Student Council Papers 25 May 2011

Page 1


1. Welcome and Apologies


2. Election of Chair


3. To receive Student Officer Reports (SC11/01)


4. To receive Trustee Board Report (SC11/02) 5. To receive University Committees Report (SC11/03) 6. To receive NUS Report (SC11/04) 7. Policy Decisions a. To consider The Salford Bill of Student Rights: Feedback Time (SC11/05)


b. To consider The Salford Student Charter (SC11/06)


c. To consider University Restructure (SC11/07)


8. Issues tabled by students a. To consider LGBT issues (SC11/08) b. To consider Halls issues (SC11/09) c. To consider Peel Hall issue (SC11/10) Close of meeting

17:20 17:35 17:50 18:00



To inform Student Council of the representation work of the Sabbatical Officers


To notify the chair in advance of the meeting if any points require discussion

1. The Salford Bill of Student Rights a. We launched the first draft of this document to students for consultation at the Union‘s Annual General Meeting in February and over 1000 students contributed to the consultation period. Since then we have redrafted the document using the recommendations given by students and in April we held an official launch of the updated document to the University where Professor Huw Morris came and showed his support for the Bill of Rights. Professor Morris is the Pro Vice Chancellor for Academic matters. He accepted all of the recommendations except for the one regarding a three week feedback deadline for staff and we are now looking at the possibility of redrafting this recommendation. The Vice Chancellor strongly supports all of the rights outlined in the document and has been very supportive so far. b. The Bill has been tabled for various meetings at school, college and University level and we have been disappointed by the negative reaction and criticism we have faced from staff because they misunderstand what the document is for. At University LTEC we will be making a statement to note our disappointment at this and to clarify the specific purpose of the Bill. We hope that this will encourage senior staff to endorse the recommendations we have made, and ensure that staff at all levels are on board. c. We have had some positive feedback and some positive action has been taken as a result of the recommendations, for example one of the case studies from Social Work has highlighted a problem to the school and so a meeting has been set up to investigate the issue further and hopefully get it resolved. We are directing ongoing campaign activity for students to get involved with their Bill of Rights, at the moment we are addressing the issue of feedback but over time will be campaigning for all of the seven rights outlined in the document. 2. Blackboard upgrade a. The University had intended on upgrading the Blackboard system over the summer, something which students would certainly benefit from in the long term. However, after investigation by the officers it was discovered that the planned implementation date was September 2011, which because of the short time scale and difficulty in training staff and students to use the new version would be nearly impossible. b. Historically, when the University has attempted to make large scale changes over a short period of time, it has led to problems for staff and students who have not had sufficient time to adapt to the changes. After much lobbying with the University, it has been agreed that the Blackboard upgrade process will be delayed for a year, allowing time to test the new version with staff and students in a pilot environment. 3. Salford University Subject Bursaries a. The University currently offers subject bursaries to students on specific courses. At the beginning of this year it came to the University‘s attention that several courses within the School of Computing, Science and Engineering were ineligible for subject bursaries and students on those courses had been paid bursaries in error. After

receiving a letter informing them of this mistake, affected students began to contact us via the Advice Centre, through reps, and directly to the VP. b. We have been in contact with students on the affected courses and collated a database of names and courses. We have passed that list on to the University which in some cases, has been able to rectify mistakes. However there are still many students who believe they have been promised a bursary, have received it habitually over the previous years, but have not been given their full entitlement this year. As a Union, we have always made our position clear: the University must honour the payment of any bursaries to students who were promised them in the prospectus, or by other means, and who have been receiving them habitually in the past. c. This issue is now being dealt with at the highest level and we are in talks and negotiation with the University. We have also sought legal advice from our solicitors. 4. Performance Charges a. Students in the school of Music, Media and Performance have traditionally been encouraged to get involved with and stage performances outside of their course and use of the University performance spaces (Robert Powell Theatre and Adelphi Studio Theatre) has always been free for current and alumni students to use. b. In September 2010, without consulting the student body or the Students‘ Union the Director of Performance introduced a charge of almost £50 an hour for students who want to put on their own work as part of a society or group. Some students already had shows booked and planned on the understanding that it would be free and they were not informed otherwise. c. Since September, the Union has been constantly attempting to have this decision reversed but the school refuse to consult with us or discuss the issue further. This uncooperative attitude has forced us to try and find alternative ways to help these students and so our Activities Development Unit has revisited their budget and agreed to cover the charges for members of performance based societies. This will ensure that these societies can continue to exist and thrive despite the road block they have faced. 5. Withholding academic results / qualifications due to non-academic debt a. Following an enquiry from a student at the Advice Centre, and contact from other students‘ unions regarding a recent Office of Fair Trading (OFT) ruling, it was decided that we would investigate the University‘s procedure for dealing with nonacademic debt, specifically accommodation fee debt. b. The official University document ‗Academic Regulations for taught programmes 2010/2011‘, section 7. ‘Student Debtors’, states that the University can withhold academic results from student debtors, even for debts which are not academic related. The Sabbatical team agreed that this was inherently unfair, as the University‘s role as landlord should be kept separate from its role as education

