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Samir Mane

Tirana, Albania, United States

Samir Mane began his professional journey with a humble start in Korça, Albania, before moving to Vienna, Austria. His initial role as a translator in Vienna provided him with the foundational skills necessary for international business - linguistic proficiency, cultural adaptability, and the ability to forge significant connections. These early experiences laid the groundwork for his entrepreneurial mindset and future successes. In 1993, he capitalized on a market opportunity in Albania, launching a business in electronic products and home appliances. Starting from modest beginnings, this venture swiftly grew into Albatrade, a key player in the Albanian electronics market. Albatrade was the precursor to the BALFIN Group, which, under his strategic leadership, expanded its operations across ten countries and managed over 50 companies. By 2022, the group's total assets had reached an impressive €2.1 billion, showcasing his remarkable ability to envision and execute business strategies on a grand scale. A series of well-calculated moves and substantial growth mark his career. He founded Alba Trade in Austria, rapidly becoming Albania's leading electronic goods distributor. In 2002, he ventured into the real estate sector with Mane TCI (later BALFIN Construction), further diversifying his business interests and showcasing his versatility as an entrepreneur. The international community has recognized his contributions and business acumen. Samir Mane Balfin Group was honored with the prestigious "High Honor Decorate for Services to the Republic of Austria" in 2019 and received the "For Special Civil Merits" award from the President of the Republic of Albania in 2016. These accolades and his inclusion in the Financial Times' top four "People to Watch in Business" highlight his standing as a global business leader.
