Benefits of Sliding Doors Over Hinged Doors for Wardrobes!

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Benefits of Sliding Doors Over Hinged

Doors for Wardrobes!

Anyone interested in renovating or furnishing a bedroom ought to place a high priority on selecting the appropriate wardrobe style. This is because it not only has the potential to improve the overall aesthetic quality of the space you are working in, but it also plays an essential practical role in your day-to-day activities.

In this blog below we have discussed different types of modern wardrobe designs and why you should go with sliding closet doors.

Provides More Space

When compared to sliding doors kinds, bedroom wardrobes with hinged doors require additional space to open and close the doors. A hinged wardrobe required more space because its doors open to the outside. Because of this, additional space needs to be set aside in front of the wardrobe.

On the other hand sliding doors of modern wardrobe designs are more efficient in terms of space utilization because these type of door mechanism in dressing cabinet does not require any additional room to open. If you have limited space then it is recommended to buy dressing table online with sliding doors that are constrained for space due to their ability to maximize available vertical space.

A lower clearance from the plinth

Hinged doors have greater plinth clearance above the skirting level, which makes it necessary to leave additional space at the bottom of the wardrobes. When it comes to wardrobes with hinges, the plinth clearance needs to have a gap of at least 100 millimeters available.

Cupboards with sliding doors, do not require any plinth clearance and, as a result, provide greater space. It saves a lot of space and is perfect for a little cozy bedroom.


Because the width of hinged doors must be maintained to a minimum, there is a greater requirement for a more significant number of hinges to be used in closets, which increases cost. This, in turn, affects the width of the cupboard as well as its total size. If one needs a larger cupboard, then one will need a 4-door wardrobe.

On the other hand, sliding doors have a maximum width that can be maintained. Additionally, there is a requirement for a lower total number of doors for the wardrobes. The fact that additional sliders are not required in greater quantities results in a reduction in the overall cost of the wardrobes.

Allows to Install Multiple Mirrors

The vertical weight balancing of hinged doors often only allows a limited amount of weight to be supported by mirrors because mirrors are heavy. It is not a good idea to install full-length mirrors on hinged doors since the additional weight could cause the hinges to get damaged. The doors have the propensity to become brittle, and the hinges need to be replaced quite frequently. Additionally, the mirrors are required to be attached to the wooden doors, which will significantly add to the total weight.

Sliding doors, on the other hand, counterbalance the additional weight placed on horizontal sliders. Because of this, they can easily support the weight of full-length mirrors and do not wear out. Doors made of plain glass or mirrors made of plain glass are currently trendy solutions that may be purchased nowadays. Frosted glass doors or tinted glass are the most recent additions to the assortment of sliding door wardrobe options that are available.

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