Student Direct - Issue 14

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Issue 14 - FREE

Monday 15th February 2010



Student Direct:

t E di

Why has this woman got Meet Megan Barwick’s Manchester’s next knickers in a twist? musical success story

Happy Chinese New Year!

Page 04

Page 36

Dramatic Spending Cuts To Universities Across UK

Page 06

VC, Do You Love Me?

GOVERNMENT SPENDING cuts of almost £500 million to UK universities will lead to nearly 300,000 university applicants losing out on the chance to study next year, a new report by the University Colleges and Admissions service (UCAS) reveals. ● Full story on page 3

Ex-USSU President Up For National Position FORMER USSU President Usman Ali is running for the position of Vice President for Higher Education in the upcoming National Union of Students (NUS) elections later this year. ● Full story on page 3

Second Place For Last Regards SALFORD STUDENT band Last Regards have come runners-up in a national Battle of the Bands competition, which was judged by musician Frankmusik and several record company executives. Lead singer Matthew admits, “We hadn’t even played in Manchester before the London final!” ● Read the full interview on page 5

Vice Chancellor Martin Hall with USSU President Matt Webber

Luke Dunsmore News Editor • Students demand to know how tuition fees are spent and want student loans in on time • Requests for better facilities for performing arts and more support for international students are also heard • VC will read through the hundreds of requests and respond in Student Direct UNIVERSITY OF Salford students had their voices heard at the most senior level of the University last week as USSU President Matt Webber presented Vice Chancellor Martin Hall with Valentine’s Day cards from students as part of the ‘I ❤ My Uni’ campaign.

The cards, which have been given out to students over the last few weeks, were filled with concerns and suggestions about how life at the University could be improved. Matt Webber said of the campaign: “My hope is that students will use this opportunity to tell the Vice Chancellor what they would like to see change about their experience at Uni, but also what they like about the University already. Ideally we should be able to see recurring student issues that either the University or the Students’ Union can do some work on to resolve”. Professor Hall stated that the cards would all be read personally by him, in order to “establish any major themes” suggested by students. He added: “This will be a

survey for us based on direct information from students”. The cards contained a variety of themes and concerns, as well as praise for the various courses of study and the various schools. A number of students wrote of their concerns about the rising costs of studying and called for greater clarity as to where their money was spent. One student wrote: “Explain where tuition fees go to full time students who are in university one day a week.” Others asked for better support for international students, and better facilities for performing arts students to practice and perform in. Another recurring issue was parking, and the recent parking issues that many students have experienced at the University may

bring this issue into a more prominent light as a result of the ‘I ❤ My Uni’ campaign. Matt Webber said: “The VC has said he will write a general response to students through Student Direct. If there are particular issues related to the Students’ Union then I will look to address these through the paper as well. Overall I hope these


comments from students will help steer any necessary changes to what the University provides students.” Anyone who’d still like to complete a card will find these in Café Yours or USSU General Office in University House. Look out for the VC’s response to your postcards in an upcoming issue of Student Direct.


February 15th 2009 / Student Direct

Student Direct:




E di




Hi Everyone!

This week, hundreds of you wrote to the Vice Chancellor and told him what you’d like to see the University do to make your time at Salford a better experience. We’ll be keeping you up to date with any improvements and changes that are being made after you handed in all of your suggestions. It was also announced this week that thousands of students will miss out on a university education next year due to spending cuts from the government – let’s just hope that the money that Lord Mandelson has saved won’t have to be given out as jobseekers allowance when the 300,000 students who won’t gain a place at University next year are then competing with each other for the country’s sought-after jobs…Take care – Steph

THE NOMINATIONS for USSU’s election candidates are in- find out who could be running your Union next academic year by /elections. Who is elected to represent Salford students at the University is your decision. Check out the 1 March issue of Student Direct: Salford Edition to read all about the candidates and what they are standing for. It may be too late to nominate yourself as a candidate in the elections,but if you're running the Yes or No campaigns for USSU's Constitutional Change campaign (the closing date for both nominations and campaign electives was Friday 12 February) you still have until 12pm this Thursday, 18 February to send in your publicity campaign. Following a change in the law, later this year all Students’ Unions across England and Wales must become fully registered charities with the Charity Commission. USSU would like to amend its

constitution to simplify the process of registering, and will put this decision to students during the elections. You’ll find more details about the proposed changes at: The Union will provide funding for both a Yes and a No campaign, and those who are runningthe campaigns will be able to attend the training events held for other candidates in the elections. By attending these events, you’ll gain some ideas on good publicity techniques, and tips on how to go out and campaign on the referenda questions. To find out more, contact USSU President Matt Webber on Voting in the USSU elections will open on Friday 26 February, and close at 4pm on Thursday 4 March. Check your University email account for an invitation to vote. Further information about the elections can be found at:

Page 07 Ex-USSU President Runs for National Position

Over 1,300 Students Screened for Chlamydia

News Features

The Gossip Gordon’s Got Talent It’s A Strange World

Page 03 Comment

Page 04 Features Interview: Last Regards The Week in Pictures

Page 05 (re)View

Page 06 Your Space Your Space Horoscopes V.I.P Amanda’s International View


Break Time Can’t Cook, Will Cooks Poetry The Blue Belle

Page 36 Advice

Page 37 Union Page

Page 38 Sport Sport The Week in Quotes BUCs Fixture List Salford’s Swimming team

Page 39 Sport Mersey Success for SUBC

Page 40

Salford Fundraisers Bag Top Prize Emily Barker TWO FUNDRAISING Jailbirds from Salford broke out to scoop a top prize at the Just Giving Awards on 5 February. David Wood and Simon Painter travelled across the world with only orange boiler suits, flip flops and passports to their name as part of a charity jailbreak to raise funds for the University of Salford based charity KidsCan who help to improve research and treatment for children with cancer. Wood and Painter were awarded the prize for ‘Most Innovative Fundraiser’, beating the ‘Rage Against the Machine for Number 1’ campaign to the top spot. The two partners in crime managed to get from Manchester to Cairo; going through seven countries, across three continents and both hemispheres in just 30 hours. They raised over £1,500 for the Jailbreak, and got an extra £1,000 for bagging the prize. Chris Swinton from KidsCan said: “This award is thoroughly well deserved. As we

Jennifer Longworth FORMER USSU President Usman Ali is running for the position of Vice President of Higher Education with the National Union of Students (NUS). With the strong belief that Higher Education is for both mature students and those leaving college, Usman is hoping to be voted into the NUS later this year. He said: “With the economy still suffering and youth unemployment at record levels, it’s more important than ever to continue to invest in Higher Education.” Usman has already made many contributions to Salford student life. He started out with his role as Student Representative to Salford’s Islamic Society, and was elected as USSU President from 2008-09. The approach Usman has to the work he does has been

receive no statutory funding, we rely entirely on people like Simon and David to keep us going, and it’s great that their achievements have been recognised.” The team used Facebook, Twitter and GPS tracking to keep people up to date with their trip and donations were made through the Just Giving website. The two men have been keen fundraisers since their days at university. They are part of a group called the Ragabonds which is made up of graduates wishing to continue with the charitable work they did while studying. Their website can be found here:

described as ‘innovative, fresh and dynamic’ and he is grounded in his roots as a Muslim. A fellow student said: “Usman is actually the most open and honest guy I’ve ever met in the movement.” Those close to him have given him the nickname ‘Mr. Reliable’ due to his driven, motivated and committed nature. Usman worked hard with his fellow students to get Salford’s Islamic Society and all other Islamic Societies in Manchester recognised by the nationwide organisation, FOSIS (Federation Of Student Islamic Societies).

Usman Ali

When elected as President, he received the highest number of votes for USSU President in ten years. Usman said: “There wasn’t a single day that I woke up and didn’t want to go into the Students’ Union... I was proud to be at the forefront of a Students’ Union that under my leadership revolutionised student engagement and academic representation.” If he is voted in as Vice President of Higher Education with the NUS, Usman plans to stay just as committed to engaging students in the process of invigorating Higher Education issues, like better funding, increased access and widened participation. Martin Hall, Vice-Chancellor of University of Salford said of Usman: “At the heart of his approach is a strong belief that university education should be valued and widened to all who have the ability to succeed, whatever their background and circumstances.”

Steph Bartup Editor USSU AND NHS Salford joined forces for several weeks in an attempt to raise awareness and rid infected students of the Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Chlamydia. Health promotion teams managed to screen 1,318 students over 18 days during December and January. Vice President of the Students' Union Ricky Chotai said: "The Students' Union were extremely pleased with the amount of students who volunteered to be tested for Chlamydia. It's great to see so many young people taking their sexual health seriously and realising the importance of being checked out for STIs." NHS Salford’s Health and Wellbeing Officer for Sexual Health Stacey Adams said: “We’re really pleased with how our campaign to target under 25’s is going. It’s really important people are checked out for this STI as many people do not even experience symptoms so are oblivious that they have it.”

Contacts @ Student Direct: Salford Edition POSTAL ADDRESS: Student Direct University of Salford Student’s Union University House Peel Park Campus Salford, M5 4WT

Read Student Direct: Salford Edition online at:

ADVERTISING POSTAL ADDRESS: Student Direct University House The Crescent Salford, M5 4WT Editor: Stephanie Bartup Phone: 0161 351 5432 Email: Advertising: Phone 0161 351 5402 Email:

Student Direct Contact List 2009-10 News Editor: Luke Dunsmore Features Editor: Gemma Blackman Comment Editor: Laura Johnson Arts Editors: Mazher Abidi Tom Miller

Poetry Editor: Mishal Saeed Sports Editor: Jonathan Macpherson Photography Editor: Drew Forsyth

News 03

Student Direct / February 15th 2009

It’s a Strange World...

