and food for people from all over the Middle East and Africa . During this time, God opened my eyes to the needs of refugees as well as the incredible open door we have into the unreached Muslim world . Over the last six years I have been between Greece and the Middle East serving refugees and training others to reach these nations More recently I have been living in Thessaloniki, Greece, as part of the leadership team for YWAM Thessaloniki focusing on equipping the Greek church here to reach their own nation and the refugees here I am training and taking teams frequently into the Middle East to share and serve there as well . Jesus loves the Muslims, He pursues them miraculously and radically I do my best to do the same!

Contact: Hannah Smith

St. Andrew's Contact: Sandy Seymour



Faith that Works Tucson’s goal is to spread the love of Jesus by working together with other organizations in Jesus’ name so that people can see and know the love of the Lord We try to bring churches and organizations together to serve our entire community .

Faith that Works Tucson has three main ingredients for serving the Lord: Service Worship/Serve Our City

The Mobile Shower Unit

School Partnerships/Provision for Teachers, Students, and Families

The following are our current ministry updates:

>> A few of our Serve Our City event stats:

• 500 bikes assembled and matched with kids in need at 6 locations

• 300+ bags of Thanksgiving meals collected and delivered to families in need (through the schools)

• 54 baby bags with supplies collected for Care Portal

• 75 different serving locations; 118 different serving opportunities

• 50 fire/police/sheriff stations blessed; 50 caregiver baskets made and delivered

• 1593 signups, some people signed up for more than one project.

• 290 letters to inmates; Painting of the Magnotto House- a shelter for men

• 100 pumpkin bread loaves for Hope City and DCS on Oracle Road

• 100 Christmas gift bags for Cross Streets ministry homeless program

>> The Mobile Shower Unit

Hope City Church has become the hub for young mission groups coming into Tucson to serve for 2-3 weeks at a time The only issue with this has been the availability of showers while they are here . We felt the nudge to loan Hope City the shower unit on a more permanent basis so that they can serve both the young mission groups as well as those who are homeless We will also continue to take the shower unit to Casa Maria Soup Kitchen on a regular monthly schedule . We are excitedly watching what the Lord will do next!

>> School Partnerships

God has opened up a new partnership with the Flowing Wells School District . Faith that Works Tucson was recently honored at the district’s board meeting, and it was a privilege to honor the Lord in this way . Teachers and staffs are currently greatly discouraged, and anything that we can do helps alleviate their stress We are hoping to increase our giving to the schools in 2023 .

Thank you for continuing to provide for our non-profit in the way of prayer, volunteers, and donations The Lord has blessed us with some amazing new partners and direction, and we appreciate your support!

Faith that Works Tucson is a qualifying charitable tax credit organization for the state of Arizona: EIN 84-1015749 QCO CODE 22125

Outreach Director: RuthAnn Smithrud,

St. Andrew’s Contact: RuthAnn Smithrud




Fresh Start International‘s vision is Where everybody gets a new beginning through implementing sustainable services, support, resources and restorative justice. Their mission is Coordinating services that assist formerly incarcerated individuals with successful re-entry events, programs, skills, and opportunities which promotes equity, autonomy, and empowerment. The purpose of Fresh Start International is to reduce recidivism, restore lives, and reimagine a robust model of restorative justice to formerly incarcerated ex-offenders returning from prison to their family and community. To volunteer, visit

Tax-deductible donations may be mailed to: Fresh Start International 1830 E Broadway 124-266 Tucson, AZ 85719

Founder: Dr Da’Mond T Holt

St. Andrew‘s Contact: RuthAnn Smithrud rsmithrud@sapctucson org


We serve God with CAMA Services and are currently in Quebec, Canada, learning French summer of 2023 We plan to move to the Republic of Guinea in West Africa to join the Guinea Agropastoral Project, which was started by a local pastor people the love of God through agricultural development work the past 10 years Isaac grew up in St Andrews (5 year old girl), and Robin (2 year old boy) experience the Good News by being good news with them

St. Andrew‘s Contact: Jim Seymour jsey@comcast net

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