The Salfordian Issue 14

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18 FEB 2013 /

ISSUE 14 FREE inside

THIS WEEK Elections 2013



Want to n o m i n a t e yourself but worried the E l e c t i o n s might be just a popularity contest? Read our ‘Mythbusters’ feature on page 2 Two fundraisers at the 2011 Greater Manchester Run outside Old Trafford

Rec night photos

Last chance to stand in the Students’ Union Elections! Cassandra Ward and Jonathan Blackburn

News Editors It’s your last chance this week to nominate yourself in the Students’ Union Elections! Do you think you have the skills to lead the Students’ Union and make a difference to Salford students? Don’t miss out! The Elections will decide which students direct the University of Salford Students’ Union in the 2013 / 14 academic year. The positions available are Students’ Union president, the three vice president roles, and various Student Council member roles. The four sabbatical officers take a year out of their studies to work full time at the Students’ Union, while the Student Council members work voluntarily while continuing their course. Christina Kennedy, the current President of the University of Salford Students’ Union, said: “Deciding to stand for the position of Vice President and President were, I can honestly say, the best two decisions I have ever made! The role gives you the opportunity to represent students at every level of decision-making in the University.” Rising tuition fees, reductions in enrolments and graduate unemployment are just some of the issues that students are facing and nominating yourself could be your chance to make big changes. Mishal Saeed, the current Vice President Health and Social Care said: “Being a sabbatical officer is an extraordinary opportunity to experience so much in the span of a single year and at the same time create a real difference in students’ lives.” Current Student Council Chairman Muftau Akintoye said of his role: “More than anything else it just gives you an insight into the inner workings of the University.” If you would like to speak to the current sabbatical officers about their roles, you can find their contact details on page 29. To nominate yourself online, go to www. by 4pm on Thursday 21 February. Thinking of nominating yourself but worried that the Students’ Union Elections are just a popularity contest? Perhaps you think there’s nothing you’d like to change? Turn to page two to read our ‘mythbusters’ feature!

University charity KidsCan celebrate 10th anniversary Cassandra Ward

News Editor University of Salford based charity, KidsCan is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year by offering places in Bupa’s Great Manchester Run. One in 500 children in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer this year and tragically, 30% of these children will not survive. KidsCan, which is based in the Cockcroft building on Peel Park Campus, aims to improve and undertake research for new treatments for children suffering from cancer. This covers basic research on new and existing treatments, to assessing the success of therapies used and their effectiveness. They aim to reduce both short and long term side effects whilst retaining the effectiveness of many current treatments. The charity is offering free places to run in this year’s Bupa Great Manchester Run. The run takes place on Sunday 26 May 2013. First held in May 2003, the Bupa Great Manchester Run was created as a legacy event to follow the Commonwealth Games held

in 2002. The run has since evolved into a weekend-long festival of sport, including mini and junior events and the Powerade Great City Games, a unique elite event that brings together some of the world’s top sprinters on a purpose-built track in the heart of the city centre. Events Fundraiser Chris Swinton said: “We’re want to see a purple wave round Manchester as the KidsCan runners go past!” KidsCan receives no statutory funding and therefore is solely relying on fundraising and contributions from the public. Volunteers, businesses and funds generated through KidsCan events allow the groundbreaking research to continue. Money is raised through challenge events, street collections, golf days and community events and runs, such as the Bupa Great Manchester Run are integral to the charity. KidsCan are not charging runners to take part but are asking that participants raise a minimum of £175 in sponsorship, which will contribute in funding their ongoing research. If you would like to take part in the run or would like more information

about other upcoming events, please email Events Fundraiser Chris Swinton at or call 0161 295 3864. Later in the year the charity will also be running a 53 mile Manchester to Chester bike ride. The event will take place on Sunday 23 June 23 and KidsCan are hoping to raise over £50,000! Events Fundraiser Chris said: We’ve always had great support from staff and students here at the University of Salford. When students do some fundraising for us, we can actually show them what their efforts go towards. We are happy to show them round the laboratories to see what their efforts have supported.” “We receive no statutory funding so every bit of support we get is essential for the continuation of our vital research.” He added: “Most recently, students been buying our KidsCan wristbands which are on sale in Horlock Court Shop, Maxwell and Allerton. If they have run out, you can always get your KidsCan materials from our office in the Cockcroft Building.”

Did you go to last week’s Students’ Union rec night? See if you can spot yourself in our photos on page 30! Sports and activities

Read our BUCS round-up for Salford sports teams in the 12 / 13 academic year so far on page 32

02 : News


Contents Pages 1-3 News Pages 4, 5 and 6 Features Page 27 Comment Page 28 Arts Page 29 Careers Page 30 Your Union Page 31 Activities Page 32 Sports


The Students’ Union has shops in the Adelphi building , Allterton building, and on Peel Park Campus!

Amanda Mace Editor

Hello all! Welcome to issue 13 of The Salfordian. I would love to know what you think of the newspaper, so if there’s anything you liked, hated, or would like to see more of, let me know by emailing Don’t forget you only have a few days to nominate yourself in the Students’ Union Elections. Right now is an excting and challenging time to be involved in student politics, so if you think you’ve got what it takes to lead the Students’ Union here at Salford, go for it! You can find more information on the front page and below. Go to to nominate yourself. Go on! Be brave! Have a good week everyone!

stUdents’ unioN elEctionS 2013: myThbusteRs! Jon Burgess

So the deadline for nominating yourself for a position in the Students’ Union Elections is 4pm this Thursday 21 February. If you’re passionate about improving students’ lives at Salford, you really should be standing as a candidate for one of the roles available. It’s no exaggeration to say that participating in the Elections could change your life and open up a range of doors to you for years to come. Tempted to stand as a candidate, but still not sure it’s for you? If you’re having a last minute wobble, let’s quash a few myths that might be holding you back!

Myth #1: “It’s just popularity contest.”


You may not know many people but that doesn’t mean you’re not the best person for the job. Thousands of students turn out to vote each year – far beyond the circle of

friends a person may have. The Students’ Union runs candidate guidance sessions giving loads of helpful suggestions on how to steer people in your direction.

Myth #2: “There’s nothing I want to change. I’m happy with things at Salford.” Perhaps you’ve enjoyed your time here so far and are a bit amiss as to how the Students’ Union Elections affect you. You don’t have to want big changes to stand in the Elections - small changes can make a huge difference, so speak to your coursemates about their ideas. Sometimes the University does something fantastic, and it’s up to the Students’ Union to make sure they know that! Encouragement from the Students’ Union could result in further improvements.

Myth #3: “I won’t win without a big campaign.” If by this stage nominating yourself for one of the roles in this year’s Elections sounds like something you’d like to do, but are you’re worried about the campaigning side of things, you don’t need to worry. We live in the age of social media. Having a presence on Facebook and Twitter is an important as having friends to hand flyers out. In previous years students have won by themselves and you’re sure to meet many people along the way.

Myth #4: “I won’t have time.” Even if you have pressures on you time wise you can still stand. As

well as the full time paid sabbatical officer positions, a role on Student Council would take just a few hours of your time each semester. Nominating yourself is quick and simple. Do it online at: www.

Myth #5: “I’m not the right sort of person to get involved in Elections.” If you’re passionate about improving the student experience at Salford and prepared to stand up for students, then you are the right person for the job! You don’t need any prior knowledge of the Students’ Union and you’ll be provided with all the training and support you need.

Myth #6: complicated.”



Our online nomination form is designed to simple and straightforward to complete – it won’t take you long! While we do ask you to complete three brief questions, you will have the chance to change your answers before voting opens. And if you do get stuck with anything, just email us at: So don’t let a few myths put you off standing as a candidate – it could be one of the best moves you’ll ever make! Nominate yourself online at: by 4pm on Thursday 21 February. Voting will open on Friday 8 March and close on Thursday 14 March.

