Student Affairs Newsletter Spring 2013

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In mid-January, research and planning for a possible New Norris took another important step forward in a workshop known as a design charrette. This meeting of approximately 40 key students, faculty, and staff listened to a introductory presentation of 4 concept studies on 2 sites before rotating through 3-D models of the concepts. Two concepts used Sheridan Road in the plan, while the other two focused on the lake-site. After the January presentation in Guild Lounge, the workshop, and several concept refinement meetings throughout the quarter, the emergent perspective is that the lake-site is valuable for two reasons. The lake location for a possible New Norris takes advantage of the campus’ natural beauty on Lake Michigan, and is seen as an asset that cannot be traded. Secondly, Northwestern’s long-term campus framework plan calls for a new campus development arc along the lakefront on the east side of campus to focus attention on the natural resource of campus. The plan

enhances pedestrian circulation and increases open space. A possible New Norris would coordinate with the framework plan for the university. For additional information about the long-term plan, see NU’s Campus Framework Plan. The two lake-site concepts are “innovative and cutting-edge,” according to one of the architects who is working with the executive and working committees to refine the concept studies. Leaning in to the ideas for the possible New Norris allows transformative thought to be expressed. Holistically and 16

as a reminder--still conceptually, the facility reaches outward to connect the academic life to the campus life of students. Additionally, each side of the facility is being intentionally explored for its usefulness to all campus populations, and the mission, vision, and values of One Northwestern Student Affairs is apparent in these concepts as well as the conversations regarding them.

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