February 2012 Bulletin

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FEBRUARY 2012 BULLETIN Join us for Shabbat Services and the Simcha of a Double Baby Naming Saturday, February 18 9:45 a.m. Join us for a double baby naming for Emma Logan Smith, daughter of Leah & Chauncey Smith, and Shiloh Lorraine Jones, daughter of Nomi & Darryl Jones. Proud grandmother is Marlene Roth. Following the Shabbat morning services will be a special kiddush luncheon in honor of the baby namings. The kiddush is being sponsored by Marlene Roth.

You are invited to join a new program at Beth Shalom!

Voices of Torah and Haftarah Kolot is a new Beth Shalom program to train people to become Ba’alei-Kri’ah (Torah and Haftarah readers). The program will include beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes in the art of cantillation, and a set of “mile markers” for each level. Be honored with a ceremony and a gift from the synagogue upon the completion of each level. The Art of Torah Cantillation: Level 1: Kol Yankuta (novice) Classes are starting:

Tuesdays: February 21, 28 & March 13 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. (please email or call the office to register for the class) For more information contact Hazzan Michal Rubin at MichalRubin53@gmail.com

Come Eat, Drink, and be Merry! As we celebrate Purim with members of Tree of Life & Beth Shalom for a community Masquerade Ball at Beth Shalom

Purim Masquerade Ball Wednesday, March 7th 6:15 p.m. Megillah Reading, Havdallah service 7:30 p.m. Live music from the Atlantic Coastline Band, heavy hors d'oeuvres, build-your-own sundae bar, costume parade Bring the whole family. Babysitting will be available. This is a joint event hosted by Beth Shalom and Tree of Life Congregation. There is NO charge for this event. RSVP is required by March 5th, please call 782-2500.


Hebrew School

4:30 p.m.


Mikveh Committee Meeting in the library

6:30 p.m.


Musical Shabbat evening services.

6:30 p.m.

February Calendar of Events

Candle lighting 5:38 p.m. 2/4

Shabbat morning services. Kiddush luncheon will follow services. Talmud study with Rabbi Case in the library after Kiddush. Havdallah candle lighting 6:47 p.m.

9:45 a.m.


Sunday School & Preschool Class. Adult Education Seminar. Guest speaker: Mr. Eric Mohn, attorney, specializing in family law and estate planning. Topic: “Estate planning.” Bagel & lox breakfast $4 per person.

9:30 a.m. 10 a.m.


Tuesdays with Friends event at Beth Shalom Ritual Committee Meeting in the social hall Board of Education meeting - Library


Hebrew School Traditions Committee Meeting in the library

4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.


Shabbat evening services. Candle lighting 5:44 p.m.

6:30 p.m.


Shabbat morning services. Interfaith Partners of SC-World Interfaith Harmony Week. We invite our interfaith neighbor to attend Shabbat services. Kiddush luncheon will follow services. Talmud study with Rabbi Case in the library after Kiddush. Shacharit Meditation Shabbat service Havdallah candle lighting 6:53 p.m.

9:45 a.m.

11:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m.

10 a.m.


Sunday School & Torah Tots at the JCC. Modified start time for school to start to participate in Mitzvah Day at the JCC.


Hebrew School Executive Board Meeting - Library Board of Directors meeting - Library

4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.


Shabbat evening services. Candle lighting 5:51 p.m.

6:30 p.m.


Shabbat morning services. Double baby naming for Emma Logan Smith and Shiloh Lorraine Jones. Following the Shabbat morning services will be a special Kiddush luncheon in honor of the baby namings. The kiddush is being sponsored by Marlene Roth. Talmud study with Rabbi Case in the library after Kiddush. Shabbat Playtime program. Havdallah candle lighting 7:00 p.m.

9:45 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

11 a.m.


NO Sunday School


KOLOT - Voices of Torah and Haftarah. The Art of Torah Cantillation. Level 1: Kol Yankuta (novice). Instructor: Hazzan Michal Rubin.


NO Hebrew School


Harvest Hope Food Bank Project. We need volunteers to help distribute food to the needy in Columbia. Minyan services will be held at Harvest Hope Food Bank (2220 Shop Road). “Coming Together for the Mikveh: A Gathering for Water and Hope” in the social hall.

5 p.m. 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m.


Shabbat evening services. Schoolhouse Shabbat Services and Shabbat Dinner. Please RSVP to 782-2500. Candle lighting 5:57 p.m.

6:30 p.m. 7:15 p.m.


Shabbat morning services. Talmud study with Rabbi Case in the library after Kiddush. Havdallah candle lighting 7:06 p.m.

9:45 a.m.


Sunday School & Preschool Class

9:30 a.m.


KOLOT - Voices of Torah and Haftarah. The Art of Torah Cantillation. Level 1: Kol Yankuta (novice). Instructor: Hazzan Michal Rubin.

6:30 p.m.


Hebrew School

4:30 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

Once there was a lonely woman. She went to class by herself. She did homework alone. Ate by herself. No one wanted anything to do with her. There was a good reason for it; she was not a nice person. Feeling isolated, she went to a rabbi seeking advice. A far as she was concerned, she was fine. Life was treating unfairly (people tend not be able to see personal flaws.) While sitting with the rabbi her personality shone through and he saw the young woman for what she was, selfish and self-centered. “What should I do?” she wept as she told of her isolation. The rabbi listened compassionately, waited and then said, “Here is what I want you to do. Go to the school cafeteria as you usually do at lunch but I want you to look for people to help with their trays, paying for what they cannot, getting them salt, a seat, whatever.” The young woman went away relieved that she had a specific task to do. It enabled her to focus on something and slowly, as she performed these helpful duties, she began to see herself differently, and as a result, others began to view her differently too.

