Phuket ebook

Page 11

T R A N S P O R TAT I O N 交通运输


huket is a province that shows the second highest growth rate after Metropolitan Bangkok as measured by the 35.5 percent economic growth pertaining to tourism and tourist statistics between 2010 and 2013. Foreign tourists accounted for 70 percent and the rest being Thai tourists totaling 30 percent. (Figures from Tourism Department, Ministry of Tourism and Sports) The increasing number of visitors along with the continuous town planning development in anticipation of the future growth has led to the rapid increase in numerous construction and renovation of transportation projects in Phuket.

普吉岛的经济成长速度仅次于曼 谷,位居全泰国第二位。此增长 可由旅游经济的快速增长和游客 人数看出。据统计,从2010年到 2013年期间增长率高达35.5%, 其中外国游客占70%,泰国游客 占30%。(此为来自泰国观光旅 游和体育局的最新资料)为配合 游客人数的不断增加加上完善的 城市发展规划,以及兼容未来的 发展,使得普吉岛的改善工程项 目和建造更多的道路工程正在快 速地兴建中。

泰国普吉房地 产


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