Journal of Hygiene and Public Health 3/2010

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Revista de Igienă şi Sănătate Publică, vol.60, nr.3/2010 – Journal of Hygiene and Public Health

77 MATERIAL AND METHOD Selection and description of participants. Clearly describe the selection modality of the participating subjects, including eligibility and exclusion criteria and a brief description of the source-population. Technical information. Identify the methods, equipments and procedures offering sufficient details to allow other researchers to reproduce the results. Cite reference sources for the used methods by arabic figures between square brackets. Describe new or substantially changed methods, indicating the reasons for using them and assessing their limitations. Statistics. Describe statistical methods using sufficient details for an informed reader who has access to original data to be able to verify the presented results. Whenever possible, quantify the results and present them accompanied by appropriated indicators for the error or uncertainty of measurement. Specify the used programme for statistical analysis. RESULTS Present the obtained results with a logical sequence in the text, with tables and figures. Do not repeat in the text all data presented in tables and figures; only stress upon and synthesize important observations. Additional materials and technical details may be placed in an appendix where they may be accessed without interrupting the fluidity of the text. Use figures not only as relative (percent) values but also as absolute values from which relative ones have been calculated. Restrict only to necessary tables and figures. Use graphs as an alternative to tables with numerous data. Do not present the same data twice in tables and graphs. DISCUSSIONS Stress upon new and important aspects of the study. Do not repeat detailed data from previous sections. Establish the limitations of the study and analyze the implications of the discovered aspects for future research. CONCLUSIONS State the conclusions which emerge from the study. Show the connection between the conclusions and the aims of the study. Avoid unqualified statements and conclusions which are not adequately supported by the presented data. You may issue new hypothesis whenever justified but clearly describe them as such. REFERENCES References are consecutively numbered according to their first citation in the text. Identify references in the text, tables, legends by arabic figures between brackets [..]. Avoid citation of abstracts as references. Reference list format: authors (name, surname initial), year, title, editor, number of pages. Exemple: Păunescu C., 1994, Agresivitatea şi condiţia umană, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, p.15-18 Reference list format: authors (name, surname initial), year, title, journal, volume, page numbers. Use journal title abreviations according to the Index Medicus style. TABLES Generate tables in Word.

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