How to keep learning Japanese even during a lockdown

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In the present coronavirus times when it is difficult to reach your Japanese translation program in Delhi, technology can help. A Japanese language conversation program can provide the way a word or sentence is written as well as spoken. Dictionaries have been used traditionally to look up a word and are very useful tools, but they do not provide help with a conjugated word, a phrase or a full sentence. These apps also provide the way a word or sentence is pronounced without you having to understand the syntax of each word. But they do make you tired especially if you use a smaller screen. And there is help as some of these apps run on a browser. Such apps are: 1. Romaji Desu: This is a kana to romaji translator as well as a kana to English one that helps one to focus on spoken Japanese. It is notoriously difficult for software to be able to translate from kana to romaji. This translator breaks up kana into parts and then analyses it to decipher its romaji translation. 2. J-Talk: This helps in reading a kanji sentence by translating it quickly into a phrase or sentence. The romaji and English definition of the kanji are also shown that helps one to understand the sentence. This app also provides the hiragana translation of the sentence but it is a paid app. 3. Jisho: This allows searching for translations by either saying the word or phrase or by drawing kanji. There are other ways to search as well like hashtags, multiple search terms, wildcards, etc. Hashtags are useful when you are preparing for the JLPT examination and need to know the meaning of a specific word. It also allows English searches and defines the words. 4. Google Translate: Almost all of us are aware of this app. It perfectly translates English to kana or vice-versa. You can speak to it, or scan the word, or type to search, or even draw the word to allow it to provide a translation. Its huge database of translated documents is its main strength. These Japanese language conversation program apps can help you tide over these problem times and you need not stop learning. Though the best way to learn is through a normal Japanese translation program in Delhi.

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