SBP OETIS Chonicle - FY17 Q3

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The Office of Education, Training, & International Services

In this issue: ‣ Trainee Achievements ‣ Dr. Hansen wins NPA Mentor of the Year Award ‣ GSBS Interview Day ‣ Upcoming Events & More!

OETIS is now … to social media! By Diane Klotz, Ph.D., Director, OETIS

The Office of Education, Training, & International Services (OETIS) team is constantly assessing how best to communicate with students, postdocs, faculty, and others interested in biomedical education and training news and opportunities. If you are reading this article, you already know that we share news and training opportunities via email and through this newsletter. You may not know that we also have an OETIS LinkedIn page where we highlight relevant local and national events, news, and professional development tips. In just the few months that the page has been active, it has quickly become a favored page for the biomedical education and training community, receiving “shares,” “comments,” and “likes” from colleagues across the country. One of our most appreciated features is the Monday quote. Every Monday a quote is shared with a comment tying the quote to how we can excel as an individual, colleague, and leader, and how we can set an example for others. We hope you will join us on the OETIS LinkedIn page to keep up-to-date on all of our trainee and faculty accomplishments, as well as to learn professional development tips for all stages of your career. And now that LinkedIn once again allows you to sort your newsfeed by “recent,” if you “Follow” the OETIS LinkedIn page, it’s easy to find the latest posts. As always, if you or someone in your lab wants to share an accomplishment, please let us know. We will be excited to share the news on LinkedIn. So, “Follow” us!

OETIS Chronicle | FY2017 Q3


GSBS invites prospective students for annual Interview Day By Mary B. Bradley, M.L.A., Manager, Graduate Program On February 17th, the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS) welcomed seven applicants to campus to interview for our PhD program. Though the threat of rain hovered throughout the day, the applicants enjoyed meeting our current students, interviewing with prospective faculty mentors and touring campus. The day started with an orientation to GSBS and an overview of our program, including presentations and discussions with Dean Guy Salvesen, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Student Affairs Malene Hansen, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Curriculum Alessandra Sacco, Ph.D., and Associate Dean of Admissions Robert Rickert, Ph.D. The students then interviewed with prospective mentors and with the Admissions Committee. In between interviews, current students were available to answer questions and share their graduate student experience. The prospective students enjoyed a campus tour with VP for Scientific Resources Craig Hauser, Ph.D., and the day concluded with a happy hour and poster session with the SBP community. SBP CEO Perry Nisen, M.D., Ph.D. welcomed the prospective students to campus and they were able to view and discuss posters from several GSBS students while interacting with faculty and staff. Overall, it was a very successful day. In addition to those who visited on February 17th, several other applicants visited on other days, and additional interviews were conducted via Skype. In fall 2017, SBP’s Graduate School is excited to welcome five new students to our campus.

Postdoc and Student Counts, FY17 Q3 POSTDOC/STUDENT POPULATION AS OF APRIL 25, 2017 Postdocs Total Count = 164 LJ LN Total per location 137 27 Postdoc Associates 107 23 Postdoc Associates, Sr. 8 0 Postdoc Fellows 21 4 Staff Fellows 1 0 Graduate Students Total Count = 48 LJ LN Total per location 47 1 Grad Students, SBP 29 0 Grad Students, External 18 1 NEW HIRES JANUARY – MARCH 2017 Postdocs = 17 LJ Total per location 16 Postdoc Associates 14 Postdoc Associates, Sr. 2 Postdoc Fellows 0 Graduate Students = 4 LJ Total per location 4 Grad Students, External 4

LN 1 1 0 0 LN 0 0

CEASED AFFILIATION WITH SBP JANUARY – MARCH 2017 Postdocs = 9 LJ Total per location 6 3 Postdoc Associates 3 3 Postdoc Associates, Sr. 2 0 Postdoc Fellows 1 0 Graduate Students = 6 LJ Total per location 6 0 Grad Students, SBP 2 0 Grad Students, External 4 0 POSTDOC IDP JANUARY – MARCH, 2017 Annual IDP Sent = 30 LJ Total per location 25 PD/PI Participated in the 11(44%) process st 1 Year IDP Sent = 18 LJ Total per location 17 PD/PI Participated in the 8 (47%) process