Caroline Steer LIKE MOST females I am a massive chocolate lover; chocolate is definitely the way to my heart. However, recently I have been getting such bad cravings that I’m pretty much eating it every day! I’ve even resorted to eating all the remaining yucky chocolates left over from Christmas; what is wrong with me?! So, in my quest to battle my cravings, I decided to read a bit of news in the hope that it would take my mind off chocolate for a bit. Imagine then, my dismay when I came across a very odd story about a chocolate fashion show in Shanghai. Every year, chefs and clothes designers from around the globe put their heads together and create edible garments, which are showcased at Paris Salon du Chocolat. Brilliantly, although these delectable designs are made from chocolate, they do not melt under the spotlight. This year marks the 15th Anniversary of Paris Salon du Chocolat, and since it began it’s visited Tokyo, New York and Moscow. Organisers of the show, Sylvie Douce and Francois Jeantet said: “On all three continents, the exhibition reveals the same social phenomenon: the enthusiasm chocolate generates, the pleasure it provides, the well being it provides and the passion of the chocolate makers who transform it.” They claim their decision to combine chocolate and fashion together was based on the fact that they are both ‘accessible to everyone.’ Right, now where’s that vending machine? I fancy a Mars bar…

One of the chocolate creations

Thousands to Miss Out on University Education Steph Bartup Editor MORE THAN 300,000 students are set to miss out on University education across the country next year, according to a report published by the University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) this week. There has been a 23% increase in the number of students applying to study at University this year- information which was revealed just days after Lord Mandelson cut University budgets by almost £500 million. UCAS also reported that by 22 January, which was the main admissions deadline for most courses in the UK, 570,556 potential students had applied – nearly 30% more than in 2009. Applications from mature students have also increased by over 63% in the past year. Andy Wyatt is 33, and applying to study his first degree in IT. He says: “I work for a small firm in the human resources department at the moment- it’s quite scary because people are being let go on a monthly basis. We’ve been badly affected by the recession, and I feel that I need to up my game for the job market, and get some new skills

so that I can compete with the younger ones coming out with all these qualifications.” And this competitive nature looks set to continue- an estimated 800,000 students will be applying for just 500,000 places this year, putting more pressure on A Level students as well as those wishing to expand their skill sets with a new degree. It seems that all Higher Education institutes will feel the brunt of these cutbacks. The University of Salford’s Vice Chancellor Martin Hall said: “The reduction of funded places for British students through the Student Loan Company means that, in common with every other university, we are not allowed to expand our home intake, and will be fined heavily for every student we admit above our allocated student places. This, combined with the effects of the recession, which encourages people to seek better qualifications before competing for a job, is resulting in a large increase in applications for existing places in September this year. I fear that this means that many potential students will loose out".

The Political Perspective

with Chris Slater Gordon Brown and Piers Morgan

The Gossip Lucy Jones This week it has been rumoured that Simon Cowell is dating his American Idol make-up artist, Mezhgan Hussainy. Mezhgan (pronounced Mish-gon) has worked on American Idol since the first series, and also has her own range of make-up that she sells on home shopping channels such as QVC. The Daily Mail got the ball rolling when it captured pictures of Simon, Mezhgan, and two friends leaving Mr Chow’s restaurant in London. This was apparently a doubledate, and Simon’s way of making the relationship public; however Simon’s publicist Max Clifford says the pair are “just good friends”. Mezhgan also attended the taping of the ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ auditions in London, sitting front row with Simon’s good friend Sinitta. Having heard that Mezhgan is wanting to release a book highlighting her struggles growing up in Afghanistan, the cynic in me wants to say that this is all for publicity. One friend helping out another friend - and what better friend to get you a bit of free publicity than the most famous man in the country? This may be wishful thinking on my part (I don’t want Simon with anyone but Paula Abdul; or me if he was a bit younger- or I was a bit older- or we lived in Biblical times), but only time will tell.

Brangelina say they’re happy as ever

NO, WE’RE not assembling and culling the country’s student body; instead, here’s your weekly round-up of what’s been hitting the headlines at universities across the UK this week…

A COUPLE of weeks ago, David Cameron was measuring –up the curtains for Number 10. Britain was still officially in recession and the Labour Party was tearing itself apart with the now infamous ‘coup’ to overthrow Gordon Brown. However the political weather, it seems, may be slowly but surely changing. U-turns on spending cuts and married couples allowance have knocked their Tories off their stride. The latest polls show their lead has narrowed to between 7 and 9 points, leaving a hung parliament and David Cameron and the Conservatives way short of an overall majority they need to govern. But the biggest knock to the Tories’ chances fortunes could yet come in the unlikely form of Britain’s Got Talent host Piers Morgan. The Prime Minister has recorded a live two-hour interview for Morgan’s Life Stories to be screened on ITV 1 this Sunday. In it, Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah talk candidly about the death of their daughter Jennifer at just 11

days old, and how his son suffers from Cystic Fibrosis. Members of the studio audience have told of how Mr Brown broke down in tears at this point. On first glance it may look like a shameless piece of Blairite spin. The fact Morgan is a crony of former Labour spin doctor Alistair Campbell may not be entirely coincidental. David Cameron, of course also suffered a similar tragedy when his six-year-old son Ivan died last year. However the show could still carry considerable political capital for Mr Brown. Gordon has long been the big loser in the political image war. Seen as stern, serious and forlorn he has often been upstaged by the sharp and confident articulacy of Cameron and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg. Yet Brown has now opened up to the public and media like never before, and voters may see a side of his personality they didn’t know existed. Rumours of an early April election are now rife. Don’t rule it out; Sunday night could be the starting pistol for a very interesting election campaign.

Brangelina have begun legal proceedings in order to sue the News of the World for reporting that the couple were breaking up. The newspaper reported last month that the couple were drawing up a separation deal, agreeing to share financial assets and child custody. The couple’s lawyer told Sky News: “The News of the World has failed to meet our clients’ reasonable demands for a retraction of and an apology for these false and intrusive allegations which have now been widely republished by mainstream news outlets.” Brad Pitt has also been seen joking about the break-up reports by grabbing a friend by the arm and quipping “We’re back together”, then pushing him away and saying, “Now we’re broken up. Although the pair separating would be seen as a great win for Team Jennifer, I’m still glad for the sake of the children that the rumours are what the pair say they are, which is completely false.

Students’ Round-Up Grace Lander

Gordon’s Got Talent

Also this week, the supposedly squeaky clean Vernon Kay admitted to sending saucy texts and Twitter messages to page three model Rhian Sugden, behind his wife Tess Daly’s back. Kay’s spokesman confirmed the messages had been sent but added: “They never at any point had a physical sexual relationship.” The Sun newspaper were the first to print the allegations saying they had seen the messages but that they were “too explicit” to print. Later Kay admitted to texting four other women, and his wife is understandably said to be “devastated”. Tess has reportedly told friends that the “trust is gone” from their marriage. The friend added: “They are not going to split, that is not on the cards; but let’s just say he’ll be in the dog house for some time to come.”

Oxford Uni Bans Spotify Usage Students at the revered Oxford University were recently faced with a challenge to their liberty of listening to free streaming music on campus. Students living in university owned accommodation or studying in campus buildings are no longer able to use the well known Spotify service due to newly introduced Peer to Peer (P2P) restrictions. The Oxford University Computing Service has stated that the amount of pressure put on the servers by media P2P sites like Spotify and BBC iPlayer does not justify a network upgrade as they are not deemed ‘educational services’. In support of their decision, Oxford bosses state that sites such as these bring network speeds down across the University, hindering the academic work of other students trying to use the system. Students have attempted to get around the ban in various ways and have even set up Facebook groups denouncing the decision, but Oxford has yet to repeal the ban.

British Exchange Student Wins Chinese X Factor When Mary-Jess Leaverland ventured to the Far East to compliment her studies in joint Chinese and Music she certainly wasn’t expecting to hit the big time within months of getting there. The Sheffield student ended up on the hit Chinese show ‘I Want to Sing To the Stars’ when she won a singing competition for foreigners. Within weeks, she began performing songs for panels of judges to a televised audience of up to 70 million people. As the only foreigner on the show, she quickly became a hit and won the top spot with her rendition of the theme from the film ‘Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon’. Although she is

now being recognised in the Jiangsu province where it was broadcast, the prizes and fame that accompany the programme haven’t quite matched the UK counterpart despite the vast amount of viewers. She won £897, the equivalent of 10,000 Yuan, but no celebrity record deal. Mary-Jess, was elated with the prize regardless of size. “The money has really helped, and without it I wouldn't have been able to come home for Christmas.” she told reporters.

Twin Honours For Northumbrian Sisters Northumbria University helped celebrate a dual accomplishment recently as identical twins Lindsay and Sarah Dodds graduated with similarly identical degrees in Midwifery. Both shining students gained Honours degrees in their subject, and have now been taken on by Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary to work in their maternity department. The twins took the same GCSE’s and A Levels and were both independently interested in Midwifery when it came to choosing a university course. Delighted when Northumbria took them both on, they decided to specialise in separate sections within the course, with Lindsay adept in the delivery suite and Sarah more focused on the antenatal department.

