The Average Day of a Successful Entrepreneur - Lorrie Morgan Ferrero

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Copywriting Secret of the Masters: The Average Day of a Successful Entrepreneur by: Lorrie Morgan Ferrero

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The Average Day of a Successful Entrepreneur I was having a conversation with fellow speaker Ari Galper ofUnlock the Gameat a recent event we spoke at. We were talking about how copy is in absolutely EVERY aspect of your marketing. A lot of people think copy is something they will get to eventually. Or they will hire someone to do it for them. But Ari put it in a way that I really had not thought of before. He said, "We are ALL in the publishing business. You should share with your list what an average day is like for you and how important writing is on every level." Okay, Ari. Good idea. Here is my average day (if there is such a thing):  5:30am Get ready for the day, get the kids to the bus, walk the dog  7:30am Drive to and from Tae bo, shower  10:30am Write emails (COPY)  11:00am Write article for ezine (COPY)  12:30pm Lunch  1:00pm Write promotional email for list (COPY)  1:30pm Write affiliate email (COPY)  2:00pm Meditate  2:30pm Write promotional (COPY)  3:00pm Write landing page copy (COPY)  3:30pm Write emails (COPY)  4:00pm Phone calls  4:30pm Boys come home, FAMILY TIME  So of my working hours, OVER HALF of my time requires copywriting skills. Yes, I'm a trained copywriter, but all entrepreneurs should really be spending this much time marketing. In other words, you should be spending this much time WRITING COPY. Think about ways you can improve your copywriting skills this year. Pay attention to your junk mail. Raise your awareness to how other marketers are trying to get your attention. Study the works of those who have already cracked the copywriting code. Every year you don't have copywriting under your belt dollars are slipping --no, pouring -- away. The good news for you is it's never been more economical to get this skill down solid in record speed. Take a look at The She Factor Program.

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero Bio

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero founded Red Hot Copy in 1999 an effort to work anywhere, raise her family, and still make a good living. After studying closely with master copywriters, Lorrie has become a world-renowned and award-winning copywriter with her own unique style. She has an uncanny ability to make her copy bond and build relationships with the prospect…driving them to become loyal customers buying from her (or her clients) over and over again. “It’s almost like she’s talking you through it,” said one client. “Lorrie keeps your attention from the first word to the last.” Lorrie’s words have sold products in a variety of industries including mompreneurs, professional speaking, the seminar business, hypnosis, health & fitness, nutritional supplements, biz op, and entrepreneurial services. After working closely with high profile speakers and entrepreneurs, Lorrie now focuses her passion on educating business owners in reaching the female market. She is a frequent guest speaker. Lorrie has written award-winning home study courses, conducts world-famous copywriting trainings on how to sell to women, holds live workshops, and authored the original book, The She Factor based on her own She Factor Marketing System.

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