Many programs like the “Dr. Phil Show” or lots of self-help books emphasize what is wrong with our lives and how to fiddle with it. They tell us to enroll in step programs or take certain classes which will change our behavior. The Jewish approach tells us that what we do influences the way we think and behave. That is why we place such a heavy emphasis on mitzvot and tend to minimize creeds or statements of faith. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote, “God is more immediately found in the Bible as well as in acts of kindness and worship than in the mountains and forests. It is more meaningful for us to believe in the immanence of God in deeds than in the immanence of God in nature.” Heschel teaches us that our actions, mitzvot, are a response to the call of God. That in addition to the fact that when we act we change our character. This is a strong reason to follow the mitzvoth our faith places before us. Soon it will be Purim. There are several mitzvot for this holiday. We give tzedakah, send mishloah manot - gifts of food

to friends and family, listen to the Megillah and join in Synagogue festivities. On Shabbat we bless our children, bless our spouse, light candles, make Kiddush. Pesach follows with its own actions/mitzvot. Each time we act with God, travelling the path of our ancestors, we alter some powerful part of our self. Rabbi Jonathan Case

Wisdom From Our Past A Jew is asked to take a leap of action rather than a leap of thought. - -Abraham Joshua Heschel

We are going to Israel! May 29, 2012 Page 3

importantly, increased participation in many synagogue programs – from Musical Shabbats to Tuesdays with Friends to weekly Shabbat services. Our religious school is stronger and growing. We have an increasing number of new, young, and active members. Thank you, Daryl. I know you will keep working, and I look forward to your continued help. This is my first message in our monthly bulletin since becoming president. And the first order of business is to thank Daryl Giddings for the phenomenal job he did as this synagogue’s president for the last two years. Daryl is a tireless worker, moving from one project, meeting, or activity to the next. Under his leadership, the synagogue has added members, improved its financial condition, and most

Two other long-serving members I also want to recognize are Barbara Blau and Joe Sharnoff. Barbara has been serving as financial secretary and Joe has been working with our financial affairs for a number of years. Through their efforts, we have increased revenues and improved our accounting & reporting practices. Please thank them for their past service on the board.

We are very fortunate to have Rabbi Case, Hazzan Michal Rubin and Education Coordinator, Alon Segal at Beth Shalom. Individually, they are great. Collectively, they form a powerful team to guide, educate, and enhance our synagogue life. Also, our office staff – Tonya Dotson and Sara Simmons - do a wonderful job both in the efficient operation of the office, and in the equally vital role as “ambassadors” to our members, and the outside community. I look forward to serving as your president. Hyman Karesh

MITZVAH DAY At the Katie & Irwin Kahn Jewish Community Center


We will: Plant trees and clean up the environment, improve living conditions for those in need, feed the hungry, visit the elderly, enhance education opportunities for children, and work with animals For more information visit http://www.jewishcolumbia.org/index.aspx To register for Mitzvah Day, go to: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QVZRWDY

Beth Shalom Religious School will be having joint Sunday school with TOL at the JCC beginning at 10:30 a.m., prior to attending the Mitzvah Day activities. Don't forget to register! Page 4

MAZEL TOV! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Jessica & Larry Kline on the birth of their daughter, Elliot Rebecca Kline. Sara Spotts on the birth of her grandson, Chaim Spotts. Leah & Chauncey Smith on the birth of their daughter, Emma Logan Smith Nomi & Darryl Jones on the birth of their daughter, Shiloh Lorraine Jones. Marlene Roth on the birth of her granddaughters, Emma Logan Smith and Shiloh Lorraine Jones. Mary & Jeff Silverberg on the birth of your their, Grayson Marshall Silverberg.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ! 2/5 2/9 2/12 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/17 2/27

Shacharit Meditation Service

Pierre & Beryle Jaffe Harold & Thalia Birch Aaron & Betty Small Noel & Tammy Bergman Sol & Tootsie Kline Stephen & Frieda Ritter Sig & Dolores Friedman Edmund & Greta Richman

45 years 58 years 51 years 1 year 25 years 25 years 55 years 57 years

Adult Education Seminar

(in the Chapel)

Sunday, February 5 10 a.m.

Saturday, February 11 10 - 11:15 am

Topic: Estate Planning

You are invited to an alternative meditation period in the Chapel during Shacharit services. We will have chanting, silent meditation and a kavanah on the Torah portion. Participants will be encouraged to join the congregation in the main sanctuary for the Rabbi's sermon and Musaf.

Guest speaker: Eric Mohn, attorney specializing in family law and estate planning. Bagel & lox breakfast $4 per person.

Join us for Musical Shabbat Services and a Special Oneg Shabbat Reception

Join us for a birthday celebration for Florence Levy

Friday, March 2 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, March 3 9:45 a.m. In honor of her special 105th birthday!

Following the musical Shabbat service will be a dessert Oneg Shabbat reception in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Josef & Diana Olmert’s wedding.

