Second Newsletter - December 2015

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Doha Toastmasters

Club # 7148, Division E, District - 20 The First Toastmasters Club of Qatar

December 2015 Lead With A Smile, Smile In Your Words

December 2015






TM Sandeep Kinge

Editor Support

TM Satish Rao Tonse

December 2015



December 2015



Excom 2015 - 16


The Editor’s Desk


President’s Message


Area 28 Director’s Message


VP Education’s Message


Welcome New Members



11 - 13

DCP Status


Past Presidents


Cherishing the Memories




Investing in Yourself

19 - 21

Speak up Toastmasters


Changing over from Android to iPhone


Personal Achievement—TM Abdul Nassar P




91st Anniversary of Toastmasters Celebration


Qatar National Day Celebration


Doha Gavels’ Club Contest Winners


December 2015



TM Yoosaf Vannarath President

TM Rangamani Ravi VP - Membership

TM Abdul Nassar P VP - Education

TM Rashid Ahmed Secretary

TM Sandeep Kinge VP - Public Relation

TM Subair Pandavath Imm. Past President

TM Kamarudeen N K TM Raed A Abdeltwwab Sgt. At Arms Treasurer

Executive committee 2015-16

December 2015



Editor’s Desk Dear Members, Happy new year to all of you! With the begging of new year, everyone has resolutions for the new year. So, I too have a resolution for serving the community through Toastmasters. I have experienced that while serving the community, we learn many of our life skills unknowingly. Learning skills reminds me of ‘The recession’. During last recession, I was anxious along with my colleagues for our job security. I attended a training that year and the take away for me from that training was ‘be adaptable’ and ’build alternative skills’ for uncertain or emergency situations. These skills really help like an emergency fund for our survival during such recessions to get different types of jobs based on our skill set. Since then, I started volunteering more and more for different causes to learn diverse skills. Thanks to Toastmasters, it teaches me many skills through different roles I take. Hence, I take this opportunity to encourage all of you to take up more and different roles to learn various skills which can become ‘alternative skills’ for any emergencies. “Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst” Best Wishes! Regards, TM Sandeep Kinge, CC, ALB Vice President Public Relations

December 2015



President’s Message New Year greetings to all the readers! We welcome another year along with making many new decisions, weaving new dreams, and setting fresh goals. To achieve them we have to exert hundred percent effort and determinations otherwise no dreams and goals will come true. It is the same case when we join Toastmasters club. We join with an aim to improve our communication and leadership skills. The club will provide necessary platform and also there will be help and support from experienced Toastmasters, but each member has to put in their time and effort like attend every meeting, taking up different roles and approach the mentors. Doha Toastmasters club, the pioneer club of Qatar is the best option for you to develop your skills and abilities. So try to utilize this golden chance.

As always, Doha club is maintaining its legacy in the Toastmasters fraternity in Qatar. The club has achieved President’s Distinguished status with 9 DCP points well before 31st December 2015. In January, Doha Club will be achieving perfect 10 DCP. Also there have been a lot of new additions to the Doha Club family. Doha club is the first to bag the District membership achievers award from Qatar in December 2015. We have celebrated the Toastmasters anniversary in October and aligned the second meeting of December to match the Qatar national Day celebration. Let me thank the club excom for their tireless effort in the club’s achievements and thanks to all members for their cooperation and support. As we are fast approaching the contest season and our club contest is scheduled in the month of February, I encourage each and every member of the club to take part in the club contest, irrespective of whether you are an old or new member, and get experienced from one of the best speech contests in Doha. Eloquence, which is published every quarter, helps us to get an insight about Toastmasters and takes us through the journey of toastmasters’ achievements and all the events conducted in Doha Toastmasters Club. Newsletter also helps new members to get accustomed to the dealings of the club. It is a platform where you can sharpen the art of writing and showcase your creativity. Requesting everyone to contribute and be a part of this newsletter. I am sure you will enjoy reading this month’s issue. With Best Wishes TM Yoosaf Vannarath, CC, ALB President December 2015



Area—28 Director’s Message

Dear President and members of Doha Toastmaster club, At the outset let me congratulate all members of Doha Toastmasters for achieving all TMI milestone before December 2015. I really feel that it was the best step I took to join Doha Toastmasters and it benefitted immensely to my communication and leadership development. The valuable experience I gained during these years from Doha Toastmasters gave me self-confidence to take up any leadership roles. I even feel proud that the members of Doha Toastmasters consider me as a humorous speaker which I never thought I can. I realized that Toastmasters is a movement that improves variety of communication skills. The first step after joining Toastmasters is to create an action plan. Where do you want to go and how do you plan to get there? You may not have the answers, but meeting after meeting you attend in Toastmasters train your mind automatically in a new direction that develop your communication and leadership skills. The key to your success always depends upon your dedication to this movement.

