never the same missions devo 2010

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Saturday p.m. July 3 Soul Strategy (Nighttime devotions before you go to sleep.) 1 on 1 (Just between you and God.) QUICK RECAP: Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament—only 21 verses. But just because it’s short, doesn’t mean it’s less important or less significant. Like the other Minor Prophets, the message is pertinent and practical. It’s certainly relevant for us today! The Edomites (people who lived in the nation of Edom) were descendants of Esau (Genesis 25:19‑17:45), and they were rugged, fierce and proud warriors with a seemingly invincible mountain home. Obadiah gives God’s message to the nation of Edom. And it’s not pretty. He warns them that disaster is coming—God is going to destroy them. Then he gives the reasons for their destruction—their blatant arrogance toward God and their persecution of His children. That’s bad news for those who aren’t Christians. But as a believer, you can catch a glimpse of what it means to be God’s child, under His love and protection, as you read this short little one-chapter book. You’ll also see how the heavenly Father responds to all who would attack those whom He loves! Pretty cool, huh? “All your allies will turn against you and help to push you out of your land. They will promise peace while plotting your destruction. Your trusted friends will set traps for you and all your counterstrategy will fail” (Obadiah 1:7 The Living Bible). All the enemies of the day just passed by the nation of Edom. No one bothered it because it was safely holed up in the rockhewn city of Petra. BUT . . . there was ONE GUY who was able to get to the city of Edom. Wanna guess who it was? a. Hitler b. George Washington c. Steve Goley d. Nebuchadnezzar 44

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