Following the Shabbat services will be a special kiddush luncheon in honor of Florence Levy’s 105th birthday.

Sponsored by Josef & Diana Olmert. Come celebrate with them in this joyous simcha.

The kiddush is being sponsored by her children and grandchildren. Page 5

Religious School Happenings As we say goodbye to 2011, and welcome the New Year, we are already looking ahead to Tu B’Shvat. The 15th day of the month of Shevat is considered the “Birthday of the Trees.” At this special time, we give thanks for all of God’s creations and celebrate our natural wonders. As Jews we are encouraged to enjoy and appreciate what God has entrusted to us. The mitzvah of “bal tashchit” (do not destroy) is one that our Religious School students will be exploring over the coming weeks. We are also learning about the geological landforms and growing season in Israel. As we prepare for our community-wide Mitzvah Day, a decision was made to keep this as an active process throughout our school year. We are creating several new programs including a school-wide Tzedakah project in which each class will contribute to our mitzvah commitment. Even our youngest learners are eagerly involved. January brought our congregation our first monthly “Shabbat Playtime” experience. This new program was created with great care just for our little ones. While children love to pretend to be grown up, having the opportunity to participate in the stories and traditions of our culture with objects specifically suited to their size and needs, made for a wonderful morning. Inspired by the plush ritual objects and the lively puppet show, the joyful sounds of our children singing and dancing managed to escape through our Chapel doors. With so much to look forward to this coming year, the Religious School staff is constantly challenging ourselves to provide a more meaningful and involved education for our students. As always, we welcome ideas and feedback from parents.

Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Religious School Fundraiser The Board of Education will be having a fundraiser for the Religious School featuring Otis Spunkmeyer cookies, coffee cakes and brownies. The proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards purchasing a Smart Board for our religious school. We will start the sale on February 5th and it will end on February 26th. All students will receive order forms and each product is $16.00. We hope to be able to have you pick up the cookie dough in midMarch. As the times get closer, you will receive more information. Please think “sweet” and support our efforts to buy a Smart Board for the Hebrew and Sunday School of Beth Shalom Synagogue. All items are kosher and deliciously awesome. Please buy lots, give gifts to your relatives and ask your neighbors to purchase this proven product. Please contact Nancy Nankin at 736-7397 or Sara Simmons for more information.

Morah Leah

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Shabbat Play me at Beth Shalom Join us for an INTERACTIVE experience, where “Playing is the name and learning is the game!”

Saturday, February 18th 11 am in the Chapel 18 Months to 1st Grade

There will be singing, dancing, and a mock seder in the chapel, and then it’s on to the main sanctuary to help lead the congregation in singing more songs!

This month our puppet show theme is Tu B’Shevat, where we will teach the kids to “See the forest for the trees!”

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! 2/1 2/1 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/7 2/7 2/7 2/7 2/8 2/8 2/9 2/10 2/10 2/11 2/11 2/11 2/11 2/11 2/12 2/12 2/12 2/12 2/13 2/13 2/13 2/13 2/15 2/15 2/15

Peter Adelman Frank Russo Steven Gendil Robert Kriegshaber Jessalyn Sandler Greher Sexton Dana Shenkar Barbara Novinbakht Noel Bergman Danna Lewsky Rachel Lourie Mark Rapoport Stephanie Kline Liam Shure Justin Beck Katelyn Thur Diane Wilkins Barbara Blau Ronnie Drucker Ronnie Frank Margo Goldberg Elizabeth Gross Jackie Laban Marilyn Picow Joshua Rapoport Nadia Vardi Mark Garber Alon Segal Brian Stern Stephanie Walden Faye Levinson Chloe Matzner Troy Sexton

2/15 2/17 2/17 2/17 2/17 2/18 2/18 2/19 2/19 2/20 2/21 2/21 2/21 2/21 2/22 2/22 2/22 2/22 2/23 2/23 2/24 2/24 2/24 2/25 2/26 2/26 2/26 2/26 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/28

Linwood Small Nancy Gottlieb Zachary Kline Joseph Sharnoff Linda Stern Ella Weinkle Tristan Weinkle Joni Cutler Thomas Simmons Joe Golson Julia Blachman Barbara LaBelle Wendy Sharnoff David Zalesne Toni Elkins Claire Meltzer Diana Rubinger Leah Smith Stanley Dubinsky Bradley Robinson Sylvia Cremer Andrew Friedman Leeam Stein David Reisman Davis Bland Donna Goldberg Esther Greenberg Manda Riber Michael Arnold Barbara Kahn Bryan Tucker Meira Warshauer

To all the members of Beth Shalom Synagogue who made donations to the Bereavement Fund, Kiddush Fund, and Prayer Book Fund in honor of my birthday, my sincerest thanks. My birthday was a celebration that I will long remember and I thank everyone for their donations and warm wishes. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Patricia Lovit Page 8

Musical Shabbat Services Friday, February 3 6:30 p.m. Join us for a wonderful Musical Shabbat service.

Beth Shalom Library We need your help! We are in the process of revitalizing our library and making it once again into a fully functioning, working library that we can all utilize. Please help us with this process by not removing books from any of the boxes and (for the time being) limiting your selections to the books that are already on the shelves and cataloged into our system. Also, please remember that our books that are classified as "Reference Books" are not to be taken out of the Synagogue. If you have any questions please contact Skyler Harvey, Beth Shalom's chief librarian, at ShalomLibrarian@aol.com or by phone at 803-667-1923.

