The Scribe

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The Newsletter of the Heritage Edition —

The Fine Art Edition of The Saint John’s Bible

Royalty, Scripture and the King James Bible Lineage When The Royal Wedding between Prince William and the former Catherine Middleton was celebrated on April 29 at Westminster Abbey in London, the bride’s brother James Middleton read scripture from Romans 12:1-2, 9-18 using the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), the same translation used in The Saint John’s Bible. Like many aspects of the world-famous ceremony, there is the assumption that this well-read reading in its modern translation will be included more often in wedding ceremonies and liturgies in the future. Using the NRSV’s Donald Jackson, artistic director of The Saint John’s Bible, and his artistic team worked with the New Revised Standard modern, gender-inclusive Version, a lineal descendant of the King James Bible. Photo by translation in the marriage Michael Freeman service’s only reading instead of the more traditional King James Bible (KJB) translation caused debate about scripture used “for the times.” However, the pedigree is unmistakable and the original translation from 1611 is being heralded and universally celebrated by the church, the country and the world 400 years later. Indeed, the service did include the more traditional-language version in song, prayer and the presence of clergy and venerated the KJB on such a momentous occasion during its 400th anniversary year. And like the lineage celebrated at The Royal Wedding, the lineage between the King James Bible and its lineal descendant — the New Revised Standard Version — is being recognized and honored by The Saint John’s Bible Committee on Illumination and Text (CIT) in this important anniversary year. Fr. Michael Patella, OSB, chair of the CIT and professor of theology at Saint John’s, is participating in the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) events celebrating the KJB’s 400th anniversary. In addition to presenting at the society’s annual meeting in November 2011, Fr. Michael will participate in the society’s international meeting at King’s College in London in July. He is part of a focus group, “Bible and Visual Culture,” and will present “The King’s K ing J ames B ible

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Bible Among “Remarkably Bold, Daringly Different” at Marquette University’s Mission Week Marquette University’s Mission Week 2011 (Feb. 6-11, 2011) was a community celebration of the “remarkably bold, daringly different” and featured the arrival of The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition at the Catholic, Jesuit university. Four volumes of the fine art edition were made available for public viewing in the Alumni Memorial Union during this year’s annual Mission Week, for which the theme was “Imagine God.” “We are very fortunate — in our digital era — that there is an occasion to welcome a hand-written, handilluminated Bible,” Raynor Memorial Libraries Dean Janice Welburn said. “Inspired by the devotion of the monks of Saint John’s Abbey, Donald Jackson and his team of artists and scholars have produced a remarkable and timeless work, a multivolume Bible that is, in the words of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, ‘a work for eternity.’ ” Prior to the public viewing of Wisdom Books, Prophets, Psalms and Pentateuch, The Saint John’s Bible was introduced at an opening Mass. In a homily preached by John P. Fitzgibbons S.J., the university’s associate provost of faculty development said The Saint John’s Bible is a work of M arquet te U niversity

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Featured News

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K ing J ames B ible

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the reasons we are familiar with these passages is because of the King James Bible,” he said. “The Christmas story for example. Its eloquence is a result of the King James Bible. That Bible has perpetuated a literary dynasty within our culture that has lasted for 400 years. It’s had an impact on The Saint John’s Bible, because these verses are so well-known. The passages are important not only theologically, but also culturally; they have found a place of honor in the Englishspeaking world.” Donald Jackson, SJB artistic director, Fr. Michael Patella, OSB, chair of The Saint John’s Bible Committee on Illumination and Text, will present papers as part of the King James Bible’s 400th anniversary. Photo by Michael Swan, courtesy of The Catholic Register

Dynasty.” His paper explores how and why the KJB determined which biblical passages would receive special treatment at the hands of the calligrapher of The Saint John’s Bible, Donald Jackson. For the paper abstract’s, Fr. Michael wrote: “The King James Bible continues to have a cultural impact on the English speaking world, particularly through those subsequent English versions of the Bible that are descendant translations of the KJB. As a monument to the English language and faith, the KJB has had three revisions over the past four centuries, but none of these editions has been as sweeping as the New Revised Standard Version or NRSV. Fully aware of the NRSV’s royal lineage, the Committee on Illumination and Text for The Saint John’s Bible selected this English translation for its artistic undertaking, and found itself inspired in part by the tradition of the KJB from which it descended.” In a recent interview, Fr. Michael said many of the passages chosen for illumination by the CIT were selected because they became so well-known as a result of the King James Bible. “We (the CIT) had a lot of free associations. One of

will also present “An Illuminated Manuscript: The Saint John’s Bible” at the society’s international meeting at King’s College in London in celebration of the King James Bible. Now that The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition is part of universities’ and colleges’ special collections across the country, a few of these institutions are joining in celebrating the KJB’s anniversary and its lineage by including both bibles in exhibitions and programs. To learn more, visit www.saintjohnsbible/heritage and click on “Follow the Journey.”

did you know?

