Nipisihkopahk Acimowin

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Kaskatinowi Pîsim October 2021



ansi and welcome to another edition of the Acimowin. The above photos are from the MCC Graduation, Community Wellness walk, Samson Mini Pow Wow behind the HBMC and the Samson Rodeo in Ponoka. All events had Covid 19 safety Facebook: @samsoncreenation protocols in place. The virus is still present in Maskwacis so everyone please stay safe. It is encouraged that members get their vaccines, get tested and wear a mask in public. Emergency Management has an update and you can read what Harper Potts Twitter: @SamsonCree recommends for the community during these times we are living in. Finally, Victim Services is having their annual AGM in Pigeon Lake and they are looking for volunteers if your interested. Instagram: @samsoncreenation

Photo: Josey Wolfe. September 25, 2021. MCC Grad.

Pg 12

The Samson Cree Nation Acimowin (Newsletter) Communications Coordinator, Delorna Makinaw. SCN Covid 19 Colour Code Flag Email: System for your window. Events Planner, Angela Boysis-Bull. SCN Vaccination Registration Email: Phone Number. Community Wellness: In Spirit of Samson Communications Department: Box 159 Hope & Reconciliation. Maskwacis, AB T0C 1N0. Ph: 780-585-3793 ext. 233 or Notice: Community Safety 266. Concerns. Emergency Management SCN Departments: Please send your announcements, Update with Harper Potts. events or information to the Acimowin for publication. MESC Update. Email:

Pg 16

Samson Mini Pow Wow.

Pg 19

Pigeon Lake Turkey Dinner Drive Through Information. MCC Graduation.

Pg 3 Pg 5 Pg 6 Pg 8 Pg 10

Pg 20

Table of Contents

Ph: 780-585-3793 ext. 266

The Acimowin is released bi-weekly every month. Advertisers please call the Communications Office. Community events can be forwarded to the Newsletter Please make it a JPEG format to save paper.

continued Community Wellness pictures. Vision Statement Samson Cree Nation is a healthy, educated, knowledgeable and industrious community. Pg 24

HAWK 93.5 FM Radio To advertise with the only central Alberta First Nations radio station please call: 780-585-4295. Mission Statement Email: Samson Cree Nation is a Sovereign Nation that is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all our People Web: by maximizing our Human Resources and respecting our Contact: Robert “Bobby Jack” Ward. Cree Language and Traditions of our Peoples.

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Pandemic Declared

Variant Declared



2556 October

2254 September

2215 August

2166 July

2150 June

2070 May



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1448 18541900 1993 33 2021

19 317 485 December








Total Cases

Maskwacis Covid 19 Timeline Total Cases


3900 3800 3700 3600 3500 3400 3300 3200 3100 3000 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 75 50 25 1 Covid 19 Variant

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commemorate this? Tomorrow is national Truth and Reconciliation day across Canada. They’re asking the same thing: How can we do our part? You wearing the orange shirt, MMIWG and making sure these messages don’t go away is how your doing it. It’s making a difference out there. There are people out there, our allies, that want to help and to make a difference. All this work you do, the messaging, all the T-shirts, it’s making a difference. This whole movement matters. So I want to thank all the people for coming out and I want to thank all the people supporting this and who helped put this on. This is being live streamed on Facebook by Kevin Rain. Even in the time of Covid 19 we’re still trying to get this message out. For all our SA clients you can come eat and there’s going to be a lot of energy here. Stay safe everybody. Blessings to all of you. I love all of you. Ekosi ! Thank you. Pictures, continued on page 24. September 29, 2021 Chief Vernon Saddleback at the outdoor Community Wellness: In Spirit of Hope and Reconciliation conference at the Willowview building. Chief Vernon Saddleback: Welcome everybody. It’s a different world were living in at the moment and I want to encourage everyone to keep safe. Covid 19 is still out there and it is mutating. It does spread so keep safe and social distance. I was at the Maskwacis Cultural College (MCC) graduation over the weekend. I did a speech as Chief there and one of those Cree words I learned recently is Tatum-skat-ti-now Ka-ke-yow. In Cree it means I am greeting you all. In this time of social distancing, those words really mean something today. So I just want to greet you all. I want to thank our guests for coming out. So for all the guests who stopped on our reserve thank you. I want to thank Councilor Ryan Lightning for stepping up and being the MC. It takes a lot of people to pull these off like Community Wellness and the Indian Residential School support program at the Maskwacis Health Services (MHS). Thank you to Clarence Cutknife for the opening prayer, he works for the IRS. They’re funding this event, the food and the tents. I want to thank the commemoration for Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG). I want to thank our Maintenance people for coming out and setting up the chairs. There’s a lot of people and staff at community wellness who helped out so thank you to them. I want to call it a movement of awareness. I want all of you to believe that. That you coming to these events wearing your orange shirts, wearing the red to honour our MMIWG, it’s making a difference. I am the Chief of Samson and I have business owners in Wetaskiwin calling me asking: How can we 6