Singing sensation Mary-Jess

04 Features

February 15th 2010 / Student Direct

(Telling it like it is, how it should be, or the better version.) Megan Barwick BOOBS. Now I have your attention… The concept of getting one’s knickers into a twist was recently given literal meaning, after OFCOM was ‘inundated’ with complaints about the latest M&S Christmas ad campaign. All SIX of them. It seems that somewhere in the country there are a few strange, sad men who for some reason object to seeing a pretty model in her lingerie. That said, perhaps it was just spurned housewives and people that the underwear wouldn’t fit. The televised advert features the sickeningly gorgeous French model, Noemie Lenoir. ‘Life on Mars’ actor Philip Glenister comments on what Christmas really means to him, and states; “Oh come on! That girl prancing round in her underwear!” to which a bar full of men agree enthusiastically. Ms. Lenoir then

appears in a pair of stylish satin hankies and sportingly asks, “Moi?” before showing what she’s got by twirling round in a big cardboard forest. Money well earned, I say; the amount of publicity those ten seconds of air-time created has surely done those little brown knickers very well. But tragically - in this age of porn, page-three, and Madonna in a Lycra leotard - six very sad individuals took offence at the

Noem ie Le noir


classy and sophisticated style of the advert content, and did what they were good at; they complained. Apparently a woman isn’t allowed to be beautiful in public, unless she’s giving you a hard on. I’m confused as to why after years of people practically appearing naked on milk-cartons, some individuals out there still faint at the sight of a woman’s ankles. I’m pretty sure they must have gotten their kit off at some point unless they’re true puritans who simply reproduce by shaking hands - so why decide to pick on helpless Ms. Lenoir? If I were one of the lumpier (but still lovely) ladies appearing on Gok Wan’s ‘How To Look Good Naked’, I would be r a t h e r affronted that nobody considered me a big enough threat to complain about. After all, why get angry at the sight of someone who shares the Average-Jane’s body, when you can vent your bitterness onto a pretty, streamlined young woman? The fact someone drew attention to the fact Ms. Lenoir is good-looking is the

SP T the Difference Tom Miller SO I recently managed to get Spotify after many months of dreaming about it. It's quite nice, you get songs and adverts. Torrents work the same way except you don't get adverts. And, the big clever thing that Spotify has over torrents is that the artists get paid. However, when I say they get paid, I mean they get next to nothing unless they're a big artist, and even then they're not getting much. Smaller indie labels or indie artists don't get an advance like the major labels and performers do, so they get what probably amounts to approximately 0.0003p or something per track. So, unless you're Lady Gaga (and thankfully not many of us are), you won’t get £300 for every one of the gazillion plays you get. Personally, I don't Fair sharing?

get how this is particularly morally right. I've been torrenting for years; I'm well aware I'm going to hell for it and I'm an evil human being with the worth of maybe a peanut, but I don't care - there's so much new music out there and I can't afford to buy it, what else am I supposed to do? Listen to the radio and get the same stuff played to me over and over? No thanks. You don't play anything off ‘In Rainbows’, I don't want to listen to you. So, here's actually what’s going on here - Spotify is as bad, if not worse, than torrenting. Because at least with torrenting you know the artist is getting nothing at allexcept the knowledge that their music is shared around and people are happy and all is well in the world- but the artist definitely doesn't get any money (but like, that's what touring is there for, yeah?). With Spotify, they're saying the artist is getting paid whatever the worth one listen of a particular song is. According to iTunes, that's 79p, because you’ve got to buy it. Spotify say it's 0.0003p per play, and my most played song on iTunes (and I’m a geek) is 70 plays, which doesn’t amount to much in the grand scheme of things. Torrenting folk say it's worth something, but we'd rather get it for free because it's free and we all like free. Yeah, the morals are terrible. I feel awful

every time I listen to my torrented music. I want to actually kill myself when I hear the opening chords of By the Way (nothing to do with the music, honest). But wait, we're forgetting the one big elephant in the room here - Spotify isn't illegal! Which makes it ok... because here's how it works, yeah? If something is illegal, then it must be morally wrong and if something is legal, it must be morally fine. And besides, Lord Mandleson said so, and he's down with the kids, isn't he? There's only so many ways of saying "FOR FORKS SAKE, WHAT THE FORK ARE YOU DOING?" but I feel this is the best way to say it:

FOR FORKS SAKE, WHAT THE FORK ARE YOU DOING? So yeah, if you want to go to heaven and see those lovely gates made out of MDF and painted gold, then use Spotify. Go for it. If you want to go to hell where all the evil scumbags that download music illegally go, keep torrenting. I figure, I've started; I may as well make the most of it. Besides, we get three strikes before we should ghost our IPs, anyway. Keep listening to the music kids, and remember; it's only bad if we're told it's bad.

real reason for this stupidity; she’s shown her tiny-whites before, and nobody ever complained about it then. Feminists may be angry that a young woman with potential to do well has dared to show evidence of her female DNA to the world; surely this goes entirely against the idea that a woman should be free, public and proud to be herself? After all, she has the right to dress however the hell she wants. Lenoir and the ‘Calendar Girls’ ladies are heroes to liberated women everywhere; classy, comfortable in their own image, and here to represent the womanly race by letting people see exactly what we are, instead of hiding beneath a crinoline of outdated beliefs. A girl is not a whore because she dresses well, or doesn’t hide who she is. M&S are hardly S&M. Sure, they picked a sexy young woman and slapped some sexy underwear on her, all in the name of grabbing attention and it was a good marketing strategy; they were advertising underwear after all. It’s no good showing a woman fully clothed and then explaining that underneath it all she’s actually wearing a nice thong that comes available in several pastel colours. At the end of the day, it was her decision to show what she was made of. She didn’t have to do the ad. Would pompous asses be happy to hear a lovely young woman was out of a job simply because she works as a model? If anyone here is a victim, it’s Ms. Lenoir. Imagine having Phil Glenister perving on you…

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A Cynic’s Eye View

Something for the Weekend? Matt Hambley HOW MANY of us out there can claim to have had problems with door staff before during a night out? By my own estimate, I would bet that most clubbers have either encountered - or know somebody who has encountered - door staff who have behaved in a thuggish and inappropriate way. How they behave can vary massively from just plain rudeness and threats, all the way to the very extreme cases, where door staff have reportedly taken people into the backroom for a beating. If we are subject to rude or rough treatment at the hands of bouncers, it’s our duty not to return, spend our money and time there, isn’t it? But for some reason we just accept the social stereotype, the human caricature that is the aggressive and rude bouncer. You wouldn’t accept it in a restaurant or a shop. If a waiter escorted you out of the restaurant with your arm behind your back for using the wrong cutlery, it would seem most out of place. However, if a club bouncer was to do the same thing for breeching a minor social grace in a darkened club after midnight it would be nothing out of the ordinary. I must say, however, that I have met bouncers who were entirely professional and perfectly polite and a credit to their trade. Indeed, most bouncers are just there to

earn a living, and are forced to put very rare for there to be trouble, up with insults and drunken, and normally there is a good vibe. aggressive behaviour from The reason for this is simply the customers on a daily basis. crowd; it is the people who attend that are responsible for the It’s all too easy to brand atmosphere, not any punitive bouncers as illiterate cavemen controls placed upon them. with no other desire in life other than to hurt people and exert There are many small licensed power. But as much as these rude and unlicensed underground and aggressive members of the nights with new upcoming DJs trade are in the minority, they are and bands all around the North still around. West, and in my opinion the general atmosphere is much However, although we do often friendlier and the door staff, if any, have to encounter undesirable usually behave accordingly. The bouncers, we always have at least people who run these nights have the possibility of undesirables a direct interest in the turning up to ruin decent atmosphere of the night and clubbers’ fun. In this prioritise it over any moneycircumstance, who do we need to making venture. stop them entering or throw them out? Well, that would be the There is no need to follow the bouncers - after all, that’s what words of Kurtz in the novel they’re paid to do. Heart of Darkness (and inspiration for the film So, I guess we are stuck with Apocalypse Now) unfriendly bouncers. Or are we? “exterminate all the Not every party needs to be brutes”… we controlled by the threat of just need to reprisals by bouncers. Take for keep the example the house and party basement parties that take secret place every weekend in from student areas around them. Manchester. The high Victorian ceilings seem purpose built for clubbing. Or on a larger scale the massive free parties that take place in derelict buildings, fields and air raid shelters throughout the nation. From the Bouncers: many I have attended, it’s Abusing their power?

Features 5

Student Direct / February 15th 2010

Interview: Last Regards Mazher Abidi Arts Editor FOR A student band starting out on the long road to discovery, there can surely be nothing better than winning a university battle of the bands competition. Unless, of course, that competition leads you to a national final in London; the Kitkat Battle of the Bands competition to be precise, which was judged by the likes of Frankmusik and various record company execs. Yet it is this exact path that University of Salford band Last Regards travelled along earlier this year. Formed in the summer of 2009, Jonathan Huntley, Alex “Milky” Unsworth, Jack

McElhinney, Matthew Cheetham and Chris Dickinson have recently returned from the big smoke with a runners-up trophy in hand, ready to spring into 2010 with the kudos of some industry big hitters still ringing in their ears. “It’s up there with the biggest thing we’ve ever done as a band,” acknowledges lead singer Matthew when he spoke to us recently. “We’re used to playing gigs in Wigan, Warrington, St. Helens…we haven’t even played in Manchester properly, so to go down to London was a big step in itself.” Playing in such exalted company frayed the nerves, as did being last to play on the bill, meaning having to sit through strong performances from the

competition beforehand, but a runners-up place is a real achievement. Reflecting on the three song set they played at the event, Matthew seemed to realise what the difference between coming first and second was. “Everyone loved ‘Find a Solution’ and ‘Pull the Trigger’, but ‘If All Else Fails’ was a bit long, and that was probably our downfall. But we were just happy to be there, so we can’t complain.” Perhaps testament to the band’s ability to work the room, however, is what else they managed to get out of the event. “We’ve become really good friends with the winners from Hull, and we’re hoping to go on a tour with them at some point,” reveals Matthew. And it is this subject of touring that

continuously crops up during the conversation. Summer festival slots are in the process of being booked for Leeds/Reading and Wakestock amongst others, with consideration also being given to Manchester’s In The City event for unsigned acts in 2010. Discussing the influences on their sound, Matthew paints a varied picture. “We don’t really aim to have a style; I’d say we describe ourselves as alternative, there isn’t a single clear influence.” A few bands do get a name check - Iron Maiden, Kiss, Jimi Hendrix, Paramore, Blink 182…but without a pattern, it does seem like this is a band where the collective influences come together to create a unique sound. “That’s probably the thing that works well for us, especially at gigs; all our different styles come together,” ponders Matthew. Being a university band, juggling lectures, practice and gigs is highlighted as the bands main challenge, as is finding gigs that are actually worth playing. However, things could be turning in that regard. “Even for support slots, you need some sort of contact in the press or someone, somewhere to get you in, but with the write up we got from this event, it should make that easier so we’re not doing the same circuit over and over again,” remarks Matthew in a hopeful mood. Sensibly, there is an appreciation that music cannot