Upcoming event: Better City Forum Amanda Mace Editor Come along to the ‘Better City Forum’ on Tuesday 18 February to share your views and help to develop an environmentally friendly student community both inside and out of campus. The event, which will be hosted by

the Students’ Union, follows the successful ‘Better Union’ and ‘Better University’ events earlier this month. Student feedback is what drives the Students’ Union as an organisation, so attending the forums is a great way to really make a difference! A selection of international food will also be available at the event. Don’t miss out!

Editor: Amanda Mace Email:

News Editor: Cassandra Ward

Cassandra Ward News Editor The ‘Better University’ Forum took place last Wednesday in the International Life Centre, based at University House. The events are hosted by the Students’ Union offer an open forum to agree ways that the University of Salford can be improved, discussing personal experiences and gaining the perspectives of students. Huw Morris, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and Dean of the College of Arts and Social Science, attended the meeting to discuss personal tutors. Although many of the students involved were sceptical over the effectiveness of the newly rolled-out personal tutoring programme, it was agreed that a better understanding of their role and how students could utilise them as an additional resource, could help improve university life for students. Prof. Morris confirmed that the personal tutoring programme had been very successful in Health and Social Care and so it seemed worthwhile to advance it to other schools. There was a great focus on the use of multi-media to reach out to students, prospective students and graduates. Suggestions were offered for the University to

Features Editor: Lowri Williams

Postal address: Univerity of Salford Students’ Union, University House, The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WT

Visit Our Website

Students share their views at ‘Better University Forum’

Comment Editor: Jonathon Norrey

Arts Editor: Sally Leibovici

set up targeted Facebook groups for prospective students that could allow for people to share their experiences, tips and feedback, by way of encouraging new attendees. It was also seen that this could ease the way of the induction process. Students would be able to meet their class mates and neighbours and it could make the whole settling-in process much less daunting. Nadia, a final year Visual Arts student, raised the idea of having a ‘shadowing’ programme for new students to get a feel for their course, offering ‘a day in the life of ’ and using existing students as examples. This had been carried out on the Visual Arts programme and had been very well received. The idea was commended by Christina Kennedy, University of Salford Students’ Union President and chair of the forum.

Sports & Activities Editor: Bryony Pearce Careers: Amanda Mace Advertising : Stefan Redfern Tel 0161 275 2930

News: 03


Salford research team to launch magazine

Higher education news round-up Emily Burgin

According to official statistics, students at university spend no more than 20% in teaching hours. The biggest change from college to university is the amount of study time in class. Universities in America pride themselves on the amount of contact hours and feedback they give to their students. Should UK universities be offering more hours with tutors to their undergraduates? Art is the subject with the least contact time and English also has less teaching time. However, recently this has changed at British universities with students being required to do more presentations, take mid-term tests and end of year exams. Some believe that university is more about self teaching and others believe that they are not being taught enough considering the amount they pay to go to university. However, to increase teaching hours would cost more money and therefore increase the amount students pay to go to university. So how much are we willing to pay for our education?

Privately educated students are more likely to achieve university places.

Despite the introduction of tough government targets aiming to increase the amount of places given to state school students, more than three quarters of applications from Britain’s independent schools were awarded places. Last week, Anthony Seldon, the Master of Wellington College, Berkshire, warned that privately-educated pupils are at the forefront of ‘jealousy and hostility’ towards independent schools. Latest figures are disputing this with more pupils from independent school going onto higher education. Some 75.8 per cent of applications made to

universities in 2012 resulted in an offer of a place, it emerged. This compared with 72 per cent in 2011 and 71.7 per cent a year earlier. Chris Ramsey, spokesman for the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC), said: “No-one should face discrimination on account of school type and this evidence suggests that highly-selective universities are still giving a very high number of offers to our candidates.”

Jayna Patel

Germany wants more foreign students but foreign students want the UK.

also as potential future decision makers and valuable partners between Germany and their respective home countries.”

The number of foreign students in Britain has risen by 110,000 compared to 6,000 in Germany. Germany offers free tuition, helps them find jobs during studying and then gives them 18 months after graduation to find a job; students are picking the UK, which offers the complete opposite. British universities charges £15,000 to its foreign students, subjects them to rigorous checkups to confirm that are foreign and restricts their ability to find a job after graduation. Even so, in the 2011 / 2012 academic year, the number of foreign students had risen to 435,000 in the UK over 252,000 in Germany. Boris Johnson believes we should be inviting more foreigners to Britain especially with the economic gloom that we have. However, with a 25% drop in Indian students, Britain will have to relax their approach to foreign students. In Germany, 1,100 courses are taught in English and they have introduced ‘blue cards’ which increase the amount of work foreign students can do whilst studying. A government official from Germany says “We welcome foreign students not only as contributors to our society and economy but

Local authorities are withdrawing funding from care leavers who receive support from universities, in order to make cuts. Usually, all care leavers receive £2,000 on top of the usual maintenance loan. However, unlike with the typical student, this has to least 52 weeks, not 40 and the students cannot go home to visit their parents or pay their overdraft off during the holidays. Some universities offer extra support to care leavers. The Buttle UK quality mark recognises higher education institutions that show commitment to young people in and leaving care. 93 UK universities, 75 of which are in England have the quality mark. Manchester offers up to £4,000 of support for care leavers every year, in terms of access funding and 52 week accommodation. This funding cut is leading to 7% of care leavers who enter higher education, worrying about how to afford food, rent and travel. However, cutting funding is unfair, especially to people who have fought to overcome negative stereotypes. These people need more help, not less.

Students who have been in care to suffer university funding cuts

Manchester bomb scare causes disruption manchester transport website and it said my route was cancelled. It showed a 100m area that was cordoned off and it was right on my team stop. I missed my lecture as a result.” In a press release, Superintendent Neil Bhole, said: “This incident has caused significant disruption but we have to put the safety of the public ahead of inconvenience and disruption and we make no apology for the steps taken. “We have dealt with this as quickly as possible without jeopardising public safety.” Additional resources were put into chasing the owner of the laptop and following some investigation, Detective Inspector Mark Toothill, released this statement: “The owner

of the bag has been traced and spoken to by police. “We are happy there was no deliberate or malicious motive and this nothing more than an irresponsible act by the person involved. “He has been advised of his actions, which following a review of all information available to us, does not amount to a criminal act. “We took the precautionary steps we did because at the time we did not know what was in the bag or why it had been left. “Clearly this incident brought significant disruption to the city centre and I would like to reiterate to the public the importance of keeping your belongings on you and safe at all times.”

Photograph: Richard Meftah

Bomb disposal experts carried out a controlled explosion of a ‘suspicious package’ that was left in Manchester city centre. The bag, which contained a laptop and cables, was found on New York Street Manchester on Friday 8 February. Police attended the site and cordoned off 100m of the surrounding area, which affected traffic into Manchester for several hours. Oliver Smith, a University of Salford BA Journalism student said: “I come from stoke every day. I went on the greater

Photograph: Richard Meftah

Photograph: Richard Meftah

Cassandra Ward News Editor

The University of Salford’s Research and Innovation team are launching a new magazine to showcase the institution’s innovative research projects. The publication will be released twice a year with the intention of promoting the university’s reputation both regionally and internationally. The magazine will contain several expert articles focusing on innovations. Aimed at graduates who already have a basic knowledge of the University, producers of the magazine hope that the publication will encourage the public to approach the University either to arrange a consultancy, use the institution’s services and facilities or to possibly seek help for funding projects.