provider. Students who choose to live in University accommodation should be treated no differently from students who do not. c. The OFT has recently decided in the case of Kingston University and others that this kind of policy is incorrect and possibly illegal. Although the ruling has yet to be tested in court, it has provided enough leverage for other students‘ unions to persuade their universities to change the regulations. d. The Sabbatical team contacted the University‘s Head of Progression and also the University‘s Financial Controller in order to confirm the current regulation and the potential for it to be changed in the light of the OFT ruling. Managers in Student Life have now also been involved, and the issue is receiving attention at various levels. The Sabbatical team are confident that a change in regulations can be achieved, and will report to Council on progress. 6. Nursing Assignment Feedback a. Undergraduate students in the School of Nursing receive feedback on their assignments in the form of annotated scripts which are left in open boxes near the School office for one week. b. Student reps alerted the College VP that this system was causing various problems for students. Firstly, because the scripts were left unattended in a box, a number were going missing; potentially being picked up by students in other years for an insight into assignment content. Where a script had gone missing, there was no way of the school providing a copy. Secondly, the one week time window caused significant problems for students on placements who were unable to travel to Salford to pick up their work. c. The College VP has been working with the Nursing School Rep since before Christmas on this issue and has yet to see a satisfactory arrangement implemented. The Head of School has been lobbied but due to the fact that all feedback will be electronic by September, he is reluctant to do anything. It is a highly frustrating situation and is still ongoing.



To inform Student Council of the issues discussed by the Students‘ Union Trustee Board on 6 April 2011


To notify the chair in advance of the meeting if any points require discussion

A summary of the Trustee Board meeting of 6 April 2011 1. Finance An updated set of the Union‘s management accounts, along with a draft budget for 2011/12 was received by the Trustee Board. It was noted that final budgets will not be known until the University have confirmed the level of funding it will provide for the Union for 2011/12. 2. Elections The Trustee Board discussed the recent Union elections, and noted that a review of the elections process may involve changes to the regulations and the addition of an IT acceptable use policy. 3. External Trustee The Trustee Board noted that as one of the external trustees is due to finish their role, recruitment for a replacement should begin soon. 4. Sport England Active Universities Fund The Trustee Board noted that the Union had successfully bid to fund a ―Give Sport A Go‖ programme and would receive £190,000 over the next three years to get students involved in football, netball, squash, badminton and basketball. The Board noted that this was a major achievement for the Students‘ Union.



To inform Student Council of the issues discussed by the Sabbatical Officers at University Committee meetings


