#designdunfermline oct 2017 final

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#Design Dunfermline A weekend of ideas for whit folk wid like tae see in the toun. 1

The #DesignDunfermline event was organised, run and summarised by Sam Foster, Mike McGurk and Hope Livingstone from Sam Foster Architects as part of the Blueprint Dunfermline programme, organised by arts and culture blog Avocado Sweet.

We gratefully acknowledge the help of: Fife Council and Fife Cultural Trust, who offered the Community Gallery space for the event and assistance over the weekend; David Tibbs from Oliver + Robb Architects; and the Childrens 2

Parliament and Bill Fletcher for their contributions for the Childrens EcoCity display. All images are (C) Sam Foster Architects unless noted otherwise. Sam Foster Architects, October 2017


and provide a base on which to trace and sketch their ideas.

ver the weekend of Saturday 7th October and Sunday 8th October 2017 a drop-in architecture event was held in the Community Gallery at Dunfermline Carnegie Library and Galleries. The object of the event was to find out from the general public what changes they would like to see in the centre of Dunfermline to make it a better place to live, work and visit.

This document summarises the broad themes that emerged from the event and sets them against the context of previous design proposals for the town. While you’re looking through this it’s important to bear in mind that times are changing. Those ‘Big Ideas’ produced between 1904 and 2005 all tended to be top-down, driven by high hedjins. With the support of 2015’s Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act Finally we’re moving towards people-centred development that responds to the actual needs of the majority rather than the perceived needs as seen from above.

Far from a series of individual ideas about small changes here and there those who offered their thoughts were ambitious, frustrated and clear in the wide ranging opportunities and potential for the town centre across a wide range of topics and issues. Ideas were invited in whatever form people felt comfortable communicating them, including sketches, verbal anecdotes and hand-written notes. Those who came along ranged in age from eight to over 80 and used over 125 square feet of paper to get their ideas across!

The 2010 Childrens EcoCity project beautifully illustrate this change as does the architecture drop-in event. The ideas and themes will be taken by agencies such as Fife Council to help shape their upcoming design workshops and community engagement events for the centre of Dunfermline over the next five years.

To help get ideas flowing a series of posters were displayed that showed Dunfermline’s century-plus history of good ideas, from Carnegie Trust-invited proposals from leading professionals in 1904 to children-led design in 2010.

Every single idea counts and it is hoped that, though continuing consultation, we can use these to help create a vibrant and diverse vision for the future of this ‘auld, grey toun’.

A 10’ x 5’ colour aerial map of the town centre was laid out across tables for visitors to understand the layout of the streets and buildings


[blank] 4

1. A History of Good Ideas Previous plans for the town between 1905 and 2010 5


History of Good Ideas

people in 2029! It is clearly important that the town centre develops in a way that supports all of these people, encouraging them to use this place rather than driving to Perth, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Stirling for shops and attractions.

Dunfermline is an amazing place with a rich history, stunning views, diverse buildings and bright, sharp folk.

It is equally important to recognise that the attraction of a place is not solely based on the ease of parking and number of large shops - important as those are. It is a mix of green spaces, diversity of shopping opportunities, balance of roads and pedestrianisation, attractive streetscapes, a feeling of quality and groundedness and a clear sense of place - as well as countless other factors - that help make a place attractive to people.

Like many post-industrial towns of its size and geographical location it has suffered from the decline and malaise that are typical when large industry and the accompanying infrastructure are removed. Added to this is the imposition of post-war, vehicle-centred planning upon the original burgh layout, mono-functional retail parks and a gradual transition of people from living in the town to the everexpanding suburbs.

Exercises in how to make Dunfermline an attractive place for people to live and work have been ongoing for over a century. The following pages briefly illustrate these ideas and provide an important context for how we can think about the next one hundred years.

Those suburbs have, for reasons of land ownership, topography, transport links and politics, developed to the east of Dunfermline’s core, leaving the town ‘centre’ at the western periphery of the settlement.

These images were displayed as posters during the architecture dropin event.

