Common Causes for Chest Pain | Fortis Bangalore

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Common Causes for Chest Pain ! 2019


Panic Attacks






Heart Attack


Respiratory Issues

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Dr. Vivek Jawali

Dr. Keshava R

Chief of Cardio Thoracic Vascular Sciences

Consultant Interventional Cardiology

Dr. Nischal Pandya Consultant Cardio Vascular Thoracic Surgery

Fortis Hospital Bangalore

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Common Causes for Chest Pain When talking about the chest pain, we run over the diverse chest pain shapes. It could either be a sharp cut or a dull pain, it could give you a burning vibe as well. Chest pain could be caused because of various reasons. Lungs and heart cause the most alarming circumstances when these are the explanations for the chest pain. 04

According to a cardiology hospital in Bangalore, underneath are the most widely recognized reasons for chest pain.

Chest pain – common causes 05



The abrupt episodes of dread and nervousness are named as fits of anxiety. One frequently gets alarm assaults in various circumstances. These assaults could cause heart palpitations, breath shortness, and 06 claiming that they have a craving for being a chest pain. This thinks of individuals going to the ER and heart assault injured individual.

2.Angina : This feeling is created when your heart muscle needs enough of the oxygen, discomforting your chest and giving it a minor pain. It could prompt coronary illness if not paid attention to. Angina is steady when it accompanies you exerting yourself. This unsteady angina makes the pain keep going for under five minutes. Yet, with regards to shaky angina, your chest could encounter sudden chest pain notwithstanding when you ought not. It could keep going for more than 30minutes resulting in a heart assault.

3.Pneumonia Profound breathing or coughing in pneumonia can be a reason for serious chest pain. Having pneumonia gives you a chance to manage other respiratory issues also. See your specialist and let this infection be blessed to receive let go of the stabbing side effects and infection itself.

4.Heart Attack a. b.

c. d.

A heart attack is an alarming circumstance causing a stabbing pain with weight on the chest. You may need to manage its manifestation like virus sweating, wooziness, an unpredictable heartbeat, breath shortness, hand or arm deadness, a feeling or chocking, and serious shortcoming. At the point when there is a blockage in at least one blood supplying conduits, the heart muscle needs to experience extraordinary pain when it comes up short on an oxygen-rich blood. When you're facing a chest pain because of a heart assault, it could be one of the most keen pains you would ever understanding. It's smarter to react to your heart assault manifestations when you can, for getting it treated well.

5.Respiratory Issues a. b. c. d.

When you are dealing with lungs injury or some other lungs issues, your chest could encounter intense pain. Respiratory issues are the main sources of having chest pain. Breathing issue or other such conditions are the purposes behind having intense chest pain. Overwhelming breathing and effort may increase pain. For decreasing it, you have to take rest and inhale gradually.

Previously mentioned are a couple of the most widely recognized reasons for chest pain. Different causes include myocarditis, pericarditis, aortic burst, valve sickness, pleurisy, asthma, and numerous different reasons can cause your chest pain. These situations need to be handled by a good cardiologist. If you are a citizen of Bangalore, make sure you consult the best cardiologist in Bangalore for your treatment.

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