Student Rep Scenarios

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Timetable problems Firstly discuss with the students to see who the problem affects. When you have done this you need to speak to the lecturers in question and explain the problem, then seek to find a solution. Perhaps the lectures could be held in another building or at another time that would be convenient to everyone? You would have to consider that some students work or may have childcare arrangements. When a solution is proposed, you would have to verify with everyone affected that it is a reasonable solution. Commenting on issues relating to your course Find out the views of the students on your course before you comment. Even though you are a student, you are also a representative, so you need to gather everyone's opinions before you can fairly comment. Students with library issues There is a representative from Library in each School who will deal with any queries that you may have. You can contact the rep at any time, just ask your school office for their details, or you may run into them at your staff/student committee meeting. Students accusing you of not representing their needs and 'taking sides' with the staff You must ensure that you are gathering the views of all the students on your course and keeping them up to date with issues raised at you staff/student committee meetings. You could always invite them along to see what happens, or ask for another vote to see if anyone else wants to run for student representative. An issue or problem with a lecturer This will always be a difficult subject to broach, as it may boil down to a personality clash between people. Firstly you need to check how many people this is affecting. If it is just one or two people, they must go and see the lecturer in question to talk to them. You may accompany them if they need support.

If it is a group issue, you need to talk to all the students in your group and ask for their views. If there are a few student reps, you all need to do this, then arrange a meeting with the lecturer. If you are the only rep and you don't feel comfortable in doing this you can contact the Student Representation Coordinator who can attend with you. You can ask your lecturer for a student consultation meeting, where an independent panel will hold a consultation event with your group and then write a report with advice for the lecturer. At this point the lecturer may take the comments on board and rectify them. If this doesn't happen, you need to go the Head of Department/School and report what has happened. If you still have no luck, you need to come and visit us here at the Students’ Union and we will advise you how to make a formal complaint. This isn't an issue that you should raise at a staff/student committee meeting it is only fair to tell to the lecturer in question about any issues relating to her/him. Â

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