Other connections between The Saint John’s Bible and the Royal Wedding 1



he marriage was solemnized by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most T Reverend and Right Honorable Dr. Rowan Williams. The Archbishop said this of The Saint John’s Bible: “We tend to read greedily and hastily, as we do so many other things: this beautiful text shows us a better way. This project not only revives the ancient tradition of the church sponsoring creative arts, it also offers an insight into that lost skill of patient and prayerful reading.” onald Jackson, as a scribe to Her Majesty D Queen Elizabeth II, was responsible for the creation of official state papers including royal charters and commemorative documents such as Prince William’s parents’ marriage certificate.

The choir from St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, London, joined three CSB and SJU choral ensembles and the Amadeus Chamber Symphony on April 29 in celebration of the Royal Wedding earlier that day. The concert was held in Saint John’s Abbey Church. Photo by

aint John’s University, home of S The Saint John’s Bible, hosted a concert at Paul Middlestaedt Saint John’s in celebration of the Royal Wedding on April 29. The choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, the royal parish, joined the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University Chamber Choir and the Amadeus Chamber Symphony in the performance of G.F. Handel’s Coronation Anthem The King Shall Rejoice. The choir from St Martin-in-the-Fields Church is under the direction of Andrew Earis. This was the first visit to the United States by the choir and they were delighted to celebrate the special occasion in Collegeville. St Martin-in-the-Fields was also the first institution in the United Kingdom and the first Anglican church in the world to receive the Heritage Edition in June 2009. Last fall the choir celebrated the Bible with readings and music.

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imagination and beauty and an opportunity for the Marquette community to reflect on its mission. “The arrival of The Saint John’s Bible was given a pointed and elegant place in our Mission Week celebration as it was processed in during the entrance rites at the start of Mass,” he preached. The week also included a discussion on the Bible’s creation and importance by Fr. Eric Hollas, OSB, of Saint John’s University, and Susan Wood, SCL, chair and professor of Marquette’s Department of Theology and former faculty member at Saint John’s School of Theology•Seminary and a member of The Saint John’s Bible Committee on Illumination and Text, and Matt Blessing, head of Marquette’s Special Collections. Fr. Eric also led an evening of prayer and reflection with Scripture read from the Bible. The Heritage Edition volumes will be preserved and permanently displayed in the Prucha Archives Reading Room on the third floor of the Raynor Memorial Libraries. A different illumination will be displayed each day. The university will receive the remaining three volumes as they become available. Marquette Libraries’ Department of Special Collections preserves many

Matt Blessing, head of Marquette’s Special Collections, shows a guest a Heritage Edition volume. Photos by Dan Johnson.

renowned Catholic research collections, including Jesuit mission records, the Catholic Worker Archives, and the papers of J.R.R. Tolkien. “We also recognize that high-end facsimiles and fine art reproductions possess significant research value, and most importantly, instructional value for undergraduates,” said Blessing. Marquette plans to introduce the Heritage Edition to junior high and senior high school students in the Milwaukee area. Students will have an opportunity to

examine a set of medieval antiphonals, a 15th century book from Gutenberg’s press, and (coming full circle) The Saint John’s Bible. “Our annual ‘Mission Week’ programming offered an ideal opportunity to introduce the Heritage Edition to the university community, including faculty from many academic disciplines, plus staff from student affairs and campus ministry,” said Blessing. “Simply put, Marquette University purchased a Heritage Edition to be used.” Each February, the Marquette University community pauses to reflect on its Catholic, Jesuit mission. Mission Week is the time set aside to recall its larger purpose and the Ignatian heritage and spirituality that guides the community throughout the year. Read an interview with Marquette’s Provost John Pauly on page 6.

A volume on display in Raynor Memorial Libraries.

A volume on display with other prints at Marquette University.

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Noted & Celebrated

Bishop Richard Pates with Janet and Chuck Haas. The Haas family acquired a Heritage Edition and is sharing their fine art edition with parishioners throughout the Diocese of Des Moines. Photos by Jacob Sharp

Guests attending the print exhibition at St. Patrick’s Church in Dunlap, Iowa, view Psalms Frontispiece.