This, along with plans currently afoot for the south-western expansion of the town, will have helped see Dunfermline’s population rocket from 29,000 in 1911 to around 55,000 today and a predicted 71,000


1903: Carnegie Trust


ollowing Andrew Carnegie’s purchase of Pittencrieff Park - ‘The Glen’ - in 1902 and his gifting of it to the people of Dunfermline the following year, the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust invited proposals for the development of the area as a civic centre for the town. Two entries were received: one from renowned polymath Patrick Geddes (1854-1932) and the other from landscape designer Thomas Mawson (1861-1933). Geddes’s proposals explored some wonderful and ambitious ideas for the Glen, and extended these east and south to include a cultural quarter for the town. The upper image on the following page is of an outdoor amphitheatre just west of the Abbey; the lower image illustrates his plans for an interconnected set of civic spaces including a square on Bridge Street, neo-gothic science and history buildings the length of St Margaret’s Street and a Europeanstyle plaza where Monastery Street is. Have a look at the colourful drawing to the left, which sets out Geddes’s masterplan for all of his ideas. His book, ‘City Development - a study of parks, gardens and culture institutes’ is kept here in the library and is full of incredible drawings. The recently-built circular kitchen garden in front of Pittencrieff House picks up on Geddes’s plan to include a kitchen garden nearby, in front of the glasshouses. 7


(C) Fife Cultural Trust (Dunfermline Local Studies) on behalf of Fife Council 8

1903: Carnegie Trust Like Geddes, Thomas Mawson extended his brief beyond the edge of Pittencrieff Park to explore how Dunfermline’s townscape could be improved. Drawing on neoclassical and contemporary European influences Mawson was keen to introduce widened streets, boulevards and formal avenues to the town, and extend these into the Glen. The most ambitious of these can be seen in the illustration on the following page, which shows an area between the High Street and Netherton (roughly between Guildhall Street and Primark) completely cleared to make way for what appears to be new Town Hall and double avenue. Imagine this today! Mawson also developed plans for a variety of buildings, from small artisans’ and workers’ cottages to an Aviary, alfresco theatre an enormous new cultural institute directly in front of Pittencrieff House. Ultimately both plans were acknowledged and shelved by the Carnegie Dunfermline and the Park was subsequently laid out by James Whitton. Subsequently many smaller elements of Geddes’s and Mawson’s plans have been implemented, including improving the water quality and character of the Glen, using Pittencrieff House as a museum and developing a rock garden.



(C) Fife Cultural Trust (Dunfermline Local Studies) on behalf of Fife Council 10

1929: East Port


new dance hall for the East Port

This beautiful design - more like something from Edinburgh’s New Town than Dunfermline - shows the architectural ambition still prevalent in the late 1920s. Although unbuilt, the drawings for this new dance hall, with shops below, show what an attractive addition this would have been to the eastern-most part of the centre of the town.

(A design for James Copland by John Fraser, Architect)

(C) Fife Cultural Trust (Dunfermline Local Studies) on behalf of Fife Council 11

1946: James Shearer


the layout of Dunfermline and its surroundings today.

native of Dunfermline, James Shearer (1881-1962) worked on over two hundred built projects across his career, the majority in Dunfermline and west Fife. Commissions varied from house extensions to housing, office buildings and architectural advisor to the North of Scotland Hydro Electric Board.

His plans were immortalised in Kay Mander’s 30-minute film, made in 1948, ‘A Plan to Work On’, which can be viewed for free on the British Film Institute website.

Shearer was also an ambitious town planner and, in 1946, published his ‘Dunfermline Advisory Town Plan’ for Dunfermline Town Council. In this he explored all aspects of life in the town, including industry, housing, transport, green space, education, commerce and many other factors. The resulting strategic map can be seen above. Note the strong golden yellow lines, which denote Shearer’s plans for new roads and bypasses around the town! He was an strong supporter of ‘zoned’ planning, which had become popular in the 1930s - separating housing, industry and entertainment, for example, and encouraging the use of private motor cars to travel between these areas. His legacy in Dunfermline is clear: most retail parks, housing, schools and industry sit in their own zones - they are not interspersed - meaning we increasingly rely on our cars. Although Shearer died before Dr. Beeching’s infamous cuts to the railway network in the 1960s the two are largely responsible for


