Safety and Security Review Africa

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IT & Cyber Security


The insecurity of things as cyberattacks impact the real world

Security experts have been warning that African ground is the next big target for cybercriminals. This cautionary note must be heeded as governments, the public and commercial services are being attacked by hackers on a daily basis. Cyber hygiene is a term within the cyber community, which underlines ensuring computer users are not unnecessarily exposing themselves to computer viruses. Malware, ransomware and other nefarious cyber viruses can infect computers, causing them to become ‘ill’ and failing to operate as they were designed and hurting us in the process. Notably, cyber-attacks are rising in number as more and more people have access to the internet. Worldwide, a

massive number of new websites are launching every day, where many are not addressing safety measures for any form of cybersecurity. As Africa’s utilities smarten their services and increase their online engagement with customers, the topic of whether these companies are in tune with beating cyber-criminals must now be broached. The ever-evolving threat rising from the cyber world You are unlikely to find a person that hasn’t received one of the infamous e-mails of an African prince looking for his successor, promising millions of dollars only if a link in an email is clicked on, or a similar scenario. This type of scam was extremely popular a few years ago. However, hackers have evolved and are now | Jul-Sept 2020

using more sophisticated methods and messaging. These cyber criminals have progressed from stealing usernames and passwords, to attacking banks and stealing credit card information and bank accounts. The Communications Authority of Kenya’s first-quarter report for 2018/19 shows the National Cybersecurity Centre detected 3.82 million cyber threats, a rise from 3.46 million reported from the last quarter. Within the review period, the banking sector remained the most targeted industry followed by government institutions. Taking into consideration the rate of new technologies surfacing, such as tech-grid used for crypto mining, that translates into fertile ground for cyber criminals.

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