Bible Travels, Focus of Diocesan Centennial Celebration The Saint John’s Bible is part of a year-long diocesan centennial celebration that covers nearly a 12,500 square-mile-area in the southwestern quadrant of Iowa. After displaying Heritage Edition volumes at an opening reception, fine art prints have been exhibited through regions of the Diocese of Des Moines. This is the first time the Heritage Edition has been part of a centennial celebration, and that the fine art prints have been part of a diocesan-wide traveling exhibition. With stops in towns ranging in size from metro Des Moines, population nearly 500,000, to Grand River, population 205, the Bible prints are on a unique traveling display in parishes, schools and museums. “The smaller communities where the prints have been displayed have been pleased to be included in the traveling exhibit,” said Marilyn Sharp, member of the diocesan Centennial Culture Committee. “One thing the culture committee wanted was to make the whole diocese feel a part of the celebration. The traveling exhibit helps us reach all regions of the diocese with the 18 prints the diocese purchased.” Sharp said religious education classes as well as women’s groups have visited the exhibits in the various locations. At All Saints Church in Stuart, Iowa, (population: 1,400) a religious education class had studied illumination and calligraphy last year. After viewing the prints, students asked if they could get the calligraphy pens out and try their hands at illuminations. Finally, in Dunlap (population: 1,080), the parish purchased a print for the pastor who is moving to a different parish this summer. The prints, along with the 12 framed illuminations from the Heritage Edition, were first exhibited during Lent in

Des Moines and in Logan, on the western end of the diocese. Bishop Richard Pates hosted a reception on March 16 in Des Moines during the exhibit at the Polk County Heritage Gallery. A volume of the Heritage Edition was also on display at the reception. Bishop Pates said it has been an honor to have the Heritage Edition and the fine art prints as part of the centennial celebration. “The focus of our centennial year is evangelization. We are appreciative of how The Saint John’s Bible has contributed to our efforts to spread the message of Jesus to our diocesan community — indeed of all faith traditions,” he said. “The many visitors to the exhibit were deeply inspired by the beauty of the art and experienced lasting spiritual feelings from their viewing of the display.” A set of the Heritage Edition volumes has been acquired by Chuck and Janet Haas of Des Moines. The Haas family plans to display the volumes at various churches and schools throughout the diocese in the coming months and years. “We feel it is a privilege and an honor to have The Saint John’s Bible in our home,” said Chuck Haas. “We want to share this wonderful work with all those who are interested and can help make this happen.” The centennial year will conclude with a Liturgical Celebration on Nov. 6 with Archbishop Emeritus Harry Flynn, of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, as the keynote presenter at the closing ceremony. In April 2008, Archbishop Flynn was presented with a Heritage Edition in honor of his 11 years of pastoral leadership and service as archbishop to the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.

the scribe

St. Hubert and Holy Family High School to Share Bible An anonymous donor recently gifted The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition to be shared by Holy Family Catholic High School and St. Hubert Catholic Community. This is the first time the Bible has been jointly shared by a church and school and that a high school will have access to the seven-volume set. Holy Family, located in Victoria, Minn., is a ninth-12 grade Archdiocesan high school teaching in the Lasallian tradition. St. Hubert, which also includes an elementary school, is located in Chanhassen just minutes from the high school. The gift was made possible by one of its parishioners. On May 1, the Heritage Edition was received and blessed at a Mass at St. Hubert. Fr. Eric Hollas, OSB, con-celebrated the Mass and was part of the celebration of this extraordinary gift. A week later, on May 7, St. Hubert held an ecumenical community event “Celebrate the Word of God and the Gift of the Creative Spirit” that included a variety of workshops and activities inspired by the creation of the sacred art work. The programs ranged from grade school students reflecting on the Pentateuch volume’s Creation illumination to praying the illuminations through visio divina. Parishioners also had an opportunity to sign up as trained docents to help the church, school groups and visitors experience the fascinating journey and art in The Saint John’s Bible.

TOP St. Hubert Catholic Community Deacon Tim Helmeke speaks with parishioners and guests about one of the Heritage volumes on display. ABOVE The Psalms volume opened to the Psalms Frontispiece on display

near the altar in St. Hubert.

Photos by Scott Kieffer

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First Person

“A Landmark Accomplishment” Dr. John J. Pauly, is the provost of Marquette University. Reporting to Marquette’s newly elected President, Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., Dr. Pauly provides leadership for the 10 academic deans and the dean of libraries. The Scribe caught up with Provost Pauly between international travels to ask him about the university’s plans for the Bible.

QW hat are Marquette’s goals for using the Heritage Edition both academically and spiritually?

Dr. John J. Pauly

Q What has been the faculty’s and student’s reaction to The Saint John’s Bible at Marquette University?

A When I first saw The Saint John’s Bible, I thought of a dozen

A Everyone who has seen The Saint John’s Bible at Marquette

different ways in which we might use it. For many years to come, The Saint John’s Bible will be considered a landmark accomplishment in the history of the book, and I wanted our students in history, English, theology, visual arts, and print media to have access to it. The Bible is also a work of extraordinary spiritual gravity. When I first saw it at the Phoenix Art Museum in February 2008, I was struck by its palpable effect on people. The museum-goers who attended Marquette’s event at the exhibit left in hushed silence, as though they were still trying to absorb what they had just experienced. At that moment, I knew that we should try to acquire a copy, so that our students, faculty, and employees could share in that same experience of the ineffable.

has commented upon its extraordinary beauty, and marveled at the intellectual, aesthetic and spiritual ambition it took to create such a work.