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October 2, 2021 Maskwacis Health Services: Testing is available at the Maskwacis Ambulance Authority from 10 AM to 3:30 PM 7 days a week. The Covid 19 tests being done at the Ambulance bay are not the antigen screening tests needed for travel or at participating businesses and restaurants. Rapid antigen screening tests are available at Shoppers Drug Mart. Asymptomatic Rapid Antigen Screening for Covid 19 is now available at pharmacies for the general public at Shoppers Drug Mart locations across Alberta. Cost per screening: $40


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October 5, 2021 Emergency Management Director update Harper Potts via the Samson Cree Nation Facebook page. Harper Potts: Good afternoon everybody. The DEMs came out with a notice yesterday and I will read it now. Harper reads the Maskwacis Four Nations Directors of Emergency Management and Maskwacis Health Services: Public Notice. Please see page 8. People thought everything was shutting down. We would like to shut down all social gatherings. He reads from the Public Notice again. So we are not shutting down everything. Here are my statistics for today: Total Cases 2523 Recovered 2393 Active Cases 125 Hospitalized 5 Out of the 125 Active Cases, 75 are non-vaccinated. Out of the 125 Active Cases, 24 under the age of 11. Result: 102 Not Vaccinated. Some parents are tested positive and then they take it home. Resulting in infections at home. 21 people have 2 vaccines. 7 people have 1 vaccine. Some people might think that getting the vaccine won’t matter. 78 of the non-vaccinated people got Covid 19. 21 people with 2 vaccines have got Covid 19. When those people got Covid 19 their symptoms were not as bad. Out of the 125 Active Cases, 30 are from Samson. 20 Homes are under isolation form contact tracing. So all together, we have about 50 homes under isolation or contact tracing. 15 youth tested positive at MESC schools in all four nations. 125 youth in contact tracing. So we have 50 homes under isolation in Samson and that’s just Samson. So we might be possibly at 50-60 homes under isolation in Samson alone. We’ve been delivering food to homes under isolation and we’ve been busy. The four DEMs and MHS have all agreed to have the schools close down. Grades 10-12 will still be able to attend. We have decided to close down all social functions. If people can hold them off to a later date that would be better. 125 Active Cases is way too many for Maskwacis right now, for me personally, that’s way to many. We would like to see all family functions and social gatherings to be put on hold until a later date. However, if 5 people have always been together in a house, those 5 people can still have a birthday party. Just don’t invite people over. I know it’s hard to do when you have grandchildren and great grandchildren. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Last year when we we’re in lockdown my sister cooked the meal and delivered it. So we still had our dinners at those special times. Please do not 10 Samson Communications Department @SamsonCreeNation

