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Light than that radiation which goes forth from Hakemah, to circle around in and fill Intelligence . And in this respect the symbol of a window is used-"-Introductio in Lliirum Sohar. r ACE-BEN- is a word found in the French work. M H .C

The simpler the derivation, the more likely it is to be right, of the words taken in Masonry from the Hebrew . I find the following Makh-,a, covering, concealment, hi din g-place, Lee ; Aqui7a, lcpv :rrcav :rvfi'pa : Symmachus, a inoxpvip7j : latibulum, hiding-place, Geseniu. . _'lakah ; struck, smitten, hounded, struck down, killed. In compound words, such as proper names, the final ,; is often dropped . 1nd on the continent of Europe, v~ is represented by e. Thus we obtain, in the simplest manner possible, ; _, Inn fal- ,ennk, the place of concealment of the murdered one ; i e. the place where the body of the murdered one was hidden .

L=os : said in the old Rituals to mean a baiustra&. But the Dictionaries give no such word, with that meaning Ziz, means `Abundance, Riches, Strength, Power ;' and on, added, gives the meaning of `great abundance.' also, I `what moves, movable.'

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