SBP OETIS Chronicle - FY2016 Q4

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The Office of Education, Training, & International Services


In this issue: ‣ Annual GSBS Retreat ‣ Summer Travel Reminders ‣ Student Teaching Science ‣ Faculty Profile ‣ NPAW ‣ Upcoming Events & More!

Annual Graduate School Retreat May 25 – 27, 2016

The Temecula Creek Inn, located right in the middle of beautiful wine country Temecula, CA, welcomed the Graduate School once again to host the Annual StudentMentor Retreat.

Aiming to give Graduate Faculty and Students the opportunity to mingle outside of the SBP campus, the retreat also gave students an opportunity to practice their oral presentation skills by giving a talk about their research. They also evaluated each other with constructive feedback in mind. Since most of their time in the program is spent in their respective labs, it also gave the students a chance to see each other to promote community and a collaborative environment. Students, Jinsha Liu and Marisa Sanchez were selected to be the student coordinators for this year’s retreat; they organized the order of presentations and selected the theme: “Embracing the Future of Science: The Next Generation of Research.” Based on the evaluations, Matthew Tierney from Dr. Alessandro Sacco’s lab, won the “Best Talk” award for his presentation, “Autonomous extracellular matrix remodeling controls a progressive adaptation in muscle stem cell regenerative capacity during development.”

Invited speakers, Drs. Erin Dueber (Genentech) and Brendan Eckelman (GSBS Alumnus; InhibRx) also presented their work and exposed the students to aspects of work outside of academia. A total of 47 SBP GSBS Students, Faculty, Staff and Guest Speakers attended the event. Top: Group picture of attendees after Day 2. Right (from top to bottom): Students Paloma Sanchez-Pavon and Daniel Ojeda Juarez stop to pose for a picture with Drs. Tariq Rana and Marcus Kaul; Attendees listen to one of the many student talks; Students Jessica Stupack and Numana Bhat grab food from the dinner with Drs. Malene Hansen and Robert Rickert; The beautiful view from the patio.

OETIS Chronicle

Issue Two: Summer 2016

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Congratulations Graduates!

PAULA COUTINHO TOTO “Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Cell Quiescence, Proliferation and Differentiation by Brahma-based SWI/SNF Chromatin-Remodeling Complex”

Celebrate National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week with OETIS!

Mark your calendars for September 19 – 23, 2016! OETIS is organizing events for National Postdoctoral Association’s week-long celebration of the Postdoctoral Researchers at our Institute! We are working with SBP-SN on both campuses, and some of the week’s tentative events are listed below. Detailed information will be distributed via email and posted on the Intranet calendar as we get closer to the week! Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø

Mentor: Dr. Lorenzo Puri

Right: NPA’s map of sites who participated in NPAW 2015. This image and top right image were taken from NPA’s website: ( .

New Postdoc Welcome Lunch Networking Workshop and Mixer Coffee & Smoothie Cart CV/Resume Consultation Session Workshop on utilizing SBP core facilities for your own research BBQ Lunch for Postdoctoral Researchers and their mentors


“Systems-Level Analysis to Elucidate the Regulation of the RIG-I-Mediated Antiviral Innate Immune Response”

Mentor: Dr. Sumit Chanda

Congratulations to GSBS Student Alessandra Dall’agnese (Puri Lab) for being awarded the Glenn/AFAR (American Federation for Aging Research) Scholarship for Research in the Biology of Aging!