(C) Reproduced from an original copy held by Elaine Campbell 13

2005: Oliver + Robb Architects


n 2005 Ken Oliver, then senior partner at Oliver + Robb Architects shared his vision of Dunfermline Town Centre with his business peers. Over the net few years, with the assistance of Royal Dunfermline, and coordinated by the Dunfermline Town Centre Management, Ken developed the initiative known as ‘Mind The Gap’. The aim of this initiative was to preserve the historic core and character of the town centre while also grasping the opportunity to augment and improve it with sympathetic and empathetic development. ‘Mind The Gap’ identified several gap sites and infrastructure issues that disrupted and detracted from the town’s historic roots. It also recognised that a strong conservation stance was required to counterbalance the modern developments that are vital to the long term viability of Dunfermline. Oliver + Robb Architects partner David Tibbs contributed his thoughts on town centre development and the changing high street and shopping patterns in the Oliver + Robb Architects blog, which can be found on their website. page http://oliverandrobb. co.uk/our-news/


(C) Oliver + Robb Architects 15

2010: Children’ EcoCity


coCity allowed a group of around 40 children to create, over a 5-day period, a large-scale, 3D environment which reflected the kind of world they want to grow up in; a world where the needs of all citizens are taken into account. It involved local town planners, architects, transport managers, police and green-space experts to give advice and assistance to the children during the build. The work was so well executed by the children that it was exhibited in the Scottish Parliament and the UN Headquarters in Geneva. “In scoping the future of Dunfermline out to 2020 and beyond it was essential to gain insight into the thoughts of not only the adult population but also our youngest citizens. EcoCity is an ideal project and process to stimulate the thinking of children while working alongside adult professionals. The methodology in delivering the model and plan was perfect for all concerned – indeed the outcomes in terms of quality and imagination as well as practicality are beyond all our expectations. “All of this now forms part of the scoping process to create a quality of life in Dunfermline for the years to come. The young participants will not be forgotten as the years roll on, we will return to seek their views on what progress we have made.” Angus Hogg, Chair of Royal Dunfermline, co-funders of EcoCity Dunfermline


(C) Children’s Parliament 17

[blank] 18

2. Your Good Ideas What you wrote, sketched and talked about at the architecture drop in 19



ver 150 people came along to the architecture drop-in event, #DesignDunfermline, on 7th and 8th October and gave an enormous variety of ideas about what they think is needed to make the centre of Dunfermline a more attractive place to live, work and visit. Basic analysis of these revealed nine broad themes into which the ideas fitted:

Heritage Shopping

• Increase of housing in the town centre (22 comments); • Development of the historical elements and heritage of the town (21 comments); • Support for local businesses and varied shopping (38 comments); • Provision of more green space and outdoor leisure facilities (17 comments); • Improvements to streetscapes and the quality of public realm; (42 comments) • Management of anti-social behaviour (7 comments); • Traffic and transport management, including public transport (46 comments); • Specific focal points and attractions (27 comments); • Strategic objectives and long term vision for the town centre (13 comments).

Green space Public realm Anti-social behaviour Transport/traffic Focal points Vision

Each of these is elaborated on further on the following pages. The appendix at the end includes all submitted ideas and sketches.


Participants at the drop-in considering ideas for the town centre 21

Increase housing

We need more people living in the town centre” was a popular comment over the weekend. There were plenty of stories from people who had lived upstairs over the various shops in the High Street in the past, and questions over why there were fewer flats and houses right in the middle of the town. Anti-social behaviour was noted as a big factor in dissuading people from wanting to live in the town centre though plenty commented that a loud ‘WHEESHT!’ from an upstairs window would go a long way to reducing this. Many noted that the High Street is deserted after about 6pm, giving a feeling of being unsafe as there were few people around to notice things that were going on. There was a general feeling that many of the buildings - or at least the upper levels - in the centre of town had the potential to be repurposed as houses and flats again, though this would need to be balanced against the requirement for space for businesses to operate successfully. A lack of hostels and small hotels in the town centre was recognised by a number of people, who also suggested buildings that could be developed to provide this type of accommodation. There was recognition that such a use would rely heavily on enough visitors coming to the town, and that it would have to form part of an overall strategy for the town centre. An idea for providing accommodation in the town centre 22

Develop the heritage


lmost all who offered ideas mentioned the importance of the history of Dunfermline, the resulting buildings and street pattern and rich social, cultural and architectural heritage that the town has to offer. Almost all gave equal venting to their frustration that outside of the ‘Heritage Quarter’ our most attractive and culturally significant buildings are poorly maintained and that there seem to be numerous groups competing to look after and develop it all. Specific buildings mentioned in this context included the Abbot House, Pilmuir Works, Carnegie Clinic and the former Registry Office at the corner of the Maygate and Guildhall Street. There is an appetite for a single, coordinated strategy for the town centre that identifies and recognises the potential of the traditional buildings in the town, ensures that these are adequately promoted to visitors and residents alike and helps ensure their maintenance.