have outside visitors from other nations at this time. Please no card games. Please do not have pool tournaments. If 20 people gather somewhere that virus is airbourne so there is a chance you can get it. Feasts can be done drive through style. Tea dances, round dances and mini pow wows: please hold off on those until a safer time. So the future is in your hands. Stay home and our numbers will come down. Keep going out and our numbers will rise. Remember through all of this that we pray as a people. So pray things get better. Pray for the people in the hospital. Elmer Rattlesnake, Bannock, was in the hospital for 7 months but he made it out. There was a lot of prayers being done for him. Maskwacis is less than 50% vaccinated. If people refuse to get vaccinated then we will be here for awhile. 18,000 Maskwacis total population approximately. 13,000 on reserve. 5000 off reserve. 9100 people need to get vaccinated. 3400 people currently vaccinated. 6000 people need to get vaccinated to make a change. Until we get people vaccinated we are going to be in this for the long haul. We could be like this until the summer of 2022. The virus will continue to be around. I know people have their own beliefs and I respect that but I encourage you to get vaccinated. Samson is tightening up their Covid 19 restrictions. We have to keep all the band members safe. Samson band is still operating and our employees are vaccinated or have a 72 hour test initiated. Hours are Monday to Friday 9 AM to 3 PM. All public buildings are closed to the public unless a double vaccination is done or a 72 hour rapid test is shown. The only building open is the Jim Omeasoo building for wakes and funerals, Covid 19 restrictions are in place there. No face to face meetings unless all people are vaccinated. Appointments only. Google Zoom meetings are how we meet now. Once you leave Maskwacis, all these Covid 19 restrictions are in place. You will have to show your vaccination cards wherever you go. The new card has the bar code on it. If you want you can go to the old Kasohkowew Child Wellness Society building and we will laminate for you. This is where Emergency Management is set up. Please bring your Alberta health care number, they’ll enter your number into the computer and then your Alberta vaccination card is ready. When you go to town, they will also want government Identification to go along with your vaccination card, Indian Status cards will work for government ID. Who knows how far this will on? We don’t know if grocery stores or gas stations will require this off the reserve. If you test positive you can still go to the isolation trailers in Ermineskin. Send Harper your name, birthdate, house number and phone number and he will get you set up there. I send it off to Dr. Toth at the Health Services, she pulls out your health record and then we admit you from there. If your under contact tracing and you don’t want to stay home you can come to the Samson trailers if you’re a Samson band member. Samson has a meal program set up. You stay until your isolation date is finished. Nurses will come by and do Covid 19 tests on you. We have Wifi there as well so bring your laptop or tablet. Our vaccination clinics go from 9 AM to 2:30 PM at the HBMC and you can register if you want, walk in’s are welcome. October 13, 20, 21, 2021, are the next vaccination clinics and they go from 10 AM

to 3 PM. We have both Phizer and Moderna. Alberta has 20, 674 Total Cases. 257 are in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). I was listening to the news the other day and last weekend, there were 6 people needing kidney transplant operations and the ICU beds were filled with Covid 19 patients who did not get vaccinated. Those people couldn’t get their transplants. Harper goes on to talk about his friend on Facebook Kevin and getting the vaccine. Kevin may not know what’s in the vaccine but his doctor told him he has to get it in order to safe. I remember when we got the vaccines, we got those little round scars on our arms. Those were 5 or 6 vaccines we got in one shot. There was an orange building north of the Bow and Arrow store and that’s where I got my vaccine shot years ago. 7 or 8 years ago we had the H1N1 virus going around. I remember the line up was long at the arena for people wanting their vaccines way back then. Here we are with another virus and people are not wanting to get their vaccine for various reasons. Businesses in Samson need to have all the employees vaccinated or a 72 hour test completed in order to stay open, that’s all they need. Those are provincial and federal requirements. Businesses will have to ask people if they have been vaccinated or not. That was one question I wanted to answer but I don’t want to get to all the posts that were made. We might be able to print out your provincial vaccination card as well at the clinics. With that, have a good day and continue to pray for our community, the people in the hospital and our Elders. Hai Hai and thank you for listening in.

October 6, 2021 MESC Update via Facebook: Please note: Grade 10-12 students are not in school at the moment as noted in this Emergency Management update. In class instruction for kindergarten-grade 12 will be paused and schools are closed to students and the public as of Monday October 4, 2021 (including MESC Head Start programs). Classes my resume Monday October 18 pending the reassessment on Wednesday October 13. Teaching staff for grade 10-grade 12 will be available to help students on site with course work during the reset. All students coming on site will be screened before entering the building. For more information please see the website:

12 Samson Communications Department @SamsonCreeNation

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Samson Cree Nation: Pediatry

PEDIATRIC CLINIC NOW OPEN Dr. Heather Dreise Pediatrician Location: former MYI Building Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9 AM to 4 PM For Appointments call 780-585-4062. Walk Ins are available.

The Acimowin (Samson’s local newsletter) Submission Dates for 2021.