To notify the chair in advance of the meeting if any points require discussion

1. University Council a. University Council is the governing body of the University. Ricky and Caroline sit on University Council. Since January the Council has discussed various topics, however the two which will have significant impact on students are the University Restructure and Tuition Fees for UG Students for next year. Full details on the University restructure can be found at and there is a paper in this pack under ‗policy decisions‘ to be discussed by Student Council b. The second key area is in relation to tuition fees for UG students. The Sabbatical Officers were invited to two meetings prior to the Governors meeting with initially the Vice Chancellor and secondly the Deputy Vice Chancellor. At the first meeting, we insisted that the University should set fees in relation to cost rather then what the market rate should be. We further insisted that there should not be cross subsidisation of Undergraduate and Postgraduate fees. We also made clear that we support large bursaries rather than fee waivers. The second meeting was to discuss the particular details of the variable fee offering, the officers did raise concerns about variability but also the illogical sense i.e. lab based courses were lower in cost than other courses. We were also informed the University was considering charging for placement years, this was something we have always been strongly opposed to. This then started the lobbying of the independent governors and we managed to get the governors to agree that would not start charging for placement years except for the actual costs incurred by the University. This was a real positive as Salford is one of a handful of Universities that does not charge for placement years. For detailed information on the University‘s tuition fees visit 2. University Senate a. University Senate is the highest academic body within the university, Ricky and Caroline are members. The two key issues that were debated included regulation 8.8.2 and the reduction of late submission period. b. 8.8.2 is a regulation that was brought in that allowed students to be expelled if they did not complete the final assessment for their course, including handing in their final assignment, or attending their final exam. A large number of students were affected by this regulation, a the Union Advice Centre helped many with appeals. After strong Union lobbying for 18 months Senate has now approved a new regulation that is much less draconian. c. The second issue was the reduction of late submission period, i.e. reducing the period of time following a deadline that students can still submit their assignments, something the Union strongly opposed. Although it has been agreed not to reduce the period at this time, it is likely to appear on the agenda again.

3. Academic Audit and Governance The Academic Audit and Governance Committee is responsible for the oversight of academic audit of regulations, policies and procedures and advises Senate on the operation and effectiveness of academic governance and academic activities. Ricky is the student member. The key success has been that the Union has managed to secure an Academic audit on careers provision, this is fantastic as it was the first time the Union had submitted an audit. Ricky is a member of the audit team, which will be evaluating the scale and effectiveness of careers advice provision within schools. 4. Academic Programmes and Partnerships Committee The Academic Programmes and Partnerships Committee advises Senate on the maintenance of academic standards through oversight of the approval, amendment and review of taught programmes and the approval of collaborative provision leading to awards of the University. Caroline is the student member. This year‘s committee has been critical as it has been overseeing the Academic Portfolio Review, which is a project to reduce the number of programmes offered by the University. The Union does have some concerns about the poor management of the process but also the end result of the reduction in the number of programmes. 5. Research Committee Research Committee advises Senate on the development, promotion and performance of research and innovation and on the assurance of the quality of the postgraduate research student experience. Caroline and Bronwyn Platten (a Postgraduate Research student) are the student members. There have been a number of changes made which affect the postgraduate student experience. The first issue was the introduction of fees for students seeking an extension beyond the standard four years and the Union was against this but was outvoted. More positive changes are more support for research students so they aren‘t found guilty of academic misconduct and progression points which are monitored more closely so that students have the support they need to complete their studies on time.



To inform Student Council of the issues relating to the National Union of Students (NUS)


To notify the chair in advance of the meeting if any points require discussion

1. NUS is the National Union of Students. The Union's affiliation to NUS was re-confirmed by a cross campus referendum in March 2009 which resulted in 98% of voters voting "Yes" when asked if the Union should continue to affiliate to the NUS. The Union is currently the most active it has been in recent years in NUS; this is due to various reasons including former Salford Sabbatical Officers Alan Bailey and Usman Ali both being full time officers of NUS. Ricky is also currently a student board director for the NUS Services which is the purchasing consortium and commercial arm of NUS. Since January USSU has participated in the following events: 2. NUS National Conference a. Delegates for National Conference were elected alongside the sabbatical officers. The current President and President elect take places as ex officio. The full policy that was debated can be found at: We did not submit any motions to conference however Salford Students‘ Union did speak on the following motions. Motion 101 Constitutional Ratifications – For Jack Speight, Against Ricky Chotai Motion No: 701 Incorporation of NUS: For Ricky Chotai Amendment No: 702a Keeping NUS Elections for Students: Against Ricky Chotai b. Special thanks to all the delegates is noted, in particular to Jack Speight for speaking on the first motion of conference, but also for standing to be a trustee of NUS. Key debates included: A vote whether to have a national demo in the Autumn term To fight any increase in Postgraduate Taught fees Enhance Students‘ Employability Incorporation of NUSUK Affiliation to the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts 3. NUS Disabled Students Conference Joe Kirwin represented the Union at NUS Disabled Students Conference, he will brief Heather on what took place and any ideas he has for supporting and campaigning for disabled students here at Salford. 4. NUS Black Students’ Conference Takes place 21 and 22 of May. Motions have been submitted from Salford these can be found at 5. NUS Sections Postgraduate Conference Caroline and Tom represented the Union at the NUS Sections Postgraduate Conference. They came back to Salford with a whole set of ideas of how to engage more Postgraduate students in the Union.