Office of Education, Training, & International Services Staff Diane M Klotz, PhD Director k

Education & Training

International Services

Nisha A Cavanaugh, PhD Manager, Postdoctoral & Academic Programs

Doug Broadhurst, MA Manager, International Services

Susie Bolor Senior International Advisor

(Start Date: Aug 2)

Leadership Support

Mary Bradley, PhD Manager, Graduate School

Sharon Schendel, PhD Graduate Education & Postdoctoral Training Specialist Alexia Pimentel Program Coordinator

OETIS Chronicle

Guy Salvesen, PhD Faculty Advisor, Graduate Education Malene Hansen, PhD Faculty Advisor, Postdoctoral Training Julie Cooke Sr. Vice President, Human Resources Issue Two: Summer 2016

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GSBS Faculty Profile:

Aniruddha Deshpande by Sharon Schendel, Graduate and Postdoctoral Education Specialist

Ani Deshpande joined SBP in December 2014 and is an Assistant Professor in the Tumor Initiation and Maintenance Program at the National Cancer Institute-Designated Cancer Center. Ani grew up in Bombay, India. His older sister fostered his interest in science- he was fascinated by the microbiology she was learning. He earned his Bachelor’s degree at the University of Bombay, and a Master’s degree from the University of Baroda.

Ani pursued his Ph.D. at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich, Germany, where Prof. Christian Buske was his mentor. During his studentship, researchers were beginning to recognize the importance of epigenetics in leukemia development and progression. LMU was one of the premier European institutions for the study of leukemias. At LMU, Ani could interact with both clinicians and basic researchers, and these interactions were instrumental in informing the development of the mouse models he used to study leukemias.

After his training at LMU, Ani moved to the lab of Prof. Scott Armstrong, who was then at Boston Children’s Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, for a post-doctoral fellowship. There he worked on epigenetic mechanisms involved in a particularly aggressive form of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) seen mostly in infants but also in young patients and adults. In particular, Ani focused on the effect of histone methylation on gene expression in mixed lineage leukemia (MLL). Ani continued with Prof. Armstrong after the lab moved to Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York City. All the places that Ani trained at, starting from LMU, to Boston Children’s and then Sloan Kettering, provided him with a collaborative environment where clinicians and scientists could interact and exchange ideas.

OETIS Chronicle

Ani continues to maintain close ties to many of his mentors and peers, which is helping him in his current research efforts.

SBP is Ani’s first faculty position. He continues to study how epigenetic modifications are involved in hematological malignancies through the use of mouse models and genomic studies. He is particularly interested in using these models to help validate therapeutic targets and candidate drugs that will be valuable in treating leukemia. Ani recently taught a module of the GSBS core course Molecules to Systems, in which he presented his module: “Cancer-the dark side of evolution”. Ani’s course centered on his favorite notion that understanding cancer from the Darwinian perspective is absolutely essential for designing highly effective anti-cancer therapies.

Ani’s wife Anagha is a senior post-doctoral researcher at SBP and together they have two children: a six year-old son and a fifteen-month-old daughter. Their kids keep them very busy, but Ani recently discovered a new hobby: stargazing. He’s found much beauty in San Diego county skies, especially those in Anza Borrego.

Issue Two: Summer 2016

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Important OETIS Deadlines: July 20: Application Deadline for SBP Leadership Development Program The Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) leadership development program, "Leading Yourself and Others to Career Success," is designed for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to learn more about their leadership styles and preferences, so they can use this information in the context of their career paths to help them and their future teams succeed. Certificates will be awarded to participants who complete all program requirements. (For more information, visit July 22: Application Deadline for Fishman Fund Fellowship The SBP Fishman Fund Fellowship Program has been established to provide a “super stipend” to exceptional SBP postdocs in recognition of their research accomplishments and in support of their future research plans. (For more information, visit http://intranet/academicsupport/otas/fishmanfund/Pages/Fishman-Fund-Felowship.aspx)

GSBS Student Marisa Sanchez teaches San Diego elementary school students to love science

I have always enjoyed teaching children, whether it’s explaining to curious minds why the sky is blue or simply how to tell time, the pure fascination of adolescent intrigue is inspiring. So when I learned about the opportunity to teach science to elementary school children, I felt like it was the perfect chance to share my knowledge and enthusiasm for science with a younger generation. I am part of the “Elementary School Partnership” program within the UCSD BioCircuit Institute (BCI,, a program sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Our mission is simple: the world is a wondrous place and everyone deserves the opportunity to experience and learn about it! We are addressing the growing need of filling the gaps in science education in California elementary schools.