Being an active member of Doha Toastmasters, it gives me immense pleasure to lead Area 28 which includes Doha Toastmasters. I congratulate each and every member of Doha Toastmasters on this occasion. I wish Doha Toastmasters continue their successful journey for many more years to come. Regards TM Dinesh Kumar A K, ACB, ALB Area 28 Director

December 2015



Vice President Education’s Message

Dear Fellow Club Members, Greetings ! It is proud moment and congratulations to you all on achieving seven Distinguished Club Program (DCP) points out of the total 10 point goals set for the full year. If you see the requirements for this award, this achievement could not have been possible without the contribution of each member of the club. As I used to say, I am not great fan of numbers and awards ! To me, what is more important is to achieve the self-set goals of all individual members and eventually an inclusive growth of the club. And indeed, when we achieve the self set goals the success will follow. An actor’s goal is to do his best to give life and wings to the character he plays and not to be to get Oscar award. Let us introspect and try our best to live and rise in our life in true toastmaster values RISE. The acronym RISE stands for Respect, Integrity, Service and Excellence. Wish you all the best in achieving all the big goals you set in life and the success and rewards keep flowing in all walks of your life. Sincerely Yours, Wishing you all the best, TM Abdul Nassar P. ACB, ALB Vice President Education

December 2015



Welcome New Members Asma Zaghouani Bhadrik Shah Chandrashekhar R Dudhe Fayqa Abdulla Ashkanani Maru Menon Moufid Ahmed Mostafa Muhammed Ahmed Matter Nagaraja Sekar Mannem Tapan Das

December 2015



Achievements 12th ICC Communication Championship 1st Runner-up Winner in “International Category� from Doha Club

TM Deepak Shivankar

December 2015



District Membership Maximus Award A special award and gift from DTM Clita Crasta for adding more than 10 members in just 6 months

December 2015



Competent Communicator

TM Kamarudheen & TM Kishore Parthasarathy

December 2015



December 2015



December 2015




I firmly believe that the benefits of membership of Doha Toastmasters Club extend far beyond simple public speaking skills.

I would say that the environment and the aura of Doha Toastmasters Club itself facilitate acquiring of a lot of qualities required for leadership and to be successful in life. I have met many people through Toastmasters, whom I might not have otherwise had the chance to meet. I learnt something or other from all Toastmasters. I cherish what I learnt from them in all these years! I take this opportunity to mention those eleven Toastmasters in this context! There are many more but due to space constraint, I am restricting myself to these eleven and also because of the fact that I joined in the year’11! DTM Sundaresan Rajeswar: I learnt how one should be regular to club meetings even though one has put in number of years in Toast mastering. I still need to learn how to be pleasant while talking with everyone. DTM Sowrirajan : I learnt how to be truthful and blunt while giving an honest feedback which benefits them. Of course I still need to learn how to ‘play with the words’ to say something , without saying it! DTM Malini : I learnt how to accept any role gracefully and deliver the same passionately. However, I need to learn how to speak good English like her!

December 2015



TM Easwaran Natrajan : I have learnt how to go beyond the mentorship to assist any Toastmasters who seek help. However, I still need to learn how to be a very good listener and an observer during the meeting. DTM Dr.M.S. Babu : I Learnt to have an ever smiling face even during the toughest times of life. However, I need to learn how to accept any role at the very last moment and deliver it enthusiastically. TM Subair : He taught me how to be simple and humble through his actions. Still I need to learn how to be humorous even when I make mistakes.