Pilmuir Works 23

Support varied businesses


ne of the most popular sources of ideas and sketches over the weekend, the need for a greater variety and better balance of shops in Dunfermline was a clear priority. Ideas ranged from developing an opposing shopping focus at the west end of the High Street to balance the pull of the Kingsgate at the east, to putting a stop to out-of-town retail developments. Many assumed that high rates were a key cause of the high number of empty shop units in the town centre, and commented that there is an increasing homogeneity of ‘low quality’ shops on offer, such as hairdressers, nail bars, charity shops and cafes. There was a clear demand for small, independent shops to be better supported and encouraged to locate in the town centre to balance the apparent attraction of out-of-town shopping in soul-less sheds. Carnegie Drive’s Fire Station Creative was a clear source of inspiration for many, encouraging ideas for re-use of buildings such as the former Post Office and creation of a flexible town square space for regular markets. Similarly to the housing comments, many noted that most businesses in the town centre are closed after 6pm, discouraging visitors and affecting the business of bars and restaurants. Dunfermline City Chambers from the High Street 24

Increase green space


lthough this topic received fewer ideas and comments than some the idea of increasing green connections between Pittencrieff Park (‘The Glen’) and the Public park has been discussed since Geddes suggested it in 1904 (opposite) and is still an important factor in how residents view the town. While the existing green spaces are appreciated by most there is a desire both for more green space and for better quality green space that is used more frequently and more informally. Respondents mentioned their wish for more greenery in the High Street, for seating surrounded by green space and for much more to be made of both Pittencrieff Park and the Public park.

(C) Fife Cultural Trust (Dunfermline Local Studies) on behalf of Fife Council 25

Improve the public realm This topic proved to be one of the most popular, with all sorts of valuable ideas emerging through sketches, notes and conversations. In general terms there is a feel that the High Street of Dunfermline has developed a cheap, run-down feel due to the poor quality shopfronts, the uneven, inconsistent and poorly maintained paving, a lack of building maintenance leading to algae and plant growth, and a variety of street ‘clutter’ from signs, bins and bollards. Conversely many commented on a lack of clear, attractive signage to principal focal points. Many also bemoaned the poorly signed and unattractive route for those visiting the town by train. Imaginative and popular ideas include: creation of a public square to the south of Bridge Street (an idea suggested in 1904 by Patrick Geddes and developed by Ken Oliver in 2005); development of the mess of roads where Pilmuir Street meets Carnegie Drive to create a Piccadilly Circus style welcome to this part of the town; and a Local Authority building maintenance service (paid for by building owners) to ensure ALL buildings are kept looking neat and tidy. Many were keen on selective demolition of poor quality building such as the former Boots building on the High Street, improving the appearance of Bruce Street (e.g. by constructing a colourful canopy like ‘Umbrella Street’ in Bath) and encouraging places that take advantage of the views south, e.g. with roof terrace cafes and restaurants.

(C) Bath Chronicle (accessed 14th Nov 2017 ) 26

Reduce anti-social behaviour The relative lack of written comments relating to anti-social behaviour in the town perhaps belies the frequency that this issue was mentioned in conversation over the weekend: many felt that excessive noise and litter, particularly at weekends, would discourage people from living in the centre of town. Of some comfort is the fact that similar sized towns across the UK manage to strike a balance of an active night culture of cafes, bars and entertainment with people living in the town centre. Litter and the perception of a large number of homeless were noted as issues needing to be addressed.


