Historical museum april 2014 newsletter

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er t t e l s w e N seum u M l a c i r o Hist

April 2014

You Should Know … The first session flag in the Central Territory was presented by Cadet Ethelmae Johnson of the “Soul-Winners” session (19541955) to Commissioner Claude E. Bates.

Director’s Word My article begins with a challenge: can you identify the Year Book from which the following was taken? “History will repeat itself in London when costumed representatives or delegates assembled from all parts of the world. The babel of tongues which assailed the ear proclaimed it a gathering of the nations. Nothing approaching race divisions or national prejudices intruded to break the harmony that prevailed. There was one international word which provided the open sesame for every tongue “hallelujah.”

If you guessed the Year Book 2014 in preparation for the International Congress 150th Anniversary in London set for 2015 you would have guessed wrong. Those words were from page 43 of the Salvation Army Year Book 1914 describing the 1904 Congress. The War Cry for the year 1914 reports a lot of the ordinary such as a series on prayer; reports from the salvation war front; seekers and boozers saved; War Cry’s sold; service to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania after a cyclone hit it August 20th. Two issues are

devoted to the sinking of the Empress of Ireland. Commander Miss Booth wrote in the December 19, 1914 the entire issue comprised of pictures which describe the “omnipotent power of God at work”. Some of the photographs include delegates of the Flint, Michigan Band, American Cowboy Contingent, Woman Warrior from Java, Converted member of criminal tribe India, Javanese, Laplanders, Swedes, Converted Zulus, Chicago Staff Band, Smiling Koreans and Swiss Mountain Climbers. Major Jo-ann Price

H i s to r i c a l C o m m i s s i o n S p e a ks . . . I recently visited the Holy Land for the fourth time on the Central Territory Biblical Educational Tour (BET). I am a firm believer that if you enjoy doing something; you should do it more than once. I found myself reveling in every tourist experience possible:

ate St. Peter’s fish, baptized in the Jordan river, mineral mudded up from head to toe before floating in the Dead Sea, climbed the highest point of Tel Beit She’an, walked Hezekiah’s Tunnel under the City of David in Jerusalem, insert-

ed my prayer request into the Wailing Wall, excavated underground at Maresha; treasure hunted, found and possess ancient pottery which contain design and Greek letters; and rode horse and cart and camels at Petra. Continued on reverse ….

SALVATION ARMY HISTORICAL MUSEUM Phone: 847-294-2135 E-mail: Central_Museum@usc.salvationarmy.org

New to the Collection Tapestry from India Eastern Territory given specially to the museum by Major

Jennie Kemp, Brigadier Dorothy

L.T. Muani during her visit.

Kemp's mother

Pale blue jasper Wedgewood sweet dishes donated by Major Debra Pascoe

We’re on the Web! www.uschistoricalmuseum.org

Commission speaks Con’t I find myself more fascinated visiting the sites present closest to when and where Jesus travelled rather than in monuments and cathedrals erected to commemorate the general area that it is believed He may have been. The grassy plain, the sea of Galilee and the oldest of Roman roads are what speak to me the most. I was commissioned to bring the devotional thought on the day our bus would make the ascent to Jerusalem, which I took this honor seriously. I am reminded of the words of the Psalmist: Psalm 122:1,2 “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD.’ Our feet are standing in your gates, O Jerusalem.” The promises of God to Jerusalem were many. He would place His name there forever; He

would shield it, create it to be a delight to His people, and all nations would gather in Jerusalem to honor the name of the LORD. Yet at the same time it was a city that saddened God because of the sin and neglect of His chosen people. As I meditated upon this I could recount times in my own life of sin and neglect of God. This made me personally thankful for yet another promise made to Jerusalem which I am taking unto myself. From Jeremiah 29:14… I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you…and will bring you back...". And I feel good about claiming this promise as 1 John 1:9 says that: “If I confess my sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive my sins and purify me from all unright-

eousness.” He has brought me back to Himself from my sin and neglect, and has also so graciously allowed me to return to Jerusalem these four times. I am reminded of this verse of chorus: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, lift up your gates and sing Hosannah, in the highest, hosannah to the king.” Next year in Jerusalem! Major Nate Johnson

You Should Know … Salvationist Grace Hanagan Martyn was the last survivor of the sinking of the Empress of Ireland and died in St. Catharine’s, Ontario on May 15, 1995 at the age of 87, one day before her 88th birthday.

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