Last Regards were runners-up in the national KitKat battle of the bands competition

necessarily be relied upon as a career choice until the band is signed, so the members’ respective degree courses are also being paid the necessary attention to! There are also some very concrete plans for the next few months on the back of what’s happened so far. “We’ll be recording and releasing at least two singles on iTunes around April, as well as getting support slots and festival slots confirmed.” The emphasis on moving forward, not resting on their laurels and trying to make the most of the opportunity and the press they’re getting right now is apparent throughout the conversation. That and the maturity with which the band discuss their music despite none of them yet being out of their teens points to a bright future for the band. There is a healthy mix of ambition, realism and creativity that shines through and that can only be a positive thing. We will be following the band and aiming to push their case forward on these pages when we can. For anyone who wants to follow them, they can do so on myspace ( lastregardsonline) as well as searching for them on Facebook. To see some online footage of Last Regards performing in the Kitkat Battle of the bands contest, visit

The Week in Pictures Drew Forsyth – Photography Editor

Here’s what has been going on around the Students’ Union and on campus this week; if you have any photos you would like to submit, please email them to me at, and we’ll include them in next week’s feature. Thank you to this week’s photography assistants, Keith Thompson, Emma Gornall and Holly Ann Hatcher.

VC e h T . . . . . . y y a a sd e Frid n d e W n o i t our c y u h d t i o r w p d ” e d t i n v is prese ‘Tales of O s postcard

Thursday . . .

Almost Famous perform West Side Story

What On Earth . . . Opposite is a photograph of something which has been zoomed in on- can you identify what it is? If so, email Photography editor Drew on . The first correct answer will win a prize which can be claimed from the Student Direct office in University House. So get guessing and good luck!

Shakira Investigates...

Yoga Shakira Flores-Heatley HELLO GUYS! Now that the new semester is really kicking off, some of us have loads of assignments piling up, some of you are still tackling work from last semester, others have major projects with very close deadlines approaching fast... the undeniable truth is that our stress levels are rocketing. For all of you stress victims, I have one word: Yoga. The ancient art of yoga is actually part of the six 'darshana', those being the systems of the orthodox Hindu philosophy. Yoga is a technique used to unite body, soul and mind. The followers of yoga are called 'yogi' for the men and 'yogini' for the women. Originally, yoga was deeply rooted in religion, as every aspect of this discipline was aimed at getting you closer to God. However, in western society and culture this union between the discipline and sacredness has been lost, leaving the focus on the connection and wellbeing of one's body and mind. The sessions of yoga I attend always begin with relaxation, followed by stretching, which allows you to learn to feel, know and understand your body, finishing with more relaxation (by which time I'm so chilled out I'm usually sleeping on the mat.) Embarrassing? Yes, but that is not the point. The point is, I reached my goal: I was finally relaxed; not to mention the increased flexibility! Yoga is truly a wonderful way to take away the pressure, the panicked thoughts, and allows you to get to know more people, as the relaxed mood just makes you feel right at home. The classes begin on Thursday 24 February, in Boardroom One, University House. Each session runs from 4.30pm-5.45pm and costs £3- there is no need to book, you can just turn up on the day! For more information on any of the Give It A Go events for this semester, details about booking deadlines or buying tickets go to For a full list of the Give It A Go day trips which USSU are hosting, turn to page 38 now! Have fun, enjoy, and remember to always Give It a Go!

06 (re)View

Student Direct/February 15th 2010

Hot or Not Tom Miller Arts Editor Massive Attack - 'Heligoland' (album) – Eight years on from their last non-soundtrack standalone LP, the album boasts vocalists like Albarn and Garvey. And it’s good, it really is. Los Campesinos - 'Romance is Boring’ (album) – Released quite clearly at the right time, and it’s also bloody brilliant. About death and football, apparently; it’s genuine good quality indie pop. The Maccabees featuring Roots Manuva - 'Empty Vessels' (single) – Roots Manuva is of course, a legend. The Maccabees are a good backing band to this tune, and it’s er, interesting. A Single Man – Colin Firth can in fact do serious roles. I know, it’s shocking! A good quality drama here, kids – not for the fans of awful movies. Seasick Steve - 'Songs for Elisabeth’ (EP) – An alternative Valentine’s Day gift, apparently. He’s still amazing, it’s just that love is ridiculously annoying at this time of year. The Wolfman – Far too much CGI for anyone, not enough romance in the storyline (’cos there should be more of it) and it’s not great. The music, however, is awesome.

Not Helping Haiti - 'Everybody Hurts’ (single) – Ok, go and buy it because it’s for an important cause, but you don’t have to listen to it. In fact, I’d advise to bypass the Simon Cowell route and just give money straight to Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief – From the guy who did the first two (terrible) Harry Potter’s comes this terrible fantasy fail about an underachiever that comes good and saves everyone. BORING. HIM - 'Screamworks: Love In Theory & Practice’ (album) – Remember when we used to listen to this kind of music and really appreciate the heartfelt lyrics and all the depressing type stuff? Yeah, well, we’ve grown up since then.

Subo lends a hand to the Helping Haiti song

Nicholas Benson THE PIECES of the puzzle are quickly falling into place for Manchester's latest musical hope, Lost Knives. Just over a year ago the band didn't exist; but now they are being talked about by fans of the Manchester music scene both locally and further afield. As they sit in a Manchester bar, Steven McInerney and Will Clutton have a serious discussion on the background music, highlighting one of the reasons behind the rise of Lost Knives; whilst other bands dream of fame and fortune this band focus on what is important - the music. The band, made up of George Agan, Steven McInerney, Will Clutton and Joe Craig, was originally named after Bright Eye’s single, ‘Hot Knives’. Unfortunately they became aware that the name had already been taken by a ska band but agree that they prefer their current name, which came about in a strange way at a Manchester club. “Lost Knives was from a flyer we were looking at in [Manchester nightclub] The Ruby Lounge,” recalls Will. “We just saw the flyers together and saw Lost and Knives and thought “That’ll do”,” adds Steven.

The Knives Are Out The band formed in October 2008 after Steven placed an advert in Dawsons. To some people the idea of forming a successful band through an advert may seem quite a difficult task.

“I wouldn’t say it's a big problem," says bassist Will. "I think it's quite a surprise but we are all tolerant of each other” Steven laughs: "Tolerant...we get on each other’s nerves!”

Lost Knives

Gemma Blackman STORM FORWARD’S production of five stories from Ted Hughes’ ‘Tales From Ovid’, in association with Almost Famous Theatre Company, had passion, lust, comedy, fear and magic. This highly anticipated production was Drew Forsyth’s directorial debut and with the support of Artistic Director Miriam Swainsbury, it was not a disappointment. From start to finish, the whole show was done to a very professional standard and kept the audience gripped throughout. The clever use of video clips before each short story brought the moral to a modern platform which kept the audience engaged, and the gradual build up of each story intensified the climax until they were on the edge of their seats.

Merzbow 13 Japanese Birds: Vol. 13 – Chabo Andrew Busby

Every cast member can be proud of their performance which made an incredible hour of entertainment that will not be easily forgotten by those lucky enough to have seen it.

Adam Green Live Lauren Mullineaux THE FIRST shock about Adam Green when he takes to the stage is the studded leather jacket and Lou Reed look, shattering the audience expectation of a shy young man in a jumper with his acoustic guitar Adam Green is definitely the black sheep and poster boy of the antifolk movement. Green himself has also been known as the man from The Moldy Peaches, as well as being the singer and co-writer of the song at the end of indie film Juno - not Michael Cera and Ellen Page as is commonly and wrongly assumed. This was definitely one for indie purists and not the mainstream. Clearly drunk as he took to the stage, he punctuated his songs with anecdotes of his rock and roll lifestyle and forays into the crowd for the occasional surf. It could easily have been a Stooges show, and he would definitely have felt the pain the morning after. Some of his greatest hits such as ‘Bunny Ranch’ were conspicuous by

their absence, replaced by older songs ‘Hard to be a Girl’ and ‘Jessica’ in a set primarily aimed at promoting current album Minor Love. That said, a gig that features a percussion interlude where the drummer shows off his dancing skills in tight pants and leopard skin shawl will always be able to mask the absence of crowd favourites. Deep grating vocals delivered with innocent undertones were a feature of the night, as well as complex guitar

cheerful conversation could write lyrics of a dark and moody nature. “We want to carve out our own route”, admits Will. Chatting about their style of music, Steven half-jokes: “I hope it has an effect on a person; not vomiting, obviously, or never listening to music again, though.” No one really knows what the future holds, but for Lost Knives it does look very promising. They have not allowed their growing success go to their heads as some others do when put in a similar situation, instead choosing to remain friendly and modest. “We’re hoping to get a single out in the New Year,” says Steven as Will adds: “Yeah, sometime around March”. “Hopefully we’ll still be here, things pop up out of nowhere, a year ago we didn’t exist,” laughs Steven. “We want to write loads more songs and keep gigging”. It is highly doubtful that they will not be here throughout 2010. On the contrary, it is highly likely that they could be one of the year’s breakthrough acts. The rise of Lost Knives so far is an inspirational tale, but now fans have to wait and see whether they can break through the glass ceiling. They may be called Lost Knives, but they are heading into 2010 with all guns blazing.