Transport and traffic The single most popular issue discussed over the weekend, aspects of managing traffic, quality of public transport, parking, cycling and signage proved to generate the most animated conversations over the weekend. Within the town centre there are nearly 2,800 parking spaces, which equates to nearly 8 acres of space (or five and a half international football pitches). The biggest issues identified were too many cars in the town and not enough pedestrianisation, poor provision of public transport through the town, a lack of cycle-friendly routes, excessive parking charges and a significant and frustrating lack of road signage to the town along major road networks, including the M90. Conversely some respondents were keen to see the High Street re-opened to traffic to increase informal stopping off ‘for the messages’. Ideas for improvements included electric bike stations, electric public transport between edge of centre parking areas and the town centre (like Ken Oliver suggested in 2005) and underground carparking.

Dunfermline High Street from the East Port 28

Focal points/attractions Those who dropped in over the weekend perceived the need for specific focal points throughout the town to supplement the obvious main attraction of the Abbey (heritage) and Kingsgate (shopping). Bridge Street, in particular, was noted as needing work to create a focal point at the foot of the High Street to draw visitors from the Kingsgate end. Suggestions included building on the character of Bruce Street to create an ‘Ashton Lane’ (Glasgow) feel, creating a town square or plaza with a variety of shops, bars and offices around it, and which could be large enough for markets and civic events, as well as the development of Malcolm Canmore’s tower into a wedding venue! Ideas also included creating specific zones around the town, such as a ‘west end’ zone with theatres and Carnegie Hall, and developing in more detail the ‘heritage’ zone.

Dunfermline Abbey from the garden of Dunfermline Carnegie Library & Galleries 29

A strategic vision After looking through the various ideas from the last 100 years for the development of Dunfermline many of those who came to the drop-in were baffled at the apparent lack of ambition of the town. Many also wondered how a town with such a growing population had allowed its centre to become so redundant. A clear desire emerged for an ambitious strategy and a single, unified vision to draw those from the eastern expansion towards the town, using the heritage as a starting point and adopting comprehensive social media and promotion to help achieve this. Many noted that a number of strands (including increased housing, public realm improvements, business promotion and green space development) have to be progressed in tandem. There was a lot of enthusiasm for further community engagement events to help create this vision, and for the continual changing of the town to be recorded photographically on a regular basis. A lot of respondents are supportive of positive change in the town.

East Port from outside Carnegie Hall 30

[blank] 31

3. Appendices Transcribed notes and sketches 32

A. Increase housing Housing in Town Centre 1. Facilities to encourage more people to visit/ live in town centre. 2. more than just retail 3. child friendly spaces 4. evening activities to stop town dying at 5. Encouragement of people/families to live in the town! 6. More residential properties encouraged in town centre to increase out of hours use 7. Develop ex-council properties as affordable housing (social housing) 8. Bring more residential of buildings into town to make movement at night safer.

11. Turn Pilmuir Works into flats with cafes at the bottom or houses next to Carnegie Hall 12. Encourage town centre living to revitalise the town centre 13. Get people living in town centre, empty homes could be regenerated 14. Need to provide visitor accommodation 15. empty council buildings opposite the library made into flats or a hostel 16. Need visitors to stay overnight 17. Create ‘Little Houses’ scheme to fix old properties for families 18. Old Post Office - small hotel if room? 19. Old Carnegie clinic - good small hotel

9. More residential properties in the centre

20. Create family homes in centre of town

10. Sell off car park at back of New Row and turn it into shops and housing

21. Housing in High Street 33

22. Lack of hotels - need one with couple of function rooms

B. Develop the heritage Interest In History/heritage of town 1. Audit of historic fabric 2. not just listed but whole townscape

trail – including the royal connections – with ‘joined up’ signage. 9. Golf history and royal connections 10. Keep historical element, focus on Abbey, old buildings etc

3. identify owners

11. Way markers in pavements to our wonderful heritage sites

4. Control development within the heritage quarter of the city

12. Rebuild palace

5. Co-ordinate the tourism and tourist offering within the city 6. Make much more of the historical aspect of the town to encourage tourism.

13. Rebuild monastery 14. Monastic Dunfermline 15. Old capital of Scotland

7. Would like to see far more collaboration between the bodies/agencies responsible for historical/cultural sites. Remember these belong to the citizens of Dunfermline and Scotland. They are not anyone’s private fiefdom! Also would like to see more public/local participation in such bodies.