University is the set for a new BAFTA nominated film Emily Burgin The Voorman Problem is a new independent film, produced by Honlodge Productions Ltd. Baldwin Li, owner of Honlodge Productions Ltd, is a producer from Heywood, who worked with Hulmebased director Mark Gill on the film, co-wrote the film starring ‘The Hobbit’ actor Martin Freeman. The film was shot in different parts of Greater Manchester including Strangeways Prison and Salford University. The movie is about a man who believes he is God, played by Tom Hollander, known as Commander Beckett from ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. Martin plays his psychiatrist. The actors worked for free on this project as they were so fond of the script. The Voorman Problem has been short-listed in the best short film category. Baldwin said he was ‘surprised’ to be up for the award but ‘would not be shocked’ if the film wins it.

University House victim of crime for second time Amanda Mace Editor Earlier this month, two Students’ Union offices in University House, Peel Park Campus, were broken into. The first was the large room that the Students’ Union President and three Sabbatical Officers share, from which two phones were taken, and the office of the editor of this newspaper, from which nothing was stolen. The three intruders forced the lock open on both doors and caused considerable damage to the latter. It is understood that the thieves, who were described as ‘young men, around 18 years of age’, left the building just before 10pm when they were disturbed. This is the second time that offices in University House have been broken into in recent months. Recently photographic equipment was stolen from Student Life.

04 : Features


The round-up Carl casts a caustic eye over current affairs Words & images (right)

Carl Spurling The inventor of the Etch-A-Sketch Andre Cassagnes has sadly died at the age of 86. He did leave a will but unfortunately someone shook it. I would say it was the circle of life, but it is more of a sort of crooked square to be honest. The biggest story of last week is that Findus lasagne has been found to be up to 100% horse meat! Seems hard to actually achieve when at least some of it is pasta. If you are the kind of person who buys Findus, I don’t think you are too bothered about what goes into them, as long as it only half an hour in the oven, tastes okay and stays cheap, there is no problem.

Tescos and Aldi have also withdrawn beef products. Now, is a rebrand cheaper than withdrawing products? Just re-launch it as ‘All New ‘Might Be Horse’ Lasange’. The sense of jeopardy might attract thrill seekers. Sales of beef ready meals have bizarrely increased. Presumably people are taking the chance to sample a rare meat whilst it is still available. Brian Mcfaden has said he would be an X Factor judge is he was offered it. He would probably work in KFC if he was offered it. He goes on to say ‘but I can’t see that happening any day soon’ frankly neither can I, so why are you talking about it then? Of course the other big news story is that HMV has gone into administration, the double edged sword is that they are now accepting gift vouchers. Trying to spend a full £10 voucher in HMV of things you actually a lot harder than

you think. Unless they are the most famous albums/films in the world you just can’t find anything worthwhile, and when you do the reductions mean you’ve can only spend £1 worth. I believe I have just got time to look at tomorrow’s headlines… ‘Subterranean Wind Farm ‘Fatally Flawed’ – thought it says the government are planning to move it to a windier part of underground – that’s in the Sun, which comes with a free copy of the Guardian. ‘Scientists Break World Slowness Record’ apparently they have finally managed the break the so called ‘Static Barrier’. The lead scientists said ‘we are struggling to go any slower, I predict another 30 years of research ahead of us – that is all in tomorrow’s metro ‘Seventh Pocket to be Introduced to Snooker’ – the larger 7th hole being called the ‘death drop’ will be in the middle of the table – that is in the Mirror, which comes with a free power tool of your choice tomorrow.

Erasmus corner

Going Dutch!

Nathan Thompson Hello dedicated Salfordian readers! It’s great to be back, writing informatively for your entertainment and interest at my latest Dutch reports. I hope the holidays were both relaxing and hectic. I hope there was plenty to drink and

Nathan Thompson is studying in The Netherlands for a year as part of the University exchange programme. Each week, he shares his experiences living abroad.

cool presents to give and receive. I hope the exams weren’t too stressful and were passed with ease. What have I been doing this past month? I have been here in Groningen again; working, partying, and preparing myself for the coming semester. I didn’t do that until I got here of course. As the clock wound down to the 21st December I was too

busy wondering what was the point of learning if the world was coming to an end. I didn’t think it would but I have been known to be wrong before. Anyway, I’m sure you’d like to know what I have been doing with relation to my Erasmus exchange recently. Well, because of work I found, at last, sometime to take in some European

culture and travel. So at 6:14am, last Friday, I took my seat on a coach and after about three hours of alternately sleeping and reading a book I arrived in Bremen, Germany. Admittedly, my first thought of the city was ‘…it’s a city’ nothing particularly special about it. My apologies to anyone from Bremen; it was a beautiful city but nothing particularly out of the ordinary. It had some interesting statues, although they were also awful statues; ugly things. I walked around the city, checking out some of the shops when I started to hear a beat. I then started to feel it coming from the ground and into my chest. As I got closer to the city Marktplatz, I encountered a crowd of hundreds.

I had arrived in the city during the 28th Bremen Carnival, with a theme of ‘Fair Trade’ and Samba, masks and spectacle. After talking to someone at a tourist information office I discovered that this carnival was the largest samba carnival in Europe with some 1000 performers. In the shadow of Bremen’s St. Petri Dom, the performers started a parade through the city. The drums beat so hard that the people could feel it more through their feet than their ears and shook the dust in the cathedral’s rafters. Many people, young and old, were dressing up and enjoying the festivities. There were people dressed as some cross breed species of vultures and pigs, some giant insects on stilts, group of Alice in Wonderland’s Mad-Hatters, and many more. The whole city seemed to have gone happily, gloriously, insane; putting to rest the stereotype that the Germans don’t know how to let loose. After the performance I wandered the streets, slightly dazed, still feeling the drum beat through the street. I took in the famous statue of the Town Musicians of Bremen and bought a few souvenirs before heading home, still thinking of the weird vulture / pig hybrid. And that was my outing to Bremen, dancing people in weird costumes. It was a great day out, something that replaces the monotony of staying in one place and exposes you to something different, slightly uncomfortable, but still another interesting memory for me to remember about my time abroad.


Features : 05

Lucy Everingham It was like any other Saturday night in Manchester City centre. At 4 O’clock in the morning I stood back to witness what could only be described as a mass exodus of people from the nearby clubs. Soon enough the pavements began filling up with bare footed girls, heels and pizza in hand, closely followed by guys on phones desperately trying to dial a taxi. It was not a sight I was unfamiliar with, just one I had not seen stone cold sober before. As the crowds slowly started to filter down, with many people staggering into awaiting taxis, the real problems started to appear. Heavily intoxicated women lined shop windows with heads in their hands, many of them with half open eyes and throwing up. Men displayed heated arguments in the middle of the street, resulting in a drunken scuffle and mindlessly dodging beeping cars. It was a shameful sight. One which would put anyone off drinking too much, if they could only see themselves like this. One girl was in a notably bad state. After vomiting on the floor outside the Arndale Centre, she picked herself up and began to zig-zag down the road, alone. As she turned to walk down a dark alley way I noticed she wasn’t completely by herself, a man was following her. However, just before the man could approach her, a Street Angel emerged at the other end of the alley way in a high visibility vest and holding a hot cup of coffee. The man fled as the Street Angel offered the intoxicated girl a hot drink to help sober up and guided her to the well-lit street before calling her a licensed taxi. A potentially traumatic situation was avoided.

