Sanskrit 2011

Page 22

Ignoring the Summons

writing,a time, a sternI’m voice a adisgrace, There comes a time, I’myou’re told there comes a day, writing, aday, stern voice says, a disgrace, There and comes toldsays, thereyou’re comes says to take amaybe last shot, cast myself I don’t know when, it’s happened, and says to anew take last shot,maybe castSeems myself anew I don’t know when, it’s happened, as the dame, senior thing, old-timer lines, no one tellsasenior me anything. I’ll have to asI’ll thehave old dame, thing, old-timer lines, no one tellsold medown, anything. Seems to writing, a stern voice says, blowing— you’re a disgrace, slowed patient, humble doing not answer the summons—a horn slowed down, patient, humble doing not answer the summons—a horn blowing— and says toa take last shot, cast myself anewa day, There comes a atime, I’m there writing, a stern voicehenceforth says, joy—carve you’re awrite disgrace, what I’veknow done with out this place writing, stern voice says, you’re a comes disgrace, that lets me know henceforth totold write only I’ve done joy—carve outthing, this place that lets me towhat only ashere. the old dame, senior old-timer lines, Iwith don’t know when, maybe it’s happened, and says to take a last shot, cast myself anew while still alive, still full of words, still and says to take a last shot, cast myself anewto old lady poems. About whatever I’ve been writing, a senior stern voice says, you’re astill disgrace, while alive, still full of words, still here. old lady poems. About whatever I’ve been slowed down, patient, humble doing no one me anything. Seems I’ll not have as the old dame, old-timer lines, as the oldadone dame, senior thing, old-timer lines, There comes a time, I’m told there comes atells day, anddown, says to take athing, last shot, cast myself anew what I’ve joy—carve outdoing this place answer thewith summons—a horn blowing— writing, awhen, stern voice says, you’re disgrace, slowed patient, humble doing not There comes a time, I’m told there comes a day, slowed down, patient, humble not I don’t know maybe it’s happened, as the oldno dame, senior thing, old-timer lines, while still alive, still afull of words, here. thatI’ve letsdone mecomes know henceforth tostill write only and says to take a last shot, cast myself anew There time, I’m told there comes a day, what I’ve done with joy—carve out this place I don’t know when, maybe it’s happened, what with joy—carve out this place one tells me anything. Seems I’ll have to slowed down, patient, humble doing not writing, a Istern voice says, you’re a adisgrace, writing, stern voice says, a disgrace, old lady poems. About whatever I’ve been asfull the old dame, senior thing, old-timer lines, don’t know when, maybe it’s happened, whilewhat still alive, still of words, still here. noyou’re one myself tells meanew anything. Seems I’ll have to while still alive, still full of words, still here. answer the summons—a horn blowing— I’veathat done with joy—carve out thishumble place and saysdoing to take atells lastme shot, castsays myself anew and to take a last shot, cast writing, stern voice says, you’re a disgrace, slowed down, patient, not no one anything. Seems I’ll have to answer the summons—a horn blowing— lets me know henceforth to write only while alive, full ofcast words, stillas here. writing, stern voice says, you’re a disgrace, the old dame, senior thing, old-timer lines, as the oldhorn dame, seniorathing, old-timer lines, and saysstill to take astill last shot, myself anew what I’ve done with joy—carve out this place answer the summons—a blowing— that lets me know henceforth to write only old lady poems. About whatever I’ve been writing, aknow stern voicedoing says, you’re adisgrace, disgrace, There comes a time, I’m told there comes a day, and says to takelady a last shot, cast myself anew slowed down, patient, humble not slowed down, patient, humble doing not as the old dame, senior thing, old-timer lines, while still alive, still full of words, still here. that lets me henceforth to write only writing, a stern voice says, you’re a old poems. About whatever I’ve been writing,down, a stern voiceasays, you’re a disgrace, and says totake take alast last shot, cast myself anew I don’t know when, maybe it’s happened, aswith the old dame, thing, old-timer lines, writing, asenior stern voice says, you’re a disgrace, what I’ve done with joy—carve out this place what I’ve done joy—carve out this place slowed patient, humble doing not old lady poems. About whatever I’ve been and says to a shot, cast myself anew There comes time, I’m told there comes a day, andI’ve saysdone toItake a know last shot, cast myself anew asthe thestill oldfull dame, senior thing, old-timer lines, no one anything. Seems I’llanew have to slowed down, patient, doing not and says to tells take ahumble last shot, cast myself while still alive, ofwhile words, still here. still alive, still full of words, stillme here. what with joy—carve out this place as old dame, senior thing, old-timer lines, don’t when, maybe it’s happened, as thestill oldalive, dame, senior thing, old-timer lines, slowed down,patient, patient,humble humble doing not answer thesenior summons—a horn blowing— whatdoing I’ve with joy—carve out this place as done the old dame, thing, old-timer lines, while still full of words, still here. slowed down, not no one tells me anything. Seems I’ll have to slowed down, patient, humble doing notblowing— whatI’ve I’vedone donewith withjoy—carve joy—carve outthis this place that lets me know henceforth to write while still alive, still fullpatient, of words, still here. slowed down, humble doing notonly what out place answer the summons—a horn what I’ve done withme joy—carve out this place whilestill stillalive, alive,still stillfull fullofofwords, words, still here. old poems. About whatever been what I’velady done with joy—carve out thisI’ve place still here. lets know henceforth to write while only while stillthat alive, still full ofAbout words, still here. while still alive, still full of words, still here. old lady poems. whatever I’ve been

Helen Wickes

There comes a time, I’m told there comes a day, I don’t know when, maybe it’s happened, no one tells me anything. Seems I’ll have to answer the summons—a horn blowing— that lets me know henceforth to write only old lady poems. About whatever I’ve been writing, a stern voice says, you’re a disgrace, and says to take a last shot, cast myself anew as the old dame, senior thing, old-timer lines, slowed down, patient, humble doing not what I’ve done with joy—carve out this place while still alive, still full of words, still here.

20 Sanskrit 2011 Poetry

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