16. Royal sepulchre after Iona

8. Consider introducing a proper historical

20. Re-establish Abbot house

17. 21st Royals 18. Royal Dunfermline Abby 19. Situation with Abbot house [must be] resolved


21. Identify and preserve any pre-20th century buildings or early 20th century. Look above the shop fronts!

C. Support varied businesses Supporting local business and varied shopping 1. Favour local businesses and social enterprises over chain stores

quite so many charity/cheap shops 9. Change in shopping hours to prolong availability of social use, activities in centre.

2. “unique” Dunfermline

10. Which other “tourist hub” close early and at 4!

3. Movement away from the big mega pubs

11. Retail is very poor, encourage individual shops. Rate decrease?!

4. Nowhere for our age group to enjoy an evening out without a T.V or loud music in bars.

12. Abbot house re-open as a cultural hub

5. Redevelop Church into an entertainment centre (non gambling) 6. Redevelop old shops that are empty to provide “low rates/rents” to craft shops i.e. create character in town 7. Provide an area for market stalls 7 days a week 8. Lower business rates – need to attract small niche independent shops and businesses’ and discourage having

13. Local authority stop out of town retail develop 14. Consider reducing rates (retail) particularly for shops in the high street 15. Museum hours must change! 16. Shame that farmers market is moving ‘out of town’ 17. Out of town shopping and on line shopping means the centre has to offer more 35

18. High Street is lopsided, needs an anchor store at each end 19. Too many empty shops and shops of same type (hairdressers, bakers, charity shops) 20. We need to attract companies like G1 (Stefan King), Jamie‘s Italian to Dunfermline 21. Reduce the rates - Dunfermline town centre is not George Street 22. Knock down Carnegie retail park and court building and police station and build a new Kingsgate 2 with multistorey carpark underneath, making the shops street level and link the new Kingsgate and old Kingsgate up by walkway 23. Move the farmers market? 24. Turn the old Post Office into Jamie‘s Italian 25. Turn Canmore Street into a posh bar street, like George Street, using the

large old houses 26. Turn the old Post Office into Jamie‘s Italian

for traders on High Street

29. Good cafes/restaurants

35. Outdoor markets like the farmers’ market selling more than food and craft toiletries on a regular basis near the centre of town, like Bruce Street or by the abbey gates

30. Reduced rates for businesses to attract more businesses to set up

36. Can farmers’ market be held indoors?

31. Cafes/restaurants in one area e.g. opposite fire station or bottom of High Street, where Carlucci is

37. Farmers market going to Dobbies!

27. Turn Canmore Street into a posh bar street, like George Street, using the large old houses 28. Good shops, deli etc

32. More shops, delis, butcher etc

38. Take Tesco out of city centre

33. Plan mixed residential/small businesses in town centre, small businesses on ground floor, residential on upper floors. Building no taller than ground and two upper floors 34. Much more encouragement/incentive 36


D. Increase green space Green Space and Outdoor leisure facilities 1. Public park needs to be turned into a St Andrew square like park – where the flagpole is it needs to be replaced with a cafÊ, football pitch at the top needs to be a boating lake 2. Make the park an outdoor exercise area 3. Use bridge as lovelocks that link the park 4. Use glen for outdoor events. Enchanted forest and turn half park into amusement park 5. The old skate park site behind Carnegie hall needs redeveloped into fox lake adventures 6. Segway tours around Dunfermline parks

7. Develop existing green spaces as breathing living spaces. 8. Provide play areas for youngsters 9. More green spaces 10. Wider pedestrian areas to include street seating inspired planting of trees and shrubs. 11. The public park could be made more attractive with perhaps a cafe, gallery or feature 12. More green areas, more tree-lined avenues 13. More permanent planting, trees/ flowering shrubs 14. Everyone misses the paddling pools, introduce waterjets like at Helix park [Falkirk] 15. Green spaces benches flowers, 38

family friendly restaurants, specialist shops for food crafts and clothes 16. Keep the green space on the High Street at the former co-op. But if it is ever built on archaeological dig is essential. It is right in the heart of the 12th century burgh 17. Develop public park


E. Improve the public realm Streetscape and quality of public realm

9. Bruce Street – like the Shambles in York.

1. Action against private landlords – wealth of beautiful buildings allowed to go to waste

10. Enforce smartening up of retail premises, to make the town look attractive.

2. Dangerous paving slabs

11. Bridge st. could be an exceptionally nice st. re open shops etc.

3. Cover in High Street 4. Demolish “modern” 60’s buildings in the High street 5. Clean the faces of buildings and force landlords to carry out improvements. 6. More seating in pedestrian areas. 7. Covered ‘weather proof’ areas along high st 8. Demolish old boots building and other 60s/70s empty unattractive premises.