LN 5 1(20%)

LN 1 0 (0%)

OETIS Chronicle | FY2017 Q3


Recent OETIS Workshops & Events In case you missed it, here are some of the workshops that have happened so far in 2017! By Nisha Cavanaugh, Ph.D., Manager, Postdoctoral and Academic Programs

SBP graduate students and postdoctoral scholars communicate their research through story-telling

SBP faculty and OETIS launch a brand new grant writing workshop series

Nine postdoctoral scholars and graduate students participated in ASBMB’s “The Art of Science Communication”, an 8-week intensive course led by Professors Hudson Freeze (SBP) and Thomas Baldwin (UCR). Participants used their newly enhanced science communication skills to develop effective stories about their research. Their final project was to simplify their research studies into 5 to 10 minute presentations understandable to a lay audience (non-scientists). In the last class they all watched their final video presentations and everyone did a great job! Many of these videos will be shared on the OETIS LinkedIn page! (This course will be offered again in Spring 2018.)

In SBP’s 2016 Annual Postdoctoral Survey, nearly 70% of postdocs responded that they wanted to develop grant writing skills. So in January 2017, OETIS and several SBP faculty developed a brand new workshop series on grant writing for postdoctoral scholars and graduate students. The series consisted of five modules that covered:

Photo caption: (front row, from left to right) Jose Nieto Torres, Ph.D. (postdoc in Hansen lab); Hudson Freeze, Ph.D. (Course Director and SBP Professor); Pavel Ryzhov (Graduate Student in Marassi lab) (back row) Huiyu Ren (Graduate Student in Cosford lab); Vernon Beasley, Ph.D. (Postdoc in Ocorr lab); Yongzhi Yang, Ph.D. (Postdoc in Hansen lab); LuLin Jiang, Ph.D. (Postdoc in Xu lab); Thomas Baldwin, Ph.D. (Course CoDirector and UCR Professor); Lindsay Ward-Kavanagh, Ph.D. (Postdoc in Ware lab); Mitali Tambe, Ph.D. (Postdoc in Freeze lab); Emily Pugach, Ph.D. (Postdoc in CPCCG); Deborah Pre, Ph.D. (Scientist in CPCCG) (not pictured) Kristen Cusato (Manager, Communications).

Experienced hiring manager, Dr. Josh Henkin (STEM Career Services), shares his advice on resumes and LinkedIn profiles A packed auditorium of SBP postdocs, Salk postdocs, and SBP graduate students gathered on March 14 and 15 to listen to Dr. Josh Henkin, Program Manager at the Tauri Group and founder of STEM Career Services. In his two workshops, he described the general hiring process, what hiring managers are looking for when they review resumes, and how they seek out potential employees through LinkedIn. Dr. Henkin advised graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, especially those who are interested in pursuing non-faculty careers, how to develop their LinkedIn profiles and resumes to attract hiring managers and invitations for interviews.

• developing a research plan • understanding the grant submission process at SBP • learning about various funding mechanisms available to trainees • understanding how grants are reviewed • writing a specific aims page • reviewing peers’ writing We were thrilled to welcome 116 postdocs, graduate students, staff scientists, and faculty over the course of the series. Three trainees (two postdocs and one graduate student) completed all five modules and were granted certificates of completion. The series received great feedback and will be expanded and offered again in Spring 2018. Left: In module 3, panelists shared their thoughts and strategies for successfully obtaining a fellowship or career development award. (panelists, from left to right) Marco Maruggi (Graduate Student in Powis lab); Reginald McNulty, Ph.D. (Postdoc at The Scripps Research Institute); Analyne Schroeder, Ph.D. (Postdoc in Bodmer lab); Aniruddha Deshpande, Ph.D. (SBP Assistant Professor) Right: In module 4, postdocs and students watched as SBP faculty members – Malene Hansen, Ph.D. (Associate Professor); Alessandra Sacco, Ph.D. (Associate Professor); Guy Salvesen, Ph.D. (Professor); and Evan Snyder, M.D., Ph.D. (Professor) – led a mock study section discussion on an F32 postdoctoral fellowship application

