Sanibel & Captiva Island Chamber of Commerce 3rd Quarter 2011 Newsmagazine

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Best of Getting to Know Your New Chamber Members 5. Tampa Bay 6. Don’t Eat Candy…Just Dessert 3 Times A Day. 7. Captiva by Randy Wayne White 8. Veggies and Fruit 9. Tourists aren’t annoying to me. 10. Panther, Coons, Gators, Rabbits, Pelicans, Beach Birds, Loggerhead Turtles. NewsMagazine Interview: 1. Who had the greatest influence on you during your childhood? 2. Describe a typical day in your childhood. 3. Who was your childhood hero? 4. Were you popular in high school? 5. What was your favorite book as a child? 6. How did you meet your current significant other? 7. What one word would you use to describe yourself? 8. What one word would your friends use to describe you? 9. What’s one thing few people know about you? 10. What’s one thing that we don’t have here on the Island that you would like to see?

Dan Budd, Wildseed Construction - Sanibel Island 1. Mr. Rogers 2. Shoveling snow, chipping ice, shivering, wondering why Mom & Dad wouldn’t move us to Florida. 3. Evil Knievel 4. Was getting your head dunked in a toilet a sign of popularity? 5. Encyclopedia Brown 6. @ beach access #6. Connor and Kate wanted to pet Stella. 7. Doesn’t follow instructions 8. Tenacious 9. I was born a woman 10. Waitress service on the beach @ the Island resorts NewsMagazine Interview: 1. Why are you a member of the Sanibel-Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce? 2. What’s your favorite frozen dinner? 3. What’s the name of your first pet? What was it? 4. An inny or an outey? 5. Favorite activity here on the Island? 6. What’s your middle name? 7. Last movie you saw in a theatre? How was it? 8. Favorite childhood TV show? 9. What did you want to be when you grew up? 10. When did you first start coming to Sanibel-Captiva?

Bryan Hayes, Owner Sanibel Air Conditioning & Sancuary Island Electric

in our marketing efforts with our other company, Sanibel Air Conditioning, Inc. 2. What? Who makes this stuff up? Okay, here goes…thawed steak. 3. Cindy, a little white terrior. But she ran away and I cried. I was only 5 at the time. Okay…so lay off. 4. Pass. 5. Fishing with my family. 6. I honestly do not have one. I’ve always felt a little cheated. 7. Spiderman III. It was long… 8. Bugs Bunny and Road Runner. 9. A contractor. 10. Like the song says, “It was 1970 something.”

NewsMagazine Interview: 1. What’s your most memorable celebrity sighting/encounter? 2. Which song do you sing the loudest in your car or the shower? 3. Which actor or actress would best portray you in a movie about your life story? What would the movie be called? 4. What’s your favorite cheese? 5. What item in your dresser/closet has been there the longest and where did you last wear it? 6. What’s on your grocery list this week? 7. If you were handed a million dollars today, what’s the first thing you would do? 8. Team Edward or team Jacob?

Jeremy Kane, Hillgate Communications 1. Having tea and crumpets with the Queen. 2. I don’t sing. I hum. Beethoven’s 9th. 3. Patrick Stewart 3b. “Play it again, Sam.” 4. Ripe Stilton 5. My Morning Suit. 1994. 6. Too much. 7. Buy a Hopper. 8. Eh what?

Randy Basik, Royal Shell Companies 1. I had a long sit down talk with Dick Van Dyke and he talked openly about the making of Mary Poppins’. 2. Green Day Good Riddance 3. John Travolta and the movie of my life would be called “I may be wrong but I doubt it.” 4. Just plain old yellow rat cheese. 5. My funeral suit and try not to wear it at all. 6. Chips Ahoy cookies and an insulin chaser. 7. Toss it off the bridge and avoid the hassle of purchasing the boat. 8. Team Edward.

1. Because Bridgit Stone works there, of course. Just kidding. (No he’s not.) The Chamber has always been a supportive force

The Islands of





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