12. Enforce maintenance of listed buildings 13. Could shop landlords be given small grants to improve shops to be let for ‘pop-up’ shops? White walls and plain floors. Short term lets and waving of rates 14. Encourage/enforce uniformity of shop/business frontage. 15. Like Livingston – roof over parts of the high street. 16. Upper part of buildings in high street 40

in the lower part needs attention 17. Co-op gap site – open an Omni-style centre – with shops at the bottom including a cinema and leisure facilities and a rooftop café similar to Bullring shopping centre, Barcelona 18. Beer garden with nice views; play area for kids 19. Utilise use of the derelict buildings 20. Area and abbey to be pedestrianised and the cafe scene promoted all around this area 21. Improve pavements and roads 22. Remove signs on pavements 23. Clean the gutters 24. If funds are low spend more on street maintenance

25. Relocate B&Q retail park


26. Prioritise re-use of fine buildings through town centre

34. Get rid of the planters in the town, they are dated

27. Link more areas together without crossing busy roads, overhead bridges, perhaps enclosed

35. Stop putting mixed bedding plants everywhere

28. Doing something to open up Bridge Street 29. Make more of the area around Saint Margaret cave/the Tower Burn

36. More focus on lower half of the High Street [Bridge Street]. There is a lovely wild part of the Glen unused behind these buildings 37. Deal with bins on street

30. Path under palace ruins in the Glen - repair

38. Improved street lighting, buildings lit up

31. Could the pavement be widened and the road made one way all the way?

39. Existing electronic signs design is useless

32. Maintain pavements around the town so there are no puddles or loose slabs 33. Glass covered roof on part of High

40. Regular building maintenance on all streets, by council and billed to owners 41. Murals on blank walls 41

42. Clear vegetation from roofline of traditional stone buildings



F. Reduce anti-social behaviour Management of anti-social behavior 1. Control of anti-social behavior 2. Provide a police station and a permanent present to move beggars “on� 3. Encourage citizens to stop the litter. 4. Anti social behavior needs to stop 5. Get rid of litter 6. Get rid of beggars 7. No smoking in town centre


G. Transport and traffic Traffic and Transport 1. Free parking to attract shoppers/ tourists 2. Improve public transport links 3. Create more “park and ride” spaces out with the city with enhanced low cost transport. Stirling is a good model. 4. improve town centre parking eg. Area behind city chambers 5. Landscape car park adj. to Carnegie hall to improve pedestrian access from car park to c.hall 6. Develop woodland adj. to bridge st car park 7. Bus lane (tram) up the high street 8. More car parks 9. Bus station – all services should be

at 1 place 10. Restrict vehicle access to pedestrian precinct – delay vehicles only outwith shop opening hours and provide parking for disabled drivers with access to shops but not on precinct 11. Electric bike stations 12. Install retractable bollards to High Street and surrounding area to stop traffic and create a family friendly environment 13. With closing of Bruce Street create a better flow of traffic-one way 14. Sort out parking charges. Livingston is 50p per hour 15. Decent public transport to stop people coming in by car 16. Free parking but can walk to town centre 45

17. Bypassed for Dunfermline, especially Appin Crescent, the Coal Road etc 18. Cycle lane improvements 19. No cars in the town centre 20. Underground carparks à la Nort, France 21. Vehicle free town centre 22. Car parking on edge of town centre 23. Separate bus car park for Rosyth boat people. This carpark adjacent to tourist shops and restaurants. 24. Town centre road system to allow traffic to flow across it 25. Reduced parking charges 26. Bring in free parking on Sundays 27. Bus service inconsistent between

