School newspaper

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School newSpaper Headlines Institutional º New college and environmental Project in the institution?

º The educational institution Colombia, of an official nature, assigned to the municipality of Girardota, department of Antioquia, offers the levels of preschool, basic primary, basic secondary and half academician; it seeks to form in the science, the happiness and the respect, competent persons from the being, to feel, and to act across pedagogic processes that involve the educational community in order that they could transform his social, scientific and technological environment.

Politics º March of the students and teachers' unemployment

Sport º Ex-students and students of the institution dedicated to the sport


º Jorge Hernan Maya dancer and teacher of his own academy

Games º Labyrinths, Soup of letters and Sudoku’s

Institutional New college and environmental project? The new school

Environmental project

º There are a lot of things coming soon for our institution. One of them and the most important one is the new school. All the students are excited to know about. The fact that it is a new school implies that the wishes of the students must be considered to have a better education and a better space to develop the daily activities.

º The environmental project this (PA) at the expense of the teachers of the educational institution Colombia (Hernan Buitrago and Belinda Guzman) this project was realized in order that the students support in good condition the college (Without pollution). This project is realized of the following form, to every degree of the institution for example 11 º and 10 º there will be given them a few bases that must take care and not allow that should there should be garbage’s and there will be a teacher at the expense of this zone, looking at the condition in the one that is, if otherwise one finds garbage’s in the zone, a bad note will be given to the students of such a degree.

We’ve asked to some students from high school to answer some questions about this theme, here are the results:

Politics March of the students and teachers' unemployment. º Recently in the institution several events have happened, it has got lost a lot of time of study and classes, some of these events have been: º The teacher’s unemployment º The students' march

º The unemployment: it was caused

º The march: the students wish that returns

by problems in the system of health and this unemployment was not municipal, was lived national and it is that in Colombia the health manages so badly that the teachers decided to go out to protest in order that this was improving this situation .

the school food so the march happened

because him food was not granted to the students and some of these do not have sufficient resources to be able to buy food inside the institution or bring launcher from his homes.

º Which the students of diverse institutions have met to protest on the same event and this way to be able to offer to him supply to most needed inside the institution though nowadays it is not possible to give food to all the students so the pupils of the degrees 10 and 11 even cannot enjoy the restaurant.

Sport. Ex-students and students of the institution dedicated to the sport. Andrés Hoyos Valencia: º He is 15 years old and is a student of the educational institution Colombia, nowadays this one in the degree 10 and he feels very well on

having belonged to this institution. º What does deport practices? º Skating

º You take how much practicing this sport? º I go 2 years º How many achievements or championships you have obtained?

º You take how much practicing this sport?

º In total 3 º Which has been for you the most important achievement that you have achieved?

º 8 years

º To be a national champion

º How many achievements or championships you have obtained?

Santiago Carvajal Velez: º In total 12 º Santiago has 16 years of age, is a student of the educational institution Colombia nowadays this in the degree 10 and sees the institution as his second house.

º What does deport practices? º Football

º Which has been for you the most important achievement that you have achieved?

º To be twice a champion of the pony football

Culture Jorge Hernan Maya dancer and teacher of his own academy. º Jorge Hernan Maya Agudelo has 23 years of age is an ex-pupil of the educational institution Colombia " in my time as student I had the great honor of

being personero of my institution in the year 2011 where I had the privilege of learning many things as being able to be a leader and do that they listen to me because normal mind I was very quiet "

today he is nowadays a founder and teacher of the academy I tread on 9 study of dance.

º Urban dance. º How much time ago you began to dance? º 6 years ago if I am not bad. º What do I call you to practicing the dance? º The truth when I started practicing the dance only was a curiosity for which I was not calling the attention but after being practicing fall in love with her and now it is my passion and then appear to the university of Antioch and now I am studying master in dance. º What achievements have you had? º I have had several festivals so much national, so much municipal as hope Medellin and HHI Colombia.

Interview. º What musical kind do you dance?

º Which was your major achievement? º To be teacher and leader of my so called Mayan group family.

Games Soup of letters and Sudoku’s.

Credits. Sebastián Cataño Henao Santiago Carvajal Vélez Santiago Casas Escobar Santiago Herrera Muñoz 10º1

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