For many students, elementary school science was a succession of static examples in textbooks that didn’t help foster natural curiosity. The UCSD science outreach program aims to help students learn to love science by giving them more active science lessons. This past school year, we partnered with Lafayette Elementary School in the Clairemont area of the San Diego Unified School District. This school serves both general education students and the District’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) program to meet the educational needs of its very diverse student population. As a BCI teacher, I was assigned a third grade class of about 15 students, and once a week throughout the last school year I returned to the same classroom to give one-hour lessons. I worked with my students both one-on-one and in group settings. I also got to know each student over the course of the school year, which made each lesson a lot more fun and personal. Many of our lessons were provided by the UCSD program, and usually had a simple PowerPoint presentation to introduce a new topic that was followed by a hands-on experiment. Roya Mahmoudi, the program coordinator, does an excellent job providing supplies and support. Without a doubt, the best part of working with this program was being able to conduct hands-on lab “experiments” with students. They are always so excited to learn by doing, whether it’s building models of the solar system out of candy or looking at leaves with magnifying glasses. Their excitement every week about what they were going to learn was infectious. This invaluable experience taught me how much of an impact you can have on children by simply opening their eyes to the universe around them. I look forward to being able to inspire more young minds in the future. Image: Lafayette Elementary School students, taught by GSBS graduate student Marisa Sanchez as part of the UCSD Biocircuits Institute Elementary School Partnership, use pinwheels to explore how wind turbines work.

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Issue Two: Summer 2016

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Etiquette Workshop Series Recap: By Nisha Cavanaugh, Manager, Postdoctoral & Academic Programs

If you missed our Etiquette Workshop Series this past spring, here are some tips from the three sessions lead by guest speakers Sharon Hill (Sharon Hill International), Ari Sacal (Saint-Gobain), and Erin Kellaway (Ahlers Center for International Business). Email Etiquette: • Use a proper salutation (e.g. Dear Dr. Smith) •

Stick to one or two topics per email

Wait at least a day before responding to emails that upset you

Telephone Etiquette: • Smile … it can be heard •

Avoid checking your cell phone during meetings

Time Management: • Plan ahead and create a schedule •

Respect your time and others’ time

Preparing for a meeting: • Decide early on who should attend, what is the purpose, and what are the goals of the meeting •

Always finish with assigning key action items to specific individuals and providing deadlines

Follow up!

Cross-cultural communication: • Know what you don’t know •

Observe rather than interpret and evaluate

Put yourself in the other person’s shoes

Once you develop an explanation for a situation, treat it as a hypothesis not a certainty.

If you would like to attend more workshops on professional development, etiquette, different career paths, and more, watch out for our monthly events blast or check our calendar on the intranet:

As of 6/30/2016

Postdoc Total Count = 152 La Jolla Total per Location 122 Associates 98 Associate, Sr. 8 Fellows 16

Lake Nona 30 26 0 4

Grad Student Total Count = 51 La Jolla Total per Location 49 SBP 30 Non-SBP 19

Lake Nona 2 0 2


Total per Location Postdoc SBP Grad Non-SBP Grad

La Jolla 23 14 0 9

Lake Nona 3 3 0 0


Total per Location Postdoc SBP Grad Non-SBP Grad

La Jolla 18 13 1 4

Lake Nona 4 3 0 1




Total # IDPs sent by Campus 130 California 104 Florida 26

137 121 16

Total # of IDPs sent


Total # % of IDPs Returned Total # % of IDPs Returned (both PD and PI participated) Total # % of IDPs Returned by PD (no PI participation) Total # % of PD review returned by PI only


59 45% 54 42% 3 2%

87 64% 87 64%

2 1.5%

0 0%

0 0%


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Issue Two: Summer 2016

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Q Travel Guidelines Q By Susie Bolor, Senior International Advisor


Foreign Nationals If you are planning to travel outside the United States please complete and return a Travel Request Form to International Services ( as soon as possible before your planned departure from the United States. Your request will allow our office to review your immigration documents before you travel to facilitate a smooth re-entry into the United States.