TM Dhinesh: I learnt the importance of having noble and plain thoughts. However, I need to learn how to control the anger and act normal during any hot discussions. TM Anil Nair : Learnt to be an enthusiastic and motivating Toastmaster. But, need to learn how to manage various clubs. DTM Mansoor : Learnt to be creative and innovative in presentations. But, need to learn how to make the role which, I take, lively. TM Jayakumar Menon: Learnt to pay keen attention to all the sessions of a meeting. But, need to learn how to evaluate to motivate. TM Yoosaf : Learnt how to be proactive and systematic. However, I need to learn how to manage several leadership roles effectively and efficiently. Penned By TM Rangamani Ravi, CC, CL Vice President Membership

December 2015



Life Life is a mystery cake Ingredients are invincible Recipe unknown A bowl of hope A twinkle in one’s eyes Here we come With flavors of positive

A pinch of love Heart full of prayers Sure to make a destiny of our own

-TM Maru Menon

December 2015



INVESTING IN YOURSELF “Only a mediocre person is always at his best” ― W. Somerset Maugham It is vital to make investments in yourself. Warren Buffett said it best: “Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do”. Everyone has to make investments in their own career that will successfully equip them to become more relevant and valuable to the organization. Greatness of employees will be defined by the skill set and technical sophistication they possess to adapt to the needs of the organization. There are myths about personal growth that one should take precaution to avoid getting into: 

The Assumption Gap - I will automatically grow

The knowledge Gap - I don’t know how to grow

The Timing Gap - It’s not the right time to grow

The Mistake Gap - I am afraid of mistakes

The perfection gap - I have to find the best way

The inspiration Gap - I don’t feel like doing it

The Expectation Gap - I thought it would be easier

The facts on the above are different: 

Growth is not natural- It’s intentional and responsible

Ask Big Questions- What to know to grow yourself

Do it Now

Face your Fears

Start with simple steps- Be patient with the process

Master yourself, not just job or position

Lifelong – growing beyond the goal

December 2015



The first and foremost thing to ascertain is; Are you in a GROWTH ENVIRONMENT?

A growth environment fosters the following: 

A place where the atmosphere is affirming, continually challenged, often out of comfort zone, people around desire change, others are growing and growth is modeled and expected.

Who you spend time with determines about 95% of success or failure. The combined average of 5 people we hang around is the reference group which act as accountability partners who have a desire to help you to succeed. It is important to associate with people larger than self.

Continuous growth need strategies and reflection is the key to develop strategies. Develop simple strategies that are personal, repeatable and transferable. An effective system considers the big picture, prioritizes, measures, takes action and promotes consistency.

Growth Path Diagram:

December 2015



WHAT NEXT? Pursue excellence: Don’t settle for being good but pursue excellence in everything we do. The business climate is dynamic and hence we should be constantly evolving, learning new skills, attributes and adapting. Whatever the challenge, the requirements, the goals - not just meet them but try to exceed them. Continuous learning: Approaching every new experience with an open mind and passion for learning will expand work effectiveness. Often one has to take several learning courses to perform job at the highest level. Passion for continuous learning propels ones growth

Make your own breaks: “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds” – Francis Bacon. Opportunities are offered only if one takes un -relented efforts to grow and develop even in unrelated areas. Don’t knowingly cause opportunities to present by itself, increase visibility and actively create new ones. Be relevant: Employees should look for ways to add value to the organization. They should challenge themselves to find ways to gain leadership support especially if there are some who are skeptical. Become the team member colleagues just can’t get along without. Develop courage: Rising above the fear of failure can be the greatest motivator for success. This requires encountering adversity that demands inner strength and tenacity. Make investment in one’s own career that will make you more relevant and valuable. One sure and certain program to help in invest in yourself and grow is through toastmasters. Take Toastmasters program seriously to reap the right benefits - DTM Rajeswar Sundaresan

December 2015



Speak Up Toastmasters!!!!! You want to be a good speaker But you have fear to take ice breaker Leave your hesitations Forget your frustrations To leave back things like What will be people’s reactions? Speak up 1st!!

