(CIRKUMFLEKS)Magazine N3.2013

Page 68

She sits cross-legged in the center of the mattress with a small creature swaddled in the pink blanket. On the floor beside the mattress rests a stained rancid paper sack that reads Whole Foods. Within its depths she is pleased to discover a dead pigeon. Removing its head with a quick gnash of incisors she chews and crunches until it is pureed enough to deposit in her hand and offer down to the wrapped bundle. In a flurry of gurgled movement the meat is gone and blood drips from an index finger. She chuckles happily. My my my but you’re a hungry one. Waggling her injured finger in the air she maneuvers it into the spotted light from the blinds for inspection. It won’t be long and we’ll have to start carving the fatted calf won’t we? I knew you would come she says as she sucks on her finger and rocks in reassuring fashion. I knew you would come. I didn’t feel you dead in me.


N3. 2013

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