Street Angels are all volunteers. The church-led group have been selflessly patrolling the streets of Manchester every Friday and Saturday night since 2006. Uniformed in the trademark high-vis clothing, they offer care and love to people in their time of need. The needs could be a result of homelessness, intoxication, drug abuse, assault or any other issue which has caused personal distress or the potential for physical harm. They help people regardless of who they are or whatever situation they are in and by walking the streets in the early hours, they aim to make the city a safer place at night. The organization began in Halifax in 2005 and now covers over 100 towns and cities across the UK. Paul Blakey, the founder of the Street Angels, believes the work they do is essential to providing a happier and safer environment in which people can enjoy. “Initially it was seeing a need in the town and thinking, ‘what can be done?’ Often there are issues behind drinking and if Street Angels can show care, love and offer help at-that-time then it shows the person they are worth something, even when they are a mess. As a Christian project, our motivation is that God sees the worth and value in every-single person, whatever mess they are in. We need to show that through our actions toward them.” The Street Angels have assisted over 2,000 people in the past seven years of work. Due to the violent crime being reduced significantly, the police have formed a strong partnership and have subsequently launched Street Angels in all major towns and cities. In Halifax alone crime has reduced by 42% and the local police cite the Angels as the main reason for the drop.

Photograph: Mark Russell

The city of angels

Have you ever wished for a guardian angel to watch over you when you’re at your most vulnerable? Thanks to the amazing ‘Street Angels’ volunteers, we all have one.

“I had seen firsthand the problems at night time when violence, binge drinking, sexual assaults and underage drinking were common in the town centre with between 6-12,000 clubbers on a weekend. The town had become a no-go area for the majority of people. I suggested ideas around this; initially thinking a cafe run jointly with YMCA in the town centre could be a safe place to drop-in. The church agreed. I approached the police who fully supported the idea and within two weeks after the first meeting with the police, we launched. Fifty volunteers turned up on the first night, too many for our cafe, so we sent patrols out into the town, thus Street Angels was born.” The project runs in Manchester every Friday and Saturday night from 9pm till 3am. The Angels also patrol other busy nights such as Bank Holiday Sunday’s and New Year’s Eve, whereas other towns vary according to local needs and the availability of volunteers. During the past seven years of volunteering, Blakey has had to deal with his fair share of difficult situations. “In the early days we regularly saw large fights, bottles used as weapons, bottles flying into crowds, etc. It is also bad when you see girls obviously spiked and the effects on them. We have also had to deal with several serious injuries; a man forcefully pushed down the stairs of a club where our volunteers got him breathing again seconds after it happened (six weeks later he came out of his coma) and a young girl with an illness who drank and collapsed on the floor of a pub.

Our Street Angel volunteers managed to get her breathing and although she died the next day, at least it was with her family around her and not on the floor of a pub.” Lynsey Mack, a student from Manchester, was on a night out when her vision became blurred. Unable to find her friends, she managed to exit the club and attempted to make a phone call outside. Feeling nauseous and slightly intoxicated she collapsed on the pavement. “I just blacked out,” she says, “I don’t remember anything. Everything just stopped.” After falling unconscious, Mack was finally awoken by a Street Angel who offered her a cup of water and called her an ambulance. “I just remember opening my eyes, no idea where I was and seeing a bright yellow jacket. At first I thought it was a paramedic as they were reassuring me that everything was going to be OK. It was only until they told me that they had called an ambulance that I realized who it was.” “I honestly dread to think what could have happened had the Street Angels not been around that night. It sends shivers down my spine thinking about it, but it could have turned out a lot worse. I cannot begin to thank the Street Angels enough for how much they helped me and for the work that they do for others. It is so commendable, especially that they do it all for nothing.” Mack was eventually checked over by the paramedics who diagnosed her situation as a lack of sugar combined with over heating in a packed club, which caused her to faint. The Street Angel then took her to the Nexus Night Cafe, gave her a cup of hot sweet tea and a cookie, called her a taxi and made sure she was able to get home OK. “I have never felt so safe in such a difficult situation. I have

decided to volunteer a few nights at the cafe so that I am able to give someone back the same safety net I had.” The Nexus Night Cafe is the focal point for all Street Angels in Manchester. It is located on Dale Street in the Northern Quarter and is run solely by volunteers. Being a non-profit ‘creative community space’, it gives the Street Angels a place to meet and take vulnerable people as it works towards building a strong community and celebrates the creativity within Manchester. It prides itself on being a place in which anyone is accepted, whatever the background or situation and aims to guide those in need by making sure they do not feel alone. People volunteer to cook, serve, assist with art exhibitions and help develop the community garden. Blakey has gained much job satisfaction from volunteering over the years. He explains what makes the work he does worthwhile. “Those who we have helped and decide to change because we have helped them reminds me of why I do this. For example; the 14 year old girl who gave up drinking in town. She had been doing this every weekend since she was 12 and has now decided to settle down at school and restore family relationships. She has gone on to achieve GCSEs, A-Levels and attend University. She realized how much of a mess her life was when she was getting drunk and having to be carried through town by us to get her safely with her friends.” Street Angels received Duke of York’s community initiative awards in October 2007, presented by HRH Prince Andrew at an Awards event in Conisburgh, Doncaster. Although Street Angels is a non profit, voluntary project, it is reliant on donations from the public so that it can function properly. “What we do on the streets

is voluntary but many towns do have a project coordinator and all areas need first aid equipment, tea, coffee, use of a room, uniforms, etc. If you would like to donate, please do so by visiting www.wehelpedu. and leave a message if you would like the funds to go to a specific local project.” Street Angels now run in Bolton, Oldham, Macclesfield and the city centre in the Manchester area and a similar organization of Street Pastors run in many estates across Greater Manchester. A full list of all the covered areas is on www. The kind work of the Street Angels has not gone unrecognized by the people who have been helped by their nightly presence on a weekend. “We receive many thank you’s by email, Facebook, Twitter, cards, phone calls and calling in to the cafe base to thank us, sometimes bringing chocolates, biscuits or money!” However, this is just the beginning for the project. The vision is to see more and more communities go from ‘binge to better.’ “We want to see more local projects set up and we are looking into Festival Angels for music festivals. Also there is the possibility of taking teams of Angels to European clubbing spots to run the project abroad.” With a conference planned in August to bring people from local projects together, the Street Angels are looking at expanding by creating an accredited training option for volunteers so that it will be possible to gain a qualification by volunteering. Lynsey Mack believes, “If there were more Angels in this world, the planet would be a much happier, safer and more compassionate place in which to live.”

06 : Features


Lowri Loves... white Each week, The Salfordian’s features editor shares her fashion tips and the latest from the catwalks Lowri Williams Features editor There is no better way than revamping your colour-clashing wardrobe with a huge turnover of crisp white. Spring has brought about a fresh look, and the designers have been experimenting with the soothing colour of white in the spring/summer runways. White is elegant, pretty, clean and it seems as though the designers are opting for this particular look as we move forward into spring. Forget the colours of autumn spring bring about a fresh, clean sheet. Literally. On the catwalks, Valentino demonstrated filigree fabrics, whilst similarly Simone Rocha and Stella McCartney took on the broderie anglaise in white. There were precise origami folds of duchess satin at Prada and Celine technical cottons at Marni,

Chloe and Balenciaga. White is a fantastic colour to coordinate with this spring; it is a blank canvas for you to work on, however you wish to, to create whichever the look you desire. Perhaps opt for the monochrome look, and pair your crisp white blouse with a black blazer for a smart and understated look, or similarly pair your whites with streamline trousers and black boots. Or, you can be really brave and opt for an all white look, demonstrated by Simone Rocha, and Mulberry with their all white ensembles on the runways. Be sure to buy many white statement

pieces for your spring wardrobe to be bang on trend this Spring/Summer as white is most definitely the new black this season.