Buz’s Alternative (re)View

‘Tales From Ovid’ Every member of the cast gave an outstanding performance, particularly Ralph Corke whose portrayal of Pentheus was both powerful and breath-taking. A quick costume change and he was entertaining and creative with his depiction of Apollo, proving himself as a very accomplished and adaptable star of the future. Another outstanding performance came from Lee Lomas, who characterised one of the birds of fate excellently then took on the role of Tereus with flair and dedication. His powerful and evocative illustration left the audience reeling with shock. His scene partners, Lydia Anderson and Miriam Swainsbury helped to make this the most enthralling story of the five, with a conclusion so mesmerising that many did not want it to end.

“The eyes of music are always looking at Manchester,” remarks Steven, as he admits that being a ‘Manchester’ band has its benefits. Whilst discussing well known Mancunian bands, Will intervenes: “We’re not particularly like any of them”. Manchester is well known for its music scene and has a vast history of musical talent. Unfortunately for new bands this can be difficult to live up to. Whilst they try to make a name for themselves, more famous and well established Manchester based musicians work on side projects, averting eyes from fresh talent. “Most of it isn’t very good,” laughs Steven, with no sense of worry. “I think people like to look at newer bands, it’s fresh and different”. This definitely seems to be the case for Lost Knives. Within a year they have already been considered a “hot prospect” by BBC Manchester, have featured in NME Magazine and had air time on influential radio stations such as Radio 1, XFM and America’s KCRW. They also gained online coverage with their special session they performed for the BBC’s Electric Proms after being invited by DJ Steve Lamacq. It is difficult to imagine that the band who describe themselves as “quite jovial” and enjoy having a

structures being made to sound effortlessly simple, as all good music should. The band members were true musicians, with Green even pausing to tune his own guitars – a rare sight at modern gigs. With the evening culminating in a stage invasion, Adam Green getting a hug and the acquisition of set lists and stickers as souvenirs, the resulting bruises and antagonism of the Club Academy security staff was more than worth it.

Adam Green

MERZBOW IS a Japanese noise (or Japanoise) music legend, producing a mammoth amount of albums and sickening sounds for an obscenely long time, and this series of albums titled “13 Japanese Birds”, is no exception to the rule. The concept is simple; 13 albums in 13 months (this is in addition to all other releases during that timeframe. I know, right?). “Chabo” is the last release in the series, and I personally loved it. It was a one track album, a 51 minute epic which was titled “Resurrection”. The track starts with traditional Merzbow – awful sounding, rhythmic noise. I know that that sentence alone is enough to put people off listening to anything like this in their miserable lives, but seriously, the delight you can find amongst the harshness on these records is amazing. There are definite melodic and rhythmic qualities here, and in a sick, twisted sort of way, it’s really quite beautiful. Now most noise music I listen to, I get this much pleasure, and that’s it for the song, album, artist, whatever. Not anything

worth writing home about, or giving it a review. But every now and again, I come across something much better, such as this album. About 30 minutes in, an extra bit of noisy, over the top synth kicks in, giving the track a massive kick in the proverbial. My ears pricked up, and I figured that you lot should be subjected to this. This synth slowly builds up and up, cutting through the rest of the sludgy horror that is Merzbow, forming a couple of dissonant, awful, bleepy melodies, which keep changing, and getting more and more awesome. The latter half of this track is littered with awesome sounds and manipulation, showing that noise really, REALLY can be absolutely amazing. Yeah, it is still pretty hard to listen to, but every genre has its characteristics, right? Give it a chance.


February 15th 2010/Student Direct Gemma Blackman Features Editor EVERY WEEK, we’ll be featuring a Very Interesting Person (or V.I.P) from the University- this week, Performing Arts student Gemma Salusbury chats about her role on E4 online show ‘Brink’… Gemma’s journey into the spotlight began last year when she auditioned for a part on the popular Channel 4 programme Skins. She reached the final call backs, but unfortunately narrowly missed out on the part. A year passed, and Gemma thought that the opportunity had passed her by. The producers, however, kept her in mind and last April, they emailed her out of the blue with an idea for a show that they thought she would be perfect for. She sent in her audition tape and a nerve-wracking two weeks later she got the all important phone call telling her that she had been successful - she was flown to London the next day to film E4

V.I.P Gemma Salusbury

exclusive ‘Brink’. She says: “The lead role of Rachel was my first paid television role; I couldn’t believe I had this opportunity- I kept saying that they must have the wrong person!” But the producers were adamant and Gemma enjoyed herself so much that after three days of filming, she says: “Despite the long days, I didn’t want them to end”. At only 23-years-old, this has been a fantastic opportunity for Gemma, who says that she was recognised in Greece where she was working when the show

was put online. The success of the cult online show led to her getting herself and agent, and she hopes it will open many more doors in the future.


The short film is still available to watch online at and you can also see her in a show she has directed and will be performing in on 11 March at the Adelphi Studio.

International View

Gemma is in her final year of her studies, currently completing her Performing Arts degree, and this incredible opportunity is certain to make her CV stand out from the rest. If she is as successful as the producers of Skins think she could be, she will soon be joining household names such as Sir Ben Kingsley, Christopher Eccleston and Emma Atkins on the list of the University of Salford’s star-studded alumni. If you think you have what it takes to be a VIP and have an interesting story to tell, email Features Editor Gemma on and let us know!

Amanda Harrett

It’s Olympic fever! Well, it is for Canada anyway… IT’S A bit disappointing for me that the Winter Olympics are not as big a deal over here as they are in my home country, Canada. I guess it can be expected, as England isn’t really known for its winter sports stars- rugby and football are far too popular over here! But still, it’s a bit strange to be in a minority of people who are excited about the event. It’s especially significant for me this year as they are being held in Whistler and Vancouver, British Columbia, locations which are mere hours away from my hometown. To have the Olympics held there has been huge for our province- and as happy as I am to be in England, it’s quite gutting to have the Olympics so close to home and not be able to enjoy them as I normally do! Before I make myself sound like an overlyobsessed fan of the Olympics, I should mention that I don’t follow them religiously. In fact, other than hockey, I only occasionally follow the other events. And I think I’m biased to cheering Canada on in

Gemma on the set of ‘Brink’.

Weekly Horoscopes with Mystic Mishal

Remain calm and you'll shine. Passion should be your goal. You will be best suited to doing things around the house or inviting friends over for a visit this week; but don't hesitate when it comes to taking on a project or making plans. Extra energy will compliment your organisational skills, making the perfect combination to handle almost anything. Don't allow personal problems to conflict with professional duties. Expect to feel a renewed energy and perspective on things, especially those that are work related. Make the most of this by working toward finishing projects that are waiting for you or by cleaning and organising your desk or closet. Work is definitely on the back burner, although you could be inspired to do something to beautify your home or surroundings. Don't count on others to cover up for your shortcomings. Your emotions have taken a short vacation, giving you some time to reflect on when and where you are going. If something puzzles you, an older, wiser head may give council. Practice meditation; do something that will be stimulating and creative. Make inventive changes to your residence. Go out for walks often this week. Perhaps there's some yard work that needs to be done or furniture you want to move around. On the fun side, you might want to get to the gym for a workout or swim. Phone conversations are fun; you always have many interesting things to say. There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. Get involved in groups and organisations that are of a distinguished nature.

hockey because, let’s face it; that’s what we’re known for. As for getting ready for the Olympics, the planning and preparation that occurred over the past couple years has been remarkable, with the main aim being to clean up the province as much as possible. Campaigns encouraging healthy eating and quitting smoking were only the beginning of improving the quality of living for British Columbians, as officials worked hard at making British Columbia a suitable place for holding the Olympics. Then of course, there was the preparation for the games themselves- setting up all the event courses, not to mention organising accommodation for all the volunteers and athletes visiting. My friends back home are actually on a break from university while the Olympics are on, so the schools and universities can be used as housing. I found something ironic: all of the skiing events are being held in Whistler, where there’s plenty of snow. The snowboard events, however, are being held in Vancouver, where there is no snow. Instead, they were forced to bring fake snow in by the truckloads, which seems pretty strange! It’s very uncommon for Canada to have had such a small snowfall this year. It seems as though England took our snow... But I think all the hard work and planning paid off. It’s definitely an event our province won’t forget. So, in the spirit of the Olympics – let’s go Canada!

You have a super-sensitive awareness of the moods and needs of others, making you a fine teacher. Your instinctive orientation at this time is toward getting down to basics and getting organised for tax time or perhaps an accountant. If you are not flexible, others could respond to your ideas in a negative way. Fresh air and physical exertion will lend much to your health this week.

It won't be surprising if you find yourself getting frustrated with a close friend or partner this week who is far less ambitious than you. Your emotions are so close to the surface that anyone could read them from across the room.

Before you proceed, be sure to talk your plans over with those they will affect.

Use your good relationships with friends and loved ones this week to get some group activities going. Do whatever it takes to have some fun and get some fresh air. Do not ruffle feathers if possible. You will upset your partner if you have spent money on things that aren't necessary. There is an interest in religion and philosophy--with many questions about mysterious topics like your purpose in life.

Try not to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. You will find others want to join in the conversation- ensure that input and ideas from people are welcome. These contributions not only reinforce and widen your vision and fill in gaps, but also give you insight. Your nurturing side is easily expressed this week.

Try to relax- anxiety can be paralyzing. Put your efforts into moneymaking ventures. Stabilize your own position by locking up your savings.

Your experiences will be out of the ordinary and you will likely feel generous.

You take an interest in social activities and volunteer work. However, this could be the week you move, put things in storage or repair an existing housing problem. Clear instructions and conversations make for a positive quickend result. Even if you don't consider yourself artistic, you may surprise yourself if you give a project half a chance.

Great opportunities may soon emerge in work or in spiritual affairs. You face tremendous responsibilities in relationships with loved ones and are apt to have difficulty expressing your own wants and desires. Your mate is going to want and need some attention- you can be the one to help them if you spare the time.