6. NUS LGBT Conference Council members Harriet and Katy attended this year‘s LGBT conference in Sheffield. 7. NUS Services Convention Caroline and Ricky represented Salford at NUS Services Convention. NUS Services (NUSSL) is the purchasing consortium and commercial arm of NUS and the convention is an opportunity for staff and elected officers to get together and share best practice with each other. It is also an opportunity for the company to report what it has done over the last year. This includes the areas of Business and Enterprise, Purchasing Scrutiny and Environmental and Ethics. The convention also includes the company AGM, which Ricky chaired part of. The key areas that were approved was a new company plan (further details at and approval to affiliate to the Workers Rights Consortium (further details at



For Council to discuss, debate and direct issues of the representation work of the Sabbatical Officers


Discuss and debate the issue outlined, and make recommendations where requested


If you would like to submit an issue for Student Council to discuss at their next available meeting then please fill in the form below and e-mail to or hand it in at the General Office. Please be aware Student Council will discuss the issue and possible points of action as described and will word any further action or recommendations as they see appropriate.

Name: Sabbatical Officer Team 2010/11

What is the issue? The Salford Bill of Rights: Feedback time 1. Since consultation with students on the Salford Bill of Students‘ Rights, the document has officially been launched and presented to the University. We are due to take the Bill to the University Learning, Teaching and Enhancement Committee (LTEC) and it has already been received and discussed at various college level committees. Certain sections of the bill have not been warmly received and particularly the recommendation on Assessment and Feedback which demands personalised feedback within three weeks. 2. The Pro Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is Professor Huw Morris, who has stated that while he agrees the University should be aiming to reduce the time taken to provide feedback, he does not feel that a three week time window is realistic. There are a large number of modules offered by the University with over 200 students registered; this makes a three week turnaround on assignment feedback unfeasible. 3. The current University regulations state that feedback should be received within 4-6 weeks of submission. The Bill of Rights currently states that this should be reduced to three weeks, but this now seems unlikely to happen in the near future. 4. Without the backing of the University in this area, students will not be able to use the Bill to successfully demand a three week turnaround on feedback. 5. The Students‘ Union maintains that the Bill of Rights is a document that should challenge the University and outline the fundamental rights of all students at the University of Salford.

How would you like Council to respond and what action would you like the University or USSU to take? 1. We would like Student Council to decide whether to maintain the current recommendation that students receive personalised feedback within three weeks of the submission of any assessment, or to change it to four weeks.


If you would like to submit an issue for Student Council to discuss at their next available meeting then please fill in the form below and e-mail to or hand it in at the General Office. Please be aware Student Council will discuss the issue and possible points of action as described and will word any further action or recommendations as they see appropriate.

Name: Sabbatical Officer Team 2010/11 What is the issue? University of Salford Student Charter 1. We have been asked for our input into a new ‗Student Charter‘ which will outline the rights and responsibilities of both students and the University. Although some work had been done prior to our involvement, we now have an opportunity to contribute to the final document. The initial project deadline is September 2011. 2. Last summer, a Student Charter Working Group led by the government department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and attended by representatives from a variety of higher education institutions and agencies, put together a toolkit to enable universities to create their own charters. The working group was jointly chaired by the President of the National Union of Students (NUS) and there was other students‘ union representation on the group. The full toolkit can be found at: The sample charter document is attached to this paper.

How would you like Council to respond and what action would you like the University or USSU to take? 1. We would like Council to discuss the content of the sample charter document and make recommendations that can be used to inform the Salford version of the charter.

