Skills magazine

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Games Design Experience My 2D Game Idea: Rayguns and Revolvers-

I had to design a working 2D game for my course at college . I had to design all the assets for my games such as char acters, sounds, weapons, maps and animation . I decided to make a side scroller like Mario with 2D pixel assets, I decided to base my game on cow boys vs aliens as you will see by my assets .

Assets- I was required to make a lot of assets for this game, here they are: Karl- This is the main character for the game that the player will play as to kill the aliens . I created him using piskel an online sprite crafting software .

Enemies- This is the design of the aiens I used in my game, again I made it and animated it using piskel. I made it change colour when the alien was hit to show that it was being damaged the two colours can be seen below .

Enemy Boss- I made a boss that appears on the final mission, to add variation to the enemies and give the player a new enemy to overcome . The boss is slightly harder to kill then the other al iens and fires bullets faster which makes it harder on the player . I made this and animated this using piskel, when the boss gets hit like with the normal aliens it changes colour and animates as you can see below .

Other assets- T o complete the assets I needed to design and animate various different things that are listed below: Bullets for the player/enemies

Portal to change levels

Designs for maps

Designs for UFO

some sketches I did for my designs, this shows the detail I went into to make these creations come to life.

Animation- For my characters to work effectively in my game I needed to create a lot of animation for every asset below are a few examples .

player (shooting)

Enemy (shooting)

Boss (Attack)

Pictures from the finished game:

Using Stencyl - T o get the animations and the games running smoothly I needed to use various different codes, here are a few: Shooting Left

Enemy Roam

Enemy Die

Enemy shooting

Sketching: Also at havering sixth form I have learnt a lot about sketching methods and how to transform an idea onto a page and then transform that idea into a game asset . Through my course I needed to cpmlete a number of art related tasks in order to give us experience in every aspect of game design Here are a few of the early sketches I did for my coursework.


For a further part of the coursework we needed to create a game idea, but we wouldn’t make the game we needed to create the characters and the box art for it . First of all I made a hero figure and then a villain figure that I sketched on paper then make them as sprites and assets . Hero:


Box art:

3D work: I have also started to use unity and am learning the basics of making a 3D game . Here you can see that I have been playing around with a few things on unity like fire, spinning coin, buildings and using a first person controller. I have also animated the hands to throw punches and move in a running animation. How I did this is below .

An example of the animation is below (punching with the right hand) .

II have also had a look at using a third person controller and getting them to move and jump etc, as you can see below .

So as you can see in my time at college I have learnt a lot about the process of making video games that are pleasing to the eye and that work I have learnt a vast amount of skills that will make me a valued member of a team because I can make a working 2D game and 3D game .




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