Sanskrit 2010

Page 51

My ex called it as another old lover breezed out the gate. She made it sound not my fault as if they were just misplaced, like house keys. We were at a poetry progressive garden party: poem, appreciate garden, poem, flowers, you know, as long as human concentration or, I feared, nature could hold out. The evening shade was closing in when that other old love stormed through the gate. I thought I could save her earlier when the bees came after her and I offered to change seats with her and what? Pretend I wasn’t afraid? Take the stings myself? My commentator, garden-namer said I should learn from all this. I looked chastened, but she was having none of it like the keepers tell us of those bees that won’t come back to the hives, won’t appreciate their slot combs to work and give honey. Inexplicably, they’d rather just fly homeless until they die. And we, of hunger?

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