Sage Magazine Issue 8

Page 101


practising present moment with kat dawes Ah! I love the #playfulness of a true NOWism practice. We work on constantly reframing what life presents to us, so that everything has a gift in it; you can grow from it. We build our lives around the Divine Romance; a dance with Universal Intelligence. We live in the #intention to wake up everyday in the midst of a Divine Assignment and uncover more of our true self; activating parts of our nature that we didn’t know existed. Miracles are a part of personal Law in a NOWism practice. You begin to see that a miracle is simply an alignment with #truth. Normally, a miracle is considered to be a sudden positive result that feels so extraordinary, that it feels other-worldly! A miracle stretches our imagination, taking us past the average expected path and into something breathtaking. It inspires us, delights us, tearing down the perceived limitations – if even just for a moment. In a NOWism practice, the NOW NiNJAZ learn to “Normalize the Miracle”. It is a vibratory process when you deliberately exercise the feeling of Awe - like when a miracle takes place. Obey the Law of Awe! Feel it NOW! How? Take a look around! We are standing in a field of infinity! ALL of it is awesome, even when it is not. Everything can be traced back to its cosmic origins. We have deemed a miracle extraordinary, only because we are not used to feeling it. But the truth is, the glass of water you hold in your hands, is a miracle! This time in human history, we are used to feeling fear, doubt, lack, loss, worry etc. It is sold to us through TVs and magazines, we spread it on social media and talk about ‘what we do not have’ over coffee. It is a popular and ill trend – to be drama. As a collective we talk from there and walk from there, it is widely broadcasted; getting plenty of airtime in our minds. And practice makes perfect... many people perfect the art of anxiety! Focus on it, and it will grow! Thus when a good thing comes to pass... we call it a miracle! So the task of the NOW NiNJA is to look past the inherited dullness and collective trend of struggle, and instead look to flex the muscle of wonder! Be

aware of nearby potential contaminations of the present moment and implement a slick Quality Control Department on your focus, thoughts and emotional investments. To normalize the miracle, doesn’t mean take it for granted. It simply means ‘I am not surprised, but rather I am in AWE!’ Stay in a wonder with your life! Your eyes blink, a phone rings, hearts break and ideas flow. As an apple seed lands in the soil, the earth plummets through the vastness of space, music plays, activating ancient rhythms; sun, rain, wind, birds and bees, the apple seed bursts into apple tree expression. It IS a miracle – all of it, equally, all the time. The only thing that changes is your ability to see it. You have to give yourself permission to feel it; tune yourself out of the mainstream broadcast of Fear and Lack and instead tune into to the cosmic broadcast of Intelligent Celebration. Open yourself up and see it running through your life. See it in your coffee, in traffic jams, in showers and in your cell-phone. Go on a hunt for the miracle and get into an activity with it. Feel into #awe on a daily basis and then... learn to rest in it. Contemplate, consider, meditate and celebrate, feel into the Time and Space Grid from the formless Field of eternity! Where are you shinning in from? What are you noticing? What are you talking about? Get used to feeling and being in awe and wonder, operate from a level of vision and reverence! *The fine print on this most excellence NOWism idea is... as you are busy feeling into the wonder and awe of everything in general and nothing in particular – your vibration matches the vibration of the Highest Order in the the Universe; you reflect and reveal the Fundamental Cosmic Good of the Universe! Ease, flow, elegance, power, poise, playfulness and as you feel these high frequencies more and more; awe, wonder, gratitude, love... you become an opening for more of it to express through you. Now, YOU Localize the Cosmic Good through

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