October Friday Oct. 8 Friday Oct. 22 November Friday Nov. 12 Friday Nov. 26

December Friday Dec. 10 Friday Dec. 24

Integrated Family Services (IFS) Ph: 780-5852254 Email: MMIWG 24/7 Toll Free Support Phone Line: 1-844-413-6649 Maskwacis Mobile Mental Health: Call us at any time on our hotline 780-362-2150 or Email : SCN Community Wellness: Client Support Services Ph: 780-335-5953. Outreach 780-3357439. Respite Care 780-335-9687. 14 Samson Communications Department @SamsonCreeNation

From the Office of Samson Gas Utility Box 1200 Maskwacis, AB T0C 1N0 Ph: 780-585-3793 Email: gasutility. Lyle Littlepoplar, Manager 1-780-335-6073 Everette Omeasoo, Supervisor 1-780-312-9748 Gas Co-op Shop 780-585-3547 Please Leave A Message Email: Please call EXT#215, Cell 780-335-6073 or Email: If you have any questions on this matter. Thank you.

Samson Cree Nation Urban Office in Edmonton. Location: 12046 - 77 St. Edmonton. Ph: 780-477-6648 ext. 257

Samson Cree Nation Urban Office in Edmonton. SCN Community Wellness: Client Support Location: 12046 - 77 St. Edmonton. Services Ph: 780-335-5953. Outreach 780-335Ph: 780-477-6648 ext. 257 7439. Respite Care 780-335-9687.

Please be advised that the Samson Cree Nation Personnel Department has a New Email Address: Anybody applying for a job or submitting their documents to Personnel Department can send to the email provided. Thank You.

The Samson Cree Housing Department is now located at the Trades Centre (on Cranes Road). New phone number: 780-585-3919 The Samson Community Initiatives Program 780-585-0111 Check them out on Facebook. @samsoncommunityinitiativesprogram

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September 30, 2021 Samson HBMC: There was a mini pow wow for the National Truth & Reconciliation Day behind the HBMC in Samson and Chief Vernon Saddleback, Councilors Elesha Buffalo, Shannon Buffalo, Frank Buffalo, Louise Omeasoo, Ryan Lightning were present along with two drum groups and about 50 dancers and spectators. The Hawk radio 93.5 FM supplied the PA system, the MC was Kistew Muskwa and there was a Princess Pageant. Chief and the Councilors made some welcoming remarks to the people and Global TV from Edmonton did an interview with the Chief. At 2:15 PM there was a moment of silence for the first 215 children’s graves that were found at the Kamloops BC residential school. The silence was for 2 minutes and 15 seconds and dancers and spectators were asked to make a circle on the pow wow grounds. Later on, Karlene Cutknife coordinated the Princess Pageant and the winner had a total of 215 points and there was a dance and speech portion to the judging. The children had to sell tickets on line and some contestants submitted their videos online to be judged. The 2021 Tiny Tot Princess winner goes to Violet Eagle and the Sr. Princess is Taya Yellowbird. So good luck to them this year and following that the youth danced with the Elders as is tradition. Good job to the organizers. 16 Samson Communications Department @SamsonCreeNation

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October 5, 2021: Janet Fox via Facebook: We will be having a Drive Through Turkey Dinner on Sunday October 10, 2021, at the Pigeon Lake Recreation Centre. From 12 Noon until 2 PM. Everyone is welcome to come pick a packaged turkey dinner. Thank you to Marcie Dion, Holly Johnson Rattlesnake, Mike Johnson, Mary Rose Johnson, Frank Buffalo. Holly donated turkeys and Mike is donating the take out containers and the rest of us are cooking. If anyone wants to donate please Thanksgiving food items such as bannock, potatoes or a turkey. Contact Marcella or myself. Thank you.

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September 25, 2021 Maskwacis Cultural College: The 2021 graduation took place virtually on the college’s Facebook page and Google Zoom. The theme this year was: Sasipihk Eyhtamawin, Despite the Obstacles, Perseverance. Family and friends watched live on the college’s Facebook page and Google Zoom. Photos by Josey Wolfe, Elaine Littlechild MCC. Covid 19 pre-cautions were in place.

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Continues from page 7.

Above, right: Councilor Elesha Buffalo.

Left: Theresa Boysis.

Councilor Ryan Lightning singing with Perfect Storm.

Right: Lorne Greene.

