2 minute read


Research Assistant

Q. How did you decide to pursue a career in research?


My curiosity for science started early on in high school through the science classes I took. My very first exposure to research occurred later in college when I joined a lab on mindfulness-based interventions. As soon as I realized that research was all about problem-solving, I was excited to discover other fields of science and find the area I was passionate about. Ever since I started to learn about the multifaceted roles of adipose tissue in disease pathophysiology, science has been an endless puzzle that keeps me fascinated every day.

Q. What do you hope to learn during your time in the lab?

I’m very excited to be learning about the underlying molecular mechanisms of metabolic diseases, and the different experimental approaches and technical platforms on how to further investigate the forces that keep metabolic behavior. Building on this knowledge every day improves my understanding of disease etiology and inspires me to think about the ways we can prevent or treat them. By the end of my work experience here, I hope to have a good base on such concepts.

Q. What attracted you to join the Hotamışlıgil lab at the Sabri Ülker Center?

Many things attracted me to join the Hotamışlıgil lab at the Sabri Ülker Center, including the research, the facility, and the people. Immediately, I was drawn to be a part of the meaningful immunometabolism research being conducted. I felt that the research being done here could truly make a difference to public health. This quality of research was also due to the state-of-the-art equipment and facilities at the Hotamışlıgil lab. I wanted to work somewhere where I wouldn’t feel limited by material resources, and I could tell that the researchers here had all the tools they needed to make groundbreaking discoveries. Finally, the people at the Hotamışlıgil lab were crucial in my decision to join. The Hotamışlıgil lab brings together experts from around the world in a way that is truly unique. Not only is everyone extremely knowledgeable in their field, but they also seemed kind, supportive, and helpful. I had always wanted to positively impact public health, and being a Research Assistant for the Hotamışlıgil lab seemed like the perfect way to do so. I am so happy I joined, and I feel grateful every day for the opportunity to work here.

Q. How do you think your time here will affect your career in the long-term?

As I plan for a career in research, I know that my time at the Hotamışlıgil lab will be invaluable. I aim to pursue my PhD after two years as a Research Assistant. Already, my time here has confirmed my interest in molecular metabolism. My confirmed research interest will allow me to apply to programs and labs whose research I know I will enjoy. Additionally, the scientific knowledge and experimental techniques I learn during my time here will prepare me to plan and execute a meaningful research project once I enter graduate school. Instead of spending lots of time learning basic lab techniques and principals, I can focus on my research itself. Most importantly, the people I meet at the Hotamışlıgil lab will be invaluable to my career long-term. Not only am I being connected to a large web of knowledge and resources, but also opportunities for future collaboration. I am very thankful for my time at the Hotamışlıgil lab, as I know it will be extremely impactful to my future career, both in graduate school and beyond.