Be sure to follow my blog – www. or follow me on twitter @LowriWyn_1 Catch the next ‘Lowri Loves’ in issue

World Leprosy Day Maximillian deSancha

Sunday the 27th of January this year marked the 60th international world Leprosy day. An event started with the aim of raising awareness about this ancient, brutal and still prevalent disease. Most of us have heard of Leprosy, but oddly, it still exists in many people’s minds as a disease of medieval or biblical times, one that existed far back in history but has little relevance today. Unfortunately leprosy is still, in the 21st century, very much still out there. Most of the world cases of Leprosy are found in Brazil, Nepal, Madagascar, Mozambique and Burma. In these countries the disease is still endemic and is very capable of destroying lives and spreading misery. The agent behind the disease is a bacteria called Mycobacterium Leprae, a cousin of the bacteria which causes tuberculosis. If left untreated, infection with the bacteria can lead to slow and progressive destruction of certain tissues, particularly of large nerves, resulting in loss of sensation in the feet and hands (which can lead to loss of fingers, toes and feet

through injury) and prevention of reflexes from working. It can also lead to limb and facial deformity and even to blindness. Such loss of function can be a major problem, especially for those living in less developed countries were life can be very difficult without the addition of disabilities. The loss of sensation, sight or reflexes can make the world a much more inhospitable place. Hot cooking tools can cause serious but painless burns, an unfelt stone in a shoe could cause a wounds and infection, and blindness can make finding work almost impossible. To make matters worse, the diagnosis of leprosy is often followed by profound social stigma. Stigma so severe that a diagnosis of Leprosy can lead to social exclusion, reduced pay and work opportunities, and significant disempowerment. Until recent years, in India a diagnosis of leprosy meant you could not drive, use public wells, work in certain industries, or even be buried in the same graveyards as others in the community, such people were branded as ‘lepers’. Aspects of law such the Lepers act drafted in India in 1898 were used to legally discriminated, exclude and marginalise those affected by leprosy. Accordingly, the term ‘Leper’ is now deeply offensive, as it

reinforces connotations of rejection and ostracisation, connotations which charities have worked tirelessly to try and eliminate. Today the stigma surrounding Leprosy is reinforced by the many misplaced beliefs that surround it. Beliefs such as that Leprosy is the result of sins in a past life, that it cannot be cured, and that its highly contagious only make matters worse. In reality treating the infection is relatively simple. A course of various antibiotics taken over a period of many months can clear the infection and leaves the patient resistant to future infections. However, the social stigma, rejection and emotional scars may take much longer to heal. People affected by Leprosy may also require special care for the rest of their lives, as nerve damage caused by the initial infection may lead to numb hands and or feet for the rest of an individual’s life, leaving them at serious risk of injury and other infections. As such, people affected by Leprosy are some of the most vulnerable people on the planet. Often shunned and discriminated against by society, and facing significant health problems, they tend to occupy the lowest social positions. That’s why world Leprosy day exists, to remind us who live in more fortunate circumstances, that this ancient condition still exists, and requires attention and recognition. Many charities such as LEPRA and The Leprosy Mission continue to work internationally to cure and prevent the spread of leprosy and help in the fight for global elimination. Visit http://www. leprahealthinaction. org/ and http://www. for more information. It may be worth noting, that if you are one of the many health students studying at Salford, there may be opportunities to volunteer in this area after graduation. Your expertise may be widely appreciated in the fight against Leprosy, and volunteering could also be an opportunity to learn many, many new things.

15 of The Salfordian, which is out on 25 February 2013.

Recipe of the week Pancakes! Were your attempts at making pancakes for Shrove Tuesday last week a bit of a disaster? Do you still have bits of batter stuck to your kitchen? Don’t worry, you can make pancakes all year round! Here’s how to do it properly. Amy Hughes

You will need: 1 1/4 cup plain flour 2 tbsp sugar 2 tsp baking powder 1 beaten egg 1 tbsp oil Instructions: 1) Mix together the dry ingredients with half a teaspoon of salt 2) combine all wet ingredients together and then add to the dry mix all at once 3) mix together until well combined but still slightly lumpy 4) ladel the mix into a hot lightly greased pan and flip when needed. Alternatives: you can add anything you like into your pancakes such as: chocolate chips (1 bag), blueberries, banana slices, etc.


Comment : 27

We are anonymous:

The effects of the internet on social interaction in modern times. Rob Atkinson

As we are all well aware, the internet has changed the way that our lives are lived. The ease at which any individual lucky enough to own a computer or smartphone can access information in a matter of seconds is truly astonishing. The vast majority of our social lives have been entirely rebuilt around social networking (Facebook now boasts over one billion users worldwide), applications and other electronic tools we use day-by-day to live our lives. On the surface this appears to be nothing but an improvement as far as our social lives are concerned – we no longer have any trouble getting in touch with friends and loved ones and can utilise a plethora of methods to share information, voice, video, pictures and so on. Unfortunately, the phenomenon that is the internet has affected the very way

in which we humans conduct ourselves socially – behind the screen and in the flesh. Trolls, keyboard warriors, white knights – all terms to describe the purveyors of certain well known and generally despised behavioural traits exclusive to the World Wide Web. Generally speaking, they exist to antagonise other internet users and generally ruin the days of the remainder of the population. The peculiar thing is that this behaviour appears to manifest itself in those whose identity is either withheld or those acting under an alias. For example, make your way to any video on Youtube and you won’t have to search more than two minutes to find a full-blown argument about Justin Bieber, other user’s mothers and how much of a faggot OP (the original poster) is. Similarly, visit the notorious /b/ page of the popular image-board 4chan and prepare to be debauched by all manners of graphic content, and, more relevant to this article, anonymous users’ complete

lack of remorse when expressing their distaste for other users content and / or opinions, with more often than not racist and / or homophobic remarks. Obviously this is not how you would expect people to act towards each other in normal life; however it is the accepted conversational style on many websites. This can be accredited to the anonymous status of the user. On sites with similar content (funny pictures, memes and other viral content) such as Reddit, where the users have usernames and are rewarded for constructive, funny or useful comments with upvotes and ‘reddit gold’, the ‘trolling’ does not seem to occur as much. In summary, mob mentality is rife on the internet. Where users can act as a faceless, unidentifiable entity with no circumstances to their online actions, it appears that in general, people will embrace the opportunity to act like a right c*nt.

Wake-Up! Football Fans Are The Last People Alive Sean McGuire I recently came across an article which described football fans as ‘inhuman’, ‘mindless’ and ‘perverse’. The author went on to to describe them as a ‘cancer’. These are all words that have dehumanising connotations. However, just as in life, everything that people think is right is actually wrong. The world is a revolving contradiction. The gauntlet has been thrown down and I challenge you to a duel. I am a football fan, and guess what? I have a mind; and unlike you I am human. This is the dramatic irony in said writer’s opinion piece. The reason why this selfconfessed ‘normal’ person is so opposed to football fans behaviour is because he is the one who cannot think for himself; he is the entity that is devoid of a mind. To me, football fans are the last remnants of time when there were actually human beings roaming the planet. It is tribal, intrinsically human and is the biggest outlet for those left to feel alive. Why? Because it is the last human freedom. It is the only place where a human being can fully express themselves tribally. Expression is freedom. Freedom is humanity. This writer, unfortunately, has fallen foul to the mind police that are the oppressing classes of this country. The poor soul believes in sensationalism. He waits for social cues before he acts. He jumps on the vitriolic bandwagon that is political correctness; his mind is not free; he doesn’t think, therefore he isn’t. I think therefore I am; and here is the message to him who isn’t and those disgruntled soapwatching, consumer-consumed, preprogrammed, nine-to-fivers who differ: Freedom as a human being is NOT the ability to stroll around anywhere in the world, because you made the decision to abide by social ‘norms’ that the rich and powerful have invented to keep the masses in their place. People act in this pre-programmed way and follow the ‘rules’ because they are in