Schoolhouse Shabbat & Shabbat Dinner Please come & see how much our children have learned! The children are very excited to lead our service and sing for the entire congregation! All students will participate, so join us in making some memories!

Friday, February 24th 6:30 pm Come see a magic show and play Shabbat themed Mad-libs during dinner. Our service will be followed by a delicious Shabbat meal of: Brisket, potato kugel, roasted carrots, veggie salad, fruit salad, noodles, and chicken nuggets for the kids. Cost: Adults: $10.00 and children (under 12yrs): $5:00 Maximum cost per family: $25.00

Please mail your check to Beth Shalom to RSVP for this family Shabbat dinner.

n o i t n te ors t A e ni S Senior Program—Everyone Welcome Come Enjoy the Fun, Food & Friendship What a metziah! All for just $4 bucks!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 11:30 am-1 pm Featuring: Singer, Mazen Cotran will be singing some favorite songs everyone loves. Also fun fitness with Kaytina & March birthdays celebration!

Beth Shalom Synagogue, 5827 N. Trenholm Road To RSVP call Beth Shalom at 782-2500, by March 2nd

This program is funded in part with a grant from The Columbia Jewish Federation and the BJH Foundation for Senior Services.

The BJH Foundation for Senior Services is a non-profit foundation exclusively committed to enhancing the lives of Jewish elderly residing in North and South Carolina through programs, activities and organizations that share their mission in accordance with Jewish practices and beliefs.

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The congregation extends its condolences to: Michal Rubin & family on the loss of her sister, Yaela Granot, of Israel. Sheila Gendil & family on the loss of her mother, Bernice Forstot. Adele Salzberg & family on the loss of her brother, Herman Erlichson. Donna Goldberg & family on the loss of her mother, Mary Elizabeth Kaminer Porter.

DONATIONS Adinah Kitchen Fund To Iris Balser, Susan Berry & Richard Balser - In memory of Dr. Leonard Balser. By: Beryle & Pierre Jaffee To Naomi & Carl Freedman - In memory of your mother, Ruth Goldberg. By: Beryle & Pierre Jaffee

To Henry & Minda Miller - In memory of David Miller. By: Caren (Ness) & Melvin Frank

To George Matzner - In honor of your 70th birthday. By: Patricia Lovit

To Iris Balser & family - In memory of Dr. Leonard Balser. By: Caren (Ness) & Melvin Frank

To Helen Silver - In honor of your 90th birthday. By: Harriet & Marty Barocas

To Dean Bernstein - In honor of you. By: Caren (Ness) & Melvin Frank

To Henry & Minda Miller - In memory of your father, David Miller. By: Sue & Joel Sussman

To Claire Breger - In honor of you. By: Caren (Ness) & Melvin Frank

To Henry & Minda Miller - In memory of David Miller. By: Beryle & Pierre Jaffee

To Lyssa Harvey - In honor of you. By: Caren Ness Frank

To Helen Silver - In honor of your 90th birthday. By: Beryle & Pierre Jaffee

To Everett Ness - Best wishes for a speedy recovery. By: Caren (Ness) & Melvin Frank

To John Baker - Mazel tov on receiving the citation of “Humanitarian of the Year” by the United Way. By: Jane & David Kulbersh

To Shirley Ness - In honor of our mother. By: By: Caren (Ness) & Melvin Frank

To Rabbi Silverstein - Wishing you well & glad to see you always. By: Barbara & Shah Novinbakht To Tonya Dotson - Wishing you a speedy recovery. By: Claire Meltzer

Ben Stern Cantorial Memorial Fund To Sue & Jerry Kline - Mazel tov on the birth of your grandson, Isaac Kline. By: Linda & Bill Stern To Stephanie & Jay Kline - Mazel tov on the birth of your son, Isaac Kline. By: Linda & Bill Stern To Michal Rubin & David Reisman - In memory of your sister, Yaela Granot. By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner By: Erica & Todd Serbin By: Barbara & Shah Novinbakht By: Rachel & Rick Silver By: Shirley & Everett Ness To Lilly & Bruce Filler - Happy anniversary. By: Sue & Joel Sussman By: Nancy & Gerald Sonenshine To Rabbi & Mrs. Case - In honor of you. By: Caren Ness Frank

Bereavement fund To Harold Kline - In honor of your birthday. By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner To Shah Novinbakht - In honor of your birthday. By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner To Minda Miller - In honor of your birthday. By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner

Betty & Marvin Brownstein Torah Restoration Fund In loving memory of my parents, Betty Jean & Marvin Brownstein. By: Janet Brownstein To Gad Matzner - Happy 70th birthday. By: Nathan Picow

Carol O. Bernstein Memorial Fund To Heidi & David Lovit - In honor of Adam & Shanna’s marriage. By: Michele & David Perrick To Stephanie & Jay Kline - Mazel tov on the birth of your son, Isaac Kline. By: Faye Goldberg Miller

