Ancient Egyptian Cartonnage

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Special Offer Egyptian Cartonnage Fragments (1200-1085 BC) From New Kingdom, 20th Dynasty. Painted on stucco over linen. All come in shadow box.









33729 33838 34665

35583 35575


More Egyptian cartonnage fragments are available at the gallery! Please feel free to call us Toll Free (800) 426-2007.



Description, Size and Price Information

36272 31881. Kneeling Anubis. Orange surface. Five lines of hieroglyphs at the top. 8” x 5 ½” ───────────────────────────────────────────$1600 31884. Goddess and Horus. Brown surface. Ten lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 6” ───$1800 31953. Anubis, standing next to a laying mummy. Brown, red and orange. One line of hieroglyphs at the side. 7” x 6 ½” ──────────────────────────$1800 31958. Horned bull. Brown, red and orange. Five lines of hieroglyphs at the side. 6” x 5” ───────────────────────────────────────────$1800 32735. Seated Isis and Horus with the head of a falcon, holding an ankh and wearing a sun disc. Three lines of hieroglyphs. Brown surface. 8 ½” x 6 ½” ─────────$1800 32742. A Goddess paying homage and a ruler. Brown surface. Seven lines of hieroglyphs. 8” x 7 ¼” ──────────────────────────────────────$1800 33729. Laying lion, next to a cobra lined tree. Red, green, beige, and orange surface. Fourteen lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 5” ───────────────────────$2500 33838. Four horned bulls peeking by tree branches.Brown, red, green, and orange surface. Two lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 5” ───────────────────────$2200 34259. Goddess paying homage to a seated Khnum, ram headed God of fertility and inundation. Brown, red, green, and orange surface. Two lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 6” ─$2500


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34264. Khepri, the God of creation and rebirth, seated in a boat. A seated baboon and animal paying homage on the right. An Eye of Horus in the middle. Brown, red, green, and orange surface. Fifteen lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 5” ──────────────────────$2500 34665. Osiris and Isis,his wife, behind him. Brown, red, green, and orange surface. Two lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 5” ─────────────────────────────────$2200 34666. Hapi, father of the Gods,and another God standing before an altar. An eye between them. Brown, blue, red, green, and orange surface. Two lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 5”─$2500 34669. A seated boy holding feathers near an alter. A snake is on the mantel. Brown, red, green, and orange surface. Two lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 5” ─────────────$2200 35575. Anubis standing behind a mummified woman, and two female dancers paying homage. Red, orange, green, black, and beige surface. Two lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 6” ─$2200 35583. Khnum in the center wearing a sun disc, and Nephthys and Isis standing on either side, both wearing beautiful garments and wigs. Brown, red, green, and orange surface. Two lines of hieroglyphs. 6 ¾” x 5 ¾” ───────────────────────────$2200 36270. Three male attendants. Black, red, orange, beige, and green surface. Seventeen lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 5 ½” ───────────────────────────────$2500 36272. A falcon and a bird overlooking a mummy. Black, red, orange, beige, and green surface. Twelve lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 6” ───────────────────────$2200 36273. Horus and two bearded Gods. Black, red, orange, beige, and green surface. Two lines of hieroglyphs. 7” x 6” ─────────────────────────────────$1800

Sadigh Gallery Ancient Art, inc. ♦303 Fifth Avenue Suite 1603 New York, NY 10016 ♦(800) 426-2007 ♦Tel (212)725-7537♦Fax (212) 545-7612 ♦

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