fear having their physical freedom taken away. However, here is the bombshell that will be like a virus to your expertly constructed hard drives: not conforming to what the masses do, does not take away your physical freedom. Moreover, it gives you your freedom as a human being back. You see, now, if you believe this revelation, when someone presses ‘z’ on your social cue keyboard, ‘x’ will now appear in your computer screen-like mind. This means you will no longer function like a computer. You are now non-mechanical, alas you are a human being. Having your mind repressed into a tiny ball of political correctness is a prison in itself. This may guarantee that you can walk out of a door unrestrained for the rest of your life; however you can never be a true human being, because you function in a pre-determined way. A man who is confined within four small walls, yet not being affected by society’s oppression, has a freedom that extends way beyond the universe. Those who think they have the freedom of the universe, but conform to what they are ‘supposed’ to think, may as well be in a confined space the size of a coffin. Because after all, they are technically dead. Freedom as a human is to be able to think, then do; not think, then don’t. Perhaps some convincing is in order for those becoming seriously adverse to this notion. You cannot help but disagree with this idea because it is not compatible with the software already installed on your brain; it is what windows would call an error code C7 – an ‘incompatible system error’. New information has attempted to enter your pre-programmed hard drive but the incompatibility causes a reaction of aversion and confusion. Most computers will shut-down, re-boot and rid the new input from their system. So it’s okay if you ‘feel’ angry. It’s not your fault. Turn off your brain and re-boot. Freedom is overrated anyway. A human being on the other hand absorbs new ideas in all their glory; they

take on board and embrace the multiemotional euphoria of free-thinking and broad-mindedness. A person who has succumbed to the programming of the oppressing classes cannot do this; they are the narrow-minded ones, they are the scourge. Their computerised brains are the ones that are ‘inhuman’; they will never know how to be a human being. Those who need to ‘act’ in public; those who respond to life’s situations with pre-installed output – they are the ‘mindless’ people on Earth. The biggest threat that technology has presented to humanity is artificial intelligence; many people dread the day that computers start to think like human beings. The irony is that the biggest threat to humanity is human beings starting to think like computers. Living is about autonomy, not automation. Emotion, not emoticons. Instead of ‘USB’, think ‘you should be’. For the anti-football fan writer, who shall remain anonymous – not to avoid a rift, but to dehumanise him down to the statistic he is for his amateurish diatribe directed towards football fans – on the contrary dear contemporary, you are the one who is ‘inhuman’ you are the one who is ‘mindless’ you are the ‘cancer’. Cancer is an unwanted intruder that destroys living organisms; and that is actually what you are – not football fans. Who would have known that you did not look at football fans, you in fact looked in the mirror. You are the one who is mindless, inhuman, perverse and cancerous. So carry on writing down someone else’s thoughts in your little paper; after all, you have no choice. So for those who are opposed to football fans and want to continue with this myth that we are mindless -here is my contentment that I sit in like a warm bath: Whilst I am breathing my mind will be free; and whilst your mind is not free, you will merely be breathing. I love being a football fan, and today is a great day to be alive.

You can enter the competition at by searching for ‘BETA travel survey’ online before Sunday 3 March 2013

28 : Arts


Film review

Photograph: Warner Brothers (

Director:Juan Antonia Bayona Rating: four stars out of five

The Impossible Jasmine Patel

Being washed away by a huge tidal wave, drowned in dirty water, and being ripped apart by tree branches and broken metal and glass parts, the Spanish director, Juan Antonia Bayona brings the experience of a family caught in the mayhem of one of the worst natural disasters in recent times.

A British business man, Henry Bennett played by Ewan McGreggor, his wife Marie, a doctor played by Naomi Watts and their three sons, are spending the Christmas holidays in a luxury Thai resort. Time is ticking and their luck has started to run out as Henry may lose his job. Within seconds, the excitement dies and the fight for survival begins as a gigantic wave sweeps and floods the area,

Music review

leaving us sitting on the edge of our seats as the untold destruction is brought to life of the Boxing Day Tsunami in the Indian Ocean. Lucas, the eldest son, played by Tom Hollands is a fantastic swimmer, even though jumping into the pool as the wave hit wasn’t a good idea, because the crystal clear water soon became contaminated. I suppose its understanding as he was in a state of shock and had nowhere to go. Cringes are running through the body as Maria’s (Naomi Watts) leg rips in to

Genre: Psychedelic Occult Rock

Bloody Hammers - ST Sally Leibovici Arts editor Bloody Hammers released their first self-entitled album near the end of last year all while tempting their potential fans with cleverly crafted songs. The album shows itself to be the memory lane that many have longed to walk down on in this era of cookie-cutter musical endeavours. It kicks off with“Witch of Endor” and they couldn’t have done a better job. The listener is thrown into a whirlpool of raw sounds while also witnessing one of the most honest tributes ever recorded to some of the greatest bands. The second song is just as enticing. “Fear No Evil” brings in sounds that Aleister Crowley would most definitely air guitar to. The bass is sensual, the guitars are surreal and the drummer has an exquisite ear for harmony. There are no heavy hands here and no excesses.

The next couple of songs don’t do the album any justice. “The Last Legion of Sorrow” and “Say Goodbye To The Sun” just seem to be generic HIM songs. Everything goes back on track afterwards and oh, how it pleases even the pickiest of ears! With “The Witching Hour”, “Black Magic”, “Trisect”, “Beyond the Door” and “Souls on Fire” they truly reinvent the legacy that the likes of The Misfits and Black Sabbath left behind. Unfortunately the final song “Don’t Breathe A Word” is an epically poor choice with a sound that only chants Metallica! The song dwells in self pity and instrumentals that don’t have the sex-appeal of doom and gloom. “Bloody Hammers” is a fine debut album with its ups and downs. If willing to overlook the fillers, this album really appears to be the metaphor we all need.

Rating: 3/10

a broken branch of a tree, metal car doors scratch deep in to the skin and the unclean bacterial water is swallowed. It becomes unbearable to watch seeing Maria’s half ripped muscle in her leg, moreover, it’s disgusting when she chokes and pukes out brown-watery rubbish that she had swallowed. This really shouldn’t be rated a 12A certificate. It would be expected that McGreggor would take the role of a hero father, saving his family, but the role is reversed and Lucas’ (Tom Holland) strong force drives

Music review

the family together. On an Orange Wednesday, when the auditorium is full, sitting throughout the movie, it felt so real, that it made audience members cry, sympathising to those that struggled and lost their lives in this terrible disaster. Continuing the sadness of the film, a greater effect that would have taken by storm, is if Maria had closed her eyes in the flashback. The film doesn’t construct the consequences and therefore the intense drama experience, would have had more hype, if the children

Genre: metal

Otep- Sounds Like Armageddon Sally Leibovici Arts editor If you’re not a fan then live albums are really not on anyone’s “to-buy” list, because they’re rather annoying in quality and in mass hype from the thousands of sweaty and drunk concert-goers. The “wooo’s” or the “aaaaa’s” take away from the power of the songs because they only work when you’re part of the sweaty and drunk mass. Otep is releasing her first live album entitled “Sounds Like Armageddon” and even though there’s a general dislike of these sort of albums, this one in particular is rather good. Her voice is amazing even

live, going from guttural to musical in a second. What’s missing from the track list is “War Pigs”. One of her most powerful songs is not there and one really feels the need for it. The best track off the album is “Crooked Spoons”. It’s superbly executed and reminds a bit of the iconic “White Rabbit” performed by Jefferson Airplane. Other notable songs from the tracklist are “Blood Pigs”, “Confrontation” and “Ghostflower”, not to mention her beautifully raw interpretation of Nirvana’s “Breed”. Political and powerfulher songs are just as mind blowing when performed live.

Rating: 6/10

were to be brought up without a mother, and the birdseye view of the corruption is still portrayed when the family bring the body back home. This would have represented the lives lost and the result of broken families. Juan Antonia Bayona should have really considered releasing the movie in 3D to enhance the audience experience and the added drama of the Tsunami wave. Despite this, it is a must see film of 2013.