OETIS Chronicle | FY2017 Q3


Interview with Dr. Malene Hansen, recipient of the 2017 National Postdoctoral Association Garnett-Powers & Associates, Inc. Mentor of the Year Award Q: Would you please describe your mentoring history at SBP? How many trainees have you welcomed into your lab? MH: I came to SBP in the fall of 2007, and since then I have mentored 18 undergraduate students, nine research assistants, two graduate students, and 10 postdoctoral fellows. I have also served or currently serve on 16 predoctoral committees both nationally as well as internationally. Q: What has driven you to become a great mentor? What have you learned from your mentors that has helped you to advise others? MH: To me, mentoring is a natural part of running a lab and engaging other people in research. Science is done by people, and I think what is really important in the mentoring process is to care – not only about the science but also about the people involved. The best mentors I have been fortunate to work with would do that, while recognizing that individual success is a strong driver of scientific advancement. Q: What do you think has lead you to winning the Mentor of the Year Award? MH: The most important factor was likely the exceptionally strong letters that three current or past postdocs kindly provided for my application! They all emphasized the value of being guided towards their own career goals. Moreover, I know that the committee was especially excited about my application because I was a relatively junior candidate. The NPA Garnett-Powers & Assoc., Inc. Mentor of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding mentor of postdoctoral scholars. Dr. Hansen was presented the award in March, at the 2017 NPA Annual Meeting in San Francisco (photo above). Read the official NPA announcement at

Q: What would your advice be for trainees in lessthan-ideal situations with their own mentors? MH: If a mentor-mentee relationship is impaired, I would suggest that the mentee looks for alternative mentors. On one side, the mentee needs to feel that the mentor is accessible and interested in their career, and gives honest advice. In turn, the mentee needs to be committed to forwarding their career, while considering input from their mentor. Q: What suggestions would you have for junior faculty who may be mentoring postdocs and students for the first time? MH: Make it clear to your trainees that you care, and listen to their career objectives. Try to the best of your ability to be mindful of this when planning projects. Look for and hire trainees with the drive and training potential you feel is compatible with the vision you have for your lab. Create and nurture a healthy lab environment – lab members do not need to be each other’s best friends, but should care about each other’s projects and wellbeing. Q: How do you continue to develop yourself as an effective mentor? MH: I learn from each mentor/mentee relationship, and actively ask for feedback to this end. For example, I have included a section on mentor feedback in our lab’s ‘personalized’ Individual Development Plan. I find it extremely rewarding helping others succeed, but it is important to note that each person makes their own career. What a mentor can do is to help mentees better understand what they are interested in and ways to accomplish their goals.

OETIS Chronicle | FY2017 Q3


OETIS celebrates the success of our trainees! (Q3: January – March 2017)

GSBS Students – •

Roisin Delaney (Powis Lab) – invited talk at American Association for Cancer Research (Washington D.C., April 2017)

Leanora Hernandez (D’Angelo Lab) – received NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Amir Razai (Salvesen Lab) – invited talk at Winter School on Proteinases and their Inhibitors conference (Tiers, Italy, March 2017)


Aman Mann, Ph.D. (Ruoslahti Lab) – research recognized in Discovery Magazine's Top 100 discoveries in 2016

David Sala Cano, Ph.D. (Sacco Lab) – received postdoctoral fellowship from French Muscular Dystrophy Association (AFM-Téléthon)

Ashima Shukla, Ph.D. (Rickert Lab) received Leukemia and Lymphoma Society postdoctoral fellowship

Michael Stec, Ph.D. (Sacco Lab)– received NIH/NIAMS F32 postdoctoral fellowship

Come join us – Immigration Update Q & A session Tuesday, May 9th, Fishman Auditorium, 3:00 – 4:00pm PT For your calendar: SBP International Services will be holding an informal follow up Question and Answer Session on Tuesday, May 9 to address any concerns/questions SBP graduate students, postdocs or staff may have regarding the recent and proposed changes in Immigration. The session will start with a brief update on the changes in immigration since our last meeting on February 3, 2017, specifically President Trump’s Executive Action signed April 18 which focuses on H-1B visa reform, as well as possible proposed legislation going forward.