Education Fund

To Henry & Minda Miller and family - In To Patricia Lovit - In honor of your birthday. memory of David Miller. By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner By: Sharon & Steve Batey and Sara & Grace To Hyman Karesh - In honor of your birthday. Faulkenberry By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner To Paula & Hyman Karesh - In memory of your father, Dr. Marshall Solomon. To Steve Rosansky - In honor of your birthBy: Sharon & Steve Batey and Sara & Grace day. Faulkenberry By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner By: Michael Geronimakis To Michal Rubin & David Reisman - In memory of your mentor in Nashville and your To Marlene Roth - Thanks for all the rides & good luck with Mensa. sister, Yaela in Israel. By: Skyler Harvey & John Mood By: Marlene Roth To Iris Balser & family- In loving memory of Dr. Leonard Balser. By: Aileen Sunshine By: Harriett & Marty Barocas To Naomi & Carl Freedman - In loving memory of your mother, Ruth Goldberg. By: Aileen Sunshine By: Harriet & Marty Barocas

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To Iris Balser & Family - In memory of Dr. Leonard Balser. By: Marsha Grant & Nancy Grant Hodes To Pat Lovit - In honor of your 75th birthday. By: Barbara & Frank Volin To Tonya Dotson - Best wishes for a speedy recovery. By: Barbara & Frank Volin

To Gad Matzner - In honor of your 70th birthday. By: Barbara & Frank Volin By: Paula & Lewis Abrams

Eleanor & Henry Hammer Historical Garden Fund To Meri Gergel - In honor of your 90th birthday. By: Eleanor Hammer

Endowment Fund In loving memory of Samuel Rubinowitz. By: The Stark Families To Heidi & David Lovit - Congratulations on the marriage of Adam & Shanna and gaining a new daughter-in-law. By: Linda & Daryl Giddings To Michal Rubin & David Reisman - In memory of your sister, Yaela Granot. By: Linda & Daryl Giddings To Pat Lovit - Mazel tov on your 75th birthday. By: Linda & Daryl Giddings To Gad Matzner - Mazel tov on your 70th birthday. By: Linda & Daryl Giddings By: Shirley & Everett Ness To Tonya Dotson - Wishing you a complete & speedy recovery. By: Shirley & Everett Ness

General Fund To Helen Silver - In honor of your special birthday. By: Helene & Jack Selbiger By: Paula & Hyman Karesh To Pat Lovit - In honor of your special birthday. By: Helene & Jack Selbiger To Gad Matzner - In honor of your special birthday. By: Helene & Jack Selbiger To Paula & Hyman Karesh - In memory of your father, Dr. Marshall Solomon. By: Adele & Herman Salzberg To Tonya Dotson - Wishing you a speedy recovery. By: Barbara & Shah Novinbakht By: Doris & Ronnie Frank

George Port Memorial Kiddush Fund

To Paula & Hyman Karesh - In memory of your father, Dr. Marshall Solomon. By: Gloria & Henry Goldberg By: Erika & Jack Swerling To Becky & Joel Lourie - In memory of your father, Bernie Baum. By: Gloria & Henry Goldberg To Sue & Jerry Kline - In honor of the birth of your grandson, Isaac Kline. By: Gloria & Henry Goldberg To Helen Silver - In honor of your 90th birthday. By: Gloria & Henry Goldberg To Anne Solomon - Congrats on your special birthday. By: Gloria & Henry Goldberg To Naomi & Carl Freedman - In memory of your mother, Ruth Goldberg. By: Gloria & Henry Goldberg In memory of Benjamin Weinstein. By: Cheryl & Louis Weinstein In memory of Dora Weinstein. By: Cheryl & Louis Weinstein

To Rob Kriegshaber - Happy big birthday, with all your girls home! By: Penni & Larry Nadel

Outreach Hesed Fund In memory of my mother, Freeda Siskin. By: Barbara & Frank Volin To Henry & Minda Miller - In memory of your father, David Miller. By: Robert N. Sechen By: Adele & Herman Salzberg By: Aileen Sunshine By: Frieda & Stephen Ritter To Paula & Hyman Karesh - In memory of your father, Dr. Marshall Solomon. By: Frieda & Stephen Ritter To Gad Matzner - In honor of your 70th birthday. By: Frieda & Stephen Ritter By: Minda & Henry Miller By: Helen Silver To Helen Silver - Mazel tov on your 90th birthday. By: Jeannie & Hyman Rubin, Jr. By: Jane & David Kulbersh By: Hazel Lapidus

To Gad Matzner - Happy 70th birthday. By: Thalia & Hal Birch By: Barbara & Shah Novinbakht By: Paula & Hyman Karesh

In memory of my brother, Abraham Reuben Blumenfeld. By: Sylvia Cremer

To Tonya Dotson - Wishing you a speedy recovery. By: Erika & Jack Swerling

In loving memory of my brother, Mack Taylor Elliott. By: Rachel & Rick Silver

To Michal Rubin & David Reisman - In memory of your sister, Yaela Granot. By: Erika & Jack Swerling By: Paula & Hyman Karesh

To Donna & Norman Goldberg - In memory of your mother, Mary Elizabeth Kaminer Porter. By: Rachel & Rick Silver

To Patricia Lovit - In honor of your 75th birthday. By: Helene & Melton Kligman By: Paula & Hyman Karesh By: Barbara & Shah Novinbakht By: Shirley & Everett Ness

To Pat Lovit - In honor of your 75th birthday. By: Minda & Henry Miller By: Helen Silver

