The Source Book 2019

Page 17

(continued from page 15)

DESIGN YOUR STAMP and CLUE Next—this is the fun part—design your stamp and clue. Who is your favorite park named after? You could write a clue containing some historical information about them and create a stamp to commemorate them in some way. Or get personal! Does your family dog have a favorite hiking trail? Why not honor them with a stamp and box named after them? Then, place your box carefully—following all pertinent rules - and publish your clue, on a site like or, so people can begin to find it! As a box owner, you will be responsible for maintaining your box. Check it regularly to be sure it's not damaged or missing, and replace the log book when it's full.

Pro Letterboxing Dos and Don'ts • Absolute stealth in retrieving and replacing boxes is a must! The last thing you want to do is raise the suspicion of non-letterboxers who may get curious about what you're doing and (knowingly or unknowingly) compromise the box. But this is actually what makes letterboxing so much fun—accomplishing your mission without being detected! • Respect the environment, rules of the property, and the letterboxes themselves. Common sense applies. Don't disturb wildlife, venture off designated trails, or damage natural resources. And don't forget to respect the boxes themselves. Replace lids securely and put them back *exactly* where and how you found them! • Safety first! Letterboxers need to be mindful of everything from traffic to poison ivy. Never attempt to place or retrieve a box from anywhere that seems unsafe, and be mindful of your surroundings at all times. Now get out and explore all the hidden letterboxes of Sacramento! The adventure is in the journey, not just the find.

(continue on page 19) • The Source Book 2019


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