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Guide: Obviously the dangerous part of bull fighting is: Christopher: There’s a high danger rate to this. It’s rated as one of the top dangerous sports on dirt. With that being said your going up against an animal that wants to hurt you bad. It wants to step on you. My job is to step in and draw that attention from that rider and take a hit if I have to. I do what I have to do in order to get that person to safety and out of the arena that day. Guide: Who’s your Mom and Dad? Christopher: They are Kirk Buffalo and Pam Buffalo. I’m from Maskwacis and I’m also from Treaty 7 in Standoff. Guide: Do you want to say anything to the youth in Samson? Christopher: With the youth in Samson I just want to encourage them to set some goals and to dream big because this is one of the dreams that I set out to accomplish when I was a youth. Today, I can’t believe that I’m living out my dream. Dream big and there’s always people out there who will help you out along the way. You just have to put yourself in that opportunity. Guide: What’s the next step after this? Christopher: The next step after this is the Las Vegas finals and I’m also in contention for the CFR for the CPRA this year so I will get word on that in the next couple of weeks to see if I go to the CFR in Red Deer. September 25-26, 2021 Samson Cree Nation INFR Tour Qualifier Rodeo : Calnash Agricultural Event Centre. Interview with Christopher Buffalo. Guide: So what are you doing here today Christopher? Christopher: Today I am doing the bull fighting and the NANCA Regional Qualifying Finals. So I will be protecting Cowboys out there when their done getting off their bull.

Guide: So there’s going to a rodeo possibly in Red Deer before Christmas? Christopher: Possibly before Christmas maybe in November from the 3rd to the 7th. So that will be in Red Deer and it will the CFR finals. Guide: Is there anything you want to say to family, friends or to the people? Christopher: I want to say thank you to the people who have supported me. My family and friends. There was a lot of the financial support that I’ve received from Maskwacis and the local regions and without that financial support, and inspiration I would not be where I am at today.

Guide: How long have you been doing this?

Guide: Thank you Christopher. ___________________________________________________________

Christopher: I’ve been doing it for about 14 seasons. I’ve been doing professionally for about 7 years now and I am now 34.

Farthest traveller winner interview:

Guide: So you’ve been doing it for half your life. What’s the best part of it? Christopher: The best part of it is the travelling. I get to go to these events and perform. You end up building relationships with people along the way. 26 Samson Communications Department @SamsonCreeNation

Guide: How do you say your name? Jacob: Jacob Todechine. Guide: How far did you travel from? Jacob: It took me 27 hours to get here. I’m from Bread Springs, New Mexico. Samson Communications Department @SamsonCreeNation 27

Guide: What were you riding? Jacob: Bareback and bulls. Guide: Who’s your Mom and Dad? Jacob: Mom is Jolene Martinez and my Dad is Darrel. Guide: What reserve are you from? Jacob: The Navajo Nation. Guide: Have a safe trip home. Jacob: Thank you.

28 Samson Communications Department @SamsonCreeNation

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October 2021













8 Newsletter. Headstart building walk 12:00PM. Drive Thru HBMC 12:00PM.


10 Drive Thru Pigeon Lake 12:00PM


12 Victim Services AGM Pigeon Lake Village Inn10AM




15 Hawk Radio Grand Opening.













29 Halloween Drive Thru SYSD Erm. Arena 6PM. IFS HBMC 11PM.






Newsletter. Red Deer Pow Wow Westerner.





30 Samson Communications Department @SamsonCreeNation

November 2021






3 CFR Red Deer 4

7 Daylight Savings Time Ends. CFR Red Deer ends.




11 Remembrance 12 Day. Newsletter.













26 Newsletter.







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►Jim O Cultural Centre News: Samson Band Members $150 Non Refundable. Non Samson Band Members $150 Non Refundable. $50 Damage Deposit. Centre must be cleaned after use, kitchen cleaned up, floors swept, chairs put away. Call 780-585-3793 ext. 159. No Double Booking. No Smoking. No Public Phone.

►Samson Trades: High volume of calls due to not changing furnace filters, please do not pour grease down the drains, the Housing department has moved into the Trades Center.

Samson Cree Nation rodeo at Ponoka Calnash Centre September 24-26, 2021.

To see the back issues of the Acimowin. 32 Samson Communications Department @SamsonCreeNation

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