Persian Rug and Turkish Rug Cleaning Services in Dallas (Texas)

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Persian Rug and Turkish Rug Cleaning Services in Dallas (Texas) Persian Rug Design Persian rugs originated from various villages and cities in Persia, which is now known as Iran. Many intricate Persian rug designs were named after the various cities where they were produced. As these rug designs were later remodeled in other regions of the world, they still kept their original city names, such as Bidar, Karaman, Gabbay, Tabriz, Sarouk, Hamadan, Isfahan, and others. The main features of Persian rugs are rich color combinations, thick piles, and elaborate designs. In Dallas, Texas we offers a best service of Turkish Rugs Cleaning.

Is it safe to clean a Persian Carpet or a Turkish Rug? Yes, proper cleaning techniques will keep your carpet in good condition for a long time. Professional rug cleaning and care are essential to keep Turkish rugs and Persian carpets looking their best instead of attempting it at home. Contact Sam’s Rug Cleaning to find out about all our Persian Carpet cleaning service.

How Often Should a Turkish Rug or Persian Carpet Be Cleaned? How often a Turkish rug must be washed or cleaned depends on the kinds of carpet and the amount of traffic it is subjected to. Light-colored patterns need to be sent out for cleaning more often than darkcolored patterns. Pile realize is an indicator that a Persian Carpet needs to be cleaned. It would feel stiff and rough instead of smooth and velvety.

Ways to protect Persian Rugs from damage    

Some ways to keep your Persian Rug dry and clean. Use of Moth Sprays kills harmful moths and their larvae. Always keep your Oriental rugs for cleaning in a dry area. Use furniture casings on chairs and table legs to avoid compression damage on your Persian carpet.

Thick rubber pads placed under loose carpets will prevent it from slipping and will help absorb the weight of the furniture.

How do professionals clean Turkish Rugs and Persian Carpets? At Sam’s Oriental Rug, we use modern and safe techniques rather than old traditional rugs cleaning technique to clean your rugs and carpets.   

First, the rugs are beaten with our machine, removing the dirt from the rug. It will either be rinsed in our wash pond or dry-cleaned using a solvent. To remove moisture, rugs are spread in our state-of-the-art centrifugal.

Name – Sam's Oriental Rugs Email ID – Website – Phone No. – +1 972-503-7500 Twitter – Instagram –

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