To Stanley Greenberg - Mazel tov on receiving the Magen David Award. By: Jane & David Kulbersh In appreciation to Beth Shalom for your thoughtfulness. By: Joanne McCutcheon In loving memory of my sister, Sarah Plavin. By: Adele & Herman Salzberg

Library Fund

To Ilsa & Roland Young - Thank you for the gift of your friendship & all the rides you gave To Henry & Minda Miller - In memory of your us. father, David Miller. By: Skyler Harvey & John Mood By: Gloria & Henry Goldberg

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In memory of Julius Coplan. By: Caron Coplan

Prayer Book Fund Sim Shalom To Gad Matzner - In honor of your 70th birthday. By: The Stark Families

Prayer Book Fund Etz Hayim To Lilly & Bruce Filler - In honor of your 40th wedding anniversary. By: Gloria & Henry Goldberg

Prayer Book Fund (High Holiday) To Ezra & Manda Riber - In memory of your sister, Eva Claire Trager. By: Beryle & Pierre Jaffe

Yahrzeit Fund In memory of Tamara Rivkin. By: Harriett Zalkin & Robin Zalkin Brown In memory of Bernard Sandick. By: Sandy & George Reel

To Patricia Lovit - In honor of your special birthday. By: Wendy & Joe Sharnoff

In loving memory of my mother, Dorothy Gottlieb Solomon. By: Arthur Solomon

To Lilly & Bruce Filler - Happy 40th anniversary. By: Jane & David Kulbersh

In loving memory of my grandfather, Joseph Morris Gottlieb. By: Arthur Solomon

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund A generous donation has been made to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund To our family & friends of Beth Shalom - We love you all & appreciate all the kindnesses By: Skyler Harvey & John Mood

To Rabbi Case - In honor of your receiving your Doctoral degree from the Jewish Theological Seminary of New York . By: Ellen & Fred Seidenberg To Diana & Paul Woodrow - In honor of your anniversary. By: Bobbi & Gad Matzner To Naomi & Carl Freedman - In memory of your mother, Ruth Goldberg. By: Melanie & Frank Baker To Ezra & Manda Riber - In memory of your sister, Eva Claire Trager. By: Melanie & Frank Baker To Becky & Joel Lourie - In memory of your father, Bernie Baum. By: Melanie & Frank Baker To Michal Rubin & David Reisman - In memory of your sister, Yaela Granot. By: Patricia Lovit To Lilly & Bruce Filler - In honor of the baby naming of your grandchild, Josephine Mae Raynes. By: Patricia Lovit


In loving memory of our mother, Dorothy Gottlieb Solomon. By: Hilda & David Wajnberg In loving memory of our grandfather, Joseph Morris Gottlieb. By: Hilda & David Wajnberg In memory of my parents, Arthur & Candida Datnoff. By: Julia Kamoroff In loving memory of Murray William Lovit. By: Heidi & David Lovit In memory of my father, Ben Ness. By: Shirley & Everett Ness In memory of Mary Winter. By: Charlotte Shayne In remembrance of my family’s yahrzeits. By: Charlotte Shayne In memory of Richard Joel Lapidus. By: Hazel Lapidus & Barbara Lapidus Birenbaum In memory of my mother, Lottie Riebman. By: Marlene & Murray Riebman

Flower Power Fred & Ellen Seidenberg Sarah Kline David & Heidi Lovit Bruce & Lilly Filler Isa & Arnie Riechenthal Matzner & Abrams Families

In honor of the safe and healthy arrival of my granddaughters Emma Logan and Shiloh Lorraine. By: Marlene Roth

People who KNIT or CROCHET to SIT AND KNIT (or crochet) for our families and for the Childrens’ Hospital. We will work in conjunction with the children at the JCC who will make BOO BOO BUNNIES. We will make afghans, hats, etc. Don’t know how? We will show you. Intermediate or expert – come share techniques, patterns and ideas. If you are interested, call Isa Reichenthal at 834-6461 or email at Imkr39@yahoo.com and let me know if you would prefer afternoon or evening sessions. No dues, just schmooze.

In memory of George S. Gottlieb. By: Janet & Michael Safran To Rabbi & Mrs. Case - In appreciation. By: Shirley & Everett Ness

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Frank Bruck Sarah Pollack Cherney Rose Silber Citron Irving Fins Ben Arnold Sharon Carlson Witka Deutsch Hyman Hammer Harold Miller Gale Picow Mary Schroeder Hyman Silverstein Geney Israel Tyagay Celia Aberman Marvin Hecht Schacna Berry Goldie David Beatrice Oppenheim Grant Rose Richman Victor Schechter Elizabeth Tucker Fannie Weinstein Jane Altfeder Corinne Berliner Rita Frank George M. Gottlieb David Gross Edith Basseches Col. Dr. Jackie Jacob Sarah Kraus Jeanette Swerling Esther Weiss Louis Coplan Melvin Firetag Helen Greher Kahn Abraham M. Robinson M.D. Jennie Safran Alfred Ackerman Sarah Buckler Cutler Harry Drucker Lionel Forstot Diane Fox Sara Lourie Gordon Solomon Simon Esther Fuches Nellie L. Winter Arnold Bernstein Daniel Garland Selma Bea Goldstein Henry L. Rabinowitz Ida Radin Mary Lesser Reiner Hyman Levine Alfred Mart