Music review

Genre: thrash metal

Revengia- Lake of Fire Sally Leibovici Arts editor Lake of Fire kicks off with a riff that can only remind the listener of a funeral march. The slow pace of the first track builds up the atmosphere of the whole album in a very skilful and imaginative manner. The vocals on the album are a bit out of tune with the songs. The beautiful instrumentals are backed up against a voice that sounds rugged in a way that doesn’t even remotely please the ears. It’s hard to tell what genre of music it could belong to as it’s somewhere between metal and death metal. Further down the tracklist Revengia pleases us with mental riffs, that have a place amongst

the guitar gods. The bass line is heavy, tuned so low it reminds a bit of Metallica’s earlier work and sometimes even of Korn. As usual when listening to this music the drum line doesn’t distinguish itself from any other generic metal song, it’s just a constant of thumping throughout the whole album. “Lake of Fire” is the song to keep an eye out for. It’s brilliant in its groove feel and Panteralike rhythm. Revengia are a long way off becoming the “must” of metal, but with a little bit of work they could claw their way through. With chilling riffs and violent tunes this album will fuel your lust for head banging every now and then.

Rating: 5/10


Careers : 29

10 ways to... create a good CV you tailor it to suit the needs of that particular role. 4. Include a personal statement. Use a short personal statement to explain why you are suitable for the role, stating how the experience you have had relates to the job role, and why it should be you that is picked for the position. 5. Check for errors. Make sure you proof read your CV before handing it out. You don’t want any spelling errors or typos that could cost your CV to be thrown in the bin. 6. Tell the truth. Don’t bother making things up, as the employer will always find out the truth one way or another. Be honest throughout your CV, as dishonesty can lead to a lot of trouble when the employer has to check your background and references. 7. Keep it current. Update

Okay, so that time of year is coming up for third year students, like myself, to start thinking about jobs. It’s a terrifying thought, but not one to be ignored. The route to landing yourself an interview, or a chance of an offer is all through your CV. Your CV speaks for you in an electronic or paper form and is the foundation on which an employer will be interested in you or not. Here is a list of 10 ways to create a good CV, and all of which will make sure you land yourself in the career you are heading for. 1. Make it look good. The layout and presentation will be the first noticeable thing about your CV so it’s really important you make it clear, ideally in a size 12 font, and sensible spacing. Your CV must be easy to read, so keep it in a simple format. There are many simple templates online which you can use as a template for your own. 2. Don’t waffle. Keep your CV punchy and straight to the point. Employers don’t want to have to read through an essay to find out what your skills are or what experience you have had. 3. Tailor it. For whichever job position you are applying for, make sure

your CV after everything you do. Any experience you have, anything relevant to your career path, you must get it down on your CV straight away before you forget. 8. Be concise. Use bullet points to highlight your points. 9. Use facts and figures. Employers like to see statistics. 10. Keep it to two pages if you can, too many pages and the employer will not bother to read on. And finally, good luck!

Photograph: Sahlgoode @

Lowri Williams Features editor

To find out more about careers and opportunities, or to apply for the volunteering or job openings below, visit

Volunteering opportunity

of the week



Organisation: Salford City Reds Foundation Organisation : Recruitment Empire

Position: Brief Interventions Volunteer

Position: Face to Face Interpreting

Deadline: 20-Feb-2013 Wednesday

Salary: £14.00 to £23.00 an hour

Location: Salford Engaging with public, passing on health information. Making brief interventions. At a Super League rugby game. Skills Required: Communication Skills, Approachable, confident. Check us out on our website www.salfordcityredsfoundati... The volunteering opportunity relates to the Tackle Cancer Program which we successfully ran last year with volunteers from UoS We work closely with partners such as Salford City Council, NHS Salford, Salford University and Salford City College.



Location: Salford Deadline: 7-Mar-2013 Thursday Interpreters convert spoken or sign language statements from one language to another. Interpreting involves listening to, understanding and memorising content in the original ‘source’ language, then reproducing statements, questions and speeches in a different ‘target’ language. This is often done in only one direction, normally into the interpreter’s native language, but may be on a two-way basis. Interpreting can be carried out in various ways: in person, whether in the same room or from a nearby conference booth , by telephone, when the interpreter is in a different location from the speakers , via video conferencing and internet-based technologies

Job vacancy

of the week

Organisation: The Factory Youth Zone Position: Communications Support Volunteer Deadline: 1-Mar-2013 Friday Location: Harpurhey Part-time Position description: Skills required: Excellent writing skills Able to communicate well verbally, Confident using a computer, Confident using social media, Good attention to detail, Happy working on own initiative and as part of a team Duties include: Research and write up profiles/stories about the activities, Research and write case studies about members and volunteers, Create content for Facebook, Twitter and Flickr, Creating posters for internal use (templates on Word are provided), Creating displays as needed, Creating and updating marketing contact lists.

Organisation : Bupa Care Homes Salary: £neg Location: Manchester

Position: Registered Nurse Deadline: 13-Mar-2013 Wednesday

•You will be responsible for maintaining the highest standards of care and clinical excellence •Leading a team, you’ll develop, implement and evaluate individualised care plans, ensuring the physical, emotional and social needs of our residents are met •Other key duties will include delivering hands on nursing, safe administration of drugs, maintaining accurate records, complying to policies, procedures and guidelines of the company and governing bodies •Working alongside a multidisciplinary team, you will really get to know our residents and their families, promoting independence, choice, dignity and respect •You will motivate and mentor your team, delivering teaching sessions and guiding the professional development of junior colleagues. Be the nurse you want to be. Email or call 0113 3816131 for more information.

30 : Your Union


Rec night February 2013 Last week’s rec night was a great chance for the Students’ Union sport and activity groups to get together and show off their costume-making skills! This time around the fancy dress theme was countries, with some interesting results! See if you can spot yourself! All photographs: Steph Thompson

Gutted you missed the rec night? Want to find out about upcoming Students’ Union nights? Go to Having any problems with your course? Is there any issues that you would like to raise? Find out how to contact your sabbatical officers below

Tom Doyle Vice President Science and Technology

Eli Prodromova Vice President Arts and Social Sciences

Mishal Saeed Vice President Health and Social Care 0161 351 5400 0161 351 5400 0161 351 5400

Christina Kennedy President 0161 351 5400

Sport & Activties: 31


Sport & Activity groups at Salford

For more information about Students’ Union sport and activity groups, visit

Shock Radio

Fencing: Salford 134 - 122 Huddersfield Kieran Byrne The Byrne-Gibson Cup is the newly named competition between the University of Salford and Huddersfield University Fencing Clubs. Last week Salford hosted the second competition and, after Huddersfield hosted and won the first event last year, Salford had to win on home soil! After a non-competitive match for beginners of each team, that Salford won 45-40, the main event began. Salford got off to a slow start in the foil event by losing their first three fights. The foil fencers got into their stride and Salford started to lead Huddersfield, and they eventually won the foil event 45-41. The epee event was next and both sides were fighting fiercely. Some great acrobatic attacking movements from Salford and brilliantly timed defensive actions from

Huddersfield made for an excellent spectacle! Huddersfield won by only one point in the epee, 45-44. The final event was sabre and everything was to play for. Salford dominated the sabre event with early victories and then increased their lead until finally winning 45-37. Cheers rang out from the Salford team as the Salford captain scored the final point to win the event and the match. A cup was introduced to the match this year to add more incentive to the events and the members of each team decided to name it in honour

Bryony Pearce Sports and activities editor

of the coaches of both teams: Kieran Byrne (Salford) and Nathan Gibson (Huddersfield). The successful Salford team included Kieran Byrne (Captain), Aden Peets (ViceCaptain), Matthew Holt, Clare Cornes, Richard Watson, Georgina Grimshaw, James Gay, Jake Zukas, Stephen Challinor and Luke Magnall.