You’re likely to find yourself feeling positive and energetic; and some fresh air, sunshine, and physical activity may be long overdue. You may not have the same ideas when it comes to what you both enjoy. You need to spend less time daydreaming and more time accomplishing. This is an excellent time to engage in activities with members of the opposite sex.

Trust yourself and do what it takes. Everything starts with a single step. Your drive to accomplish is high and your creative mind is lively and ready to be applied to whatever creative work you have decided to throw yourself into just now. Communication must be open, precise, and honest. Put your energy into moneymaking ventures. If you're single, get out there and you'll meet someone new.


February 15th 2009 / Student Direct

Student Meals

Can’t Cook, Will Cooks

Gemma Blackman Features Editor Typical student meals are famed for their cheapness and lack of originality… and that’s why we love them. But what is the ultimate student cuisine?

Crispy Pork Belly with Dipping Sauce

Ten: A mix of everything in your fridge/cupboard. This usually comes at the end of a semester when you have to eat all the things that will go off over the holidays, but can also happen on the morning after the night before when it seems too much effort to walk outside for something edible. Not advised wherever possible to avoid.

Nine: Jacket Potato. Stab a potato a few times, chuck it in the microwave for ten minutes, add beans, tuna, cheese or just butter and job done. Its charm is in its simplicity.

Eight: A pint of Guinness. It has been suggested that a pint of Guinness is healthier than most student meals and this is often the argument posed when cracking one open before lunch. But at only 170 calories a pint, why not?

Seven: Last night’s kebab. You know when you wake up the next morning after a heavy night and you can smell a strange odour in your room? You roll over and there on the floor next to the half empty vodka bottle is a half eaten kebab… getting out from under the covers seems a difficult task so the inevitable happens. Never a good idea but when did that ever stop us?

Six: Curry. Some like it hot, some don’t. It’s quick, it’s easy and nine times out of ten it actually resembles a proper meal.


Beans on toast. This deserves a spot just for its tenacity; after all there aren’t many meals we ate when we were three that we would still enjoy today!

Four: Take away. The appeal lies in the fact that it gets brought to you, requires no effort on your part and doesn’t even leave any washing up afterwards. What more could you want from a student meal?!


Full English breakfast. This is a meal you can have at any time of day. Sometimes you just need a plate so full of grease you can almost hear your arteries screaming out. How are we expected to eat good food when the bad food tastes so good?!


Cheese Toastie. It is simple, quick, satisfying and only 314 calories. Okay, so the calories might be a slight drawback but it sure does feel good to be bad, doesn’t it?!

One: Pasta. Any student anywhere knows that when you want something quick, easy, cheap and tasty you buy pasta. Because you can do anything with it; it truly is the best student meal. And the one winning factor: it’s almost impossible to ruin! Next week, we will be working out the top ten things more important than lectures so get your thinking caps on and let us know! Email Features Editor Gemma at with your ideas.

Stir Fried Rice

White Tiger INGREDIENTS • Orange vodka

This is a great addition for sharing with others as it makes great finger food. Pork belly is always the cheapest cut of meat but is full of flavour and can last a few days after by using in other dishes.

Will Chiswick

• Lemon juice • Syrup • Chinese rice wine METHOD

INGREDIENTS HELLO FOOD fans and happy Chinese New Year! While it is the year of the tiger this year, I realise that most students can’t afford tiger meat, and there’d no doubt be some moral qualms from certain quarters. However, I love any excuse to get out the wok and add some Chinese flavours to my dishes so this week’s recipes are straight from the Orient, and for those disappointed by the lack of endangered species they get to serve I’ve thrown in a ‘white tiger’ cocktail for good measure. Now, one of the secrets to Chinese cooking is adding five-spice to dishes for that unmistakeable flavour. It can be found at any supermarket next to all the other spices and should be kept in your kitchen to add to any stir fry or Oriental style dish. It isn’t totally necessary to own a wok for stir fries as a strong frying pan will work just as well, you just won’t be able to show off by tossing the contents around without making quite a bit of mess.

1. Mix together the ingredients with some crushed ice.

• Approximately 1kg of belly pork INGREDIENTS

• Salt • Five spice

• Long grain rice

• Soy sauce

• Egg (whisked)

• Ginger

• Peppers

• Chilli sauce

• Spring onion

METHOD 1. With a sharp knife, score the skin of the pork in a criss-cross pattern so that each segment is about a mouthful. Rub in the salt and fivespice with your hands so that it gets into the skin. Place in the fridge for a couple of hours or even better- if you have time- overnight. 2. Take the meat out so that it reaches room temperature; this makes sure that the muscles do not contract too much from the change in temperature, making the meat more tender. Pre-heat the oven to the highest setting. 3. Put the meat in the oven on a rack above a roasting tin and cook on the highest setting for ten minutes. Turn down the heat to 180°c and cook for another hour. 4. Check the skin of the pork to see if it has become crispy. If not, turn the heat back up and cook for a further half an hour. 5. Take out the oven and cover with tin foil while leaving to rest for at least 15 minutes. 6. Finely chop the ginger and add to the soy sauce and chilli for the dip.

• Stir fry beans • Soy sauce METHOD 1. Add one cup of rice to two cups of water and boil in a saucepan until the water has evaporated. 2. Meanwhile, chop the spring onion, peppers, beans and any other vegetables you have to hand quite finely. 3. Heat a little oil in a frying pan or wok and fry on a high heat for five minutes.

The great thing about Chinese cooking is it’s often really simple and can be used to make a quick, tasty dish without any special ingredients. But, if you did want to add some speciality items to your cooking, you’re definitely in the right place for it. Try going into a few of the small Chinese supermarkets in China Town to see if you can get some recipe ideas from wide array of ingredients on offer. I wish you all a happy and prosperous new year, whichever one you celebrate most, but most of all; have fun and go cook yourself!

4. Mix together the soy sauce and fivespice and add to the vegetables before removing and setting aside. 5. Heat some oil in a wok or frying pan and slowly add the egg while stirring to make small bits of egg. 6. Add the rice and mix together for a few minutes so that it is evenly coated with oil. 7. Serve alongside the crispy pork or with some spicy chicken wings for a full course to welcome in the New Year.

professional dancer and she too lived with me on Princess Street. We ended up hooking up with a few guys to form a bit of a drunken posse and we regaled them with our new improved colourful lives, the two things they didn’t believe? That I was called Dee and that Aimee was now a professional dancer. They probably didn’t want to spoil the illusion that they were with an ex-pole dancer and an ex-glamour model. Why spoil the dream! We all had quite a fabulous time and the lure of a dancer was too much for one of our lovely new friends and he seduced the exquisite Deenie. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear, Scott took her dainty little hand and led her across the dance floor and into the disabled toilet and well, you can use your imagination! So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, if you are starting to get weary of the same old routine, inject a bit of spice to your life and create a whole new you! It is a new year after all…

Alice Blue

3. Resist the temptation to make Chinese lanterns and set them off inside

• Five spice

The Blue Belle

GOING OUT on the pull can sometimes be somewhat repetitive so what better way to spice up the old drunken letch than by creating a new persona! This is exactly what myself and Deenie decided to do on Monday night. We are off to Opus, our first night out in a while, so we decided to have a little fun and mix it up a little and so we did what any normal girls do; we created new identities. I myself adopted the name of Dee, an exglamour model who has appeared in the raunchtastic lads mags Zoo and Nuts. I was now a sex columnist for an up and coming website (not too far from the truth really) and I had a swanky pad in Princess Street instead of Salford. The sex industry was a key theme for the night as Deenie, who renamed herself Aimee, was an ex-pole dancer who had worked for the renowned gentleman’s club, Long Legs. These days however, Deenie was a

2. Strain into martini glasses and top with some grapefruit zest.

Poet’s Corner

Queer Queries MISHAL SAEED Poetry Editor

Cannot fight the urge for poetry anymore. Cannot hide my thoughts behind a closed door. Don't want to admit the addiction's gravity. Don't want to accept the stark reality. How long will this organ pump blood in denial? How many snubby words can I keep filed? Till when will I use silence as a tool? Till when will I resist this intelligent fool? Which of us will answer these queer questions? Which of us will deal with these emotional expressions? Who doesn't want to ride the high tide? Who doesn't want the moon to guide? If you would like to contribute a poem to the Poet’s Corner, please email poetry editor Mishal on


February 15th 2010/Student Direct

Hayley’s Here to Help! Every week, our resident Agony Aunt Hayley will answer your questions on everything from sex to education. If you have a problem you’d like an answer to, email the editor at and we’ll pass them on!

Health and Lifestyle Dear Hayley, I PUT on loads of weight over Christmas and am a really rubbish dieter- one of my flatmates recommended using slimming pills, but I’m not sure. I’ve heard that some can be quite dangerous, so how do you know which are ok to use? I wouldn't recommend using diet pills because even though they might give you rapid short term weight loss, it's something that you won't be able to keep on doing forever, and therefore you'll just put the weight back on eventually. They can be dangerous like you say, as you never quite know what's in them or what effect that they might have on your body. The only diet pills I would recommend are the Alli brand, as those are the only diet tablets recommended by doctors. You can only take these if you have a BMI of 28 or over, and you have to use it in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise rather than just take the pills. If you would like more information on Alli go to However, the best way to lose weight and keep it off in the long term is sensible eating and regular

exercise. You don't have to diet religiously, it's all about moderation and balance. If you think that you might need a bit of help with the way you eat, Weight Watchers can be a great source; go to to find out more. The exercise part isn't easy but if you make it a regular part of your routine it's something you'll get used to eventually. You could make use of the University gym which is free to use if you live in University of Salford accommodation, and as well as the gym itself they have an excellent variety of classes you could try. ntre tells you what it has to offer.