3. Outline Student Charter — Draft example SU logo

HEI logo

Introductory sentence or two: referring to the institution‘s mission/vision; and outlining the process for developing the charter, the review process and the spirit of partnership between the HEI and the Students‘ Union. The HEI undertakes to: • Encourage its employees to treat students and colleagues equally and respectfully. The HEI undertakes to provide: • High standards of teaching, support, advice and guidance. • Access to activities that will enhance employability and personal development. • Regular continuing professional development for its staff. • Support for student participation in academic development and course management, including elections of representatives. • Access to counselling and advice on: health and welfare; accommodation; finance and careers etc. • Clearly defined access to library and IT facilities. The HEI undertakes to provide students with the following information: • Stated periods of notice for changes to timetable, cancelled classes, re-scheduling of content etc. • Clear deadlines and timeframes – in course handbooks – for feedback on submitted work. • A course handbook which details assessment criteria, contact hours, mode of delivery of course, examination arrangements and regulations, academic guidance and support, appeals and complaints procedures, professional requirements (if appropriate). • Course costs, payment options and deadlines, and an estimate of necessary additional costs. Students undertake to: • Treat staff and their fellow students equally and respectfully. • Attend induction, participate in timetabled classes, attend meetings with tutors etc. • Obtain agreement from their Department, in advance, for any essential absences. • Take responsibility for managing their own learning: actively engaging in their course; ensuring they spend sufficient regular time in private study, and participating fully in group learning activities.

• Submit assessed work by stated deadlines, actively participate in feedback • Make prompt payment of charges made by the institution. • Support course representatives and participate in systems which will lead to improvements in the quality of learning and teaching. • Respect the physical environment of the institution, including accommodation and behave respectfully towards neighbours. The Students‘ Union undertakes to: • Support all students to ensure they receive equal treatment and are aware of their rights and responsibilities. • Support student participation in quality enhancement activities – especially through the election, development and training of course representatives. • Assist students with academic and welfare problems. • Represent the interests of students at local and national level. • Support active student/community engagement, especially as regards combating antisocial behaviour. • Provide a range of athletic and social clubs and societies to enhance personal and professional development.

Date last reviewed and who by (e.g. University Committee): Signatures of Vice-Chancellor and SU President: Further Information: Names and contact details of lead staff member and student officer. NB For further examples of current charters, see



For Council to discuss, debate and direct issues of the representation work of the Sabbatical Officers


Discuss and debate the issue outlined, and make recommendations where requested


If you would like to submit an issue for Student Council to discuss at their next available meeting then please fill in the form below and e-mail to or hand it in at the General Office. Please be aware Student Council will discuss the issue and possible points of action as described and will word any further action or recommendations as they see appropriate.

Name: Sabbatical Officer Team 2010/11

What is the issue? University Restructure 6. The University announced a Restructure of University Professional Services. 7. The officers have met with trade unions, senior management and have written to all students on this issue. The key concern is the impact on the student experience during and after the restructure. 8. Currently the Union has only been given information on phase 1a, we believe there will be further rounds of potential redundancies of staff in 1b and phase 2. 9. In phase 1a the restructure is at the college level, the Union is particularly concerned about the support for Postgraduate Research students. 10. The School of Languages and the School of English, Sociology, Politics & Contemporary History will be merging in August 2011. 11. The schools in the College of Health and Social Care are to be reconfigured and will reduce from 3 to 2. How would you like Council to respond and what action would you like the University or USSU to take?

1. Council to scrutinise the work taken to date on this issue. 2. Make any suggestions to the strategy the officer team is taking. 3. Mandate the new officer team to make this a priority campaign for the next academic year.



Items submitted by students / Council members


Discuss and debate the issue outlined, and make recommendations where requested

UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD STUDENTS’ UNION STUDENT COUNCIL If you would like to submit an issue for Student Council to discuss at their next available meeting then please fill in the form below and e-mail to or hand it in at the General Office. Please be aware Student Council will discuss the issue and possible points of action as described and will word any further action or recommendations as they see appropriate.