The team are now looking forward to upcoming competitions with confidence, such as the Merseyside Open (National Ranking Event) and BUCS Individual Championships. If you fancy a go at fencing then the club meets every Wednesday at 5.30pm - 7.30pm in Allerton Hall.

Do you have an interest or passion for the radio? If so, then why not join the Shock Radio team. Shock Radio is the University of Salford Students’ Union’s very own radio station, broadcasting to over 20,000 students across Salford each semester. Shock welcomes on board an array of members, so whether you’ve been involved in radio before or you’re just starting out they have both on-air and off-air opportunities to cater for everyone’s level. Roles can range from engineering and sales to programming and music, any sound appealing to you? As well as offering a high standard, professional radio station the tight-knit society

plans plenty of events and socials throughout the year, including the Student Radio Station Awards and Conference, as well as Rec nights and the Colours Ball a little closer to home. Broadcasting takes place exclusively online at shockradio., but you’ll often hear the group out and about on-campus at Students’ Union events. The 2012 / 13 academic year brings the 10th anniversary of Shock Radio broadcast. If you want to be part of a driven team to help the station prosper even further then you can contact Ríain McAuley, the manager, on To keep up to date with the society you can ‘like’ their Facebook page at www. f a c e b o o k . c o m /s h o c k r a d i o , or follow them on Twitter @ ShockRadio.

they clicked away for some phenomenal pictures of red deer and fallow deer and witnessed the rare sighting of a red-crested pochard. The society still has lots to look forward to in the coming months with big trips planned to Gigrin Farm and Bempton Cliffs, plenty more local trips, and lots more socials too. Last but not least, the group intend on ending their fruitful year in style as they plan on going to the Isle of Mull - the third largest of the Hebridean Islands off the west coast of Scotland. The week long trip will provide opportunities to see and photograph some unique sights, such as the whitetailed eagles, golden eagles, hen harriers, sea otters, minkle whales, common dolphins, basking sharks, puffins, corncrakes, adders and much, much more! If this society sounds appealing to you, you can catch up with them by searching ‘University of Salford Wildlife Photography Society’ of Facebook, or by following them on Twitter @UoS_Wildlife.

Photograph: Chirag Patel

As the photographs here clearly show the Salford Wildlife Photography Society come across some superb sights when they are on their travels, capturing spectacular moments with just a click of a button. The society is very hands on, organising numerous trips throughout

the academic year both locally and some further afield. During the first semester the group took trips to Donna Nook, Hilbre and Leighton Moss to name just a few! As well as regular trips the society also organised an exhibition which took place early in December, giving the members the opportunity to showcase and sell some of their fantastic shots. The groups most recent trip saw them hit the hills of Lyme Park where

Photograph: Sebastian Narbutas

Bryony Pearce Sports and activities editor

Photograph: Scott Reid

University of Salford Wildlife Photography

Sport & Activties: 32


Photograph: Richard Meftah

league with -3 points, and a -397 goal difference. The women’s team sit marginally higher up in their table in fifth position, with two wins and two losses. Squash: The men’s squash team are nestled just below the middle of their league table

with two wins to their four losses. With everyone in this league on a level playing field in terms of the amount of games played, the results so far show no reason as to why Salford can’t edge their way to the top tier of their league by the end of the season.

Photograph: Richard Meftah

With over half of the academic year gone and the majority of last Wednesday’s home games cancelled due to the bizarre weather, a sports round up seemed more than fitting! Basketball: The men’s first team have had a brilliant 2012/13 season so far and are sitting in second position in their league with just one loss. Nearby rivals University of Manchester currently top the table having won all of their games to date, but with just three points separating the two team’s Salford are still well in contention. With two games still in hand the women’s team are well placed in third position. With two wins and two losses so far, a couple of victories could be vital in their next few games in order to work their way up to pole position. Indoor cricket: The men’s first team are challenging for top position as they sit in second place

The University of Cumbria are just two points behind, but Salford’s consistent unbeaten record will no doubt dub them as favourites for the league this year. In contrast the women’s team place slightly lower in their league, but with a game in hand and plenty of the season to go they still have it all to play for! Netball: The first team look to be struggling slightly, but with themselves and two other teams all level on points, wins, and losses, a couple of crucial wins could see them shoot right up the table. The second team are also left trailing as they sit in sixth position. Rugby League: The men’s rugby league team currently look well placed in their league, but with an extra game under their belt over the rest of the teams things could still change. With 10 games gone Salford have won four and lost six. Rugby Union: Salford’s rugby union side have left themselves with what looks to be an impossible task in their league. The lads have lost all of their eight games and as a result are sat at the bottom of their

Photograph: Richard Meftah

Bryony Pearce Sports and activities editor

behind Manchester Met, with nine points, and just one loss. With many teams in the league with games yet to play nothing is secured, but Salford’s 3:1 winning ratio sets them in good stead. At the other end of the table Salford’s second team are struggling down in sixth place, yet to win a game. Football: The men’s first side currently rest in fourth place, but with Salford and Manchester Met both with a game in hand the league is yet to be measured up. Salford displayed a solid performance in their latest game and will no doubt take that confidence through to their next game in order to move their way up the table. The women’s first team on the other hand have left themselves with a lot of work to do. With two draws and three losses to their name the girls are yet to win a game, and as a result are left at the bottom of their table in sixth place. Hockey: The men’s first team are having a superb season as they stand at the top of their league table with 18 points.

Photograph: Richard Meftah

BUCS League: Round-up

Last week Salford’s badminton team took on local opponents MMU Cheshire. With some decent performances in last week’s fixtures there was plenty to build on in this tie. It was Carl Andrews who was up first in a singles match. It was a slow start for the Salford player who found himself behind by a large margin early on, and this was mainly due to a succession of misjudged shots hitting the net. But as the first game continued this allowed Andrews to ease into his game and he started to work the opposition around the court more and regained some of the point difference. However the first game still went to Cheshire 16 – 21. In the second game something had to change and Andrews was fortunate enough to see the majority of Cheshire’s efforts either hit the net or go out of play with a catalogue of errors. With a range of confident smashes Andrews was able to see out the game to take them into a final game

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decider by winning 21- 12, the momentum clearly in the Salford camp. But the form went out of the window as Cheshire’s player managed to clinch the match as the curse of poor finishing hit Andrews in the final game. The final game ended 21 – 11 and the disappointment and frustration was evident as the game could have gone either way. The next game involved smash specialist Andrew Tay and partner Winston Tey in a doubles match. After coming off the back of a defeat in their first game as a pair they needed to make an impression in the second game. The first game could be described as very cagey as both pairs didn’t stamp any authority above the other with a lot of wide hits. However, it was Tay’s smashes that separated the score lines as they walked away from the first game 21-12. The second game started to hot up

Photograph: Steph Thompson

Luke betts

Photograph: Steph Thompson

Men’s badminton: Salford 2nd v MMU Cheshire 1st

a bit more and even though Salford still held the points lead throughout, there was still a sense of pressure coming from Cheshire who were always within touching distance. The Cheshire duo managed to create a flowing rhythm to their play with many vicious smashes, one striking Tay straight in the chest, leaving badminton pie all over his shirt. But Salford remained composed and consistent and were able to see the game out as Cheshire grew tired and made some silly errors. Nathan Campbell O’Donnell and Phil Howarth also had a successful afternoon as they didn’t give up on what looked to be a certain victory for their opponents who are top of the league. The pair managed to claw back eight points in a row to clinch victory when the game looked lost. Overall Salford’s team can be proud of their efforts and will look forward to their future challenges.

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