Shevat 8 Shevat 8 Shevat 8 Shevat 8 Shevat 9 Shevat 9 Shevat 9 Shevat 9 Shevat 9 Shevat 9 Shevat 9 Shevat 9 Shevat 9 Shevat 10 Shevat 10 Shevat 11 Shevat 11 Shevat 11 Shevat 11 Shevat 11 Shevat 11 Shevat 11 Shevat 12 Shevat 12 Shevat 12 Shevat 12 Shevat 12 Shevat 13 Shevat 13 Shevat 13 Shevat 13 Shevat 13 Shevat 14 Shevat 14 Shevat 14 Shevat 14 Shevat 14 Shevat 15 Shevat 15 Shevat 15 Shevat 15 Shevat 15 Shevat 15 Shevat 15 Shevat 16 Shevat 16 Shevat 17 Shevat 17 Shevat 17 Shevat 17 Shevat 17 Shevat 17 Shevat 18 Shevat 18

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Dr. Andrew Weinberg Hans Cohn Frank P. Russo Maxine Russo Max M. Berry Clara Lavisky Edson Siegfried Frank Eloise Kriegshaber Eleanor Rosenblum Betty Friedman Coleman Karesh Sonya W. Kraus David Rosen Emma Lavisky Bukatman Mildred Kirsch Katz Ruth Berry William Edward Brock Samuel Sanborn Marvin Berry David Buckler Robert Damond Max Goldberg Robert Glen Shultz Hugo Gerstle Mark J. Gordon Seymour Katz Rose Laban Abraham Horowitz Sandy Gottlieb Jennie Winter Rivkin Katie Roth Rivkin Angela Roth Rosalyn Shenkar Morris B. Alion Jack Brotman Bertha Gerstle Jacob Lewis Karesh Hyman H. Roth Marie Rothstein Benjamin Moses Winter Henry Wolff Philip Benson Robert Brenner Tema Melamed Sam Mild Rose Stern Nathan Evens Rebbetzin Bess Herson Jacob Kressler Harry S. Levy Meyer Isaac Picow Joseph Safran Evelyn Spevack Fannie Benjamin

Shevat 18 Shevat 19 Shevat 19 Shevat 19 Shevat 20 Shevat 20 Shevat 20 Shevat 20 Shevat 20 Shevat 21 Shevat 21 Shevat 21 Shevat 21 Shevat 22 Shevat 22 Shevat 23 Shevat 23 Shevat 23 Shevat 24 Shevat 24 Shevat 24 Shevat 24 Shevat 24 Shevat 25 Shevat 25 Shevat 25 Shevat 25 Shevat 26 Shevat 27 Shevat 27 Shevat 27 Shevat 27 Shevat 27 Shevat 28 Shevat 28 Shevat 28 Shevat 28 Shevat 28 Shevat 28 Shevat 28 Shevat 28 Shevat 29 Shevat 29 Shevat 29 Shevat 29 Shevat 29 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Shevat 30 Adar 1

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Fannie H. Greenberg Matthew Parasol Elizabeth Rubinowitz Samuel Keith Bernstein Jacob Freed Goldie R. Weiner Rosa Winter Harris Golden Sidney Aaron Levine Kurt Jesselson Pinkey Kramer

Adar 1 Adar 1 Adar 1 Adar 2 Adar 2 Adar 2 Adar 2 Adar 3 Adar 3 Adar 4 Adar 4

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Herbert Rosenblum Michael Gentile Edith Lance Dr. Herbert Lourie Kay Politis Sylvia Spotts Morris Boriskin Philip Datnoff Augusta Goldberg George Alan Port Hyman Rosen

Adar 4 Adar 5 Adar 5 Adar 5 Adar 5 Adar 5 Adar 6 Adar 6 Adar 6 Adar 6 Adar 6

Interfaith Partners of South Carolina World Interfaith Harmony Week 2012 Activities The public is warmly invited by Beth Shalom to attend this event. ... to spread “the message of interfaith harmony and goodwill in the world’s churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other places of worship... based on love of God and love of one’s neighbor or on love of the good and love of one’s neighbor, each according to their own religious traditions or convictions” (United Nations Resolution creating World Interfaith Harmony Week, November 23, 2010)

Saturday, February 11 JEWISH COMMUNITY Location: Beth Shalom Synagogue 5827 N. Trenholm Rd., Columbia Program: 9:45 am - Shabbat service followed by fellowship and refreshments Attire: Regular church/synagogue attire Contact: Rabbi Case rebcase@hotmail.com 782-2500

South Carolina Council on the Holocaust is offering a one-week Summer workshop

Understanding and Teaching the Holocaust July 8 - 13, 2012 Once again, the South Carolina Council on the Holocaust and Columbia College will be offering Understanding and Teaching the Holocaust as a summer workshop for graduate credit. As you know, this course has been invaluable to hundreds of South Carolina educators who are, like you, committed to helping students come to terms with both the worst and the best aspects of history and human nature. South Carolina teachers who complete the weeklong seminar will gain the skills needed to help elementary, middle, and high school students understand the root causes of genocide in the modern world, the ease with which it can happen, and the courage required to stand up against it. Participants will have to opportunity to meet some of South Carolina’s Holocaust Survivors and Liberators.

