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The Company - Bitwala

//// Company - Bitwala

Bitwala was formed in 2013 in Berlin (Kreuzberg), by three friends ‘and a dog’. They saw a huge potentional everyday payments with Bitcoin. In 2015 they started to work on their crypto revolution. The company was bootstrapped, and they launched their first bank transaction with a new prepaid debit card. In 2016. They sat up a crowdfunding which raised about $800.000,-! In the same year they monetized a product that transfers over 75 million euros (Bitwala About, Z.J.).


In 2018 the company had a major setback due a bankruptcy of one of their most valuable partners. The team was set back to the drawing board. In the same year they came up with a new banking system based on the blockchain technology. With an additional €4 million investment by renowned investors, Bitwala launched the first and biggest Crypto currency bank account. At this moment, they have over 43 employees and are still growing with new currencies, partners and features (Bitwala About, Z.J.).

Bitwala claims to have built the world’s first bank that holds a regular bank account, bitcoin wallet and trading, all in one platform. They earn their money by keeping a 1% fee on all the transactions that are being made. One the large benefits of Bitwala is the debit card. You can change your Crypto into a ‘real life currency’ very easy. It also creates the possibility of spending your crypto on everyday payments, just as they always wanted from the start.