Farewell to Sharon Schendel, Ph.D. OETIS wishes Sharon best regards in her new endeavors. She has served SBP in various capacities for many years, and we appreciate her contributions. Thank you for all of your hard work!

OETIS Chronicle | FY2017 Q3


Upcoming Events & Important Dates May 25: Leveraging Your Postdoc (part of SBP-SN’s Career Day) Description: Often postdoc positions are viewed as the “last resort,” but the benefits and unique opportunities a postdoc position offers will prepare you for your career. In this workshop, participants will explore the various types of postdoc positions available to them, while considering their own professional and personal goals. This new knowledge will help you to formulate a plan and get the most out of your postdoc.

June 13: Career Advice from the Wilderness

Fishman Fund Career Development Award

Description: When you have reached the end of the educational road after 20 years or more, the next step towards an independent career can seem like walking into an unknown wilderness. While hiking alone for 10 days and 120 miles, Keith had plenty of time to ponder the similarities of life on the trail and life in the lab. Join him as he shares some of the insights he gained, from learning to accept the inevitable frustrations life throws at you, to unlocking the deep strength each of us has within us. The end of the road is only the beginning of your journey, and only you can determine your ultimate destination!

Description: The Fishman Fund was established in 2001 by Mary Bradley and Reena Horowitz to honor Dr. William and Lillian Fishman, founders of SBP (originally the La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation). The Fishmans created a tradition of fostering the professional development of young scientists, and the Fishman Fund honors that tradition by providing financial awards to outstanding postdoctoral scholars at the Institute. The purpose of the fund is to provide an incentive for postdocs to consider their long-term career plan and further their professional development towards that long-term goal. Three awards of $10,000 each will be provided to postdocs with a clearly articulated career goal and a welldescribed plan for how to succeed in that career path.

Time: 10:00-11:30 am Speaker: Keith Micoli, PhD (Postdoctoral Program Director, NYU School of Medicine) Register: visit OETIS Calendar

Application Period Opens: Monday, May 22 Application Deadline: Wednesday, June 21 For more information: http://intranet/academicsupport/otas/fishmanfund/Pag es/Fishman-Fund-Career-Development-Award.aspx

(continued on next page)

OETIS Chronicle | FY2017 Q3



Torrey Pines Leadership Development Program at SBP (also known as SBP Leaders Program) Description: This premier leadership development program at SBP is designed for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral scholars on the Torrey Pines Mesa. In this program, participants will learn more about their leadership styles and preferences, and the leadership styles and preferences of others, towards understanding how they and their future teams can succeed. Certificates will be awarded to participants who complete all program requirements. Application Period Opens: Wednesday, May 31 Application Deadline: Friday, June 30 For more information:

Office of Education, Training, & International Services Diane M Klotz, Ph.D. Director

Education & Training

International Services

Nisha A Cavanaugh, Ph.D. Manager, Postdoctoral & Academic Programs

Doug Broadhurst, M.A. Manager, International Services

Mary B Bradley, M.L.A. Manager, Graduate Program

Susie Bolor Senior International Advisor

Alexia Pimentel Program Coordinator

Leadership Support Guy Salvesen, Ph.D. Faculty Advisor, Graduate Education Malene Hansen, Ph.D. Faculty Advisor, Postdoctoral Training

Julie Cooke Sr. Vice President, Human Resources

If you would like to submit a story for the next issue, please contact Alexia at We are always looking for contributions from SBP Postdocs and Graduate Students! In the next issue. . . - SBP Leaders Program Wrap-Up - Graduate School Retreat - GSBS Student Profile - More OETIS workshops! Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

Visit us on LinkedIn

OETIS Chronicle | FY2017 Q3


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