Duloch and town centre-needs re-regulated 28. Must connect bus services to one site. This should encourage more public transport use 29. Free parking again on Sundays and add Saturdays too 30. North end of Douglas Street between the entrance to the bus station and the traffic lights is too narrow for pedestrians walking on the west pavement. 31. Pedestrianise access from Leys Park carpark to the town e.g. Carnegie Hall and East Port is too long and takes ages with all the traffic lights

34. More pedestrian zones! 35. Remove bizarre traffic system at Tesco! 36. Car parking strategy? Supply/demand? Pocket car parts are inefficient use of land. Is this what people want? 37. Buses are too expensive; no incentive to leave car at home and get bus into town 38. Dunfermline signage all four sides is non-existent 39. First sign coming over new bridge is at exit for Dunfermline; nothing on south of bridge

32. No pedestrian zones! Re-introduce one way traffic to the High Street

40. First sign from North is at Kelty, 8 miles away, should start at Perth

33. Short-term parking perhaps? Would help to bring cars into the centre

41. From West first sign after Kincardine Bridge should be much further west 46

42. Kirkcaldy signs say the ‘Lang Toun’ - Dunfermline signs should see the ‘Auld Grey Toun’ 43. More parking for tour buses; encourage more at the Bridge Street area 44. Remove all traffic from High Street. Use trams to take people from Park to Glen 45. Work with cruise ship vendors to send people to Dunfermline instead of Edinburgh 46. Road network needs sorting; Coal Road needs widening (Lord Elgin!)


H. Focal points/attractions Specific Focal Points and Attractions

11. Entertainment venue for kids which is affordable and easy access from bus station

1. Develop a central/focal point in the town – High street has a dead zone from guildhall St – city chambers

12. Make the town centre a destination (no-one from surrounding area visit because of ongoing issue)

2. Attractions to bring people into town

13. Close off Bruce Street and create an Ashton Lane type street

3. Leisure 4. Shops 5. restaurants 6. Think about plazas/piazzas 7. attract spending on leisure and maybe that will attract businesses 8. eg. B&G car park into gardens 9. There was a previous plaza idea near glen gates – what happened to it? 10. Signage from east side of town to attractions needs reviewing

14. Split the town centre into zones, for example Dunfermline village and heritage quarter like the Shambles in York 15. Link up the theatre and create a west end. Use the pavement for signage, advertising shows, similar to Lothian Road and Usher Hall. 16. Attract visitors 17. Develop Bridge Street, interesting shops, maybe touristy? 18. Develop a Town centre facility to encourage town centre living 19. Get better shows at Carnegie Hall and 48

advertise these more 20. Use town square as meeting point, leisure etc and entertainment areas 21. Create town square? In city car park or knock down old Boots 22. I don’t mind Pilmuir Works being used for flats - anything rather than leaving it to fall down, though it is such an architecturally important building. It would be good to see more made of the town’s linen mills heritage, like at New Lanark 23. Canmore tower ! Develop as a wedding venue and a concert/performance space 24. Viewing tower/cafe/restaurant on top 25. Viewing tower could have a design based on the rail bridge but vertical, with outside viewing platforms both sides as well as inside 26. Develop NHS building into exercise facility for youth. Trampolines, rock climbing, climbing frames, basketball,

goals, electronic soccer goals. Indoor tennis electronic. Take up parking area, turn green and install splash park. Well decorated with active focused murals 27. Umbrella Street/could use kites, flags. Turn Bruce Street into pedestrian area with cafes, outside heaters, coffee shops, patisserie is, bakeries


I. Strategic vision Strategic aim for town 1. Make a photographic record of the entire town centre. Worth repeating every 40-50 years 2. Great views from High Street across to Newbridge and Midlothian 3. Something more classy/simple to link the public park to the Glen 4. Town just looks dead 5. How do we get Duloch resident to visit town centre?

you are planning. Do not let Fife council officers interfere 10. Stop calling down for an ancient capital: copy York as it’s similar Dunfermline. York/ Leeds; Dunfermline/ Edinburgh 11. Give the town centre over to Ian Moir as he knows what works - Fire Station Creative 12. Progressive town planning with long term strategy required for city centre to regenerate interest. 13. Build new with vision!

6. Focus on the future, with more than a nod to the past 7. Upgrade and provide more school buildings 8. Needs one master plan and everyone follows it 9. Use social media to tell people what 50


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