Let’s not put break, speak up, leave the fear And put speaking career in top gear There is no one here to put you down, If you develop your speaking and leadership skills You can wear the badges for competent communicator, competent leader and Triple Crown Fellow toastmasters will appreciate your speech as nice And they will give you some advice This will work as a confidence booster And you can get correct path for your dreams to foster Here there is no king or queen Everyone is equal and they are here to win So speak up and conquer the fear, such that all of us can admire!!!!!!!!!!!!! - TM Tapan Das

December 2015




Recently I came across this quote “You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway”. This brought flood of memories of my not so recent attempt (half successful one!) to change over from an Android Phone to iPhone6! I had one Android Phone with which I was pretty happy and then the model went ‘out of fashion’ (these days new models come every few months and make those having old model phones feel ‘out of sync’ with the present!)! Whenever I took out my phone, I felt that people around me started giving looks (like the one you give to the guy driving an Ambassador car in Indian roads these days!). I felt it was high time for me to change over to the latest iPhone6.

I went on a mission to hunt for an iPhone6 and I wanted a Gold colored one. I am always fascinated by Gold and am of the view that Gold can never go out of fashion! But this place appears to be full of guys who hold similar views and Gold colored iPhone6 was simply not available. After quite a difficult search in the summer months in Doha (Qatar), I was finally able to get a Gold colored iPhone6 (and that was the last piece in that store!). Then it came with a free phone cover. Now I was in quite a dilemma over using the phone cover which will hide the true color of the phone for which I had put in quite a bit of effort! But when I opened the package containing this iPhone cover, I found that the cover is a transparent one and people would still be able to see the true color of my iPhone – thank God for small mercies!

December 2015



The events leading to stress began from this point: First was to get my Micro SIM changed to a Nano SIM. My wife and I ran down to the Service Centre of the mobile service provider in the middle of the night (just after purchase of the phone) as these centres are open till very late during Ramadan. But found out that there were huge numbers of people of awaiting their turn at this service center in that unearthly hour! So I had to go back next day for the Nano SIM. Once I had the Nano Sim, next challenge was to get my contacts loaded on to the new phone and here I managed somehow but had to some manual entry. Surprisingly changeover of ‘WhatsApp’ was quite easy. Then came mails and calendars. Personal mail was easily transferred to iPhone but my office mail was a different cup of tea. I had to take the help of the IT guy in the office for that. Apps had to be downloaded again but thankfully, some apps like ‘Runkeeper’ (which I use quite often) behaved quite well and took off from where I left! Getting the music transferred from Android phone to iPhone6 was the next major challenge. I went through lots of material available on internet on how to do this but could not succeed. Ultimately, I had to depend on my son to do the needful during my visit to Bengaluru last month! But finally I said enough is enough and will NOT try anymore to get other things (mainly apps and photographs) from Android phone, as that phone will anyway stay within the family! I let it go realising that I was never in control anyway! I never used most of the features of this Android phone and am sure that it will be the same story with iPhone6! Post script: Ultimately, I do concede that iPhone6 did have some pretty good features which add value (apart from being ‘in sync’ with modern times!). It has a very good camera, finger print scanner, and nice apps. But still I miss that all familiar whistling noise and utility to go back to what I was doing by just tapping on bottom right! Apple came out with iPhone 6S and I have successfully made my transition to this new one. This transition, though not as difficult as the previous one, did have a few anxious moments! -TM Satishrao Tonse, CC, CL December 2015



December 2015



December 2015



December 2015



Qatar National Day Celebration

December 2015



Table Topic Contest Winners Humorous Speech Contest Winners

Speech Evaluation Contest Winners

International Speech Contest Winners

Doha Gavels’ Contest Winners

December 2015



Important Contest Dates

December 2015



MISSION OF THE CLUB The mission of the DOHA Toastmasters Club is to provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater selfconfidence and personal growth .

A TOASTMASTER’S PROMISE To attend club meetings regularly To prepare all of my speeches and leadership projects to the best of my ability, basing them on projects in the Competent Communication and Leadership Program manuals, Advance Communication manuals or competent leadership manual To provide fellow members with helpful and constructive evaluations To prepare for and fulfill meeting assignments To help the club maintain the positive, friendly environment necessary for all to learn and grow To serve my club as an officer when called on to do so To treat my fellow club members and our guests with respect and courtesy To bring guests to club meetings so they can see the benefits Toastmasters membership offers To adhere to the guidelines and rules for all Toastmasters educational and recognition programs To maintain honest and highly ethical standards during the conduct of all Toastmasters activities.

Please contribute articles & send your feed back to: December 2015



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