Q Can you tell us how the Heritage Edition volumes are being used in Raynor Memorial Libraries?

A Like other universities who have purchased the Heritage Edition, Marquette continues to discover new uses for it. A volume of the Bible is constantly on display in our rare books room. During Mission Week last February, we showcased the Bible in a heavily trafficked area of our student union. Our Office of Mission and Ministry continues to find new occasions on which to use or display the Bible. Local religious groups have begun to ask to borrow it for their events. Q How do you see The Saint John’s Bible connecting with Marquette’s mission as a Catholic, Jesuit university?

A The Saint John’s Bible is like a thread running through the history of Catholicism, connecting our contemporary experiences to our oldest ritual and narrative traditions. Donald Jackson and his colleagues have found a way to make yesterday and today live in each other’s presence. The Bible stands as testament to God’s love for us; only that force could compel such amazing effort over so many years by so many talented people. For those of us who teach within the Ignatian tradition, The Saint John’s Bible inspires moments of reflection and discernment in our faculty and students. The Wisdom Books arrives at Marquette University. (L to R): Craig Bruner, Heritage Program operations director, Dr. John Pauly, Marquette University provost, and Dr. Janice Welburn, Raynor Memorial Libraries dean. Photo by Dan Johnson

Production Notes

the scribe

Historical Books Illuminations Printed, Book Bound Soon The Heritage Program offices are filled with excitement as final preparations are being made for the printing of the major illuminations in the Heritage Edition’s Historical Books volume. Historical Books is the fifth volume of the Heritage Edition to be printed and the second numbered volume of the seven volume set. When delivered in winter 2011, it will complete the Old Testament, leaving the Heritage Program with the two volumes of the New Testament, Gospels & Acts and Letters & Revelation, to print. These final images present the greatest challenge in the Historical Books volume. Many of the illuminations have gold and silver leaf covering most of the page. While difficult to manage because of the challenge of translating hand-done work on vellum into printed pages, each page will be true in

Joshua - 3 is the first major illumination in Historical Books and focuses on the Children of Israel crossing into the Promised Land — a journey that initially began in Egypt.

artistic intent to the original work because of Donald Jackson’s careful art direction. After the printing of these images each page will receive gold and silver treatments. The pages will then be collated and sewed into books, and bound. As the largest of the seven volumes, it is expected that Historical Books will weigh more than 25 pounds! Jackson and team are very excited as this volume winds down and preparations for printing the Gospels & Acts volume ramp up. The original pages of Historical Books were completed in March 2010. The volume includes 276 pages and 20 illuminations. Prominent illuminations include the Joshua Frontispiece, Judges Anthology, City of David, King Solomon’s Temple and Esther.

Esther 5:9 - 7:3

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To see a complete listing of Saint John’s Bible events, visit. and click on “See the Bible.” You can also follow the journey of The Saint John’s Bible on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Regular updates, advance notices of new publications and photos of new illuminations can all be found on these social media sites.

Calendar of Events Upcoming Events Featuring the Heritage Edition, Framed Prints and the Original Manuscript Print Exhibitions

Original Manuscript Aug. 20 – Oct. 23, 2011 Inscribing the Divine: The Saint John’s Bible The Loyola University Museum of Art (LUMA) will exhibit 10 bifolia from the books of Genesis, Psalms and Kings from the Pentateuch, Psalms and Historical Books volumes.

Oct. 23, 2011 - April 7, 2012 Illuminating the Word: The Saint John’s Bible – An Epic Work of Art Coming for the first time to New Mexico, selected pieces from the monumental work will be on display at the New Mexico History Museum. This exhibit serves as a companion to Contemplative Landscape, an original exhibition of photography depicting New Mexico’s sacred spaces.

May 31 - July 30, 2011 (17 Prints) Museum of Biblical History Collierville, Tenn. Biblical_History/Home.html May 24 - June 28, 2011 (25 prints) St. Andrew United Methodist Church Highlands Ranch, Colo. Sept. 26 – Nov. 7, 2011 (17 prints) Benet Hill Monastery & Colorado College Colorado Springs, Colo.

About our Exhibitions: Heritage Edition exhibitions feature Heritage Edition framed prints and/or Heritage Edition volumes. Print exhibitions feature framed high-quality, fine art gicleé prints. Exhibitions of the original manuscript are a unique opportunity to see unbound pages of the original artwork.

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