Hayley’s Fashion Blog WELCOME TO a new part of my advice section - my fashion blog. Clothes and accessories are something we all have to wear and live in, so I wanted to dedicate some space to it! Whether it’s a designer label treat or high street bargain you’re after, I’ll guide you through the complicated and ever-changing world of fashion each week

thought they looked tacky, worse so when worn without pants (camel-toe, anyone?). Shoulder pads are also a bad look for me because I’m only five foot one, and they would make me look smaller than I already am. How you dress is part of your identity, so use it to your advantage and have fun with it!

Fashion is fickle; if done right, it will enhance the way you look and feel; done wrong it will have the opposite effect. You have to dress for your body shape, because not everything that’s out there will good on you, but we all get it wrong from time to time, and when you look back you’ll only consider it a learning curve! My advice is take trends with a pinch of salt. Despite the fact I keep my eye on the latest trends, I’m not a slave to them; if I like a trend I’ll buy into it, and if not then I won’t because I know what works for my body shape and what doesn’t. For example, the ‘wet look leggings’ which can now be found on bargain rails across the high street – I never liked them because I

Not everyone can work the wet look like Cheryl Cole

What to do if… You’re worried about Student Accommodation EVERY WEEK, the Advice Centre staff at the Students’ Union will be on hand to offer help for some of your most frequently asked questions. To start us off, here’s some advice on deciding where to live whilst you’re studying at Salford… It's that time of year again when many of you may be considering where to live during the next academic year, whether you would like to live with friends, and how much you can afford. The first thing to think about is how much you can realistically afford; a really posh pad on Salford Quays may be very tempting but is way above most student budgets. The "High Life" can be enjoyed once you have graduated and are earning megabucks! However, you should all expect clean, reasonable and safe accommodation. Please be assured you need not panic about finding next years’ accommodation immediately, but don't leave matters too late. For those of you not living in the family home, the following options are available. 1. University Accommodation (utility charges included). 2. Private Sector Accommodation (utility charges often not included). We would urge you to visit the accommodation section of the University website ( and, if you’re interested in renting private accommodation, for comprehensive information in relation to safety, costs and contracts before you begin your

search for accommodation. Please read any contract carefully before you sign or commit yourself to a contract. A contract is a legally binding document and is very difficult if not impossible to cancel. Good luck and happy house hunting!

University accommodation For more help on the topic or others, please contact the Students’ Unionadvice centre: Email: or phone: 0161 351 5400.


February 15th 2010 / Student Direct


State of the Union With USSU President Matt Webber



What’s On At The Union This Week... Monday 15 February - Come along to our Media Collective meeting, 2pm, Harold Riley Boardroom, University House and get involved with Student Direct! Later on, it’s Quiz time at The Pav from 8pm- the winning team will walk off with a crate of booze! Tuesday 16 February - Watch Manchester United vs AC Milan in The Pav, and stay on for the Flirt! night, with drinks offers such as Carlsberg and VK’s for £1.50

Wednesday 17 February Grandstand Spin the Wheel from 4-8pm at The Pav, followed by The Social from 8pm- free entry! Thursday 18 February - Watch Liverpool V Unirea Urziceni and then enjoy Rock Night at The Pav from 8pm!

Saturday 20 February - Everton v Manchester United kicks off at 12.45om - watch it in The Pav with drinks offers like Strongbow, £1.85 a pint! Later on, it’s Six Nations Rugby screened after the football, then Band Night from 8pm onward. Sunday 21 February - Watch another Six Nations Rugby match in The Pav; today it’s Italy vs. England, with some great drinks offers available.

LaSU by all accounts and purposes is pretty cool. It was only launched last week and it makes accessing resources for your course a lot easier. Rather than having to dig through journals and reference catalogues, you will find that all recommended reading- be it electronic or book- is available for you to either read or locate online through LaSU. There will be links to other libraries local to the University that hold books on your list. Furthermore, all semester two modules have a reading list attached to the module which can be found via Blackboard. Your lecturer can also keep this up to date fairly easily as they can update the lists themselves via the new system. You can find LaSU at: /lasu/

Your Candidates Announced By the time Student Direct has gone to print, the candidates for the Students’ Union election will have been announced. You can find out more about who is running at

Love Uni? If you have seen the front page of Student Direct, you will have noticed the Valentine’s

themed campaign about what students would “love” to see changed at University. It’s a pretty simple concept really, but it’s got some interesting results. A lot of those who responded identified a series of important issues and in a future edition of Student Direct, the Vice Chancellor will be responding to the comments and issues raised. We’ve had the Valentine’s cards in our shops, cafe, bar and nightclub for the past week as well as going out around the campus asking other students to fill them in. Hopefully, we’ve got a good sample of the key issues, and in turn because of your response this should lead to change which has been directed by you.

No more Friends? The pinnacle of stereotypical student television viewing is going to come to an end as Channel 4 announced when its broadcasting contract to show repeats of ‘Friends’ ends in 2011, it would not be renewing it. Probably a good thing considering any true fan has got the box set. What’s the betting that Channel 4 and E4 will be showing reruns of ‘Glee’ for the next decade instead?

Sabbs Ask, You Say. . .

Every week, your sabbatical officers will be asking a different question to students in each of their faculties regarding university life – so if you see them around, tell them what you’re thinking!

This week’s question is:


“What did you ask from the Vice Chancellor during the I Love My Uni campaign?”

Back By Popular Demand! FOLLOWING THE success of Rec Night last semester, USSU have organised another night for you all to enjoy on Thursday 25 February from 7pm at The Pav. As voted for by students, the theme for Rec Night 2 is any costume so long as it begins with the first letter as your group name! (e.g. Netball dress up as Nuns, Physics dress up as Pirates). To ensure no other group is wearing the same costume, please email your chosen fancy dress to Remember this event is not just for student activity groups; come in costume with

housemates, coursemates, and groups of friends or in a crazy costume by yourself! The evening will consist of various party games and be followed by a disco. A professional photographer will also be present to capture you in costume!

Jim Dale

Ricky Chotai

Joe Kirwin

VP for Business, Law and Built Environment Email:

VP for Health and Social Care Email:

VP for Arts, Media and Social Sciences Email:

Adeel Khan 3rd Year Business Management with Law “A personalised Gold plated parking space.”

Caroline Hart 1st Year Social Work “I asked for better and more efficient feedback on my course.”

Davean Kaur 3rd year Fashion “I asked for better feedback on my projects.”

Sport 39

Student Direct / November 30th 2009

Sport of the Week

The Week in Quotes


Tom Doyle Boaz Myhill (Hull’s Goalkeeper) “Good football is about winning games and that is what we do when we play Arsenal.” Roy Keane on having nightmares about relegation - “It happens every night - about three o'clock in the morning.” Alex McLeish on Kevin Philips’ bright future - “He'll go bald, lose his teeth and legs, but he'll always have that technique and touch of a top player." Thirty-six-year old Phillips responds - “How do I keep so sharp? I'm not - I'm knackered!”

Steve Bruce fears for ESPN after watching his side’s 0-0 draw with Stoke - “I don't think you've got any viewers left. It was an abysmal game to be honest.” Thomas Tuchel makes plans to play against Bayern Munich - “We would like to play with a 5-5-2 formation which would leave us compact and able to hit them on the counter-attack, and then we will park the team bus in the 18-yard box right in front of the goal.” Ian Holloway - “All I'll say is that if that penalty decision isn't harsh, then my name is Jock McTavish and I'm going to be an extra in the next Braveheart movie.” Acrrington Stanley boss Jimmy Coleman on Jimmy Ryan’s goal “If you think you've seen a better goal than Ryan's this weekend, then you’re drunk!”

Michael Schumacher

5live host Danny Baker - “Losing the England captaincy is like losing the Miss World contest.”

Commentator Mark Ingram gets a bit confused - “Jermaine Beckford scores for Leeds high into the bottom corner.” Spot the mistake - “Journalist: If you were holding a dream dinner party, who would you invite?” Steve Bull: “If he was alive, Muhammad Ali.” Michael Schumacher after getting back into a Formula 1 car - “I feel like a little young boy that has his toy in his hands and just enjoys himself.”

Chants of the Week Portsmouth fans - “Shall we sing a song for you?" United fans - “Shall we score a goal for you?” Arsenal fans to John Terry “You’re not captain anymore!” Chelsea fans respond - “You’re not English anymore!”

YOU KNOW you’re a cheerleader when you can yell, kick and scream and still get what you want. The Salford Sirens Cheerleading squad has been going for six years, although this is the first year that we will make it to competition. We practice every Tuesday and Thursday from 7.00 – 9.00pm in the sports hall at the Allerton building, although Thursday’s practice is now for competition. We give various performances around Manchester, for University events and at Lancashire County Cricket Club. To top all off that off, we have the possibility of cheering at Manchester City Football Club this year! The routines and stunts are fantastic exercise and great to get involved in; but don’t worry, it isn’t all hard work! We end up out of breath from laughing a lot of the time. When you join you’ll soon be a member of our cheerleading family. To create some extra funds for the team, we had a bake sale in

December, and have more fundraising events planned for this semester. Cheerleading is a great way to keep fit and flexible as it’s a combination of dance, aerobics and gymnastics. Everyone is welcome to come and join in - if you’re not 100% sure it’s for you,

purchase a taster ticket at from the Activities Department in the Students’ Union, or just turn up to one of our practices and see for yourself what we get up to. Your first session won’t be all dancing and no fun; our stunts are easy to learn and we’ll have you throwing people in the air in no time! The Sirens

Salford Launches First No SUST-cess at BUISC Swim Team in Four Years Northern Championships Tim Hawkins THIS YEAR sees the introduction of a new swimming team at Salford’s Students’ Union. Students Ryan Morris and Tim Hawkins set it up after realising there was a demand for a swimming team, which the University has not had for four years. The team has got off to a fantastic start with a fully qualified, experienced coach and a good turn out at training sessions. There are a range of people on the team all with different levels of experience and ability, from freshers to Alumni. Training takes place three times a week at the Tom Husband Leisure centre (3pm-4pm on a Monday and Friday, and 2pm-4pm on a Wednesday). The sessions cater for a range of abilities so you don’t have to be an Olympic swimmer to take part! The only requirement is that you

The team after a training session

are actually able to swim. The team is divided up into lanes during training so people train with others of a similar ability. One member enthuses: “Swimming is a great club for students to join because it’s a great way to build up fitness, socialise, and burn off steam. Everyone that comes to training enjoys the sessions and there’s a good team atmosphere. The training is as tough or as easy as you want it to be although the Coach, Gaz does push you hard at times. People can come down purely for the fitness side of things and a bit of fun, or they can come with the aim of competing for the team.” One of our members has already started to compete and has swum a number of events organised by Gaz. Socials are going to be a big part of the club, and the current members are planning a number of nights out over the coming weeks. The team is currently being registered with the ASA (Amateur Swimming Association) and should be ready to compete in the next few weeks. They are aiming to compete in regional and national competitions around the country, and in individual and team events; including masters events. Since the team is relatively new, they are always looking for new members to join and compete, or just keep themselves fit. For more information email:, or come down to a training session.