Name: Katie Taylor/Harriet Phipps Subject studied: English Drama and Performance/Politics and Criminology Student Council LGBT rep/Student Council and LGBT Society Co-Chair What is the issue? We feel the Union and University could be doing more to support and help LGBT students and staff. We feel certain changes need to be made in order to facilitate their needs. Such as the following: 1. Gender Neutral Toilet: The student Union, must have disabled access and available facility for the use of staff and students alike. 2. Mental Health Services: Make mental health services more accessible, More trained counsellors (Students shouldn't have to wait 11 weeks for an appointment) remove stigma, encourage support, services need to be more obvious and available. 3. Mental Health Training: For those where it is necessary to know first aid, mental first aid should go alongside it. 4. Trans and Gender Fluid: Training and guidance for staff and students around gender issues e.g. Trans, Genderfluid, Androgyny. (Having spoken to Ricky we understand a level of this is already being undertaken however would like clarification on the details and extent) 5. Drug Awareness: Work with Students for Sensible Drug Policy UK (SSDP) who are nationally affiliated with NUS

How would you like Council to respond and what action would like the University or USSU to take? 1. We would like these points to be put on an agenda for the student council to discuss and decide what appropriate action can be taken and what support the LGBT Society have with any active campaigns in regards to these issues.



Items submitted members






Discuss and debate the issue outlined, and make recommendations where requested

UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD STUDENTS’ UNION STUDENT COUNCIL If you would like to submit an issue for Student Council to discuss at their next available meeting then please fill in the form below and e-mail to or hand it in at the General Office. Please be aware Student Council will discuss the issue and possible points of action as described and will word any further action or recommendations as they see appropriate.

Name: Stephen Mann Subject studied: What is the issue? Students do not seem to have too strong a voice via the SU on what goes on in terms of accomodation. Cleaning charges being introduced yet being widely criticised by students in halls, disciplinary representation for students who are not allowed back into halls or have been thrown out of them. This will also help raise the standard of accomodation by trying to introduced things that students broadly want there yet are not being implemented e.g. the postal issue.

How would you like Council to respond and what action would like the University or USSU to take? I think it would be an idea if council could discuss ways in which we can try and make sure students living in halls are better represented be it via a system of student reps or via a halls discussion forum.



Items submitted by students / Council members


Discuss and debate the issue outlined, and make recommendations where requested


If you would like to submit an issue for Student Council to discuss at their next available meeting then please fill in the form below and e-mail to or hand it in at the General Office. Please be aware Student Council will discuss the issue and possible points of action as described and will word any further action or recommendations as they see appropriate.

Name: Paul Dennis

Subject studied: Popular Music & sound recording

What is the issue? The situation is that whilst Chapman building is being refurbished there is a plan to use peel hall as a substitute for lectures etc. The plan is to replace the audience and seating area of Peel hall with desks/tables. The substitute desks will be semi movable, but the amount of time needed to clear the hall in preparation for a concert would be unreasonable and inconvenient. For one year, this would render the Hall from being used as a music venue, which is it's primary function. As a student representative I have taken it upon myself to represent the students of PMR and BAmusic. My two main points of concern are: 1) The music department, students, and the head been consulted on this issue, and plans for the already been in process. This is outrageous and speak of behalf of the department in expressing

of music have not refurbishment have in hospitable, and I my annoyance.

2) Given the opportunity, a 100% majority of all of the students that I have liaised with would have voted against this temporary refurbishment of Peel Hall. They all felt strongly that it's primary use as a music hall, with live recording area, and the favored venue for performance exams should be preserved. Whilst these are the main usages for Peel hall it was also the intention of the head of music to make the hall more accessible to not just music students, but to the whole of the media department. For the small amount of hours per academic year that students would be attending lectures in the hall, they would rather to have the access to lap trays rather than refurbishment. Also, a third concern is that in the neglect of communication with

the music department I feel that this might be one of the 1st stages in not consulting departments with issues that directly involve them. This also makes me consider the possibility of Pell hall not being restored after one years refurbishment. Please include any relevant facts or background information: (You may submit further supporting information on a separate sheet or attach a document if e-mailing.)

How would you like Council to respond and what action would like the University or USSU to take? 1) On behalf of the music department I would like the USSU to request that Peel hall is not refurbished as a lecture hall and I have suggested that lap trays would be favoured over permanent/semi-permanent desks. 2) I also request that any future plans that directly involve a department should be initially consulted with the department itself.

Would you like to attend the meeting to present the issue and participate in any subsequent debate?

YES If yes please include your e-mail address so that we can contact you with the date, time and place of the meeting the issue will be discussed at.

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