The cost to South Carolina teachers taking Understanding and Teaching the Holocaust (EDU 724) is $125.00. The cost of tuition, room and board will be covered by the South Carolina Council on the Holocaust. The seminar will be held at Columbia College, beginning on Sunday, July 8 and concluding in the afternoon of July 13. Because the seminar will include morning, afternoon and evening sessions, participants are encouraged to stay on campus. Applications for the course can be downloaded from the SC Council on the Holocaust website at www.SCHolocaustCouncil.org The seminar is taught by Dr. Mary Johnson, senior historian at Facing History and Ourselves and by Dr. Tandy McConnell, Charles Ezra Daniel Professor of History at Columbia College.

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If you have questions please call Mrs. Barbara Parker at 803-786-3763 or by email at bparker@columbiasc.edu

Trees for Israel


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Certificates in "In Honor Of," "In Loving Memory Of," or "In the Holy Land" Contact: Frances Levin at 788788-5294 or Frannie11@aol.com

Did you know that Rabbi Case has video and audio messages available online?

212 Cricket Hill Rd. Columbia, SC 29223

Visit our Facebook Fan Page at http://www.facebook.com/ bethshalomcolumbia

Not well? In the hospital?

The rabbi and visitation team want to support you. Let us know by calling the Synagogue office. The only way we know is by you telling us.

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DIRECTORY Beth Shalom Synagogue 5827 North Trenholm Road * Columbia, SC 29206 Phone: (803) 782-2500 Fax: (803) 782-5420 General email: BethShalomColumbia@att.net Web page: www.BethShalomColumbia.org Become a friend of Beth Shalom on Facebook at: www.Facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: http://Twitter.com/BethShalomSC Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Rabbi Jonathan Case Hazzan Dr. Michal Rubin

In the case of an emergency over a Jewish Holiday or Shabbat, please call our President on the Board of Directors, Hyman Karesh at 782-8177, or our Vice President, Terri Hodges at 254-3787.

RebCase@hotmail.com MichalRubin53@gmail.com

BETH SHALOM SYNAGOGUE 2012 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Hyman Karesh Vice President Terri Hodges Treasurer Dr. Daniel Matzner Financial Secretary Heidi Lovit Recording Secretary Todd Serbin Past President Daryl Giddings

HKaresh@KareshEnv.com Terri.Hodges@PalmettoHealth.org


Beth Shalom Judaica Gift Shop

TSerbin@hotmail.com dwgatdoc@aol.com

Amy Berger Penny Blachman Andy Gendil Dr. David Kulbersh Dr. David Reisman Dr. Howie Scher Andy Zalkin

Trustees: Dr. Lilly Filler Belle Jewler Gad Matzner Howard Stravitz

Doris Frank Dr. David Lovit Minda Miller Sandra Whitton

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9 am - 5 pm Friday: 9 am - 3 pm Phone: 782-2500 Consider the Gift Shop for your birthday, wedding, anniversary, and holiday gift needs. Come see our wonderful assortment of jewelry, serving pieces, candlesticks, religious, and non-religious items.

BOARD OF EDUCATION Dr. Linda Schoen Giddings Heidi Lovit Eveda Matzner Nancy Nankin Diana Rubinger To be filled

Beth Shalom Men’s Club President Dr. Dan Matzner

Friday 6:30 p.m. Saturday 9:45 a.m. Monday-Thursday Minyan 6:00 p.m.


Board of Directors: Lisa Arnold Kenny Berger Bruce Filler Dr. Stanley Greenberg Dr. Shane Rabin William Saltzman Randy Stark

Julie Berger Rachel Golson Bobbi Matzner Jerry Miley Kala Raxter Lauren Woldorf

Schedule of Services


Anyone interested in working with the Beth Shalom Gift Shop, especially in publicity and marketing, displays and sales, please contact Anny Zalesne at AZalesne@gmail or Bobbi Matzner at Minigad@sc.rr.com. Also needed are volunteers for our sales force for a few hours (flexible). Please contact Bobbi Matzner at Minigad@sc.rr.com or 873-1283.

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Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage P-A-I-D COLUMBIA, SC Permit No. 652

5827 North Trenholm Road Columbia, SC 29206

(803) 782782-2500


The deadline for the March bulletin is February 15th Send submissions for the bulletin to: BethShalom Columbia@att.net Bulletin Editor: Penni Nadel Layout & Publishing: Tonya Dotson Bulletin Donations: Sara Simmons

Coming Together for the Mikveh: A Gathering for Water and Hope Beth Shalom - Social Hall Thursday, February 23 7:30 p.m. There will be an exciting program called “Coming Together for the Mikveh: A Gathering for Water and Hope� to be held in the Beth Shalom social hall. Dress is casual with desserts and coffee/ tea being served. There will be an educational program about the mikveh, and a short presentation outlining the need for the complete restoration and rededication of our community mikveh. Also, there will be a speaker and a tour of the mikveh itself. All members of our community are welcome and are encouraged to attend. If you have any questions, or would like more information, please don't hesitate to call or email me at the address and phone number below. If you would like to make a donation to the mikveh, you may do so by sending it to the Beth Shalom office Attn: Mikveh. All donations are gratefully accepted and can be made payable to the Hanna Schwalbe Community Mikveh. This is not a Beth Shalom Synagogue sponsored event, and is in no way funded by Beth Shalom. Hope to see you all there! Marc Berger, Mikveh Committee Chair 803-543-6901 or wootdoc@yahoo.com

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