Aye Aye, Captain Matt Howard FOR EVERY Bobby Moore and Steve Waugh there is a Hansie Cronje and the Captain Birdseye doppelganger from Titanic. So as the John Terry furore limps on and on and on, possibly to a South African finale in which ‘Team Bridge’ shunt him off the podium, we look at when Captaincy goes bad.

Mike Atherton

Mike Atherton, 1994 To follow the England cricket team in the 1990’s, you needed a sadomasochistic bent as they lurched from crisis to crisis; the Shane Warne’s balcony dance (though he may have just heard Advanced Hair Studio had arranged an appointment) being a keen reminder of how far us Poms had fallen. The nadir however, was the ball tampering row that asked questions of whiter than his whites, Cambridge grad and all round good egg, Michael ‘Mike’ Atherton. ‘Dirt in the pocket’ as it became known, was not about the discovery of indecent material in his cable knit jumper, but a means to improve his bowlers grip on the ball. He was fined, but more than that he had besmirched the name of Manchester Grammar School.

Lawrence Dallaglio, 1999 Larwence? Oh, he of the frilly shirts and a knack for interior design? No not that one; courageous lion heart and lifelong Wasp, Dallaglio of course. Back in the late 90’s Rugby Union’s professional era was still in its infancy, many players would still be running their businesses as a sideline. Lawrence was no different; unfortunately his secondary incomeit was alleged - was in cocaine dealing. A News of the World sting and RFU investigation later, perhaps England’s greatest number eight was replaced by Martin Johnson, and the rest is history. Diego Maradonna, 1986 In a post Falkland’s world, England versus those Argies in a World Cup Quarter Final was always going to lead to Diplomats reaching for the smelling salts. As the tabloids worked themselves into a frenzy with sub-editors presumably ready to type ‘Gotcha Again!’ the Almighty himself intervened to level up the achievements of the nations; Britain can keep a bit of rock in the South Atlantic, Argentina can go on to win the World Cup through an outrageous handled goal…

Tom Doyle AFTER MANY months of training and many sessions in the gym, it was the time of year for the BUISC Northern Ski and Snowboard Championships at Castleford snow dome, with Salford University’s Snowsports Team (SUST) looking to get as many people through to the finals as possible. There were four types of racing and a freestyle event on the day, ski individual, board individual as well as team races for both which are similar to relay races. The first event was the skiing individual which had the top 20 competitors moving through to the finals. The standard of the competitors was very high, with several of the current England and Great Britain squad competing on the day. The boarders followed after the race course was changed before the team events took place. Our individuals unfortunately yielded no passes to the finals with our top girl, Georgina Stubbs skiing into 23rd place in the women’s race and Tom Doyle, who made it into 24th position in the men’s event. Unfavourable draws pitted both SUST team races against the eventual finalists in both disciplines in the first rounds which left our teams with little chance of qualifying; despite both performing fantastically and

a hint of psychological battling (false starts), both teams were beaten by better rivals. This left pressure on the freestyle event, for which competitors had waited all day. This competition took place in an irregular manner with all competitors given an hour to do the race as many times as they could. Unfortunately, SUST’s competitors once again failed to qualify, unfortunately leaving our team out of the finals. Despite the lack of qualifiers it was a great day, with many of the SUST members coming along to support, making it- if nothing else- a morally successful day! Does skiing or snowboarding sound like something you’d be interested in? If so, e-mail for more information. Whether you’re a beginner or an alpine expert,it would be great to hear from you.

The SUST team

BUCS Fixture List – Wednesday 17 February 2010 TEAM OPPOSITION Men's Badminton 1st Central Lancs 2nd Men's Badminton 2nd Keele 2nd Centre Men's Basketball 1st Liverpool 1st Men's Basketball 2nd MMU Cheshire 2nd Men's Football 1st Cumbria 3rd Men's Football 2nd Bangor 2nd Men's Football 3rd Chester (Warrington) 2nd


TIME 1pm 4pm

VENUE Foster S.C. PR1 2HE Tom Husband Leisure

Away Away Home Home Home

5.30pm 6.30pm 2pm 2pm 2pm

Men's Football 4th

Cumbria Carlisle



Women's Football 1st Men's Hockey 1st Men's Hockey 2nd Women's Hockey 1st Netball 1st Netball 2nd Centre Rugby League 1st Men's Rugby Union 1st Men's Rugby Union 2nd Women's Rugby Union 1st Men's Squash 1st

Chester (Chester) 1st Bangor 1st Keele 2nd Liverpool Hope 1st Liverpool 3rd Manchester Met 3rd

Home Home Away Home Away Home

2pm 2pm 3pm 3.30pm 2pm 2.45pm

Sports Centre Alsager Castle Irwell Castle Irwell Castle Irwell (Rev'd from 4.11.09) Sheepmount Stadium CA3 8XL Castle Irwell Castle Irwell Keele Campus, ST5 5BG Castle Irwell New Hall L69 7ZN Tom Husband Leisure

Liverpool Hope 1st



L'pool Hope L16 9JD

Keele 1st Liverpool 2nd

Home Home

2pm 2-6pm

Broughton RUFC Tom Husband Leisure Centre

40 SalfordSport

February 15th 2009 / Student Direct


Meet Salford’s first Swimming Team in four years . . .

Watts Makes It A Winner! Jonathan Brown AFTER SALFORD’S shock cup exit a fortnight ago, the resilient first team were concentrating on winning the league after getting their season back on track with a 1-1 draw with league leaders Chester Warrington 1st Team last week. Captain Tony Wigham led out his men on a perfect day for football on Liverpool Hope’s home turf, but unfortunately the playing surface was far from ideal. A coarse, mud ridden pitch meant this was not to be a day for flowing football and a scrappy game ensued. Salford took the early initiative with some incisive play from Joe Nield and Alex Smith on both wings, pushing the Hope defence further and further back. Eventually an early corner was won by Salford which Wigham whipped in; the Hope defence scrambled it clear only for defender Tom Roberts to control and volley home a first half stunner to set Salford on their way. But Hope weren’t up for being beaten and struck back soon after, when Salford failed to clear a set play and a Hope forward turned his marker and slotted in the equaliser on 20 minutes. The Salford defence, which have been a strong base for the team’s success this season seemed shaken, and Hope again capitalised on a poor clearance with a headed effort to put the home side ahead. A settled ten minutes of play saw Salford become the dominant side before the break as powerful midfielder Tom Shutt started to dictate the play alongside the skilful Josh Francois. Salford made their hard work count when Nield crossed perfectly for Smith to head in a close range effort just before the break to make it 2-2. The second half was just as scrappy as the first, but after a rousing half time team talk Salford were standing firm against the Hope attack and Jonathan Brown, Darragh Sheehy and Tom Roberts afforded them little room upfront. More good work from winger Smith led frontman Lewis Copeland to shoot a volley millimetres over on 60 minutes. Salford continued to push forward for a winner which would take them within reach of the top of the league but Copeland again headed over from a wide cross. It was beginning to look like the score would be tied until the end, until Charlie Watts and Joel Craven were introduced midway through the second half. Midfield dynamo Craven added some extra impetus in the centre of the park which helped to set up a grandstand finish. Watts playing in an unfamiliar upfront role raced on to a measured through ball by striker Morgan Rhys before smashing home a dramatic late winner.

SUBC VICTORIOUS IN MERSEY RACE Patrick Salmon The men’s team row to victory

The triumphant team members with their medals

SALFORD UNIVERSITY Boat Club began the New Year with two victories at the Head of the Mersey race, held by Warrington Boat Club. After returning from Christmas well rested and well fed, the club members were put through their paces at an intensive training week designed to burn off those Christmas puddings! A good turnout and good positive attitude toward the training soon got the club members back in shape, this reflected in the rowing which continued to improve in leaps and bounds. The men’s captain Alan Moore was able to pick crews for the Head of the Mersey race at Warrington on Saturday 6 February. Two crews were entered; a Novice Men’s coxed four and an IM3 Men’s coxed four, and both were expected to perform well. The day of the race saw both crews chasing down their rivals in their respective divisions, always a bonus in a head race. The course consisted of two legs, each 1,800 metres long, including some tight corners which would give the crew’s coxes something to think about. The novice crew got off to a flying start and quickly chased down their rivals and overtook them. The pressure was on them to push away and put the seal on the victory, which they did in emphatic style, wining the novice division by almost a minute. The IM3 crew also put in a sterling performance and, despite not over taking the other crew in their division, still won by 30 seconds, completing the course in 13.33 minutes, the fifth fastest time of the day. The race was a good warm up and proving ground for the upcoming BUCS Beginner & Championship Head which will be taking place over the weekend of 19-21 February. Once again, the entire Salford club will be hoping to place well in this, the first interuniversity race of 2010.

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