Travel within the United States: o

Travel out of the United States:


Before traveling, please check that your immigration documents are valid and that they will be valid upon your re-entry to the U.S. Your passport should be valid at least 6 months into the future from the date you plan to re-enter the U.S.

o o o

You must have a valid, original Form DS-2019 (J-1 Scholar) or Form I-20 (F-1 Student) with travel validation endorsement from International Services.

• •

If you are traveling out of the U.S. check your visa stamp to make sure it is valid for re-entry to the United States. If you will travel to a country outside the U.S. other than your own, check with that country’s embassy first to see if a visa is required for entry to their country.


For U.S. Citizen & Lawful Permanent Residents o

If your child (under the age of 18) is traveling with only one parent or someone who is not a parent or legal guardian, you should provide that person a notarized letter authorizing your child to travel in their care.

Re-entering the United States at the port-of-entry: •

Present your immigration documents when re-entering the U.S. Depending on your immigration status, it is important to carry the following documents with you at all times: o Valid, original passport o

If you will travel solely within the United States, please carry the following immigration documents with you at all times, whichever is applicable to your current immigration status: Valid, original passport Current I-94 online printout Valid, original Form DS-2019 (J-1 Scholar and J-1 Student) or Form I-20 (F-1 Student) Valid, original Form I-797 Receipt Notice or Approval Notice (H-1B, TN) Green Card (Form I-551)

For F-1 Student on OPT, a letter from your employer stating that you need to return to the United States to resume your employment


Valid, original Form DS-2019 (J-1 Scholar) or Form I-20 (F-1 Student) with travel endorsement

If you are traveling to a country outside of the U.S. for business, study, or pleasure, before you go, please visit the USCIS (, CBP ( and DOS ( /go/checklist.html) websites to get the complete information you need on the process and requirements. For complete information on travel related questions outside and within the United States, or would like to meet with an Immigration Advisor, please contact the International Services(

Happy Trip from the International Services!


o o

OETIS Chronicle

Valid, original EAD card for F-1 Student engaging in OPT Form I-797 Receipt Notice for F-1 Student if OPT application is pending Valid, original Form I-797 Receipt Notice or Approval Notice (H-1B, TN) Green Card (Form I-551) or document for Lawful Permanent Residents (Advance Parole if LPR status is pending

Issue Two: Summer 2016

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Upcoming Events Immigration Update & Overview Tuesday, July 19, 2:00 – 3:30 pm PT in Fishman Auditorium Speaker is Doug Broadhurst, MA of OETIS Register here:

Careers & Coffee: Medical Science Liaison Tuesday, August 9, 2:00 – 3:00 pm PT in Building 5, Room 5332 Guest Panelists: Jaymie Estrella, PhD (Janssen Pharmaceuticals) & Michael Zorniak, PhD (Teva Pharmaceuticals) Register here:

Wednesday, August10, 4:00 – 6:00 pm PT in Chairmen’s Hall Come celebrate the faculty that have been actively engaged in GSBS these past few years. Beverages and light snacks will be provided.

National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW) Monday, September 19 – Friday, September 23 Description on Page 2. More details to be distributed in the coming weeks. For a full calendar and more information about upcoming events, visit: http://intranet/academicsupport/otas/workshops/Pages/default.aspx

OETIS Chronicle

We are always looking for contributions from SBP Postdocs and Graduate Students! In the Next Issue. . .

GSBS Faculty Appreciation Happy Hour

Best wishes to Stacy Smith in all of her future endeavors… Thank you, Stacy, for your hard work and commitment to GSBS excellence! You will be missed.

If you would like to submit a piece to be added to the next issue, please contact Alexia at

o GSBS’ 10th Anniversary o NPAW Highlights o Faculty Appreciation Happy Hour o More OETIS workshops o New GSBS Manager o Preuss 2 Week Summer Research Program

Please contact for any questions or concerns.

“An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.” - Edwin H. Land

Issue Two: Summer 2016

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