Lavey the satanic witch

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propositioned all over the place--not because you are possessed of magical power but simply because you are a sexy looking girl! Naturally, an attractive woman will find doors open to her that her more dowdy sisters must pay through the nose to enter. Every pretty girl is used to receiving favors, and if we are to be honest in recognizing the Satanic laws of indulgence, it is understandable that she should receive favors. After all, by her very existence, she is bringing beauty of a visual nature into the life of the beholder--the type of beauty that, if it is accompanied by an undercurrent of sexual excitement, doubly adds to the pleasure reaction. In a sense, she is giving, without even trying. So long as anything pleasant constitutes an indulgence, the viewer of the pretty girl will be indulged. Small wonder, then, that he reacts consciously by having to do something for the girl! This factor of physical appeal, then, is very important in bewitching. If it is at all possible to indulge whoever looks upon you with a treat that will obviate a reward, you must do so. In practical witchery you must first command attention by your looks. Then, you should be able to create an enticement. If you can't entice the viewer into doing what you want, you must scare him into doing it. We'll cover that aspect in a later chapter. Right now we'll concentrate on the importance of a pleasing appearance. Since life is a give-and-take proposition, we must play the game as such; but, as you know, there is often a lot more "take" than there is "give." When a pretty girl "gives" simply by being a pretty girl, she subsequently "takes" when the little favor is bestowed by the nice man. In her often-limited mind she assumes her enchantment to then be complete, not realizing that now it is her turn to give for a second time. Completely off guard because of the smugness engendered by her temporary conquest, she then is thrown into a situation where she is unmercifully taken advantage of by the "nice man." It must be born in mind that the element of sex-appeal is not dependent on perfect face and body, lest many of my readers feel themselves falling short of the mark when it comes to physical perfection. The relative ingredient of what constitutes a pretty girl are seen in many forms. So long as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we must ascertain a little about the beholder and his particular likes. The universally accepted standards of beauty are those based on certain curves, metric proportions and contours. These are the standards which constitute the "naturally pretty" girl. Through modification, using make-up, clothing, fetishistic devices, etc. A girl who is less than "perfect" can sometimes "out-perfect" the natural beauty. Oh yes, one last rule before we get into the formulas: NEVER FORGET THAT YOU ARE A WOMAN, AND THE GREATEST POWERS YOU CAN EMPLOY AS A WITCH ARE TOTALLY DEPENDENT UPON YOUR OWN SELFREALIZATION THAT IN BEING A WOMAN YOU ARE DIFFERENT FROM A MAN AND THAT VERY DIFFERENCE MUST BE EXPLOITED! The extent of which you exploit your womanliness must always be in perfect balance with the lack of womanliness of the man you have chosen to bewitch! How will you know this balance? The next chapter will show you.

2. Knowing Yourself and Others The Real You In order to properly analyze or size up an individual you plan to bewitch, it is impressive that you understand certain rules. For the purposes of witchcraft, one should conceive of each person having two personalities--the one everyone sees, and the one he carries within him. Actually, these two personalities can be broken down into three layers--the outer layer being the "cover" by which others often "tell the book" and the inner layer, however, that is sadly neglected--always there and always apparent. The reason it is not readily noticed is because it is too see the forest for the trees. This third personality represents the inner core, the "reversion to type," and is a direct reflection of the characterization which is seen on the surface, or first layer. Let us, therefore, consider the first and third layers to be the same, with a big layer of padding between them which makes up the second. This second layer is the "other side" of our nature, the woman within the man, the alter-ego, the "dark side" of our nature, etc. It is also the part of the personality you must learn to recognize in every person you plan to bewitch. Figure 1 shows what it can be likened to, for example, in a short, fat, man. As you can se from the diagram, layer number two takes the form of a tall, slender, slim-hipped woman. If our short, fat man were to have a best friend, it would be another man who was tall and slender with a personality totally unlike his own. Put a wig and a dress on the tall skinny friend and you'll get a pretty good hint at what the wife or girl friend of the fat man will be like. Have you ever noticed how a man's best friend will always be his opposite in appearance? The woman you have always had as your best friends have been opposites of your own appearance, haven't they? If you are extremely pretty, your best friend was always the one you found yourself trying to convince others of accepting as beautiful even though they couldn't see it. If you are an active type, you will attract quiet people. If you are quiet, you will gravitate towards energetic types. In short, the reason opposites attract is because we need those opposites to make ourselves whole.

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